Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestCoordinatorAllData()
            // Make the swap
            var    rate      = 0.07;
            var    payFixed  = true;
            double notional  = 1000000;
            var    startDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var    tenor     = Tenor.Years(5);
            var    swap      = IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(rate, payFixed, notional, startDate, tenor);

            // Set up the model
            var valueDate     = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var a             = 0.05;
            var vol           = 0.01;
            var flatCurveRate = 0.07;
            var hullWiteSim   = new HullWhite1F(Currency.ZAR, a, vol, flatCurveRate, flatCurveRate, valueDate);

            var coordinator = new Coordinator(hullWiteSim, new List <Simulator>(), 5000);

            var date          = valueDate;
            var endDate       = valueDate.AddTenor(tenor);
            var fwdValueDates = new List <Date>();

            while (date < endDate)
                date = date.AddTenor(Tenor.Days(10));

            var allDetails = coordinator.GetValuePaths(new Product[] { swap }, valueDate, fwdValueDates.ToArray());

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestSwapHW()
            // Make the swap
            var    rate      = 0.08;
            var    payFixed  = true;
            double notional  = 1000000;
            var    startDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var    tenor     = Tenor.Years(5);
            var    swap      = IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(rate, payFixed, notional, startDate, tenor);

            // Set up the model
            var valueDate     = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var a             = 0.05;
            var vol           = 0.01;
            var flatCurveRate = 0.07;
            var hullWiteSim   = new HullWhite1F(Currency.ZAR, a, vol, flatCurveRate, flatCurveRate, valueDate);

            var coordinator = new Coordinator(hullWiteSim, new List <Simulator>(), 10000);

            // Run the valuation
            var value    = coordinator.Value(new Product[] { swap }, valueDate);
            var refValue = -41838.32; // See RateProductTest.xlsx

            Assert.AreEqual(refValue, value, 4000);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Init()
            // Set up the model
            valueDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var a             = 0.05;
            var vol           = 0.01;
            var flatCurveRate = 0.07;

            hullWiteSim = new HullWhite1F(Currency.ZAR, a, vol, flatCurveRate, flatCurveRate, valueDate);

            // Make the underlying swap
            var    rate      = 0.07;
            var    payFixed  = true;
            double notional  = 1000000;
            var    startDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var    tenor     = Tenor.Years(5);

            swapPay = IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(rate, payFixed, notional, startDate, tenor);
            swapRec = IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(rate, !payFixed, notional, startDate, tenor);

            // Full set of exercise dates
            exDates = new List <Date>
                new Date(2017, 9, 17),
                new Date(2018, 9, 17),
                new Date(2019, 9, 17),
                new Date(2020, 9, 17)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestSwap()
            // Make the swap
            var    rate      = 0.08;
            var    payFixed  = true;
            double notional  = 1000000;
            var    startDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var    tenor     = Tenor.Years(5);
            var    swap      = IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(rate, payFixed, notional, startDate, tenor);

            // Set up the model
            var valueDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);

            Date[]              dates         = { new Date(2016, 9, 17), new Date(2026, 9, 17) };
            double[]            rates         = { 0.07, 0.07 };
            IDiscountingSource  discountCurve = new DatesAndRates(Currency.ZAR, valueDate, dates, rates);
            IFloatingRateSource forecastCurve = new ForecastCurve(valueDate, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, dates, rates);
            var curveSim = new DeterminsiticCurves(discountCurve);

            var coordinator = new Coordinator(curveSim, new List <Simulator>(), 1);

            // Run the valuation
            var value    = coordinator.Value(new Product[] { swap }, valueDate);
            var refValue = -41838.32; // See RateProductTest.xlsx

            Assert.AreEqual(refValue, value, 0.01);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private Product[] GetListOfSwaps()
            int    N          = 50000;
            Date   anchorDate = new Date(2016, 11, 21);
            double rate       = 0.08;
            bool   payFixed   = true;
            double notional   = 1000000;

            double[,] swapDist = new double[, ] {
                { 0.171 }, { 0.148 }, { 0.101 }, { 0.094 }, { 0.108 }, { 0.056 }, { 0.041 }, { 0.049 }, { 0.047 }, { 0.056 }, { 0.013 }, { 0.013 }, { 0.010 }, { 0.011 }, { 0.011 }, { 0.004 }, { 0.003 }, { 0.005 }, { 0.007 }, { 0.006 }, { 0.004 }, { 0.004 }, { 0.007 }, { 0.005 }, { 0.006 }, { 0.006 }, { 0.003 }, { 0.003 }, { 0.002 }, { 0.005 }
            IRandomNumberGenerator <double> generator1   = new ZigguratUniformGenerator(0, 1);
            IRandomNumberGenerator <double> generator365 = new ZigguratUniformGenerator(1, 365);

            double[,] cumSum = swapDist.CumulativeSum(1);

            Product[] allSwaps = new Product[N];
            for (int swapNum = 0; swapNum < N; swapNum++)
                double x     = generator1.Generate();
                int    years = 0;
                while (years < cumSum.GetLength(0) && x > cumSum[years, 0])
                int  days      = (int)Math.Round(generator365.Generate());
                Date endDate   = anchorDate.AddTenor(new Tenor(days, 0, 0, years));
                Date startDate = endDate.AddTenor(Tenor.Years(-years - 1));
                allSwaps[swapNum] = IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(rate, payFixed, notional, startDate, Tenor.Years(years + 1));

Exemplo n.º 6
        public override double[] GetUnderlyingFactors(Date date)
            double[] regressors = new double[3];
            double   fxRate     = GetIndices(currencyPair, new List <Date> {
            double defaultIndicator = date < simDefaultTime ? 0.0 : 1.0;
            double fwdDefaultP      = (1.0 - survivalProbSource.GetSP(date.AddTenor(Tenor.Years(1))) / survivalProbSource.GetSP(date));

            regressors[0] = fxRate;
            regressors[1] = defaultIndicator;
            regressors[2] = fwdDefaultP;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TestQuantoCDS()
            var spot = 1.00;
            var relJumpSizeInDefault = -0.2;
            var cdsSpread            = 0.025;
            // Trades
            var anchorDate = new Date(2016, 11, 25);
            var refEntity  = new ReferenceEntity("ABC");

            Date[]   paymentDates;
            double[] accrualFractions;
            DateGenerators.CreateDatesNoHolidays(Tenor.Months(3), anchorDate, 20, out paymentDates,
                                                 out accrualFractions);
            var zarNotionals     = Vector.Ones(paymentDates.Length).Multiply(1000000.0);
            var usdNotionals     = zarNotionals.Divide(spot);
            var zarSpreads       = Vector.Ones(paymentDates.Length).Multiply(cdsSpread);
            var usdSpreads       = zarSpreads.Multiply(1 + relJumpSizeInDefault); // Adjusted for the FX jump size.
            var boughtProtection = true;

            var cdsZAR = new CDS(refEntity, Currency.ZAR, paymentDates, zarNotionals, zarSpreads, accrualFractions,
            var cdsUSD = new CDS(refEntity, Currency.USD, paymentDates, zarNotionals, usdSpreads, accrualFractions,

            // Model
            var curveDates       = new[] { anchorDate, anchorDate.AddTenor(Tenor.Years(10)) };
            var expectedRecovery = 0.4;
            var hazardRates      = new[] { cdsSpread / (1 - expectedRecovery), cdsSpread / (1 - expectedRecovery) };
            var usdRates         = new[] { 0.01, 0.02 };
            var zarRates         = new[] { 0.07, 0.08 };
            IDiscountingSource         usdDiscountCurve = new DatesAndRates(Currency.USD, anchorDate, curveDates, usdRates);
            IDiscountingSource         zarDiscountCurve = new DatesAndRates(Currency.ZAR, anchorDate, curveDates, zarRates);
            ISurvivalProbabilitySource abcHazardCurve   = new HazardCurve(refEntity, anchorDate, curveDates, hazardRates);
            var otherCurrency = Currency.USD;

            var fxSource             = new FXForecastCurve(otherCurrency, Currency.ZAR, spot, usdDiscountCurve, zarDiscountCurve);
            var fxVol                = 0.15;
            NumeraireSimulator model = new DeterministicCreditWithFXJump(abcHazardCurve, otherCurrency, fxSource,
                                                                         zarDiscountCurve, fxVol, relJumpSizeInDefault, expectedRecovery);

            // Valuation
            var N        = 5000;
            var coord    = new Coordinator(model, new List <Simulator>(), N);
            var zarValue = coord.Value(new Product[] { cdsZAR }, anchorDate);
            var usdValue = coord.Value(new Product[] { cdsUSD }, anchorDate);

            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, zarValue, 800.0); // about 2bp
            Assert.AreEqual(0.0, usdValue, 800.0); // about 2bp
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void TestFloatLeg()
            // Make the reference swap
            var    rate      = 0.0;
            var    payFixed  = true;
            double notional  = 1000000;
            var    startDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var    tenor     = Tenor.Years(1);
            var    swap      = IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(rate, payFixed, notional, startDate, tenor);

            // Make a FloatLeg
            var resetDates       = new Date[4];
            var paymentDates     = new Date[4];
            var accrualFractions = new double[4];
            var runningDate      = new Date(2016, 9, 17);

            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                resetDates[i]       = new Date(runningDate);
                paymentDates[i]     = resetDates[i].AddMonths(3);
                accrualFractions[i] = (paymentDates[i] - resetDates[i]) / 365.0;
                runningDate         = paymentDates[i];

            var floatLeg = new FloatLeg(Currency.ZAR, paymentDates, new[] { 1e6, 1e6, 1e6, 1e6 },
                                        new[] { FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M },
                                        new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, accrualFractions);

            // Set up the model
            var valueDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);

            Date[]              dates         = { new Date(2016, 9, 17), new Date(2026, 9, 17) };
            double[]            rates         = { 0.07, 0.07 };
            IDiscountingSource  discountCurve = new DatesAndRates(Currency.ZAR, valueDate, dates, rates);
            IFloatingRateSource forecastCurve = new ForecastCurve(valueDate, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, dates, rates);
            var curveSim = new DeterminsiticCurves(discountCurve);


            // Run the valuation
            var coordinator   = new Coordinator(curveSim, new List <Simulator>(), 1);
            var swapValue     = coordinator.Value(new Product[] { swap }, valueDate);
            var floatLegValue = coordinator.Value(new Product[] { floatLeg }, valueDate);

            Assert.AreEqual(swapValue, floatLegValue, 0.01);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void TestMultiHWAndFXToyCCIRS()
            var valueDate   = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var zarRatesSim = new HullWhite1F(Currency.ZAR, 0.05, 0.01, 0.07, 0.07, valueDate);

            var usdRatesSim = new HullWhite1F(Currency.USD, 0.05, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, valueDate);

            var eurRatesSim = new HullWhite1F(Currency.EUR, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, valueDate);


            var currencyPairs = new[]
            { new CurrencyPair(Currency.USD, Currency.ZAR), new CurrencyPair(Currency.EUR, Currency.ZAR) };
            var spots        = new[] { 13.6, 15.0 };
            var vols         = new[] { 0.15, 0.15 };
            var correlations = new[, ]
                { 1.0, 0.0 },
                { 0.0, 1.0 }
            var model = new MultiHWAndFXToy(valueDate, Currency.ZAR, new[] { zarRatesSim, usdRatesSim, eurRatesSim },
                                            currencyPairs, spots, vols, correlations);

            var portfolio = new List <Product>();

            portfolio.Add(CreateFloatingLeg(Currency.ZAR, valueDate, -15e6, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, 7));
            portfolio.Add(CreateFloatingLeg(Currency.EUR, valueDate, +1e6, FloatingIndex.EURIBOR3M, 7));
            portfolio.Add(CreateFloatingLeg(Currency.ZAR, valueDate, 13e6, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, 13));
            portfolio.Add(CreateFloatingLeg(Currency.USD, valueDate, -1e6, FloatingIndex.EURIBOR3M, 13));
            portfolio.Add(IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(0.07, true, 20e6, valueDate, Tenor.Years(4)));

            var stepInMonths  = 1;
            var fwdValueDates = Enumerable.Range(1, 13 * 12 / stepInMonths)
                                .Select(i => valueDate.AddMonths(stepInMonths * i)).ToArray();
            var coord = new Coordinator(model, new List <Simulator>(), 1000);
            var epe = coord.EPE(portfolio.ToArray(), valueDate, fwdValueDates);

            Assert.AreEqual(1555002, epe[0], 5000);
            Assert.AreEqual(2170370, epe[87], 5000);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, epe[155], 5);

            //Debug.WriteToFile("c:\\dev\\quantsa\\temp\\epeTest_singlethread_10000.csv", epe);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void TestCoordinatorEPESwap()
            // Make the swap
            var    rate      = 0.07;
            var    payFixed  = true;
            double notional  = 1000000;
            var    startDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var    tenor     = Tenor.Years(5);
            var    swap      = IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(rate, payFixed, notional, startDate, tenor);

            // Set up the model
            var valueDate     = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var a             = 0.05;
            var vol           = 0.005;
            var flatCurveRate = 0.07;
            var hullWiteSim   = new HullWhite1F(Currency.ZAR, a, vol, flatCurveRate, flatCurveRate, valueDate);

            var coordinator = new Coordinator(hullWiteSim, new List <Simulator>(), 5000);

            var date          = valueDate;
            var endDate       = valueDate.AddTenor(tenor);
            var fwdValueDates = new List <Date>();

            while (date < endDate)
                date = date.AddTenor(Tenor.Days(10));

            var epe = coordinator.EPE(new Product[] { swap }, valueDate, fwdValueDates.ToArray());

            //Debug.WriteToFile(@"c:\dev\temp\epe_rate08_vol005.csv", epe);

            Assert.AreEqual(2560, epe[0], 100.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(6630, epe[90], 100.0);
            Assert.AreEqual(734, epe[182], 30);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static HullWhite1F CreateHWModelDemo([ExcelArgument(Description = "The constant rate of mean reversion.")] double meanReversion,
                                                    [ExcelArgument(Description = "The constant short rate volatility.  Note that this is a Gaussian vol and will in general be lower than the vol that would be used in Black.")] double flatVol,
                                                    [ExcelArgument(Description = "The curve to which zero coupon bond prices will be calibrated.")] IDiscountingSource baseCurve,
                                                    [ExcelArgument(Description = "The indices that should be forecast with this same cuve.  No spreads are added.")] FloatingIndex forecastIndices)
            Date        anchorDate    = baseCurve.GetAnchorDate();
            double      flatCurveRate = -Math.Log(baseCurve.GetDF(anchorDate.AddTenor(Tenor.Years(1))));
            HullWhite1F model         = new HullWhite1F(baseCurve.GetCurrency(), meanReversion, flatVol, flatCurveRate, flatCurveRate, anchorDate);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public void TestMultiHWAndFXToyCCIRSAltConstructor()
            var valueDate = new Date(2016, 9, 17);
            var spots     = new List <double> {
                13.6, 15.0
            var vols = new List <double> {
                0.15, 0.15
            var correlations = new[, ]
                { 1.0, 0.0 },
                { 0.0, 1.0 }
            // ZAR HW specs
            IDiscountingSource zarCurve = new DatesAndRates(Currency.ZAR, valueDate,
                                                            new[] { valueDate, valueDate.AddMonths(240) },
                                                            new[] { 0.07, 0.07 });
            var zarHWParams = new HWParams {
                vol = 0.01, meanReversionSpeed = 0.05
            var zarRequiredIndices = new List <FloatingIndex> {

            // Lists to be populated for other currencies
            var otherCcys               = new List <Currency>();
            var otherCcyCurves          = new List <IDiscountingSource>();
            var otherCcyHwParams        = new List <HWParams>();
            var otherCcyRequiredIndices = new List <List <FloatingIndex> >();

            // USD HW specs
            otherCcyCurves.Add(new DatesAndRates(Currency.USD, valueDate, new[] { valueDate, valueDate.AddMonths(240) },
                                                 new[] { 0.01, 0.01 }));
            otherCcyHwParams.Add(new HWParams {
                vol = 0.01, meanReversionSpeed = 0.05
            otherCcyRequiredIndices.Add(new List <FloatingIndex> {

            // EUR HW specs
            otherCcyCurves.Add(new DatesAndRates(Currency.EUR, valueDate, new[] { valueDate, valueDate.AddMonths(240) },
                                                 new[] { 0.005, 0.005 }));
            otherCcyHwParams.Add(new HWParams {
                vol = 0.01, meanReversionSpeed = 0.05
            otherCcyRequiredIndices.Add(new List <FloatingIndex> {

            // Construct the model
            var model = new MultiHWAndFXToy(valueDate, zarCurve, zarRequiredIndices, zarHWParams,
                                            otherCcys, spots, vols, otherCcyCurves, otherCcyRequiredIndices, otherCcyHwParams, correlations);

            var portfolio = new List <Product>();

            portfolio.Add(CreateFloatingLeg(Currency.ZAR, valueDate, -15e6, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, 7));
            portfolio.Add(CreateFloatingLeg(Currency.EUR, valueDate, +1e6, FloatingIndex.EURIBOR3M, 7));
            portfolio.Add(CreateFloatingLeg(Currency.ZAR, valueDate, 13e6, FloatingIndex.JIBAR3M, 13));
            portfolio.Add(CreateFloatingLeg(Currency.USD, valueDate, -1e6, FloatingIndex.EURIBOR3M, 13));
            portfolio.Add(IRSwap.CreateZARSwap(0.07, true, 20e6, valueDate, Tenor.Years(4)));

            var stepInMonths  = 1;
            var fwdValueDates = Enumerable.Range(1, 13 * 12 / stepInMonths)
                                .Select(i => valueDate.AddMonths(stepInMonths * i)).ToArray();
            var coord = new Coordinator(model, new List <Simulator>(), 1000);
            var epe = coord.EPE(portfolio.ToArray(), valueDate, fwdValueDates);

            Assert.AreEqual(1555002, epe[0], 5000);
            Assert.AreEqual(2170370, epe[87], 5000);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, epe[155], 5);

            //Debug.WriteToFile("c:\\dev\\quantsa\\temp\\epeTest_2.csv", epe);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Run a simulation and store the results for later use by <see cref="GetIndices(MarketObservable, List{Date})"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simNumber"></param>
        public override void RunSimulation(int simNumber)
            simulation = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            double simRate  = spot;
            double oldFxFwd = spot;
            double newFXfwd;

            // Simulate the default
            NormalDistribution            normal  = new NormalDistribution();
            UniformContinuousDistribution uniform = new UniformContinuousDistribution();
            double hazEst = survivalProbSource.GetSP(survivalProbSource.getAnchorDate().AddTenor(Tenor.Years(1)));

            hazEst         = -Math.Log(hazEst);
            Generator.Seed = -533776581 * simNumber; // This magic number is: "DeterministicCreditWithFXJump".GetHashCode();
            double tau = uniform.Generate();

            tau            = Math.Log(tau) / (-hazEst);
            simDefaultTime = anchorDate.value + tau * 365;

            for (int timeCounter = 0; timeCounter < allRequiredDates.Count; timeCounter++)
                double dt = timeCounter > 0 ? allRequiredDates[timeCounter] - allRequiredDates[timeCounter - 1] : allRequiredDates[timeCounter] - anchorDate.value;
                newFXfwd = fxSource.GetRate(new Date(anchorDate.value + dt));

                dt = dt / 365.0;
                double sdt = Math.Sqrt(dt);
                double dW  = normal.Generate();
                // TODO: drift needs to be adjusted for default rate * jump size
                simRate = simRate * newFXfwd / oldFxFwd * Math.Exp((-0.5 * fxVol * fxVol) * dt + fxVol * sdt * dW);
                if (simDefaultTime < allRequiredDates[timeCounter])
                    simulation[allRequiredDates[timeCounter]] = simRate * (1 + relJumpSizeInDefault);
                    simulation[allRequiredDates[timeCounter]] = simRate;