Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> EditElection([FromBody] TemporaryElection election)
            //this method is called using ajax calls
            //so if a business rule is not met we'll throw a businessException and catch it to create and internal server error and return its msg
            //as json
                if (ModelState.IsValid)

                    return(Json(new { success = true }));
                    //Model is not valid

                    //so there is a business rule not met, lets throw a businessException and catch it
                    throw new BusinessException(_messagesLoclizer["Data not valid, please check again."]);
            catch (DataNotUpdatedException bnu)
                //lets now create a suitable message for the user and store it inside a ViewBag (which is a Dynamic Object we can fill it
                //by whatever we want
                BusinessMessage bm = new BusinessMessage("Error", bnu.Message);
                ViewBag.BusinessMessage = bm;
            catch (BusinessException be)
                //lets create an internal server error so that the response returned is an ERROR, and jQuery ajax will understand that.
                HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
                return(Json(new { Message = be.Message }));
            catch (Exception E)
                HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 500;
                return(Json(new { Message = E.Message }));
                //In above code I created an internal server error so that the response returned is an ERROR, and jQuery ajax will understand that.
        public void EditElection(TemporaryElection election)
                //first of all lets check if this election is in future, if it is not then we'll not edit it
                if (DateTime.Parse(election.StartDate) <= DateTime.Now)
                    //so it is not a future election
                    //so there is a business rule not met, lets throw a businessException and catch it
                    throw new BusinessException(_messagesLocalizer["A New Election should take place in a future date."]);

                if (GetElectionsInSamePeriod(DateTime.Parse(election.StartDate), int.Parse(election.DurationInDays)) > 1)
                    //so in addtion to the election instance to edit, there are other elections in the db from the same period
                    //so there is a business rule not met, lets throw a businessException and catch it
                    throw new BusinessException(_messagesLocalizer["There is an existing Election during the same period."]);
                if (int.Parse(election.DurationInDays) < 0 || int.Parse(election.DurationInDays) > 5)
                    //so the number of days is invalid
                    //so there is a business rule not met, lets throw a businessException and catch it
                    throw new BusinessException(_messagesLocalizer["The duration of the Election should be from one to five days."]);
                //this variable is going to be used when checking if user updated hasNeutral opinion
                bool oldHasNeutral = GetById(Guid.Parse(election.Id)).HasNeutral;

                Election myElection = new Election
                    Id             = Guid.Parse(election.Id),
                    Name           = election.Name,
                    StartDate      = DateTime.Parse(election.StartDate),
                    DurationInDays = int.Parse(election.DurationInDays),
                    HasNeutral     = bool.Parse(election.HasNeutral)

                int updatedRows = Edit(myElection.Id, myElection);
                if (updatedRows < 1)
                    //row not updated in the DB
                    throw new DataNotUpdatedException(_messagesLocalizer["Data not updated, operation failed."]);

                //if hasNeutral field was updated then we should add/delete neutralCandidate from the db
                if (myElection.HasNeutral == oldHasNeutral)
                    //user didn't update hasNeutral property, lets proceed editing the Election instance
                    //so do nothing
                    //user did updated hasNeutral property
                    if (myElection.HasNeutral)
                        //lets add a neutral candidate to the db related to this instance of Election
                        Candidate neutralOpinion = new Candidate
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            isNeutralOpinion = true,
                            Election         = GetById(myElection.Id)

                        int updatedCandidateRows = _candidateRepository.Add(neutralOpinion);
                        if (updatedCandidateRows < 1)
                            //row not updated in the DB
                            throw new DataNotUpdatedException(_messagesLocalizer["Data not updated, operation failed."]);
                        //lets remove a neutral candidate instance from db which is related to this instance of Election
                        Expression <Func <Candidate, bool> > expr = e => e.Election.Id == myElection.Id && e.isNeutralOpinion == true;
                        Candidate myNeutralCandidate = _candidateRepository.GetOneFiltered(expr);
                        int       updatedRows4       = _candidateRepository.Delete(myNeutralCandidate.Id);
                        if (updatedRows4 < 1)
                            //row not updated in the DB
                            throw new DataNotUpdatedException(_messagesLocalizer["Data not updated, operation failed."]);
            catch (DataNotUpdatedException E)
                throw E;
            catch (BusinessException E)
                throw E;
            catch (Exception E)
                throw E;