public BaseResponse WordRejectedByAdmin(AssignWordToDeveloperRequest request) { try { BaseResponse response = new BaseResponse(); using (DDS_Context dbContext = new DDS_Context()) { TempWord wordEntity = new TempWord(); wordEntity = dbContext.TempWord.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == request.WordId); if (wordEntity == null) { response.IsSucceed = false; response.Message = "Bir Hata Oluştu, Reddetme Başarısız."; } else { wordEntity.Status = 5; /*Status=AdminRejected*/ wordEntity.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; dbContext.SaveChanges(); response.IsSucceed = true; response.Message = "Kelime Reddedildi."; } return(response); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public BaseResponse ReportWord(ReportRequest request) { try { using (DDS_Context dbContext = new DDS_Context()) { BaseResponse response = new BaseResponse(); TempWord data = new TempWord(); data.Word = request.Word; data.Status = 1; data.InterestId = request.InterestId; data.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; data.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; data.AcceptanceVote = 0; data.RejectionVote = 0; data.UserId = request.UserId; dbContext.TempWord.Add(data); response.IsSucceed = true; response.Message = "Bildiriminiz için teşekkür ederiz."; dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(response); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public BaseResponse AssignWordToDeveloper(AssignWordToDeveloperRequest request) { try { BaseResponse response = new BaseResponse(); using (DDS_Context dbContext = new DDS_Context()) { TempWord wordEntity = new TempWord(); wordEntity = dbContext.TempWord.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == request.WordId); if (wordEntity == null) { response.IsSucceed = false; response.Message = "Bir Hata Oluştu, Görevlendirme Yapılamadı."; } else { wordEntity.DeveloperId = request.DeveloperId; wordEntity.Status = 2; /*Status=OnDeveloper*/ wordEntity.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; dbContext.SaveChanges(); response.IsSucceed = true; response.Message = "Geliştirici Görevlendirildi."; } return(response); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
//decided to have the main game class this time process the miscdata. async Task IMiscDataNM.MiscDataReceived(string status, string content) { switch (status) { case "firstoption": await Aggregator.PublishAsync(new FirstOptionEventModel(content)); break; case "advancedsettings": await Aggregator.PublishAsync(new AdvancedSettingsEventModel(content)); break; case "howmanycards": await Aggregator.PublishAsync(new CardsChosenEventModel(int.Parse(content))); break; case "giveup": //no more tilelist now. SingleInfo = PlayerList !.GetSelf(); if (SingleInfo.TookTurn == false) { throw new BasicBlankException("Did not take turn"); } SaveRoot !.PlayOrder.WhoTurn = int.Parse(content); //hopefully this works too. await GiveUpAsync(); break; case "playword": SingleInfo = PlayerList !.GetSelf(); if (SingleInfo.TookTurn == false) { throw new BasicBlankException("Did not take turn"); } TempWord thisWord = await js.DeserializeObjectAsync <TempWord>(content); SaveRoot !.PlayOrder.WhoTurn = thisWord.Player; SingleInfo = PlayerList.GetWhoPlayer(); //hopefully this still works. SingleInfo.TimeToGetWord = thisWord.TimeToGetWord; SingleInfo.TileList = thisWord.TileList; await PlayWordAsync(thisWord.CardUsed); break; case "whowon": await ClientResultsAsync(int.Parse(content)); break; default: throw new BasicBlankException($"Nothing for status {status} with the message of {content}"); } }
public async Task PlayAsync() { _global.PauseContinueTimer(); if (_basicData.MultiPlayer == true && _mainGame !.Check !.IsEnabled == true) { await UIPlatform.ShowMessageAsync("Should not have enabled the network helpers since you had to take your turn."); return; } var thisCard = _board.GetCompletedCard(); if (thisCard == null) { _global.PauseContinueTimer(); await UIPlatform.ShowMessageAsync("You must pick the tiles before playing"); return; } if (thisCard.IsValidWord() == false) { var thisWord = thisCard.GetWord(); if (_mainGame.SaveRoot !.Level == EnumLevel.Easy) { _board.UnDo(); await UIPlatform.ShowMessageAsync($"{thisWord} is not a word or is too hard. Please try again"); _global.PauseContinueTimer(); return; } if (_basicData.MultiPlayer == false) { await UIPlatform.ShowMessageAsync($"{thisWord} does not exist. Therefore; its going to the next one"); await _giveUp.SelfGiveUpAsync(true); return; } await UIPlatform.ShowMessageAsync($"{thisWord} does not exist. Therefore; waiting for other players to decide if they have a word"); await _giveUp.SelfGiveUpAsync(true); return; } if (_basicData.MultiPlayer == true) { _mainGame.SingleInfo = _mainGame.PlayerList !.GetSelf(); TempWord thisWord = new TempWord(); thisWord.Player = _mainGame.SingleInfo.Id; thisWord.CardUsed = thisCard.Deck; thisWord.TileList = _mainGame.SingleInfo.TileList; if (thisWord.TileList.Count == 0) { throw new BasicBlankException("Must have tiles to form a word to send"); } _mainGame.SingleInfo.TimeToGetWord = (int)_global.Stops !.TimeTaken(); _global.Stops.ManualStop(false); thisWord.TimeToGetWord = _mainGame.SingleInfo.TimeToGetWord; if (_mainGame.SingleInfo.TimeToGetWord == 0) { throw new BasicBlankException("Time Taken Cannot Be 0"); } await _mainGame.Network !.SendAllAsync("playword", thisWord); _mainGame.SaveRoot !.PlayOrder.WhoTurn = _mainGame.SingleInfo.Id; } await _mainGame !.PlayWordAsync(thisCard.Deck); }