Exemplo n.º 1
        static void PopQueueAddTelepromptUpdateGraduate(QueueDbContext q, TelepromptDbContext t, GraduateDbContext g)
            // remove the top of the queue
            var itemTopQueue = q.Queue.OrderBy(m => m.Created).FirstOrDefault();

            if (itemTopQueue != null)
                // save don't wait

                // add to teleprompt
                var respectedTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();

                var teleprompt = new Teleprompt()
                    GraduateId = itemTopQueue.GraduateId, Created = itemTopQueue.Created

                var graduate = g.Graduate.FirstOrDefault(m => m.GraduateId == itemTopQueue.GraduateId);

                if (graduate != null)
                    graduate.Status = 1;

Exemplo n.º 2
        static void DisplayTeleprompt(TelepromptDbContext t, string searchGraduateId)
            var teleprompt = new Teleprompt()
                GraduateId = searchGraduateId, Created = DateTime.Now

Exemplo n.º 3
        static void OnTagsReported(ImpinjReader sender, TagReport report)
            // This event handler is called asynchronously
            // when tag reports are available.
            // Loop through each tag in the report
            // and print the data.
            foreach (Tag tag in report)
                TelepromptDbContext.ConnectionString = configValue;
                TelepromptDbContext _contextTeleprompt = new TelepromptDbContext();

                GraduateDbContext.ConnectionString = configValue;
                GraduateDbContext _contextGraduate = new GraduateDbContext();

                QueueDbContext.ConnectionString = configValue;
                QueueDbContext _contextQueue = new QueueDbContext();

                var searchGraduateId = Regex.Replace(tag.Epc.ToString(), "[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "");

                Console.WriteLine("EPC / GraduateId >>>> {0} ", searchGraduateId);

                if (searchGraduateId != String.Empty)
                    Graduate graduate = _contextGraduate.Graduate.SingleOrDefault(m => m.GraduateId == searchGraduateId);

                    // MUST be on the graduate list
                    if (graduate != null)
                        // Status 1
                        // Finished with Display
                        if (graduate.Status != 1)
                            IEnumerable <Teleprompt> teleprompt = _contextTeleprompt.Teleprompt;
                            var isSearchGraduateInTeleprompt    = teleprompt.SingleOrDefault(m => m.GraduateId == searchGraduateId);
                            var countTeleprompt = teleprompt.Count();

                            // check and kick teleprompt screen, if there's a new reading
                            // so that after logics will always
                            // fulfill

                            // isSearchGraduateInTeleprompt is for the NEW Graduate Read
                            // NOTE: He's is not in the Teleprompt, someone is occupying it.
                            //       we need to kick the tenant, if he's already past his occupancy Status = 1
                            if (isSearchGraduateInTeleprompt == null && countTeleprompt > 0)
                                Teleprompt currentTenantOnTeleprompt = teleprompt.SingleOrDefault();

                                if (currentTenantOnTeleprompt.Status == 1)

                                    countTeleprompt = 0;

                            if (isSearchGraduateInTeleprompt != null && countTeleprompt > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Active >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ");

                            // NOT in teleprompt
                            // AND
                            // EMPTY teleprompt
                            if (isSearchGraduateInTeleprompt == null && countTeleprompt <= 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTeleprompt Status: In: No, Count: {0}", countTeleprompt);

                                IEnumerable <Queue> queue   = _contextQueue.Queue;
                                var isSearchGraduateInQueue = queue.SingleOrDefault(m => m.GraduateId == searchGraduateId);
                                var totalInQueue            = queue.Count();

                                // teleprompt == empty
                                // searchGraduate not in queue
                                // queue == empty
                                if (isSearchGraduateInQueue == null && totalInQueue <= 0)
                                    // clean teleprompt

                                    // push directly to the teleprompt
                                    DisplayTeleprompt(_contextTeleprompt, searchGraduateId);

                                    // update graduate status
                                    var grad = _contextGraduate.Graduate.FirstOrDefault(m => m.GraduateId == searchGraduateId);
                                    if (grad != null)
                                        grad.Status = 1;

                                    // queue is not empty and not in the queue
                                    // push in the end
                                    if (isSearchGraduateInQueue == null && totalInQueue > 0)
                                        _contextQueue.Queue.Add(new Queue()
                                            GraduateId = searchGraduateId, Created = System.DateTime.Now

                                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t\t------------------------------------- In Queue");


                                    PopQueueAddTelepromptUpdateGraduate(_contextQueue, _contextTeleprompt, _contextGraduate);

                                    Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tTeleprompt Status: In: No, Count: {0}", countTeleprompt);
                                    Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tQueue Status: In: Yes, Count: {0}", totalInQueue);
                                // Teleprompt is not empty
                                // And
                                // Is not the current display on screen
                                if (isSearchGraduateInTeleprompt == null && countTeleprompt > 0)
                                    // queue
                                    IEnumerable <Queue> queue   = _contextQueue.Queue;
                                    var isSearchGraduateInQueue = queue.SingleOrDefault(m => m.GraduateId == searchGraduateId);
                                    if (isSearchGraduateInQueue == null)
                                        _contextQueue.Queue.Add(new Queue()
                                            GraduateId = searchGraduateId, Created = System.DateTime.Now

                                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tQueue Status >> In: No, Count: {0}", queue.Count());
                                        Console.WriteLine("\t\t\tQueue Status >> In: Yes, Count: {0}", queue.Count());
                            Console.WriteLine("\nGraduate Screen Time... Either FINISHED and/or ACTIVE !!!");
                            Console.WriteLine("Do you want to show this graduate again? Please change Graduate Status to 0\n");
                        // Not a Graduate Id string tag
                        Console.WriteLine("Can't find that Id {0}", searchGraduateId);
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid string: @0", searchGraduateId);