Exemplo n.º 1
        // Instantiates a marketplace with the given planet's tech level.
        public Marketplace()
            this.planetTech  = Game.Instance.Universe.CurrentPlanet.Techlevel;
            this.player      = Game.Instance.Player;
            productionPrices = new Dictionary <Good, Int32>();
            purchasePrices   = new Dictionary <Good, Int32>();
            //TODO: implement crew skills
            TradeSkillModifier = new Random().Next((2 * player.TradeSkill) + 1);

            // Initialize goods the planet can produce
            foreach (Good item in Goods.Values)
                // Check if planetTech is higher than minTech for the good
                if (planetTech.CompareTo(item.MinTechToProduce) >= 0)
                    productionPrices.Add(item, AdjustPriceOnSkills(item));

            // Initialize goods the planet can buy. Copy over production goods and
            // add any other goods it can sell.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Good, int> pair in productionPrices)
                purchasePrices.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);

            foreach (Good item in Goods.Values)
                if (!productionPrices.ContainsKey(item) &&
                    planetTech.CompareTo(item.MinTechToUse) >= 0)
                    purchasePrices.Add(item, AdjustPriceOnSkills(item));

            Random rand     = new Random();
            int    quantity = rand.Next(9) + 10;

            Supply = new List <Good>(quantity);

            Good[] usableGoods = productionPrices.Keys.ToArray();

            while (Supply.Count < quantity)