Exemplo n.º 1
        //Code for send password button
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var check_email = connection.Users.Where(S => S.Email == Tbx_Email.Text).FirstOrDefault(); //get the data first data from database which match the id

            if (check_email == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Your email is wrong!");
                Tbx_Email.Focus();                    //Move cursor to text box Name
                return;                               //nothing will happen
            var password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //generate password with guid

            check_email.Password = password;          // changes the password with new password
            MailMessage mm    = new MailMessage("*****@*****.**", check_email.Email);
            string      today = DateTime.Now.ToString();

            mm.Subject    = "Password Recovery (" + today + ")";
            mm.Body       = string.Format("Hi {0},<br /><br />Your password has been changed to: <br />{1}<br /><br />Thank You.", check_email.Email, password);
            mm.IsBodyHtml = true;
            SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();

            smtp.Host      = "smtp.gmail.com";
            smtp.EnableSsl = true;
            //Definition of sender
            System.Net.NetworkCredential NetworkCred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential();
            NetworkCred.UserName       = "******";
            NetworkCred.Password       = "******";
            smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
            smtp.Credentials           = NetworkCred;
            smtp.Port = 587;
            MessageBox.Show("New password has been sent to your email!");
            Login login = new Login();

Exemplo n.º 2
        //Code for login button
        private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var check_email = connection.Users.Where(S => S.Email == Tbx_Email.Text).FirstOrDefault(); //get the data first data from database which match the id

            if (check_email == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Your email is wrong!");
                Tbx_Email.Focus(); //Move cursor to text box Name
                return;            //nothing will happen
            else if (check_email.Password != Tbx_Password.Password.ToString())
                MessageBox.Show("Your password is wrong!");
                Tbx_Password.Focus(); //Move cursor to text box Name
                return;               //nothing will happen
            MainWindow main = new MainWindow(check_email.Email);

Exemplo n.º 3
        // code for save button supplier
        private void Btn_Save_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var check_exist = connection.Users.Where(S => S.Email == Tbx_Email.Text).FirstOrDefault();

            if (Tbx_Name.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) //if textbox name empty
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill supplier Name!");
                Tbx_Name.Focus();                             //Move cursor to text box Name
                return;                                       //nothing will happen
            else if (Tbx_Address.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) // if textbox address empty
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill supplier Address!");
                Tbx_Address.Focus();                        //Move cursor to text box Name
                return;                                     //nothing will happen
            else if (Tbx_Email.Text.Trim() == string.Empty) // if textbox email empty
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill supplier Email!");
                Tbx_Address.Focus(); //Move cursor to text box Name
                return;              //nothing will happen
            //Validation Character
            else if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(Tbx_Email.Text, "[^a-zA-Z0-9@._]"))
                MessageBox.Show("Email format wrong!");
            else if (!Tbx_Email.Text.Contains("@gmail.com") && !Tbx_Email.Text.Contains("@yahoo.com"))
                MessageBox.Show("Email format wrong!");
            // Update Code
            if (Tbx_Id.Text != "")
                // Update Supplier
                int Id       = Convert.ToInt32(Tbx_Id.Text);                                 //get id from textbox id and convert to int
                var check_id = connection.Suppliers.Where(S => S.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault(); //get the data first data from database which match the id
                check_id.Name    = Tbx_Name.Text;                                            //assign the name with value from textbox name
                check_id.Address = Tbx_Address.Text;                                         //assign the address with value from textbox address
                check_id.Email   = Tbx_Email.Text;                                           //assign the email with value from textbox email
                connection.SaveChanges();                                                    //if not empty then update the database
                // Update User
                var checkEmail = connection.Suppliers.Where(S => S.Email == Tbx_Email.Text).FirstOrDefault();
                var success    = connection.SaveChanges();
                MessageBox.Show(success + " Data Successfully Updated!");
            // Insert Code
                //Validation Exist
                if (check_exist != null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Email already used!");
                // Add Supplier
                var input = new Supplier(Tbx_Name.Text, Tbx_Address.Text, Tbx_Email.Text); //get user input from textbox
                connection.Suppliers.Add(input);                                           // if not empty then add input
                // Add User
                var password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); //generate password with guid
                var input2   = new User(Tbx_Email.Text, password, "member");
                var success = connection.SaveChanges();
                Send_Password(Tbx_Email.Text, password); //send password to email
                MessageBox.Show(success + " Data Successfully Inputted & Password Has Been Sent to Email!");
            TB_M_Supplier.ItemsSource = connection.Suppliers.ToList(); //refresh the datagrid
            Cb_Supplier.ItemsSource   = connection.Suppliers.ToList(); // refresh combo box item
            Clear_Textbox_Supplier();                                  //Clear all text box