Exemplo n.º 1
                public override void PerformAction(string command, string[] arguments)
                    base.PerformAction(command, arguments);

                    switch (command)
                    // is this a goto command?
                    case PrivateGeneralConfig.App_URL_Commands_Goto:
                        // make sure the argument is for us
                        if (arguments[0] == Command_Keyword( ) && arguments.Length > 1)
                            // check for groupfinder, because we support that one.
                            if (PrivateGeneralConfig.App_URL_Page_GroupFinder == arguments[1])
                                PresentFragment(GroupFinder, true);
                                List <ConnectLink> engagedEntries = ConnectLink.BuildGetEngagedList( );

                                ConnectLink connectLink = engagedEntries.Where(e => e.Command_Keyword == arguments[1]).SingleOrDefault( );
                                if (connectLink != null)
                                    // now go to the requested URL
                                    TaskWebFragment.HandleUrl(false, true, connectLink.Url, this, WebFragment);
Exemplo n.º 2
                public NewsTask(NavbarFragment navFragment) : base(navFragment)
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)

                    // Note: Fragment Tags must be the fully qualified name of the class, including its namespaces.
                    // This is how Android will find it when searching.
                    MainPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.News.NewsPrimaryFragment") as NewsPrimaryFragment;
                    if (MainPage == null)
                        MainPage = new NewsPrimaryFragment();
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;

                    DetailsPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.News.NewsDetailsFragment") as NewsDetailsFragment;
                    if (DetailsPage == null)
                        DetailsPage = new NewsDetailsFragment();
                    DetailsPage.ParentTask = this;

                    WebFragment            = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    WebFragment.ParentTask = this;

                    // setup a list we can use to cache the news, so should it update we don't use the wrong set.
                    News = new List <RockNews>();
Exemplo n.º 3
                public ConnectTask( NavbarFragment navFragment ) : base( navFragment )
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)
                    MainPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag( "Droid.ConnectPrimaryFragment" ) as ConnectPrimaryFragment;
                    if ( MainPage == null )
                        MainPage = new ConnectPrimaryFragment();
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;

                    GroupFinder = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag( "Droid.GroupFinderFragment" ) as GroupFinderFragment;
                    if ( GroupFinder == null )
                        GroupFinder = new GroupFinderFragment();
                    GroupFinder.ParentTask = this;

                    JoinGroup = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag( "Droid.JoinGroupFragment" ) as JoinGroupFragment;
                    if ( JoinGroup == null )
                        JoinGroup = new JoinGroupFragment();
                    JoinGroup.ParentTask = this;

                    WebFragment = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    WebFragment.ParentTask = this;
Exemplo n.º 4
                public override void OnClick(Fragment source, int buttonId, object context)
                    base.OnClick(source, buttonId, context);

                    // only handle input if the springboard is closed
                    if (NavbarFragment.ShouldTaskAllowInput( ))
                        // decide what to do.
                        if (source == MainPage)
                            ConnectLink linkEntry = (ConnectLink)context;

                            // group finder is the only connect link that doesn't use an embedded webView.
                            if (linkEntry.Title == ConnectStrings.Main_Connect_GroupFinder)
                                // launch group finder (and have it auto-show the search)
                                GroupFinder.ShowSearchOnAppear = true;

                                // if we're logged in, give it a starting address
                                if (MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.LoggedIn == true && MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.HasFullAddress( ))
                                    GroupFinder.SetSearchAddress(MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.Street1( ),
                                                                 MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.City( ),
                                                                 MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.State( ),
                                                                 MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.Zip( ));

                                PresentFragment(GroupFinder, true);
                                // launch the ConnectWebFragment.
                                TaskWebFragment.HandleUrl(false, true, linkEntry.Url, this, WebFragment);
                        else if (source == GroupFinder)
                            // turn off auto-show search so that if the user presses 'back', we don't pop it up again.
                            GroupFinder.ShowSearchOnAppear = false;

                            MobileAppApi.GroupSearchResult entry = (MobileAppApi.GroupSearchResult)context;

                            GroupInfo.GroupEntry = entry;

                            PresentFragment(GroupInfo, true);
                        else if (source == GroupInfo)
                            MobileAppApi.GroupSearchResult entry = (MobileAppApi.GroupSearchResult)context;

                            JoinGroup.GroupTitle  = entry.Name;
                            JoinGroup.Distance    = string.Format("{0:##.0} {1}", entry.DistanceFromSource, ConnectStrings.GroupFinder_MilesSuffix);
                            JoinGroup.GroupID     = entry.Id;
                            JoinGroup.MeetingTime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.MeetingTime) == false ? entry.MeetingTime : ConnectStrings.GroupFinder_ContactForTime;

                            PresentFragment(JoinGroup, true);
Exemplo n.º 5
                public AboutTask(NavbarFragment navFragment) : base(navFragment)
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)

                    // Note: Fragment Tags must be the fully qualified name of the class, including its namespaces.
                    // This is how Android will find it when searching.
                    MainPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.TaskWebFragment") as TaskWebFragment;
                    if (MainPage == null)
                        MainPage = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;
Exemplo n.º 6
                public NotesTask(NavbarFragment navFragment) : base(navFragment)
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)

                    // Note: Fragment Tags must be the fully qualified name of the class, including its namespaces.
                    // This is how Android will find it when searching.
                    MainPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Notes.NotesPrimaryFragment") as NotesPrimaryFragment;
                    if (MainPage == null)
                        MainPage = new NotesPrimaryFragment();
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;

                    DetailsPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Notes.NotesDetailsFragment") as NotesDetailsFragment;
                    if (DetailsPage == null)
                        DetailsPage = new NotesDetailsFragment();
                    DetailsPage.ParentTask = this;

                    NotesPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Notes.NotesFragment") as NotesFragment;
                    if (NotesPage == null)
                        NotesPage = new NotesFragment( );
                    NotesPage.ParentTask = this;

                    WatchPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Notes.NotesWatchFragment") as NotesWatchFragment;
                    if (WatchPage == null)
                        WatchPage = new NotesWatchFragment();
                    WatchPage.ParentTask = this;

                    ListenPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Notes.NotesListenFragment") as NotesListenFragment;
                    if (ListenPage == null)
                        ListenPage = new NotesListenFragment();
                    ListenPage.ParentTask = this;

                    DiscGuidePage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Notes.NotesDiscGuideFragment") as NotesDiscGuideFragment;
                    if (DiscGuidePage == null)
                        DiscGuidePage = new NotesDiscGuideFragment();
                    DiscGuidePage.ParentTask = this;

                    WebViewPage            = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    WebViewPage.ParentTask = this;
Exemplo n.º 7
                public override void Activate(bool forResume)

                    if (forResume == false)
                        string fullUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.Strings.Parsers.AddParamToURL(AboutConfig.Url, string.Format(PrivateGeneralConfig.RockCampusContext, MobileApp.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.GetRelevantCampus( )));

Exemplo n.º 8
            /// <summary>
            /// Utility function to simplify handling a URL with or without an impersonation token, in an embedded webView OR external browser.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="launchesExternalBrowser">If set to <c>true</c> launches external browser.</param>
            /// <param name="usesImpersonationToken">If set to <c>true</c> uses impersonation token.</param>
            /// <param name="url">URL.</param>
            /// <param name="currTask">Curr task.</param>
            /// <param name="webFragment">Web fragment.</param>
            public static void HandleUrl( bool launchesExternalBrowser, bool usesImpersonationToken, string url, Task currTask, TaskWebFragment webFragment )
                // are we launching a seperate browser?
                if ( launchesExternalBrowser == true )
                    // do they also want the impersonation token?
                    if ( usesImpersonationToken )
                        // try to get it
                            delegate( string impersonationToken )
                                // append the mobile platform
                                string fullUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.Strings.Parsers.AddParamToURL( url, PrivateGeneralConfig.MobilePlatform );

                                // append the campus (this is part of their identity)
                                fullUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.Strings.Parsers.AddParamToURL( fullUrl, string.Format( PrivateGeneralConfig.RockCampusContext, App.Shared.Network.RockMobileUser.Instance.GetRelevantCampus( ) ) );

                                // if we got the token, append it
                                if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( impersonationToken ) == false )
                                    fullUrl += "&" + impersonationToken;

                                // now fire off an intent.
                                Android.Net.Uri uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse( fullUrl );

                                var intent = new Intent( Intent.ActionView, uri ); 
                                ((Activity)Rock.Mobile.PlatformSpecific.Android.Core.Context).StartActivity( intent );
                            } );

                        // pretty easy, just fire off an intent.
                        Android.Net.Uri uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse( url );

                        var intent = new Intent( Intent.ActionView, uri ); 
                        ((Activity)Rock.Mobile.PlatformSpecific.Android.Core.Context).StartActivity( intent );
                    // otherwise we're not, so its simpler
                    webFragment.DisplayUrl( url, usesImpersonationToken );
                    currTask.PresentFragment( webFragment, true );
Exemplo n.º 9
                public ConnectTask( NavbarFragment navFragment )
                    : base(navFragment)
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)
                    MainPage = new ConnectPrimaryFragment( );
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;

                    GroupFinder = new GroupFinderFragment( );
                    GroupFinder.ParentTask = this;

                    JoinGroup = new JoinGroupFragment( );
                    JoinGroup.ParentTask = this;

                    WebFragment = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    WebFragment.ParentTask = this;
Exemplo n.º 10
                public NewsTask( NavbarFragment navFragment )
                    : base(navFragment)
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)
                    MainPage = new NewsPrimaryFragment( );
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;

                    DetailsPage = new NewsDetailsFragment( );
                    DetailsPage.ParentTask = this;

                    WebFragment = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    WebFragment.ParentTask = this;

                    // setup a list we can use to cache the news, so should it update we don't use the wrong set.
                    News = new List<RockNews>();
Exemplo n.º 11
                public NotesTask( NavbarFragment navFragment ) : base( navFragment )
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)
                    MainPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag( "Droid.NotesPrimaryFragment" ) as NotesPrimaryFragment;
                    if ( MainPage == null )
                        MainPage = new NotesPrimaryFragment();
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;

                    DetailsPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag( "Droid.NotesDetailsFragment" ) as NotesDetailsFragment;
                    if ( DetailsPage == null )
                        DetailsPage = new NotesDetailsFragment();
                    DetailsPage.ParentTask = this;

                    NotesPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag( "Droid.NotesFragment" ) as NotesFragment;
                    if ( NotesPage == null )
                        NotesPage = new NotesFragment( );
                    NotesPage.ParentTask = this;

                    WatchPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag( "Droid.NotesWatchFragment" ) as NotesWatchFragment;
                    if ( WatchPage == null )
                        WatchPage = new NotesWatchFragment();
                    WatchPage.ParentTask = this;

                    ListenPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag( "Droid.NotesListenFragment" ) as NotesListenFragment;
                    if ( ListenPage == null )
                        ListenPage = new NotesListenFragment();
                    ListenPage.ParentTask = this;

                    WebViewPage = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    WebViewPage.ParentTask = this;
Exemplo n.º 12
                public NotesTask( NavbarFragment navFragment )
                    : base(navFragment)
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)
                    MainPage = new NotesPrimaryFragment( );
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;

                    DetailsPage = new NotesDetailsFragment( );
                    DetailsPage.ParentTask = this;

                    NotesPage = new NotesFragment( );
                    NotesPage.ParentTask = this;

                    WatchPage = new NotesWatchFragment( );
                    WatchPage.ParentTask = this;

                    ListenPage = new NotesListenFragment( );
                    ListenPage.ParentTask = this;

                    WebViewPage = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    WebViewPage.ParentTask = this;
Exemplo n.º 13
                public ConnectTask(NavbarFragment navFragment) : base(navFragment)
                    // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)

                    // Note: Fragment Tags must be the fully qualified name of the class, including its namespaces.
                    // This is how Android will find it when searching.
                    MainPage = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Connect.ConnectPrimaryFragment") as ConnectPrimaryFragment;
                    if (MainPage == null)
                        MainPage = new ConnectPrimaryFragment();
                    MainPage.ParentTask = this;

                    GroupFinder = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Connect.GroupFinderFragment") as GroupFinderFragment;
                    if (GroupFinder == null)
                        GroupFinder = new GroupFinderFragment();
                    GroupFinder.ParentTask = this;

                    GroupInfo = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Connect.GroupInfoFragment") as GroupInfoFragment;
                    if (GroupInfo == null)
                        GroupInfo = new GroupInfoFragment();
                    GroupInfo.ParentTask = this;

                    JoinGroup = navFragment.FragmentManager.FindFragmentByTag("Droid.Tasks.Connect.JoinGroupFragment") as JoinGroupFragment;
                    if (JoinGroup == null)
                        JoinGroup = new JoinGroupFragment();
                    JoinGroup.ParentTask = this;

                    WebFragment            = new TaskWebFragment( );
                    WebFragment.ParentTask = this;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
            if (container == null)
                // Currently in a layout without a container, so no reason to create our view.

            View view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Login, container, false);


            RelativeLayout navBar = view.FindViewById <RelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.navbar_relative_layout);


            RectangleF bounds = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, NavbarFragment.GetFullDisplayWidth( ), this.Resources.DisplayMetrics.HeightPixels);

            BlockerView = new UIBlockerView(view, bounds);

            LoginResultLayer = view.FindViewById <View>(Resource.Id.result_background);
            LoginResultLayer.Alpha = 0.0f;

            LoginButton = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.loginButton);
            ControlStyling.StyleButton(LoginButton, LoginStrings.LoginButton, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            LoginButton.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                TryRockBind( );

            CancelButton = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.cancelButton);
            ControlStyling.StyleButton(CancelButton, GeneralStrings.Cancel, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            CancelButton.Background = null;
            CancelButton.Click     += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>

            TextView additionalOptions = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.additionalOptions);

            ControlStyling.StyleUILabel(additionalOptions, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            additionalOptions.Text = LoginStrings.AdditionalOptions;

            TextView orTextView = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.orTextView);

            ControlStyling.StyleUILabel(orTextView, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            orTextView.Text = LoginStrings.OrString;

            RegisterButton = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.registerButton);
            ControlStyling.StyleButton(RegisterButton, LoginStrings.RegisterButton, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            RegisterButton.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                SpringboardParent.RegisterNewUser( );

            ForgotPasswordButton = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.forgotPasswordButton);
            ControlStyling.StyleButton(ForgotPasswordButton, LoginStrings.ForgotPasswordButton, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Small_FontSize);
            ForgotPasswordButton.Click += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                TaskWebFragment.HandleUrl(true, true, LoginConfig.ForgotPassword_Url, null, null);

            // get the username field and background
            UsernameLayer = view.FindViewById <View>(Resource.Id.login_background);

            UsernameField   = view.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.usernameText);
            UserNameBGColor = ControlStylingConfig.BG_Layer_Color;
            ControlStyling.StyleTextField(UsernameField, LoginStrings.UsernamePlaceholder, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Medium_FontSize);

            View borderView = UsernameLayer.FindViewById <View>(Resource.Id.middle_border);


            // get the password field and background
            PasswordLayer = view.FindViewById <View>(Resource.Id.password_background);
            PasswordField   = view.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.passwordText);
            PasswordBGColor = ControlStylingConfig.BG_Layer_Color;
            ControlStyling.StyleTextField(PasswordField, LoginStrings.PasswordPlaceholder, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Medium_FontSize);

            LoginResultLabel = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.loginResult);
            ControlStyling.StyleUILabel(LoginResultLabel, ControlStylingConfig.Font_Regular, ControlStylingConfig.Medium_FontSize);

            // Setup the facebook button
            FacebookButton            = view.FindViewById <ImageButton>(Resource.Id.facebookButton);
            FacebookButton.Background = null;
            FacebookButton.Click     += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                TryFacebookBind( );

            // invoke a webview
            WebLayout = new WebLayout(Rock.Mobile.PlatformSpecific.Android.Core.Context);
            WebLayout.LayoutParameters = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MatchParent);

Exemplo n.º 15
                public override void OnClick(Android.App.Fragment source, int buttonId, object context = null)
                    // only handle input if the springboard is closed
                    if (NavbarFragment.ShouldTaskAllowInput( ))
                        // decide what to do.
                        if (source == MainPage)
                            // on the main page, if the buttonId was -1, the user tapped the header,
                            // so we need to either go to the Watch or Take Notes page
                            if (buttonId == -1)
                                // the context is the button they clicked (watch or take notes)
                                int buttonChoice = (int)context;

                                // 0 is listen
                                if (buttonChoice == 0)
                                    ListenPage.MediaUrl = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].AudioUrl;
                                    ListenPage.ShareUrl = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].ShareUrl;
                                    ListenPage.Name     = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].Name;
                                    PresentFragment(ListenPage, true);
                                // 1 is watch
                                else if (buttonChoice == 1)
                                    WatchPage.MediaUrl = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].WatchUrl;
                                    WatchPage.ShareUrl = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].ShareUrl;
                                    WatchPage.Name     = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].Name;
                                    PresentFragment(WatchPage, true);
                                // 2 is read
                                else if (buttonChoice == 2)
                                    NotesPage.NoteUrl  = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].NoteUrl;
                                    NotesPage.NoteName = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].Name;

                                    PresentFragment(NotesPage, true);
                                // 3 is discussion guide
                                else if (buttonChoice == 3)
                                    DiscGuidePage.DiscGuideURL = MainPage.SeriesEntries[0].Series.Messages[0].DiscussionGuideUrl;
                                    PresentFragment(DiscGuidePage, true);
                                DetailsPage.Series = MainPage.SeriesEntries[buttonId].Series;
                                PresentFragment(DetailsPage, true);
                        else if (source == DetailsPage)
                            // the context is the button they clicked (watch or take notes)
                            int buttonChoice = (int)context;

                            // 0 is listen
                            if (buttonChoice == 0)
                                ListenPage.MediaUrl = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].AudioUrl;
                                ListenPage.ShareUrl = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].ShareUrl;
                                ListenPage.Name     = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].Name;
                                PresentFragment(ListenPage, true);
                            // 1 is watch
                            else if (buttonChoice == 1)
                                WatchPage.MediaUrl = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].WatchUrl;
                                WatchPage.ShareUrl = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].ShareUrl;
                                WatchPage.Name     = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].Name;
                                PresentFragment(WatchPage, true);
                            // 2 is read
                            else if (buttonChoice == 2)
                                NotesPage.NoteUrl  = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].NoteUrl;
                                NotesPage.NoteName = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].Name;

                                PresentFragment(NotesPage, true);
                            // 3 is discussion guide
                            else if (buttonChoice == 3)
                                DiscGuidePage.DiscGuideURL = DetailsPage.Series.Messages[buttonId].DiscussionGuideUrl;
                                PresentFragment(DiscGuidePage, true);
                        else if (source == NotesPage)
                            NotesFragment.UrlClickParams clickParams = (NotesFragment.UrlClickParams)context;

                            if (Springboard.IsAppURL(clickParams.Url) == true)
                            else if (App.Shared.BibleRenderer.IsBiblePrefix(clickParams.Url))
                                BiblePassagePage            = new BiblePassageFragment(clickParams.Url);
                                BiblePassagePage.ParentTask = this;
                                PresentFragment(BiblePassagePage, true);
                                // the context is the activeURL to visit.
                                WebViewPage.DisableIdleTimer = true;
                        else if (source == DiscGuidePage)
                            // Discussion Guide page only has one button, so if it was clicked,
                            // let them view the guide.

                            WebViewPage.DisableIdleTimer = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public AboutTask( NavbarFragment navFragment ) : base( navFragment )
     // create our fragments (which are basically equivalent to iOS ViewControllers)
     MainPage = new TaskWebFragment( );
     MainPage.ParentTask = this;
Exemplo n.º 17
                public override void OnClick(Android.App.Fragment source, int buttonId, object context = null)
                    // only handle input if the springboard is closed
                    if (NavbarFragment.ShouldTaskAllowInput( ))
                        // if the main page had a VALID news item clicked, go to it
                        if (source == MainPage && buttonId < News.Count)
                            // mark that they tapped this item.
                            NewsAnalytic.Instance.Trigger(NewsAnalytic.Read, MainPage.News[buttonId].News.Title);

                            // either take them to the details page, or skip it and go straight to Learn More.
                            if (MainPage.News[buttonId].News.SkipDetailsPage == true && string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainPage.News[buttonId].News.ReferenceURL) == false)
                                if (Springboard.IsAppURL(MainPage.News[buttonId].News.ReferenceURL) == true)
                                    // copy the news item's relevant members. That way, if we're running in debug,
                                    // and they want to override the news item, we can do that below.
                                    string newsUrl             = MainPage.News[buttonId].News.ReferenceURL;
                                    bool   newsImpersonation   = MainPage.News[buttonId].News.IncludeImpersonationToken;
                                    bool   newsExternalBrowser = MainPage.News[buttonId].News.ReferenceUrlLaunchesBrowser;

                                    // If we're running a debug build, see if we should override the news
                                    #if DEBUG
                                    if (DebugConfig.News_Override_Item == true)
                                        newsUrl             = DebugConfig.News_Override_ReferenceURL;
                                        newsImpersonation   = DebugConfig.News_Override_IncludeImpersonationToken;
                                        newsExternalBrowser = DebugConfig.News_Override_ReferenceUrlLaunchesBrowser;

                                    TaskWebFragment.HandleUrl(newsExternalBrowser, newsImpersonation, newsUrl, this, WebFragment);
                                // store the news index they chose so we can manage the 'tap details' page.
                                                        MainPage.News[buttonId].News.GetDeveloperInfo( ),

                                PresentFragment(DetailsPage, true);
                        else if (source == DetailsPage)
                            // otherwise visit the reference URL
                            if (buttonId == Resource.Id.news_details_launch_url || buttonId == Resource.Id.news_details_header_image_button)
                                // if this is an app url, handle it internally
                                if (Springboard.IsAppURL(DetailsPage.ReferenceURL) == true)
                                    // copy the news item's relevant members. That way, if we're running in debug,
                                    // and they want to override the news item, we can do that below.
                                    string newsUrl             = DetailsPage.ReferenceURL;
                                    bool   newsImpersonation   = DetailsPage.IncludeImpersonationToken;
                                    bool   newsExternalBrowser = DetailsPage.ReferenceURLLaunchesBrowser;

                                    // If we're running a debug build, see if we should override the news
                                    #if DEBUG
                                    if (DebugConfig.News_Override_Item == true)
                                        newsUrl             = DebugConfig.News_Override_ReferenceURL;
                                        newsImpersonation   = DebugConfig.News_Override_IncludeImpersonationToken;
                                        newsExternalBrowser = DebugConfig.News_Override_ReferenceUrlLaunchesBrowser;

                                    TaskWebFragment.HandleUrl(newsExternalBrowser, newsImpersonation, newsUrl, this, WebFragment);
Exemplo n.º 18
            /// <summary>
            /// Utility function to simplify handling a URL with or without an impersonation token, in an embedded webView OR external browser.
            /// </summary>
            public static void HandleUrl(bool launchesExternalBrowser, bool usesImpersonationToken, string url, Task currTask, TaskWebFragment webFragment)
                // guard against malformed URLs
                if (url.StartsWith("http", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == true)
                    // run the url through our processor to see if it needs to be manipulated
                    string processedUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.URL.Override.ProcessURLOverrides(url);

                    // see if it's external
                    if (processedUrl.StartsWith(PrivateGeneralConfig.ExternalUrlToken, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        // strip off the PrivateGeneralConfig.ExternalUrlToken and forward it
                        processedUrl = processedUrl.Substring(PrivateGeneralConfig.ExternalUrlToken.Length);

                        // and flag that we should launch externally, so that the rest of the function runs as normal
                        launchesExternalBrowser = true;

                    // are we launching a seperate browser?
                    if (launchesExternalBrowser == true)
                        // do they also want the impersonation token?
                        if (usesImpersonationToken)
                            // try to get it
                                delegate(string impersonationToken)
                                // append the mobile platform
                                string fullUrl = Rock.Mobile.Util.Strings.Parsers.AddParamToURL(processedUrl, PrivateGeneralConfig.MobilePlatform);

                                // if we got the token, append it
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(impersonationToken) == false)
                                    fullUrl += "&" + impersonationToken;

                                // now fire off an intent.
                                Android.Net.Uri uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(fullUrl);

                                var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView, uri);
                            // pretty easy, just fire off an intent.
                            Android.Net.Uri uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(processedUrl);

                            var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView, uri);
                        // otherwise we're not, so its simpler
                        webFragment.DisplayUrl(processedUrl, usesImpersonationToken);
                        currTask.PresentFragment(webFragment, true);