public void TaskDependenciesWithNullPropertiesFromProtocol()
            var taskDependencies = new TaskDependencies(new Protocol.Models.TaskDependencies());

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void CreateBatchJob(string jobName, int id, string profileUrl, string containerUrl, string nsUrl, int daysDuration, string timeZone, bool uamAsBasal)
            // Connect to Azure Batch
            var credentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

            using (var batchClient = BatchClient.Open(credentials))
                var poolId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BatchPoolId"];

                // Create the job
                var job = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                job.Id = jobName;
                job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                    PoolId = poolId
                job.UsesTaskDependencies = true;
                job.OnAllTasksComplete   = OnAllTasksComplete.TerminateJob;

                // Add a task to the job to run Autotune
                var commandLine = "/bin/sh -c '" +
                                  "cd \"$AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR\" && " +
                                  "mkdir -p settings && " +
                                  "mv profile.json settings && " +
                                  "cp settings/profile.json settings/pumpprofile.json && " +
                                  "cp settings/profile.json settings/autotune.json && " +
                                  $"TZ='{timeZone}' && " +
                                  "export TZ && " +
                                  $"oref0-autotune --dir=$AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR --ns-host={nsUrl} --start-date={DateTime.Now.AddDays(-daysDuration):yyyy-MM-dd} --end-date={DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1):yyyy-MM-dd} --categorize-uam-as-basal={(uamAsBasal ? "true" : "false")}" +

                var task = new CloudTask("Autotune", commandLine);

                // The task needs to use the profile.json file previously added to Azure Storage
                task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();
                task.ResourceFiles.Add(ResourceFile.FromUrl(profileUrl, "profile.json"));

                // Capture the recommendations generated by Autotune into Azure Storage
                task.OutputFiles = new List <OutputFile>();
                task.OutputFiles.Add(new OutputFile(
                                         filePattern: "autotune/autotune_recommendations.log",
                                         destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(containerUrl)),
                                         uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion)));
                task.OutputFiles.Add(new OutputFile(
                                         filePattern: "autotune/autotune.*.log",
                                         destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(containerUrl)),
                                         uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion)));
                batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(jobName, task);

                // Get the URL for the JobFinished action that the recommendations can be uploaded to to generate the email
                var uploadUrl         = new Uri(Request.Url, Url.Action("JobFinished", "Results", new { id, key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ResultsCallbackKey"] }));
                var uploadCommandLine = $"wget {uploadUrl}";
                var uploadTask        = new CloudTask("Upload", uploadCommandLine);
                uploadTask.DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnId(task.Id);
                batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(jobName, uploadTask);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private CloudTask CreateReducerTask(string inputContainerSas, string outputContainerSas, IEnumerable <CloudTask> mapperTasks)
            CloudTask unboundReducerTask = new CloudTask(Constants.ReducerTaskId, Constants.ReducerTaskExecutable);

            //The set of files (exes, dlls and configuration files) required to run the reducer task.
            List <ResourceFile> reducerTaskResourceFiles = SampleHelpers.GetResourceFiles(inputContainerSas, Constants.RequiredExecutableFiles);

            //The mapper outputs to reduce
            var mapperOutputs = Enumerable.Range(0, this.textSearchSettings.NumberOfMapperTasks).Select(Helpers.GetMapperTaskId);

            reducerTaskResourceFiles.AddRange(SampleHelpers.GetResourceFiles(outputContainerSas, mapperOutputs));
            unboundReducerTask.ResourceFiles = reducerTaskResourceFiles;

            // Upload the reducer task stdout as the result file for the entire job
            unboundReducerTask.OutputFiles = new List <OutputFile>
                new OutputFile(
                    filePattern: "..\\stdout.txt",
                    destination: new OutputFileDestination(
                        container: new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(outputContainerSas, path: Constants.ReducerTaskResultBlobName)),
                    uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(uploadCondition: OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskSuccess))

            // Depend on the mapper tasks so that they are all complete before the reducer runs
            unboundReducerTask.DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnTasks(mapperTasks);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a task to submit to the Batch instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobId">Desired job id</param>
        /// <param name="imageName">Desired docker image name</param>
        /// <param name="batchClient">The batchclient communicating with the batch instance</param>
        /// <param name="taskEnvironmentSettings">Task's settings</param>
        /// <param name="taskName">The name of the task</param>
        /// <param name="taskDependencies">Dependencies the task has to wait upon</param>
        private static void CreateTask(string jobId, string imageName, BatchClient batchClient, List <EnvironmentSetting> taskEnvironmentSettings,
                                       string taskName, List <string> taskDependencies)
            // Assign the job preparation task to the job
            TaskContainerSettings workerContainer = new TaskContainerSettings(
            CloudTask workerTask = new CloudTask(taskName, "echo here")
                ContainerSettings = workerContainer,
                Id = jobId,
                EnvironmentSettings = taskEnvironmentSettings,
                UserIdentity        = new UserIdentity(new AutoUserSpecification(elevationLevel: ElevationLevel.Admin, scope: AutoUserScope.Task)),
                DependsOn           = TaskDependencies.OnIds(taskDependencies)

            // Commit Job to create it in the service
            batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(jobId, workerTask);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void CreateBatchJob(string jobName, int id, string profileUrl, string containerUrl, string nsUrl, int daysDuration, string timeZone, bool uamAsBasal)
            // Connect to Azure Batch
            var credentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

            using (var batchClient = BatchClient.Open(credentials))
                var poolId = Startup.Configuration["BatchPoolId"];

                // Create the job
                var job = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                job.Id = jobName;
                job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                    PoolId = poolId
                job.UsesTaskDependencies = true;
                job.OnAllTasksComplete   = OnAllTasksComplete.TerminateJob;

                // Add a task to the job to run Autotune
                var commandLine = "/bin/sh -c '" +
                                  "cd \"$AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR\" && " +
                                  "mkdir -p settings && " +
                                  "mv profile.json settings && " +
                                  "cp settings/profile.json settings/pumpprofile.json && " +
                                  "cp settings/profile.json settings/autotune.json && " +
                                  $"TZ='{timeZone}' && " +
                                  "export TZ && " +
                                  $"oref0-autotune --dir=$AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR --ns-host={nsUrl} --start-date={DateTime.Now.AddDays(-daysDuration):yyyy-MM-dd} --end-date={DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1):yyyy-MM-dd} --categorize-uam-as-basal={(uamAsBasal ? "true" : "false")}" +

                var task = new CloudTask("Autotune", commandLine);

                // The task needs to use the profile.json file previously added to Azure Storage
                task.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();
                task.ResourceFiles.Add(ResourceFile.FromUrl(profileUrl, "profile.json"));

                // Capture the recommendations generated by Autotune into Azure Storage
                task.OutputFiles = new List <OutputFile>();
                task.OutputFiles.Add(new OutputFile(
                                         filePattern: "autotune/autotune_recommendations.log",
                                         destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(containerUrl)),
                                         uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion)));
                task.OutputFiles.Add(new OutputFile(
                                         filePattern: "autotune/autotune.*.log",
                                         destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(containerUrl)),
                                         uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion)));

                // Ensure the task still completes even if Autotune fails, as we still want to email the
                // log file with the error details
                task.ExitConditions = new ExitConditions
                    ExitCodes = new List <ExitCodeMapping>(new[]
                        new ExitCodeMapping(1, new ExitOptions {
                            DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Satisfy

                batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(jobName, task);

                // Get the URL for the JobFinished action that the recommendations can be uploaded to to generate the email
                var uploadUrl         = Url.Action("JobFinished", "Results", new { id, key = Startup.Configuration["ResultsCallbackKey"] }, Request.Scheme);
                var uploadCommandLine = $"/bin/sh -c '" +
                                        "cd /usr/src/oref0 && " +
                                        $"wget -O /dev/null -o /dev/null {uploadUrl}\\&commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" +
                var uploadTask = new CloudTask("Upload", uploadCommandLine);
                uploadTask.DependsOn   = TaskDependencies.OnId(task.Id);
                uploadTask.Constraints = new TaskConstraints(maxTaskRetryCount: 2);
                batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(jobName, uploadTask);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            // You may adjust these values to experiment with different compute resource scenarios.
            const string nodeSize  = "standard_d1_v2";
            const string osFamily  = "5";
            const int    nodeCount = 1;

            const string poolId = "TaskDependenciesSamplePool";
            const string jobId  = "TaskDependenciesSampleJob";

            // Amount of time to wait before timing out long-running tasks.
            TimeSpan timeLimit = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

            // Set up access to your Batch account with a BatchClient. Configure your AccountSettings in the
            // Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Samples.Common project within this solution.
            AccountSettings accountSettings = SampleHelpers.LoadAccountSettings();

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(

                using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                    // Create the pool.
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", poolId);
                    CloudPool unboundPool =
                            poolId: poolId,
                            cloudServiceConfiguration: new CloudServiceConfiguration(osFamily),
                            virtualMachineSize: nodeSize,
                            targetDedicatedComputeNodes: nodeCount);
                    await unboundPool.CommitAsync();

                    // Create the job and specify that it uses tasks dependencies.
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating job [{0}]...", jobId);
                    CloudJob unboundJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId,
                                                                              new PoolInformation {
                        PoolId = poolId

                    // IMPORTANT: This is REQUIRED for using task dependencies.
                    unboundJob.UsesTaskDependencies = true;

                    await unboundJob.CommitAsync();

                    // Create the collection of tasks that will be added to the job.
                    List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>
                        // 'Rain' and 'Sun' don't depend on any other tasks
                        new CloudTask("Rain", "cmd.exe /c echo Rain"),
                        new CloudTask("Sun", "cmd.exe /c echo Sun"),

                        // Task 'Flowers' depends on completion of both 'Rain' and 'Sun'
                        // before it is run.
                        new CloudTask("Flowers", "cmd.exe /c echo Flowers")
                            DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnIds("Rain", "Sun")

                        // Tasks 1, 2, and 3 don't depend on any other tasks. Because
                        // we will be using them for a task range dependency, we must
                        // specify string representations of integers as their ids.
                        new CloudTask("1", "cmd.exe /c echo 1"),
                        new CloudTask("2", "cmd.exe /c echo 2"),
                        new CloudTask("3", "cmd.exe /c echo 3"),

                        // Task A is the parent task.
                        new CloudTask("A", "cmd.exe /c echo A")
                            // Specify exit conditions for task A and their dependency actions.
                            ExitConditions = new ExitConditions
                                // If task A exits with a pre-processing error, block any downstream tasks (in this example, task B).
                                PreProcessingError = new ExitOptions
                                    DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                                // If task A exits with the specified error codes, block any downstream tasks (in this example, task B).
                                ExitCodes = new List <ExitCodeMapping>
                                    new ExitCodeMapping(10, new ExitOptions()
                                        DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                                    new ExitCodeMapping(20, new ExitOptions()
                                        DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                                // If task A succeeds or fails with any other error, any downstream tasks become eligible to run
                                // (in this example, task B).
                                Default = new ExitOptions
                                    DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Satisfy
                        // Task B depends on task A. Whether it becomes eligible to run depends on how task A exits.
                        new CloudTask("B", "cmd.exe /c echo B")
                            DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnId("A")

                    // Add the tasks to the job.
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(jobId, tasks);

                    // Pause execution while we wait for the tasks to complete, and notify
                    // whether the tasks completed successfully.
                    Console.WriteLine("Waiting for task completion...");
                    CloudJob job = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId);

                    await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll(

                    Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed successfully.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred.");
                using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                    CloudJob job = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId);

                    // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                    Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                    string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                        await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                    Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                    response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                        await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            // You may adjust these values to experiment with different compute resource scenarios.
            const string nodeSize  = "small";
            const string osFamily  = "4";
            const int    nodeCount = 1;

            const string poolId = "TaskDependenciesSamplePool";
            const string jobId  = "TaskDependenciesSampleJob";

            // Amount of time to wait before timing out long-running tasks.
            TimeSpan timeLimit = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);

            // Set up access to your Batch account with a BatchClient. Configure your AccountSettings in the
            // Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Samples.Common project within this solution.
            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(AccountSettings.Default.BatchServiceUrl,

            using (BatchClient batchClient = await BatchClient.OpenAsync(cred))
                // Create the pool.
                Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", poolId);
                CloudPool unboundPool =
                    batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(poolId: poolId,
                                                          cloudServiceConfiguration: new CloudServiceConfiguration(osFamily),
                                                          virtualMachineSize: nodeSize,
                                                          targetDedicated: nodeCount);
                await unboundPool.CommitAsync();

                // Create the job and specify that it uses tasks dependencies.
                Console.WriteLine("Creating job [{0}]...", jobId);
                CloudJob unboundJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId,
                                                                          new PoolInformation {
                    PoolId = poolId

                // IMPORTANT: This is REQUIRED for using task dependencies.
                unboundJob.UsesTaskDependencies = true;

                await unboundJob.CommitAsync();

                // Create the collection of tasks that will be added to the job.
                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>
                    // 'Rain' and 'Sun' don't depend on any other tasks
                    new CloudTask("Rain", "cmd.exe /c echo Rain"),
                    new CloudTask("Sun", "cmd.exe /c echo Sun"),

                    // Task 'Flowers' depends on completion of both 'Rain' and 'Sun'
                    // before it is run.
                    new CloudTask("Flowers", "cmd.exe /c echo Flowers")
                        DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnIds("Rain", "Sun")

                    // Tasks 1, 2, and 3 don't depend on any other tasks. Because
                    // we will be using them for a task range dependency, we must
                    // specify string representations of integers as their ids.
                    new CloudTask("1", "cmd.exe /c echo 1"),
                    new CloudTask("2", "cmd.exe /c echo 2"),
                    new CloudTask("3", "cmd.exe /c echo 3"),

                    // Task 4 depends on a range of tasks, 1 through 3
                    new CloudTask("4", "cmd.exe /c echo 4")
                        // To use a range of tasks, their ids must be integer values.
                        // Note that we pass integers as parameters to TaskIdRange,
                        // but their ids (above) are string representations of the ids.
                        DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnIdRange(1, 3)

                    // Task 5 depends on a range of tasks, 1 through 3, and 'Flowers'
                    new CloudTask("5", "cmd.exe /c echo 5")
                        DependsOn = new TaskDependencies(
                            new[] { "Flowers" },
                            new[] { new TaskIdRange(1, 3) })

                // Add the tasks to the job.
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(jobId, tasks);

                // Pause execution while we wait for the tasks to complete, and notify
                // whether the tasks completed successfully.
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting for task completion...");
                CloudJob job = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId);

                    await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll(

                    Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed successfully.");
                catch (TimeoutException e)

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountName) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountKey) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountUrl) ||
                String.IsNullOrEmpty(StorageAccountName) ||
                throw new InvalidOperationException("One or more account credential strings have not been populated. Please ensure that your Batch and Storage account credentials have been specified.");

                Console.WriteLine("Sample start: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

                // Create the blob client, for use in obtaining references to blob storage containers
                (CloudBlobClient, CloudStorageAccount)cc = CreateCloudBlobClient(StorageAccountName, StorageAccountKey);
                CloudBlobClient     blobClient           = cc.Item1;
                CloudStorageAccount linkedStorageAccount = cc.Item2;

                // Use the blob client to create the input container in Azure Storage
                const string       inputContainerName = "input";
                CloudBlobContainer container          = blobClient.GetContainerReference(inputContainerName);

                // The collection of data files that are to be processed by the tasks
                List <string> inputFilePaths = new List <string> {

                // Upload the data files to Azure Storage. This is the data that will be processed by each of the tasks that are
                // executed on the compute nodes within the pool.
                UploadFileToContainer(blobClient, inputContainerName, "input.txt");

                // Get a Batch client using account creds
                BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(BatchAccountUrl, BatchAccountName, BatchAccountKey);

                using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating pool [{0}]...", PoolId);

                    // Create a Windows Server image, VM configuration, Batch pool
                    ImageReference imageReference = CreateImageReference();
                    VirtualMachineConfiguration vmConfiguration = CreateVirtualMachineConfiguration(imageReference);
                    CreateBatchPool(batchClient, vmConfiguration);

                    // Create a Batch job
                    Console.WriteLine("Creating job [{0}]...", JobId);

                        CloudJob job = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                        job.Id = JobId;
                        job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                            PoolId = PoolId
                        job.UsesTaskDependencies = true;

                        // Create the blob storage container for the outputs.
                        Task t1 = job.PrepareOutputStorageAsync(linkedStorageAccount);

                        string containerName = job.OutputStorageContainerName();
                        string containerUrl  = job.GetOutputStorageContainerUrl(linkedStorageAccount);
                        job.CommonEnvironmentSettings = new[] { new EnvironmentSetting("JOB_CONTAINER_URL", containerUrl) };

                    catch (BatchException be)
                        // Accept the specific error code JobExists as that is expected if the job already exists
                        if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobExists)
                            Console.WriteLine("The job {0} already existed when we tried to create it", JobId);
                            throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                    // Create a collection to hold the tasks that we'll be adding to the job
                    List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

                    // Create each of the tasks to process one of the input files.
                    string lastTaskId = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        string    taskId = String.Format("Task{0}", i);
                        CloudTask task;
                        // first task
                        if (lastTaskId == null)
                            //task = new CloudTask(taskId, $"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_TESTBATCHAPP%\\testbatchapp.exe {i}")
                            task = new CloudTask(taskId, $"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_HPCAPP%\\testbatchapp.exe {i}")
                                ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                                        //ApplicationId = "testbatchapp",
                                        ApplicationId = "hpcapp" //,
                                                                 //Version = "1.1"
                            // task = new CloudTask(taskId, $"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_TESTBATCHAPP%\\testbatchapp.exe {i}")
                            task = new CloudTask(taskId, $"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_HPCAPP%\\testbatchapp.exe {i}")
                                ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                                    new ApplicationPackageReference
                                        //  ApplicationId = "testbatchapp",
                                        ApplicationId = "hpcapp" //,
                                                                 //Version = "1.1"

                            task.DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnId(lastTaskId);

                        lastTaskId = taskId;

                    // Add all tasks to the job.
                    batchClient.JobOperations.AddTask(JobId, tasks);

                    // Monitor task success/failure, specifying a maximum amount of time to wait for the tasks to complete.
                    TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
                    Console.WriteLine("Monitoring all tasks for 'Completed' state, timeout in {0}...", timeout);

                    IEnumerable <CloudTask> addedTasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);

                    batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WaitAll(addedTasks, TaskState.Completed, timeout);

                    Console.WriteLine("All tasks reached state Completed.");

                    // Print task output
                    Console.WriteLine("Printing task output...");

                    IEnumerable <CloudTask> completedtasks = batchClient.JobOperations.ListTasks(JobId);
                    foreach (CloudTask task in completedtasks)
                        List <Task> readTasks = new List <Task>();
                        foreach (OutputFileReference output in task.OutputStorage(linkedStorageAccount).ListOutputs(TaskOutputKind.TaskOutput))
                            // Console.WriteLine($"output file: {output.FilePath}");
                            readTasks.Add(output.DownloadToFileAsync($"{JobId}-{output.FilePath}", System.IO.FileMode.Create));


                    // Print out some timing info
                    Console.WriteLine("Sample end: {0}", DateTime.Now);
                    Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}", timer.Elapsed);

                    // Clean up Storage resources
                    Console.WriteLine("Container [{0}] deleted.", inputContainerName);

                    // Clean up Batch resources (if the user so chooses)
                    Console.Write("Delete job? [yes] no: ");
                    string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")

                    Console.Write("Delete pool? [yes] no: ");
                    response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                Console.WriteLine("Sample complete, hit ENTER to exit...");
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates tasks to process each of the specified input files, and submits them to the
        /// specified job for execution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="batchClient">A <see cref="BatchClient"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="jobId">The id of the job to which the tasks should be added.</param>
        /// <param name="inputFiles">A collection of <see cref="ResourceFile"/> objects representing the input files to be
        /// processed by the tasks executed on the compute nodes.</param>
        /// <param name="outputContainerSasUrl">The shared access signature URL for the container within Azure Storage that
        /// will receive the output files created by the tasks.</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of the submitted tasks.</returns>
        private static async Task <List <CloudTask> > AddTasksAsync(BatchClient batchClient, string jobId, List <ResourceFile> inputFiles, string outputContainerSasUrl, CloudStorageAccount linkedStorageAccount)
            Console.WriteLine("Adding {0} tasks to job [{1}]...", inputFiles.Count, jobId);

            // Create a collection to hold the tasks that we'll be adding to the job
            List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>();

            // Create each of the tasks. Because we copied the task application to the
            // node's shared directory with the pool's StartTask, we can access it via
            // the shared directory on whichever node each task will run.
            foreach (ResourceFile inputFile in inputFiles)
                string taskId = $"task-mapper-{inputFiles.IndexOf(inputFile)}";
                string mapperTaskCommandLine = $"{BatchJobTaskMapperCommandline} {inputFile.FilePath}";

                CloudTask mapper = new CloudTask(taskId, mapperTaskCommandLine)
                    OutputFiles = new List <OutputFile>
                        new OutputFile(filePattern: TaskMapOutputFilePattern,
                                       destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(containerUrl: outputContainerSasUrl, path: $"{taskId}.txt")),
                                       uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(
                                           uploadCondition: OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion))
                    ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile> {

            string    reducerTaskId          = "task-reducer";
            string    reducerTaskCommandLine = BatchJobTaskReducerCommandline;
            CloudTask reducer = new CloudTask(reducerTaskId, reducerTaskCommandLine)
                DependsOn   = TaskDependencies.OnTasks(tasks),
                OutputFiles = new List <OutputFile>
                    new OutputFile(filePattern: TaskReduceOutputFilePattern,
                                   destination: new OutputFileDestination(new OutputFileBlobContainerDestination(containerUrl: outputContainerSasUrl, path: reducerTaskId)),
                                   uploadOptions: new OutputFileUploadOptions(
                                       uploadCondition: OutputFileUploadCondition.TaskCompletion))

            var reducerInputFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();

            // define the input files for the reducer task
            foreach (var maptask in tasks)
                foreach (var outFile in maptask.OutputFiles)
                    // ensure that the container SAS has the following rights: write|read|list - otherwise we can't download the files
                    var sasContainerUrl = outFile.Destination.Container.ContainerUrl;
                    var blobName        = outFile.Destination.Container.Path;
                    var sasBlob         = sasContainerUrl.Insert(sasContainerUrl.IndexOf('?'), $"/{blobName}");
                    reducerInputFiles.Add(new ResourceFile(sasBlob, blobName));
            reducer.ResourceFiles = reducerInputFiles;


            // Add the tasks as a collection opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task submission
            // helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service.
            await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(jobId, tasks);

Exemplo n.º 10
 public void ProvideDependencies(TaskDependencies deps)
     _taskDependencies = deps;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            const int nodeCount = 1;

            string poolId = "TaskDependenciesSamplePool";
            string jobId  = "TaskDependenciesJob";

            var settings = Config.LoadAccountSettings();

            BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(settings.BatchServiceUrl, settings.BatchAccountName, settings.BatchAccountKey);

            using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred))
                var pool = await BatchUtils.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId, lowPriorityNodes : nodeCount);

                var job = await BatchUtils.CreateJobIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, pool.Id, jobId, usesTaskDependencies : true);

                string taskOutputFile = "$AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/task_output.txt";

                // Create the collection of tasks that will be added to the job.
                List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>
                    // 'Rain' and 'Sun' don't depend on any other tasks
                    new CloudTask("Rain", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo Rain >> {taskOutputFile}\""),
                    new CloudTask("Sun", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo Sun >> {taskOutputFile}\""),

                    // Task 'Flowers' depends on completion of both 'Rain' and 'Sun'
                    // before it is run.
                    new CloudTask("Flowers", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo Flowers >> {taskOutputFile}\"")
                        DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnIds("Rain", "Sun")

                    // Tasks 1, 2, and 3 don't depend on any other tasks. Because
                    // we will be using them for a task range dependency, we must
                    // specify string representations of integers as their ids.
                    new CloudTask("1", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo 1  >> {taskOutputFile}\""),
                    new CloudTask("2", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo 2  >> {taskOutputFile}\""),
                    new CloudTask("3", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo 3  >> {taskOutputFile}\""),

                    // Task dependency on ID range
                    new CloudTask("Final", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo Final >> {taskOutputFile}\"")
                        DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnIdRange(1, 3)

                    // Task A is the parent task.
                    new CloudTask("A", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo A  >> {taskOutputFile}\"")
                        // Specify exit conditions for task A and their dependency actions.
                        ExitConditions = new ExitConditions
                            // If task A exits with a pre-processing error, block any downstream tasks (in this example, task B).
                            PreProcessingError = new ExitOptions
                                DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                            // If task A exits with the specified error codes, block any downstream tasks (in this example, task B).
                            ExitCodes = new List <ExitCodeMapping>
                                new ExitCodeMapping(10, new ExitOptions()
                                    DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                                new ExitCodeMapping(20, new ExitOptions()
                                    DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Block
                            // If task A succeeds or fails with any other error, any downstream tasks become eligible to run
                            // (in this example, task B).
                            Default = new ExitOptions
                                DependencyAction = DependencyAction.Satisfy
                    // Task B depends on task A. Whether it becomes eligible to run depends on how task A exits.
                    new CloudTask("B", $"/bin/bash -c \"echo B  >> {taskOutputFile}\"")
                        DependsOn = TaskDependencies.OnId("A")
                // Add the tasks in one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task
                // submission helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service.
                Console.WriteLine("Submitting tasks and awaiting completion...");
                await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(job.Id, tasks);

                // Wait for the tasks to complete before proceeding. The long timeout here is to allow time
                // for the nodes within the pool to be created and started if the pool had not yet been created.
                await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll(

                Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed.");

                // Print the contents of the shared text file modified by the job preparation and other tasks.
                ODATADetailLevel nodeDetail          = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id, state");
                IPagedEnumerable <ComputeNode> nodes = batchClient.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(poolId, nodeDetail);
                await nodes.ForEachAsync(async (node) =>
                    // Check to ensure that the node is Idle before attempting to pull the text file.
                    // If the pool was just created, there is a chance that another node completed all
                    // of the tasks prior to the other node(s) completing their startup procedure.
                    if (node.State == ComputeNodeState.Idle)
                        NodeFile sharedTextFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync("shared/task_output.txt");
                        Console.WriteLine("Contents of {0} on {1}:", sharedTextFile.Path, node.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine(await sharedTextFile.ReadAsStringAsync());

                // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account
                Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no");
                string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    // Note that deleting the job will execute the job release task if the job was not previously terminated
                    await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id);

                Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no");
                response = Console.ReadLine();
                if (response != "n" && response != "no")
                    await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId);