/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void CleanUpPartialOutputForTask(TaskAttemptContext context)
            // we double check this is never invoked from a non-preemptable subclass.
            // This should never happen, since the invoking codes is checking it too,
            // but it is safer to double check. Errors handling this would produce
            // inconsistent output.
            if (!this.GetType().IsAnnotationPresent(typeof(Checkpointable)))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invoking cleanUpPartialOutputForTask() " + "from non @Preemptable class"
            FileSystem fs = FsFor(GetTaskAttemptPath(context), context.GetConfiguration());

            Log.Info("cleanUpPartialOutputForTask: removing everything belonging to " + context
                     .GetTaskAttemptID().GetTaskID() + " in: " + GetCommittedTaskPath(context).GetParent
            TaskAttemptID taid    = context.GetTaskAttemptID();
            TaskID        tid     = taid.GetTaskID();
            Path          pCommit = GetCommittedTaskPath(context).GetParent();

            // remove any committed output
            for (int i = 0; i < taid.GetId(); ++i)
                TaskAttemptID oldId = new TaskAttemptID(tid, i);
                Path          pTask = new Path(pCommit, oldId.ToString());
                if (fs.Exists(pTask) && !fs.Delete(pTask, true))
                    throw new IOException("Failed to delete " + pTask);
            /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
            /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
            protected override void Reduce(Text key, IEnumerable <IntWritable> values, Reducer.Context
                // Make one reducer slower for speculative execution
                TaskAttemptID taid                  = context.GetTaskAttemptID();
                long          sleepTime             = 100;
                Configuration conf                  = context.GetConfiguration();
                bool          test_speculate_reduce = conf.GetBoolean(MRJobConfig.ReduceSpeculative, false

                //   Make the "*_r_000000_0" attempt take much longer than the others.
                //   When speculative execution is enabled, this should cause the attempt
                //   to be killed and restarted. At that point, the attempt ID will be
                //   "*_r_000000_1", so sleepTime will still remain 100ms.
                if ((taid.GetTaskType() == TaskType.Reduce) && test_speculate_reduce && (taid.GetTaskID
                                                                                             ().GetId() == 0) && (taid.GetId() == 0))
                    sleepTime = 10000;
                catch (Exception)
                // Ignore
                context.Write(key, new IntWritable(0));