Exemplo n.º 1
 void Start()
     state  = TargetingState.None;
     textui = GameObject.Find("Text").GetComponent <Text>();
     ImageTracker.TargetLoad   += ImageTracker_TargetLoad;
     ImageTracker.TargetUnload += ImageTracker_TargetUnload;
    void HotKeys()
        // Cancelling skill targeting.
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))

        // Selecting a skill with the number keys.
        for (int i = 0; i < m_AbilityHotkeys.Length; i++)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(m_AbilityHotkeys[i]))
                // Make sure the player can use the skill before selecting it.
                if (m_SelectedUnit.GetSkill(i).GetCurrentCooldown() == 0 && m_SelectedUnit.GetActionPoints() >= m_SelectedUnit.GetSkill(i).m_Cost)

        // Show health bars of player units and active enemies.
        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Tab))
            foreach (Unit u in UnitsManager.m_Instance.m_PlayerUnits)
            foreach (Unit u in UnitsManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveEnemyUnits)

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
            // If the turn ended, forget things for the next turn.
            if (BattleManager.m_Instance.TryEndTurn())
                m_TargetingState = TargetingState.Move;
                // Remove all the highlights
                if (m_SelectedUnit)
                    foreach (Node n in m_SelectedUnit.m_MovableNodes)
                foreach (Node n in m_maxSkillRange)

                m_SelectedUnit = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public TowerTargeting(Tower tower,
                          CreepsManager creepsManager)
        _tower         = tower;
        _creepsManager = creepsManager;

        Target          = null;
        _targetingState = TargetingState.NeedNewTarget;
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void StartTarget(TargetingState tempState, int tempDistance, GameObject objectControl)
        TargetState   = tempState;
        Distance      = tempDistance;
        ObjectControl = objectControl;

        Player.GetComponent <InputAction>().enabled = false;

        MessageWindow.GetComponent <MessageWindow>().AddText("Please select a target.");
        TargetReady = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Select a skill.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="skill"> The skill being selected. </param>
    public void SkillSelection(BaseSkill skill, SkillButton button)
        if (ParticlesManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveSkill != null)        // || (ParticlesManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveSkill.m_Skill != null && ParticlesManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveSkill.m_Targets != null))
            Debug.LogWarning($"<color=#9c4141>[Skill]</color> {ParticlesManager.m_Instance.m_ActiveSkill.m_Skill.m_SkillName} is currently active!");
        // Don't allow progress if the character is an enemy (player can mouse over for info, but not use the skill)
        if (m_SelectedUnit.GetAllegiance() == Allegiance.Enemy)

        // Make sure the player has a unit selected.
        if (m_SelectedUnit != null)
            // Check if the skill being cast is the heal skill.
            HealSkill hs = skill as HealSkill;
            if (hs != null)
                // Check if this unit has Pestilence's passive (should be Pestilence but you never know).
                PestilencePassive pesPassive = m_SelectedUnit.GetPassiveSkill() as PestilencePassive;
                if (pesPassive != null)
                    // If there is no heal resource remaining, output warning about it and leave function.
                    if (pesPassive.GetHealResource() < pesPassive.m_HealResourceCastCost)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Not enough heal resource for Pestilence to heal with.");

            // Make sure the unit can afford to cast the skill and the skill isn't on cooldown before selecting it.
            // Just in case.
            if (m_SelectedUnit.GetActionPoints() >= skill.m_Cost && skill.GetCurrentCooldown() == 0)
                foreach (SkillButton b in UIManager.m_Instance.m_SkillSlots)
                    b.m_LightningImage.materialForRendering.SetFloat("_UIVerticalPan", 0);
                button.m_LightningImage.materialForRendering.SetFloat("_UIVerticalPan", 1);

                // Update the GameManager's fields
                m_SelectedSkill  = skill;
                m_TargetingState = TargetingState.Skill;

                // Get the new affectable area.
                m_maxSkillRange = Grid.m_Instance.GetNodesWithinRadius(m_SelectedSkill.m_CastableDistance + m_SelectedSkill.m_AffectedRange, Grid.m_Instance.GetNode(m_SelectedUnit.transform.position), true);

Exemplo n.º 6
 private void SetState()
     if (RobotObject.transform.position == FirstLocation.transform.position)
         state = TargetingState.First;
     else if (RobotObject.transform.position == SecondLocation.transform.position)
         state = TargetingState.Second;
     else if (RobotObject.transform.position == ThirdLocation.transform.position)
         state = TargetingState.Three;
Exemplo n.º 7
    void FindNewTarget()
        float shortestDistance = Mathf.Infinity;
        Creep nearestEnemy     = null;

        foreach (Creep creep in _creepsManager.CreepsAlive)
            float distanceToEnemy = Vector3.Distance(_tower.transform.position, creep.transform.position);

            if (distanceToEnemy < shortestDistance)
                shortestDistance = distanceToEnemy;
                nearestEnemy     = creep;

        if (nearestEnemy != null && shortestDistance <= _tower.TowerParameters.Range)
            Target          = nearestEnemy.transform;
            _targetingState = TargetingState.TargetDefined;
    void CancelSkill()
        if (m_TargetingState == TargetingState.Skill)
            foreach (SkillButton button in UIManager.m_Instance.m_SkillSlots)
                button.m_LightningImage.materialForRendering.SetFloat("_UIVerticalPan", 0);

            m_TargetingState = TargetingState.Move;


            m_SelectedSkill = null;

            foreach (Unit unaffectedUnit in m_AffectedUnits)             // No longer affected units
                unaffectedUnit.m_Healthbar.m_KeepFocus = false;
                unaffectedUnit.m_Healthbar.ChangeFill((float)unaffectedUnit.GetCurrentHealth() / unaffectedUnit.GetStartingHealth(), HealthbarContainer.Heathbars.Both);
Exemplo n.º 9
 void TargetNoLongerAvailable()
     Target          = null;
     _targetingState = TargetingState.NeedNewTarget;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize reticle and targeting state to default
 /// </summary>
 private void Reinitialize () {
     if (Controller.playerTurn) {
         MoveablePlayerUnits = new UnitsCollection(Controller.PlayerUnits.Living());
         Currently = TargetingState.Selecting;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called on target acquired
        /// </summary>
        private void TargetAcquired () {
            Target = Reticle.SelectedUnit;
            EventSystem.Trigger<TargetAcquired, Unit, Unit>(Targeter, Target);

            if (MoveablePlayerUnits.Count == 0) {
            } else {
                Currently = TargetingState.Selecting;
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when targeter selected
 /// </summary>
 private void TargeterSelected () {
     Targeter = Reticle.SelectedUnit;
     Currently = TargetingState.Targeting;