Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads current TargetedCOntent COnfiguration and populates RuleSets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TargetedContentData LoadTargetConfigurationData()
            //if (TargetConfigurationId == 0)
            //    if (Session[Page.ClientID + "_TargetConfigurationId"] != null)
            //    {
            //        long targetId = 0;
            //        long.TryParse(Session[Page.ClientID + "_TargetConfigurationId"].ToString(), out targetId);
            //        TargetConfigurationId = targetId;
            //    }

            if (_targetedContent == null)
                _targetedContent = GetTargetConfiguration(TargetConfigurationId);

            if (_targetedContent != null)
                if (Rulesets == null)
                    Rulesets = new List<string>();

                if (RulesetNames == null)
                    RulesetNames = new List<string>();

                _targetedContent.Segments.ForEach(delegate(SegmentData p)

            return _targetedContent;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the persona definition for the supplied ID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TargetedContentData GetTargetConfiguration(long targetContentId)
            TargetedContentData tc = null;

            if (targetContentId > 0)
                tc = TargetContentManager.GetItem(targetContentId);
            if (tc == null)
                //New target Content Data
                tc = new TargetedContentData();
                SegmentData p = new SegmentData() { };

                tc.PageData = new PageData();//PageData.Restore(pageXml);
                tc.PageData.Zones = new List<DropZoneData>();
                tc.PageData.Zones.Add(new DropZoneData());
                tc.PageData.Zones[0].Columns = new List<ColumnDataSerialize>();

            return tc;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads TargetContent Property based on legact widget properties
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadLegacyWidget()
            //this is an upgraded version of the widget.
            //Load New TargetContent data object from legacy properties

            _targetedContent = new TargetedContentData();
            SegmentData p = new SegmentData() { };

            _targetedContent.PageData = new PageData();
            _targetedContent.PageData.Zones = new List<DropZoneData>();
            _targetedContent.PageData.Zones.Add(new DropZoneData());
            _targetedContent.PageData.Zones[0].Columns = new List<ColumnDataSerialize>();

            for (int index = 0; index < Rulesets.Count; index++)
                List<Rule> rules = Ektron.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Rule>>(Rulesets[index]);
                if (rules == null)
                    rules = new List<Rule>();

                SegmentData segment = new SegmentData() { Name = RulesetNames[index] };
                segment.Rules = rules;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the supplied TargetedContent Configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetConfiguration"></param>
        public void SaveConfiguration(TargetedContentData targetConfiguration)
            //update TargetedContentConfiguration properties with current widget configuration
            targetConfiguration.PageData.Zones[0].Columns = Ektron.Cms.PageBuilder.ColumnData.ConvertToColumnDataSerializeList(_currentColumns);

            //get list of child column Ids
            List<Guid> columnIdList = new List<Guid>();
            _currentColumns.ForEach(c => columnIdList.Add(c.Guid));

            //Get all widgets  that targeted content uses.
            Ektron.Cms.PageBuilder.PageBuilder pb = this.Page as Ektron.Cms.PageBuilder.PageBuilder;
            targetConfiguration.PageData.Widgets = pb.Pagedata.Widgets.FindAll(w => columnIdList.Contains(w.ColumnGuid));

            //remove targetcontent widgets from pagebuilder page.
            //they wil be added at runtime when the targeted content configuration is loaded.
            //targetConfiguration.PageData.Widgets.ForEach(w => pb.Pagedata.Widgets.Remove(w));

            if (targetConfiguration.Id == 0)
                Criteria<TargetedContentProperty> criteria = new Criteria<TargetedContentProperty>();
                criteria.AddFilter(TargetedContentProperty.Name, CriteriaFilterOperator.Contains, targetConfiguration.Name);
                List<TargetedContentData> list = TargetContentManager.GetList(criteria);

                if (list.Count > 0)
                    targetConfiguration.Name = string.Format("{0}({1})", targetConfiguration.Name, list.Count);


            TargetConfigurationId = targetConfiguration.Id;