static async Task DamageLandWithinRange(TargetSpaceCtx ctx, int range)
        // !!! could make this a single SpaceToken step.
        var space = await ctx.Decision(new Select.Space("Select land for 1 Damage", ctx.Range(range), Present.Always));

        await ctx.Target(space).DamageInvaders(1);
Exemplo n.º 2
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpaceCtx ctx)
        // destroy all explorers.
        await ctx.Invaders.Destroy(int.MaxValue, Invader.Explorer);

        // Add 1 wilds.
        await ctx.Wilds.Add(1);

        // Add 1 wilds in the originating Sands.
        // !! won't find original if this was picked using a range-extender - would need to capture that info during the targetting process
        var originatingOptions = ctx.Range(1)
                                 .Where(a => ctx.Self.Presence.Spaces.Contains(a) && a.IsSand)
        var originalCtx = await ctx.SelectSpace("Select origination space", originatingOptions, Present.AutoSelectSingle);

        if (originalCtx != null)
            await originalCtx.Wilds.Add(1);

        // 1 damage per wilds in / adjacent to target land.
        int wildsDamage = ctx.Space.Range(1).Sum(s => ctx.Target(s).Wilds.Count);

        // if you have 2 fire, 3 plant: // +1 damage per wilds in / adjacent to target land.
        if (await ctx.YouHave("2 fire,3 plant"))
            wildsDamage += wildsDamage;

        await ctx.DamageInvaders(wildsDamage);
Exemplo n.º 3
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpaceCtx ctx)
        // 2 fear

        // for each of your SS in / adjacent to target land, 2 damage
        int sacredSiteCount = ctx.Range(1).Intersect(ctx.Self.Presence.SacredSites).Count();
        await ctx.DamageInvaders(2 *sacredSiteCount);

        // destroy all dahan
        await ctx.DestroyDahan(int.MaxValue);
    static async Task AddStrifeToLandWithinRange(TargetSpaceCtx ctx, int range)
        var space = await ctx.Decision(new Select.Space("Add Strife", ctx.Range(range), Present.Always));

        await ctx.Target(space).AddStrife();
    static async Task AddTokenToLandWithinRange(TargetSpaceCtx ctx, Token token, int range)
        var space = await ctx.Decision(new Select.Space($"Add {token.Text}", ctx.Range(range), Present.Always));

        await ctx.Target(space).Tokens.Add(token, 1);
 static int BlightInOrAdjacent(TargetSpaceCtx ctx) => ctx.Range(1).Sum(s => ctx.Target(s).Blight.Count);
Exemplo n.º 7
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpaceCtx ctx)
        // add 2 disease
        var disease = ctx.Disease;
        await disease.Add(2);

        // for each disease in target land, defend 1 in target and all adjacent lands
        foreach (var adjacent in ctx.Adjacent)

        // if you have 2 earthn 4 animal:
        if (await ctx.YouHave("2 earth,4 animal"))
            // 2 fear.
            // For each disease in target land, do 1 damage in target or adjacent land
            int damage = disease.Count;
            var space  = await ctx.Decision(new Select.Space($"Select space to apply {damage} damage", ctx.Range(1), Present.Always));             // can we wrap this and make it easier to call?

            await ctx.Target(space).DamageInvaders(damage);