Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateNewPubTargets()
            var targetTypeList = GetTargetTypes();
            var pubTargets     = GetPublicationTargets();

            foreach (var target in _targets)
                // Do not add when publish target is existing
                if (!pubTargets.Exists(pt => pt.Title == target.Name))
                    // Lookup wanted target type and publication
                    var wantedTargetType = targetTypeList.First(tt => tt.Title == target.TargetType);
                    var wantedPub        = GetPublication(target.LinkedPublicationPrefix);
                    if (wantedPub == null)
                        throw new Exception("Could not find a publication starting with " + target.LinkedPublicationPrefix);

                    // Setup new Pub Target object
                    var pt = _core.GetDefaultData(ItemType.PublicationTarget, null) as PublicationTargetData;
                    pt.Title        = target.Name;
                    pt.Description  = target.Description;
                    pt.Publications = new[] { new LinkToPublicationData()
                                                  IdRef = wantedPub.Id
                                              } };
                    pt.TargetTypes = new[] { new LinkToTargetTypeData()
                                                 IdRef = wantedTargetType.Id
                                             } };
                    pt.TargetLanguage = "None";
                    TargetDestinationData destination = new TargetDestinationData
                        ProtocolSchema = new LinkToSchemaData {
                            IdRef = "tcm:0-6-8"
                        Title        = target.DestinationName,
                        ProtocolData =
                            "<HTTPS xmlns=\"http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0/Protocol/HTTPS\"><UserName>n/a</UserName><Password>n/a</Password><URL>" +
                            target.Url + "</URL></HTTPS>"
                    pt.Destinations = new[] { destination };

                    _core.Create(pt, _readOpts);
        public void CreateNewPubTargets()
            var targetTypeList = GetTargetTypes();
            var pubTargets = GetPublicationTargets();
            foreach (var target in _targets)
                // Do not add when publish target is existing
                if (!pubTargets.Exists(pt => pt.Title == target.Name))
                    // Lookup wanted target type and publication
                    var wantedTargetType = targetTypeList.First(tt => tt.Title == target.TargetType);
                    var wantedPub = GetPublication(target.LinkedPublicationPrefix);
                    if (wantedPub == null)
                        throw new Exception("Could not find a publication starting with " + target.LinkedPublicationPrefix);

                    // Setup new Pub Target object
                    var pt = _core.GetDefaultData(ItemType.PublicationTarget, null) as PublicationTargetData;
                    pt.Title = target.Name;
                    pt.Description = target.Description;
                    pt.Publications = new[] { new LinkToPublicationData() { IdRef = wantedPub.Id } };
                    pt.TargetTypes = new[] { new LinkToTargetTypeData() { IdRef = wantedTargetType.Id } };
                    pt.TargetLanguage = "None";
                    TargetDestinationData destination = new TargetDestinationData
                        ProtocolSchema = new LinkToSchemaData { IdRef = "tcm:0-6-8" },
                        Title = target.DestinationName,
                        ProtocolData =
                            "<HTTPS xmlns=\"http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0/Protocol/HTTPS\"><UserName>n/a</UserName><Password>n/a</Password><URL>" +
                            target.Url + "</URL></HTTPS>"
                    pt.Destinations = new[] { destination };

                    _core.Create(pt, _readOpts);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TargetDestination"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="client"><see cref="T:TcmCoreService.Client" /></param>
 /// <param name="binaryContentData"><see cref="T:Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.TargetDestinationData" /></param>
 public TargetDestination(Client client, TargetDestinationData targetDestinationData)
     : base(client)
     mTargetDestinationData = targetDestinationData;
        internal void CreatePublicationTarget(XElement site, WebsiteHelper.TargetLanguage language)
            string targetName   = site.Element("Name").Value;
            string targetTypeId = TcmUri.UriNull;
            string url          = string.Empty;

            if (language == WebsiteHelper.TargetLanguage.Aspnet || language == WebsiteHelper.TargetLanguage.REL)
                url = "http://localhost:" + site.Element("Port").Value + "/httpupload.aspx";
            else if (language == WebsiteHelper.TargetLanguage.Jsp)
                url = "http://localhost:" + site.Element("Port").Value + "/" + site.Element("ContextRoot").Value + "/httpupload";

            TargetTypesFilterData filter = new TargetTypesFilterData();

            //filter.ForRepository.IdRef = Configuration.WebsitePublicationId;
            foreach (XElement node in _client.GetSystemWideListXml(filter).Nodes())
                if (node.Attribute("Title").Value.Equals(targetName))
                    targetTypeId = node.Attribute("ID").Value;
            if (targetTypeId.Equals(TcmUri.UriNull))
                TargetTypeData targetType =
                    (TargetTypeData)_client.GetDefaultData(ItemType.TargetType, null);
                targetType.Title       = targetName;
                targetType.Description = targetName;
                targetType             = (TargetTypeData)_client.Save(targetType, _readOptions);
                targetTypeId           = targetType.Id;

            PublicationTargetsFilterData pFilter = new PublicationTargetsFilterData();
            string pTargetId = TcmUri.UriNull;

            foreach (XElement node in _client.GetSystemWideListXml(pFilter).Nodes())
                if (node.Attribute("Title").Value.Equals(targetName))
                    pTargetId = node.Attribute("ID").Value;
            if (pTargetId.Equals(TcmUri.UriNull))
                PublicationTargetData pt =
                    (PublicationTargetData)_client.GetDefaultData(ItemType.PublicationTarget, null);
                pt.Title        = targetName;
                pt.Description  = targetName;
                pt.Publications = new[] { new LinkToPublicationData {
                                              IdRef = Configuration.WebsitePublicationId
                                          } };
                pt.TargetTypes = new[] { new LinkToTargetTypeData {
                                             IdRef = targetTypeId
                                         } };

                SchemaData protocolSchema = (SchemaData)_client.Read("/webdav//HTTPS.xsd", _readOptions);


                TargetDestinationData destination = new TargetDestinationData
                    ProtocolSchema = new LinkToSchemaData {
                        IdRef = protocolSchema.Id
                    Title        = targetName,
                    ProtocolData =
                        "<HTTPS xmlns=\"" + protocolSchema.NamespaceUri + "\"><UserName>notused</UserName><Password>notused</Password><URL>" +
                        url + "</URL></HTTPS>"
                pt.Destinations = new[] { destination };
                if (language == WebsiteHelper.TargetLanguage.Aspnet)
                    pt.TargetLanguage = "ASP.NET";
                    pt.TargetLanguage = "JSP";

                _client.Save(pt, null);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TargetDestination"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="client"><see cref="T:TcmCoreService.Client" /></param>
 /// <param name="binaryContentData"><see cref="T:Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.TargetDestinationData" /></param>
 public TargetDestination(Client client, TargetDestinationData targetDestinationData) : base(client)
     mTargetDestinationData = targetDestinationData;