Exemplo n.º 1
    public void DidRequestAction(TapjoyEvent tapjoyEvent, TapjoyEventRequest request)
        Debug.Log("C#: DidRequestAction type:" + request.type + ", identifier:" + request.identifier + ", quantity:" + request.quantity);

         * // Your app should perform an action based on the value of the request.type property
         * switch(request.type){
         *      case TapjoyEventRequest.TYPE_IN_APP_PURCHASE:
         *              // Your app should initiate an in-app purchase of the product identified by request.identifier
         *              break;
         *      case TapjoyEventRequest.TYPE_VIRTUAL_GOOD:
         *              // Your app should award the user the item specified by request.identifier with the amount specified by request.quantity
         *              break;
         *      case TapjoyEventRequest.TYPE_CURRENCY:
         *              // The user has been awarded the currency specified with request.identifier, with the amount specified by request.quantity
         *              break;
         *      case TapjoyEventRequest.TYPE_NAVIGATION:
         *              // Your app should attempt to navigate to the location specified by request.identifier
         *              break;
         * }

        // Your app must call either EventRequestCompleted() or EventRequestCancelled() to complete the lifecycle of the request
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void TriggerDidRequestAction(int type, string identifier, int quantity)
        Debug.Log("C#: TriggerDidRequestAction");
        TapjoyEventRequest tapjoyEventRequest = new TapjoyEventRequest(this.myGuid, type, identifier, quantity);

        this.myCallback.DidRequestAction(this, tapjoyEventRequest);
Exemplo n.º 3
	public void TriggerDidRequestAction(int type, string identifier, int quantity)
		Debug.Log("C#: TriggerDidRequestAction");

		TapjoyEventRequest eventRequest = new TapjoyEventRequest(myGuid, type, identifier, quantity);

		myCallback.DidRequestAction(this, eventRequest);
Exemplo n.º 4
	public void DidRequestAction(TapjoyEvent tapjoyEvent, TapjoyEventRequest request)
		Debug.Log("C#: DidRequestAction type:" + request.type + ", identifier:" + request.identifier + ", quantity:" + request.quantity);

		// Your app should perform an action based on the value of the request.type property
			case TapjoyEventRequest.TYPE_IN_APP_PURCHASE:
				// Your app should initiate an in-app purchase of the product identified by request.identifier
			case TapjoyEventRequest.TYPE_VIRTUAL_GOOD:
				// Your app should award the user the item specified by request.identifier with the amount specified by request.quantity
			case TapjoyEventRequest.TYPE_CURRENCY:
				// The user has been awarded the currency specified with request.identifier, with the amount specified by request.quantity
			case TapjoyEventRequest.TYPE_NAVIGATION:
				// Your app should attempt to navigate to the location specified by request.identifier

		// Your app must call either EventRequestCompleted() or EventRequestCancelled() to complete the lifecycle of the request