private static void Postfix(Tameable __instance, ref string __result) { if (__instance.gameObject.GetComponent <Character>().m_name == "$op_wolf_name") { __result += Localization.instance.Localize(String.Format("\n<color=yellow><b>[{0}]</b></color>$op_wolf_use", Plugin.KS_SecondInteractkey.Value.MainKey.ToString())); } }
internal static void SetName(ref Tameable instance, string name, bool save) { if (!instance) { return; } if (instance.m_character) { instance.m_character.m_name = name; } if (instance.transform && instance.transform.GetComponent <Text>()) { instance.transform.GetComponent <Text>().text = name; } if (save) { if (!PrivateArea.CheckAccess(instance.transform.position, 0f, false)) { Debug.LogWarning("Cannot set name on ZDO, you do not have access."); return; } instance.m_nview.ClaimOwnership(); instance.m_nview.GetZDO().Set(Tameable_Patch.TameableNameZDOKey, name); } }
private static void Postfix(Tameable __instance) { if ((int)AccessTools.Method(typeof(Tameable), "GetTameness", null, null).Invoke(__instance, null) > 0) { (AccessTools.Field(typeof(Tameable), "m_monsterAI").GetValue(__instance) as MonsterAI).SetDespawnInDay(false); } }
static bool Tameable_Interact(ref Tameable __instance, Humanoid user, bool hold) { bool validKey = Enum.TryParse(Settings.RenameModifierKey.Value, out KeyCode key); if (!validKey || !Input.GetKey(key)) { return(true); } if (!PrivateArea.CheckAccess(__instance.transform.position, 0f, false, true)) { Debug.LogWarning("You don't have permission to edit this animal's name."); return(true); } if (!__instance.m_character.IsTamed()) { Debug.LogWarning("Cannot name an animal before they are tame."); return(true); } TameableTextReciever textReciever = new TameableTextReciever(ref __instance, __instance.m_character.m_name); TextInput.instance.RequestText(textReciever, TameableTextInputTopic, TameableMaxNameLength); return(false); }
public static void VTTameNearbyCreatures(this Player player) { if (player != null) { Tameable.TameAllInArea(player.transform.position, 20f); } }
static void Tameable_Awake(ref Tameable __instance) { string animalName = __instance.m_nview.GetZDO().GetString(TameableNameZDOKey, ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(animalName)) { SetName(ref __instance, animalName, false); } }
private static void Postfix(Tameable __instance) { string a ="(Clone)", ""); if (cfgList.ContainsKey(a) && cfgList[a].changeFaction) { __instance.GetComponent <Humanoid>().m_faction = Character.Faction.Players; } }
private static bool ShouldSetStunned(Character character, Tameable tameable, HitData hit) { bool tameIsEssential = (TameableMortalityTypes)Configuration.Current.Tameable.mortality == TameableMortalityTypes.Essential; bool tameShouldBeDead = character.GetHealth() <= 0f; bool tameOwnerDamageOverride = Configuration.Current.Tameable.ownerDamageOverride; Character attacker = hit.GetAttacker(); bool tameAttackerIsOwner = attacker == tameable.GetPlayer(attacker.GetZDOID()); return(tameIsEssential && tameShouldBeDead && !(tameOwnerDamageOverride && tameAttackerIsOwner)); }
private static bool ShouldIgnoreDamage(Character tame, Tameable tameable, HitData hit, ZDO zdo) { bool tameIsImmortal = (TameableMortalityTypes)Configuration.Current.Tameable.mortality == TameableMortalityTypes.Immortal; bool tameOwnerDamageOverride = Configuration.Current.Tameable.ownerDamageOverride; Character attacker = hit.GetAttacker(); bool tameAttackerIsOwner = attacker == tameable.GetPlayer(attacker.GetZDOID()); bool tameIsRecoveringFromStun = zdo.GetBool("isRecoveringFromStun"); return((tameIsImmortal && !(tameOwnerDamageOverride && tameAttackerIsOwner)) || tameIsRecoveringFromStun); }
void Awake() { PetManager.TrollIns = this.gameObject; tame = this.GetComponent <Tameable>(); tame.m_commandable = true; tame.m_fedDuration = 300; tame.Tame(); Traverse.Create(tame).Method("ResetFeedingTimer").GetValue(); Character character = this.GetComponent <Character>(); character.m_onDeath = (Action)Delegate.Combine(new Action(this.OnDestroyed), character.m_onDeath); }
public static void Postfix(Tameable __instance, ref string __result) { if (Configuration.Current.Tameable.IsEnabled) { Tameable tameable = __instance; // If tamed creature is recovering from a stun, then add Stunned to hover text. if (tameable.m_character.m_nview.GetZDO().GetBool("isRecoveringFromStun")) { __result = __result.Insert(__result.IndexOf(" )"), ", Stunned"); } } }
// Token: 0x0600028E RID: 654 RVA: 0x00014B38 File Offset: 0x00012D38 public static void TameAllInArea(Vector3 point, float radius) { foreach (Character character in Character.GetAllCharacters()) { if (!character.IsPlayer()) { Tameable component = character.GetComponent <Tameable>(); if (component) { component.Tame(); } } } }
private static void SetCommandable(Tameable __instance) { var zdo = ComponentCache.GetZdo(__instance); if (zdo is null) { return; } if (zdo.GetBool("spawnthat_tamed_commandable", false)) { __instance.m_commandable = true; } }
private void Awake() { PetManager.WolfIns = this.gameObject; container = this.GetComponent <Container>(); Character character = this.GetComponent <Character>(); character.m_onDeath = (Action)Delegate.Combine(new Action(this.OnDeath), character.m_onDeath); tame = this.GetComponent <Tameable>(); tame.Tame(); tame.m_fedDuration = 1800; Traverse.Create(tame).Method("ResetFeedingTimer").GetValue(); m_hum = this.GetComponent <Humanoid>(); }
private new void GrowUpdate() { if (!this.m_nview.IsValid() || !this.m_nview.IsOwner()) { return; } growStats = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(GetTimeSinceSpawned().TotalSeconds / (double)this.m_growTime * 100)); if (GetTimeSinceSpawned().TotalSeconds > (double)this.m_growTime) { Tameable component2 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(this.m_grownPrefab, base.transform.position, base.transform.rotation).GetComponent <Tameable>(); if (component2) { component2.Tame(); } this.m_nview.Destroy(); } }
static bool Prefix(Tameable __instance, ref bool __result, Humanoid user, bool hold, ZNetView ___m_nview, ref Character ___m_character, ref float ___m_lastPetTime) { if (!MobConfigManager.IsControllableMob( { return(true); } if (!___m_nview.IsValid()) { __result = false; return(true); } string hoverName = ___m_character.GetHoverName(); if (___m_character.IsTamed()) { if (hold) { TextInput.instance.RequestText(new MyTextReceiver(___m_character), "Name", 15); __result = false; return(false); } if (Time.time - ___m_lastPetTime > 1f) { ___m_lastPetTime = Time.time; __instance.m_petEffect.Create(___m_character.GetCenterPoint(), Quaternion.identity); if (__instance.m_commandable) { typeof(Tameable).GetMethod("Command", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(__instance, new object[] { user }); } else { user.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, hoverName + " $hud_tamelove"); } __result = true; return(false); } __result = false; return(false); } __result = false; return(false); }
static void Postfix(Character __instance, ref ZNetView ___m_nview) { if (MobConfigManager.IsControllableMob( { string uniqueId = GetOrCreateUniqueId(___m_nview); var mobInfo = MobConfigManager.GetMobConfig(; Tameable tameable = GetOrAddTameable(__instance); tameable.m_tamingTime = mobInfo.TamingTime; tameable.m_commandable = true; AddVisualEquipmentCapability(__instance); ___m_nview.Register <string, string>(Constants.Z_UpdateCharacterHUD, RPC_UpdateCharacterName); var ai = __instance.GetBaseAI() as MonsterAI; if (__instance.IsTamed()) { try { MobManager.RegisterMob(__instance, uniqueId, mobInfo.AIType, mobInfo.AIConfig); } catch (ArgumentException e) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to register Mob AI ({mobInfo.AIType}). {e.Message}"); return; } __instance.m_faction = Character.Faction.Players; ai.m_consumeItems.Clear(); ai.m_consumeItems.AddRange(mobInfo.PostTameConsumables); ai.m_consumeSearchRange = mobInfo.AIConfig.Awareness * 5; ai.m_randomMoveRange = mobInfo.AIConfig.Mobility * 2; ai.m_randomMoveInterval = 15 - mobInfo.AIConfig.Mobility; string givenName = ___m_nview?.GetZDO()?.GetString(Constants.Z_GivenName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(givenName)) { __instance.m_name = givenName; } } else { tameable.m_fedDuration = mobInfo.PreTameFeedDuration; ai.m_consumeItems.Clear(); ai.m_consumeItems.AddRange(mobInfo.PreTameConsumables); } } }
// Display when a tamed animal is following you by hovering the mouse over the animal. // Private methods are accessible because the assemblies have been run through a publicizer ( static bool Prefix(Tameable __instance, ref string __result, Character ___m_character, MonsterAI ___m_monsterAI, ZNetView ___m_nview) { // Construct the logic that fits your case if (___m_nview.IsValid() && ___m_character.IsTamed() && (bool)___m_monsterAI.GetFollowTarget()) { // Some code duplication here. Could use transpiler patch to avoid, but they're complicated. // Probably not a big deal. var str = Localization.instance.Localize(___m_character.m_name); str += Localization.instance.Localize(" ( $hud_tame, " + __instance.GetStatusString() + ", Following )"); // Set result and skip original function execution using harmony concept ( __result = str + Localization.instance.Localize("\n[<color=yellow><b>$KEY_Use</b></color>] $hud_pet"); return(false); } // Continue with original method if our case is not met return(true); }
public static void Prefix(Character __instance, ref HitData hit, out Tameable __state) { __state = null; if (Configuration.Current.Tameable.IsEnabled) { Character character = __instance; ZDO zdo = character.m_nview.GetZDO(); __state = character.GetComponent <Tameable>(); if (!character.IsTamed() || zdo == null || hit == null || __state) { return; } if (ShouldIgnoreDamage(character, __state, hit, zdo)) { hit = new HitData(); } } }
public static void Postfix(ref Tameable __instance) { if (__instance.m_character.IsTamed()) { monster = new MonsterConfig(); monster.critter = __instance.m_character; monster.monsterID = __instance; monster.experience = 0; if (FindMonster(monster, ref monsters)) { Debug.LogWarning("Found Monster."); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Added Monster."); monsters.Add(monster); } } }
public static void Postfix(Character __instance, HitData hit, Tameable __state) { if (Configuration.Current.Tameable.IsEnabled) { Character character = __instance; ZDO zdo = character.m_nview.GetZDO(); Tameable tameable = __state; if (!character.IsTamed() || zdo == null || tameable == null) { return; } if (ShouldSetStunned(character, tameable, hit)) { character.SetHealth(character.GetMaxHealth()); character.m_animator.SetBool("sleeping", true); zdo.Set("sleeping", true); zdo.Set("isRecoveringFromStun", true); } } }
static bool Prefix(Tameable __instance, ref string __result, ZNetView ___m_nview, Character ___m_character) { if (!MobConfigManager.IsControllableMob( { return(true); } if (!___m_character.IsTamed()) { return(true); } if (!___m_nview.IsValid()) { __result = string.Empty; return(true); } string aiStatus = ___m_nview.GetZDO().GetString(Constants.Z_AiStatus) ?? Traverse.Create(__instance).Method("GetStatusString").GetValue() as string; string str = Localization.instance.Localize(___m_character.GetHoverName()); str += Localization.instance.Localize(" ( $hud_tame, " + aiStatus + " )"); __result = str + Localization.instance.Localize("\n[<color=yellow><b>$KEY_Use</b></color>] $hud_pet" + "\n[<color=yellow>Hold E</color>] to change name"); return(false); }
public static void Init() { zns = ZNetScene.instance; wtame = zns.GetPrefab("Wolf").GetComponent <Tameable>(); if (Plugin.HatchingEgg.Value) { InitDrakeEgg(); } var list = Plugin.cfgList; foreach (var obj in list) { string name = obj.Key; if (zns.GetPrefab(name) == null) { DBG.blogWarning("Cant find Prefab Check your name : " + name); Plugin.configManager.debugInfo += " Cant find Prefab Check your name : " + name; } AddTame(zns.GetPrefab(name), obj.Value); } isInit = true; }
public static void InputCMD(string inCommand) { if (inCommand.Length > 0) { if (inCommand.StartsWith(" ")) { inCommand = inCommand.Remove(0, 1); } #region env if (inCommand.StartsWith("/env")) { inCommand = inCommand.Remove(0, 5); //float num1; //if (!float.TryParse(inCommand, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num1)) //{ //cprt("Wrong Number"); //return; //} if (inCommand == "list") { string wl = "pick from these ones,list: "; foreach (var w in WeatherList) { wl += w; wl += ","; } cprt(wl); return; } if (EnvMan.instance) { if (WeatherList.Contains(inCommand)) { if (inCommand == "reset") { EnvMan.instance.m_debugEnv = ""; cprt("reset enviroment"); return; } EnvMan.instance.m_debugEnv = inCommand; cprt("set enviroment to " + inCommand); return; } else { cprt("Wrong Word,Try /env list"); } } blogWarning("EnvMan is null"); return; } #endregion #region admin if (inCommand == "/amd") { if (CheckPlayerNull()) { return; } //isAdmin = true; SetAdmin(true); } if (inCommand == "/oadm") { if (CheckPlayerNull()) { return; } //isAdmin = false; SetAdmin(false); } if (inCommand == "/gst") { if (CheckPlayerNull()) { return; } SetGhost(); } if (inCommand == "/rds") { ItemDrop[] array2 = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <ItemDrop>(); int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { ZNetView component = array2[i].GetComponent <ZNetView>(); if (component && component.IsValid() && component.IsOwner()) { component.Destroy(); num++; } } InfoTL("Destoyed " + num.ToString() + " items"); } if (inCommand == "/cam") { GameCamera.instance.ToggleFreeFly(); } #region noclip if (inCommand == "/noclip") { if (CheckPlayerNull()) { return; } SetClip(); } #endregion #endregion #region Terrain if (inCommand.StartsWith("/tf")) { inCommand = inCommand.Remove(0, 4); string[] arg = inCommand.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (arg.Length > 2 || arg.Length < 2 || !inCommand.Contains(",")) { cprt("/tf syntax wrong"); return; } try { float x = float.Parse(arg[0]); float y = float.Parse(arg[1]); Terrain.Flatten(x, y); } catch (Exception e) { blogWarning("/tf failed :" + e); } } if (inCommand.StartsWith("/trf")) { inCommand = inCommand.Remove(0, 5); cprt(inCommand); try { Terrain.RemoveFlora(float.Parse(inCommand)); } catch (Exception e) { blogWarning("/trf failed:" + e); } } if (inCommand.StartsWith("/trst")) { inCommand = inCommand.Remove(0, 6); cprt(inCommand); try { Terrain.Reset(Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position, float.Parse(inCommand)); } catch (Exception e) { blogWarning("/trst failed:" + e); } } #endregion #region tod if (inCommand.StartsWith("/tod")) { float a = 0; inCommand = inCommand.Remove(0, 5); try { a = float.Parse(inCommand); } catch (Exception) { cprt("Wrong Number"); } if (a <= 0 || a >= 1) { EnvMan.instance.m_debugTimeOfDay = false; return; } EnvMan.instance.m_debugTimeOfDay = true; EnvMan.instance.m_debugTime = a; } #endregion #region tame if (inCommand == "/tame") { Tameable.TameAllInArea(Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position, 30f); } #endregion #region list if (inCommand.StartsWith("/listi")) { inCommand = inCommand.Remove(0, 7); if (inCommand.Length > 0) { string list = "Result: "; if (inCommand.StartsWith("?")) { foreach (GameObject g in ObjectDB.instance.m_items) { ItemDrop component = g.GetComponent <ItemDrop>(); list +=; list += ","; list = LimitLog(list); } list = LimitLog(list); if (list != "") { Traverse.Create(MessageHud.instance).Method("AddLog", new object[] { list }).GetValue(); cprt(list); cprt("Check your Message Log"); list = ""; return; } return; } using (List <GameObject> .Enumerator enumerator3 = ObjectDB.instance.m_items.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator3.MoveNext()) { GameObject g2 = enumerator3.Current; ItemDrop c2 = g2.GetComponent <ItemDrop>(); if ( { list +=; list += ","; list = LimitLog(list); } } list = LimitLog(list); if (list != "") { Traverse.Create(MessageHud.instance).Method("AddLog", new object[] { list }).GetValue(); cprt(list); cprt("Check your Message Log"); list = ""; return; } return; } } return; } #endregion #region trader if (inCommand == "/trader") { Game.instance.DiscoverClosestLocation("Vendor_BlackForest", Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position, "Merchant", 8); Minimap.PinData pinData = Enumerable.First <Minimap.PinData>((List <Minimap.PinData>)Traverse.Create(Minimap.instance).Field("m_pins").GetValue(), (Minimap.PinData p) => p.m_type == Minimap.PinType.None && p.m_name == ""); return; } #endregion #region spi if (inCommand.StartsWith("/spi")) { inCommand = inCommand.Remove(0, 5); string[] c = inCommand.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (c.Length == 1) { FT.SpawnPrefab(c[0], Player.m_localPlayer); return; } if (c.Length == 2) { int amt = 1; if (!int.TryParse(c[1], out amt)) { cprt("Wrong Syntax"); return; } FT.SpawnPrefab(c[0], Player.m_localPlayer, amt); } else { cprt("Wrong Syntax"); return; } } #endregion //end } }
public TameableTextReciever(ref Tameable instance, string name) { this.instance = instance; = name; }
static void Postfix(Console __instance) { string text = __instance.m_input.text; string[] array = text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // do not enable unless we are on dedicated server if (__instance.IsCheatsEnabled() && !ZNet_Patch.m_isServer) { if (array[0] == "debugmode") { Player.m_debugMode = !Player.m_debugMode; __instance.Print("Debugmode " + Player.m_debugMode.ToString()); } if (text.StartsWith("god")) { Player.m_localPlayer.SetGodMode(!Player.m_localPlayer.InGodMode()); __instance.Print("God mode:" + Player.m_localPlayer.InGodMode().ToString()); Gogan.LogEvent("Cheat", "God", Player.m_localPlayer.InGodMode().ToString(), 0L); } if (array[0] == "raiseskill") { if (array.Length > 2) { string name = array[1]; int num4 = int.Parse(array[2]); Player.m_localPlayer.GetSkills().CheatRaiseSkill(name, (float)num4); return; } __instance.Print("Syntax: raiseskill [skill] [amount]"); return; } else if (array[0] == "resetskill") { if (array.Length > 1) { string name2 = array[1]; Player.m_localPlayer.GetSkills().CheatResetSkill(name2); return; } __instance.Print("Syntax: resetskill [skill]"); return; } if (text.StartsWith("exploremap")) { Minimap.instance.ExploreAll(); return; } if (text.StartsWith("resetmap")) { Minimap.instance.Reset(); return; } if (text.StartsWith("puke") && Player.m_localPlayer) { Player.m_localPlayer.ClearFood(); } if (text.StartsWith("tame")) { Tameable.TameAllInArea(Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position, 20f); } if (text.StartsWith("killall")) { foreach (Character character in Character.GetAllCharacters()) { if (!character.IsPlayer()) { HitData hitData = new HitData(); hitData.m_damage.m_damage = 1E+10f; character.Damage(hitData); } } return; } if (text.StartsWith("heal")) { Player.m_localPlayer.Heal(Player.m_localPlayer.GetMaxHealth(), true); return; } if (text.StartsWith("ghost")) { Player.m_localPlayer.SetGhostMode(!Player.m_localPlayer.InGhostMode()); __instance.Print("Ghost mode:" + Player.m_localPlayer.InGhostMode().ToString()); Gogan.LogEvent("Cheat", "Ghost", Player.m_localPlayer.InGhostMode().ToString(), 0L); } if (text.StartsWith("removedrops")) { __instance.Print("Removing item drops"); ItemDrop[] array2 = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <ItemDrop>(); for (int j = 0; j < array2.Length; j++) { ZNetView component = array2[j].GetComponent <ZNetView>(); if (component && component.IsValid() && component.IsOwner()) { component.Destroy(); } } } if (array[0] == "spawn") { if (array.Length <= 1) { return; } string text4 = array[1]; int num8 = (array.Length >= 3) ? int.Parse(array[2]) : 1; int num9 = (array.Length >= 4) ? int.Parse(array[3]) : 1; GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(text4); if (!prefab) { Player.m_localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.TopLeft, "Missing object " + text4, 0, null); return; } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (num8 == 1) { Player.m_localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.TopLeft, "Spawning object " + text4, 0, null); Character component2 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(prefab, Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position + Player.m_localPlayer.transform.forward * 2f + Vector3.up, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Character>(); if (component2 & num9 > 1) { component2.SetLevel(num9); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < num8; j++) { Vector3 vector = Random.insideUnitSphere * 0.5f; Player.m_localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.TopLeft, "Spawning object " + text4, 0, null); Character component3 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(prefab, Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position + Player.m_localPlayer.transform.forward * 2f + Vector3.up + vector, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Character>(); if (component3 & num9 > 1) { component3.SetLevel(num9); } } } Gogan.LogEvent("Cheat", "Spawn", text4, (long)num8); return; } } return; }
// Token: 0x060004D0 RID: 1232 RVA: 0x00026ED4 File Offset: 0x000250D4 private void InputText() { string text = this.m_input.text; this.AddString(text); string[] array = text.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (text.StartsWith("help")) { this.AddString("kick [name/ip/userID] - kick user"); this.AddString("ban [name/ip/userID] - ban user"); this.AddString("unban [ip/userID] - unban user"); this.AddString("banned - list banned users"); this.AddString("ping - ping server"); this.AddString("lodbias - set distance lod bias"); this.AddString("info - print system info"); this.AddString("save - force saving of world"); if (this.IsCheatsEnabled()) { this.AddString("genloc - regenerate all locations."); this.AddString("debugmode - fly mode"); this.AddString("spawn [amount] [level] - spawn something"); this.AddString("pos - print current player position"); this.AddString("goto [x,z]- teleport"); this.AddString("exploremap - explore entire map"); this.AddString("resetmap - reset map exploration"); this.AddString("killall - kill nearby enemies"); this.AddString("tame - tame all nearby tameable creatures"); this.AddString("hair"); this.AddString("beard"); this.AddString("location - spawn location"); this.AddString("raiseskill [skill] [amount]"); this.AddString("resetskill [skill]"); this.AddString("freefly - freefly photo mode"); this.AddString("ffsmooth - freefly smoothness"); this.AddString("tod -1 OR [0-1]"); this.AddString("env [env]"); this.AddString("resetenv"); this.AddString("wind [angle] [intensity]"); this.AddString("resetwind"); this.AddString("god"); this.AddString("event [name] - start event"); this.AddString("stopevent - stop current event"); this.AddString("randomevent"); this.AddString("resetcharacter - reset character data"); this.AddString("removedrops - remove all item-drops in area"); this.AddString("setkey [name]"); this.AddString("resetkeys [name]"); this.AddString("listkeys"); this.AddString("players [nr] - force diffuculty scale ( 0 = reset)"); this.AddString("dpsdebug - toggle dps debug print"); } } if (array[0] == "devcommands") { this.m_cheat = !this.m_cheat; this.AddString("Dev commands: " + this.m_cheat.ToString()); this.AddString("WARNING: using any dev commands is not recommended and is done on your own risk."); Gogan.LogEvent("Cheat", "CheatsEnabled", this.m_cheat.ToString(), 0L); return; } if (array[0] == "hidebetatext" && Hud.instance) { Hud.instance.ToggleBetaTextVisible(); } if (array[0] == "ping") { if (Game.instance) { Game.instance.Ping(); } return; } if (array[0] == "dpsdebug") { Character.SetDPSDebug(!Character.IsDPSDebugEnabled()); this.AddString("DPS debug " + Character.IsDPSDebugEnabled().ToString()); } if (!(array[0] == "lodbias")) { if (array[0] == "info") { this.Print("Render threading mode:" + SystemInfo.renderingThreadingMode); long totalMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); this.Print("Total allocated mem: " + (totalMemory / 1048576L).ToString("0") + "mb"); } if (array[0] == "gc") { long totalMemory2 = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); GC.Collect(); long totalMemory3 = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); long num = totalMemory3 - totalMemory2; this.Print(string.Concat(new string[] { "GC collect, Delta: ", (num / 1048576L).ToString("0"), "mb Total left:", (totalMemory3 / 1048576L).ToString("0"), "mb" })); } if (array[0] == "fov") { Camera mainCamera = Utils.GetMainCamera(); if (mainCamera) { float num2; if (array.Length == 1) { this.Print("Fov:" + mainCamera.fieldOfView); } else if (float.TryParse(array[1], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num2) && num2 > 5f) { this.Print("Setting fov to " + num2); Camera[] componentsInChildren = mainCamera.GetComponentsInChildren <Camera>(); for (int i = 0; i < componentsInChildren.Length; i++) { componentsInChildren[i].fieldOfView = num2; } } } } if (ZNet.instance) { if (text.StartsWith("kick ")) { string user = text.Substring(5); ZNet.instance.Kick(user); return; } if (text.StartsWith("ban ")) { string user2 = text.Substring(4); ZNet.instance.Ban(user2); return; } if (text.StartsWith("unban ")) { string user3 = text.Substring(6); ZNet.instance.Unban(user3); return; } if (text.StartsWith("banned")) { ZNet.instance.PrintBanned(); return; } if (array.Length != 0 && array[0] == "save") { ZNet.instance.ConsoleSave(); } } if (ZNet.instance && ZNet.instance.IsServer() && Player.m_localPlayer && this.IsCheatsEnabled()) { if (array[0] == "genloc") { ZoneSystem.instance.GenerateLocations(); return; } if (array[0] == "players" && array.Length >= 2) { int num3; if (int.TryParse(array[1], out num3)) { Game.instance.SetForcePlayerDifficulty(num3); this.Print("Setting players to " + num3); } return; } if (array[0] == "setkey") { if (array.Length >= 2) { ZoneSystem.instance.SetGlobalKey(array[1]); this.Print("Setting global key " + array[1]); } else { this.Print("Syntax: setkey [key]"); } } if (array[0] == "resetkeys") { ZoneSystem.instance.ResetGlobalKeys(); this.Print("Global keys cleared"); } if (array[0] == "listkeys") { List <string> globalKeys = ZoneSystem.instance.GetGlobalKeys(); this.Print("Keys " + globalKeys.Count); foreach (string text2 in globalKeys) { this.Print(text2); } } if (array[0] == "debugmode") { Player.m_debugMode = !Player.m_debugMode; this.Print("Debugmode " + Player.m_debugMode.ToString()); } if (array[0] == "raiseskill") { if (array.Length > 2) { string name = array[1]; int num4 = int.Parse(array[2]); Player.m_localPlayer.GetSkills().CheatRaiseSkill(name, (float)num4); return; } this.Print("Syntax: raiseskill [skill] [amount]"); return; } else if (array[0] == "resetskill") { if (array.Length > 1) { string name2 = array[1]; Player.m_localPlayer.GetSkills().CheatResetSkill(name2); return; } this.Print("Syntax: resetskill [skill]"); return; } else { if (text == "sleep") { EnvMan.instance.SkipToMorning(); return; } if (array[0] == "skiptime") { double num5 = ZNet.instance.GetTimeSeconds(); float num6 = 240f; if (array.Length > 1) { num6 = float.Parse(array[1]); } num5 += (double)num6; ZNet.instance.SetNetTime(num5); this.Print(string.Concat(new object[] { "Skipping ", num6.ToString("0"), "s , Day:", EnvMan.instance.GetDay(num5) })); return; } if (text == "resetcharacter") { this.AddString("Reseting character"); Player.m_localPlayer.ResetCharacter(); return; } if (array[0] == "randomevent") { RandEventSystem.instance.StartRandomEvent(); } if (text.StartsWith("event ")) { if (array.Length <= 1) { return; } string text3 = text.Substring(6); if (!RandEventSystem.instance.HaveEvent(text3)) { this.Print("Random event not found:" + text3); return; } RandEventSystem.instance.SetRandomEventByName(text3, Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position); return; } else { if (array[0] == "stopevent") { RandEventSystem.instance.ResetRandomEvent(); return; } if (text.StartsWith("removedrops")) { this.AddString("Removing item drops"); ItemDrop[] array2 = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <ItemDrop>(); for (int i = 0; i < array2.Length; i++) { ZNetView component = array2[i].GetComponent <ZNetView>(); if (component && component.IsValid() && component.IsOwner()) { component.Destroy(); } } } if (text.StartsWith("freefly")) { this.Print("Toggling free fly camera"); GameCamera.instance.ToggleFreeFly(); return; } if (array[0] == "ffsmooth") { if (array.Length <= 1) { this.Print(GameCamera.instance.GetFreeFlySmoothness().ToString()); return; } float num7; if (!float.TryParse(array[1], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num7)) { this.Print("syntax error"); return; } this.Print("Setting free fly camera smoothing:" + num7); GameCamera.instance.SetFreeFlySmoothness(num7); return; } else { if (text.StartsWith("location ")) { if (array.Length <= 1) { return; } string name3 = text.Substring(9); Vector3 pos = Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position + Player.m_localPlayer.transform.forward * 10f; ZoneSystem.instance.TestSpawnLocation(name3, pos); } if (array[0] == "spawn") { if (array.Length <= 1) { return; } string text4 = array[1]; int num8 = (array.Length >= 3) ? int.Parse(array[2]) : 1; int num9 = (array.Length >= 4) ? int.Parse(array[3]) : 1; GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(text4); if (!prefab) { Player.m_localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.TopLeft, "Missing object " + text4, 0, null); return; } DateTime now = DateTime.Now; if (num8 == 1) { Player.m_localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.TopLeft, "Spawning object " + text4, 0, null); Character component2 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(prefab, Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position + Player.m_localPlayer.transform.forward * 2f + Vector3.up, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Character>(); if (component2 & num9 > 1) { component2.SetLevel(num9); } } else { for (int j = 0; j < num8; j++) { Vector3 b = UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * 0.5f; Player.m_localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.TopLeft, "Spawning object " + text4, 0, null); Character component3 = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(prefab, Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position + Player.m_localPlayer.transform.forward * 2f + Vector3.up + b, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Character>(); if (component3 & num9 > 1) { component3.SetLevel(num9); } } } ZLog.Log("Spawn time :" + (DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds + " ms"); Gogan.LogEvent("Cheat", "Spawn", text4, (long)num8); return; } else { if (array[0] == "pos") { Player localPlayer = Player.m_localPlayer; if (localPlayer) { this.AddString("Player position (X,Y,Z):" + localPlayer.transform.position.ToString("F0")); } } if (text.StartsWith("goto ")) { string text5 = text.Substring(5); char[] separator = new char[] { ',', ' ' }; string[] array3 = text5.Split(separator); if (array3.Length < 2) { this.AddString("Syntax /goto x,y"); return; } try { float x = float.Parse(array3[0]); float z = float.Parse(array3[1]); Player localPlayer2 = Player.m_localPlayer; if (localPlayer2) { Vector3 pos2 = new Vector3(x, localPlayer2.transform.position.y, z); localPlayer2.TeleportTo(pos2, localPlayer2.transform.rotation, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { ZLog.Log("parse error:" + ex.ToString() + " " + text5); } Gogan.LogEvent("Cheat", "Goto", "", 0L); return; } else { if (text.StartsWith("exploremap")) { Minimap.instance.ExploreAll(); return; } if (text.StartsWith("resetmap")) { Minimap.instance.Reset(); return; } if (text.StartsWith("puke") && Player.m_localPlayer) { Player.m_localPlayer.ClearFood(); } if (text.StartsWith("tame")) { Tameable.TameAllInArea(Player.m_localPlayer.transform.position, 20f); } if (text.StartsWith("killall")) { foreach (Character character in Character.GetAllCharacters()) { if (!character.IsPlayer()) { HitData hitData = new HitData(); hitData.m_damage.m_damage = 1E+10f; character.Damage(hitData); } } return; } if (text.StartsWith("heal")) { Player.m_localPlayer.Heal(Player.m_localPlayer.GetMaxHealth(), true); return; } if (text.StartsWith("god")) { Player.m_localPlayer.SetGodMode(!Player.m_localPlayer.InGodMode()); this.Print("God mode:" + Player.m_localPlayer.InGodMode().ToString()); Gogan.LogEvent("Cheat", "God", Player.m_localPlayer.InGodMode().ToString(), 0L); } if (text.StartsWith("ghost")) { Player.m_localPlayer.SetGhostMode(!Player.m_localPlayer.InGhostMode()); this.Print("Ghost mode:" + Player.m_localPlayer.InGhostMode().ToString()); Gogan.LogEvent("Cheat", "Ghost", Player.m_localPlayer.InGhostMode().ToString(), 0L); } if (text.StartsWith("beard")) { string beard = (text.Length >= 6) ? text.Substring(6) : ""; if (Player.m_localPlayer) { Player.m_localPlayer.SetBeard(beard); } return; } if (text.StartsWith("hair")) { string hair = (text.Length >= 5) ? text.Substring(5) : ""; if (Player.m_localPlayer) { Player.m_localPlayer.SetHair(hair); } return; } if (text.StartsWith("model ")) { string s = text.Substring(6); int playerModel; if (Player.m_localPlayer && int.TryParse(s, out playerModel)) { Player.m_localPlayer.SetPlayerModel(playerModel); } return; } if (text.StartsWith("tod ")) { float num10; if (!float.TryParse(text.Substring(4), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num10)) { return; } this.Print("Setting time of day:" + num10); if (num10 < 0f) { EnvMan.instance.m_debugTimeOfDay = false; } else { EnvMan.instance.m_debugTimeOfDay = true; EnvMan.instance.m_debugTime = Mathf.Clamp01(num10); } } if (array[0] == "env" && array.Length > 1) { string text6 = text.Substring(4); this.Print("Setting debug enviornment:" + text6); EnvMan.instance.m_debugEnv = text6; return; } if (text.StartsWith("resetenv")) { this.Print("Reseting debug enviornment"); EnvMan.instance.m_debugEnv = ""; return; } if (array[0] == "wind" && array.Length == 3) { float angle = float.Parse(array[1]); float intensity = float.Parse(array[2]); EnvMan.instance.SetDebugWind(angle, intensity); } if (array[0] == "resetwind") { EnvMan.instance.ResetDebugWind(); } } } } } } } return; } if (array.Length == 1) { this.Print("Lod bias:" + QualitySettings.lodBias); return; } float num11; if (float.TryParse(array[1], NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num11)) { this.Print("Setting lod bias:" + num11); QualitySettings.lodBias = num11; } }
void Awake() { Console = new DurandaConsole(); Console.RegisterCommand("commands", "Duranda console command list", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Console.ListCommands(); })); Console.RegisterCommand("echo", "Print to console", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { string buffer = ""; foreach (var i in args) { buffer += i + " "; } Console.WriteLine(buffer); })); Console.RegisterCommand("debug_mode", "Toggle debug mode.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: debug_mode [value]\nCurrent value: {DebugMode}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out DebugMode)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Debug mode is now {DebugMode}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Debug mode is now {DebugMode}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("fly_toggle", "Toggle debug fly.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: fly_toggle [value]\nCurrent value: {FlyMode}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out FlyMode)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Fly mode is now {FlyMode}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Fly mode is now {FlyMode}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("text_echo", "Print text message", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer == null) { Console.WriteLine("Not in-game"); return; } string buffer = ""; foreach (var i in args) { buffer += i + " "; } localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, buffer); })); Console.RegisterCommand("hud_echo", "Print to hud", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { string buffer = ""; foreach (var i in args) { buffer += i + " "; } SendHudMessage(buffer); })); Console.RegisterCommand("killmobs", "Kill mobs in the area.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: killmobs [amount] => 'all' for every mob"); return; } int amount = -1; if (args[0] != "all" && !int.TryParse(args[0], out amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } int killed = KillMobs(amount); Console.WriteLine($"Killed {killed} mobs."); })); Console.RegisterCommand("player_kill", "Kill the given player.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: killplayer [name]"); return; } if (KillPlayer(args[0])) { Console.WriteLine($"The player has been killed."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"No player found with name {args[0]}."); } })); Console.RegisterCommand("camerashake", "Set the camera shake value.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: camerashake [value]\nCurrent value: {CameraShake}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out CameraShake)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Camera shake has been changed to {CameraShake}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("interact_distance", "Set the interact distance value.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: interact_distance [value]\nCurrent value: {InteractDistance}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out InteractDistance)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Interact distance has been changed to {InteractDistance}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("place_distance", "Set the place distance value.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: place_distance [value]\nCurrent value: {PlaceDistance}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out PlaceDistance)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Interact distance has been changed to {PlaceDistance}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("pickuprange", "Set the pickup range. (aka loot magnet)", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: pickuprange [value]\nCurrent value: {PickupRange}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out PickupRange)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Pickup range has been changed to {PickupRange}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("durability_toggle", "Disable durability for every item in your inventory.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: durability_toggle [value]\nCurrent value: {Durability}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out Durability)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"No durability is now {Durability}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"No durability is now {Durability}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("jumpheight", "Set the jump height.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: jumpheight [value]\nCurrent value: {JumpForce}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out JumpForce)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Jump height has been changed to {JumpForce}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("unlockdlcs", "Unlock every DLC.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: unlockdlcs [value]\nCurrent value: {UnlockDLCs}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out UnlockDLCs)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Unlock every DLC is now {UnlockDLCs}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Unlock every DLC is now {UnlockDLCs}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("map_reveal", "Reveals the whole map.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Minimap.instance.ExploreAll(); Console.WriteLine("Revealed the whole map!"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("map_reset", "Resets the whole map.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Minimap.instance.Reset(); Console.WriteLine("Reseted the whole map!"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("map_merchant", "Discover vendor.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer == null) { Console.WriteLine("Not in-game"); return; } ZoneSystem.LocationInstance locationInstance; ZoneSystem.instance.FindClosestLocation("Vendor_BlackForest", localPlayer.transform.position, out locationInstance); Minimap.instance.DiscoverLocation(locationInstance.m_position, Minimap.PinType.Icon3, "Merchant"); Console.WriteLine($"Merchant position: X: {locationInstance.m_position.x} Y: {locationInstance.m_position.y} Z: {locationInstance.m_position.z}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("healself", "Heal to maxhealth.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer != null) { localPlayer.Heal(localPlayer.GetMaxHealth(), true); Console.WriteLine("You have been healed up!"); } })); Console.RegisterCommand("setfov", "Change the player fov.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: setfov [value]\nCurrent value: {FOV}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out FOV)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"FOV has been changed to {FOV}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("skill_setlevel", "Set the level of a skill.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { string skillNames = GetSkillNames(); Console.WriteLine($"Usage: skill_setlevel [name] [value]\n{skillNames}"); return; } Skills.SkillType skill = GetSkillFromName(args[0]); if (skill == Skills.SkillType.None) { string skillNames = GetSkillNames(); Console.WriteLine($"Invalid skill name!\n{skillNames}"); return; } Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (args.Count == 1) { if (skill == Skills.SkillType.All) { foreach (var i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Skills.SkillType))) { Skills.SkillType tempType = (Skills.SkillType)i; if (tempType == Skills.SkillType.None || tempType == Skills.SkillType.All) { continue; } Console.WriteLine($"Current level of the {i} skill: {GetSkillLevel(tempType)}"); } } else { Console.WriteLine($"Current level of the {skill} skill: {GetSkillLevel(skill)}"); } return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out int skillLevel)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } SetSkillLevel(skill, skillLevel); string message = skill == Skills.SkillType.All ? $"Changed the level of every skill to {skillLevel}" : $"Changed the level of the {skill} to {skillLevel}"; Console.WriteLine(message); localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, message); })); Console.RegisterCommand("god_toggle", "Toggle god mode.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: god_toggle [value]\nCurrent value: {God}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out God)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"God mode is now {God}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"God mode is now {God}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("ghost_toggle", "Toggle ghost mode.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: ghost_toggle [value]\nCurrent value: {Ghost}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out Ghost)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Ghost mode is now {Ghost}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Ghost mode is now {Ghost}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("food_puke", "Clear foods.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer != null) { localPlayer.ClearFood(); localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, "Your foods cleared!"); Console.WriteLine("Your foods cleared!"); } })); Console.RegisterCommand("tame_all", "Tame every mob in your area.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: tame_all [radius]"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out int radius)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer != null) { Tameable.TameAllInArea(localPlayer.transform.position, radius); localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, "You have tamed every mob in the given area!"); Console.WriteLine("You have tamed every mob in the given area!"); } })); Console.RegisterCommand("getpos", "Get your position.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer == null) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't get player position. (Not in-game?)"); return; } string message = $"X: {localPlayer.transform.position.x:F0} Y: {localPlayer.transform.position.y:F0} Z: {localPlayer.transform.position.z:F0}"; Console.WriteLine(message); localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, message); })); Console.RegisterCommand("wind_reset", "Reset wind.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { EnvMan.instance.ResetDebugWind(); Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, "Wind reseted!"); Console.WriteLine("Wind reseted!"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("wind_set", "Set wind.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count != 2) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: wind_set [angle] [intensity]"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out int angle)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out int intensity)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } EnvMan.instance.SetDebugWind(angle, intensity); Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); string message = $"Wind has been changed to angle {angle} with intensity {intensity}"; localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, message); Console.WriteLine(message); })); Console.RegisterCommand("teleport_coord", "Teleport to coord.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count != 3) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: teleport_coord [x] [y] [z]"); return; } int[] coords = { 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++) { if (!int.TryParse(args[i], out coords[i])) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } } Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); localPlayer.TeleportTo(new Vector3(coords[0], coords[1], coords[2]), localPlayer.transform.rotation, true); string message = $"Teleported to coord: {coords[0]} {coords[1]} {coords[2]}"; localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, message); Console.WriteLine(message); })); Console.RegisterCommand("teleport_player", "Teleport to the given player.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: teleport_player [name]"); return; } Player targetPlayer = GetPlayerFromName(args[0]); if (targetPlayer == null) { Console.WriteLine($"No player found with name {args[0]}"); return; } Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); localPlayer.TeleportTo(targetPlayer.transform.position, targetPlayer.transform.rotation, true); string message = $"Teleported to player: {targetPlayer.GetPlayerName()}"; Console.WriteLine(message); localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, message); })); Console.RegisterCommand("teleport_restrict", "Disable teleport restrictions for every item in your inventory.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: teleport_restrict [value]\nCurrent value: {Teleportable}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out Teleportable)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"No teleport restrict is now {Teleportable}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"No teleport restrict is now {Teleportable}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("no_cost", "Toggle no cost.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: no_cost [value]\nCurrent value: {NoCost}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out NoCost)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"No cost is now {NoCost}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"No cost is now {NoCost}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("player_list", "Prints the available players.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { ListPlayers(); })); Console.RegisterCommand("prefab_dump", "Dump prefabs to file 'prefabs_dump.txt'. (inside Valheim's folder)", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { DumpPrefabs(); })); Console.RegisterCommand("prefab_spawn", "Spawn any game prefab. (Items, mobs, etc.)", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count != 3) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: prefab_spawn [prefab_name] [amount] [level]"); return; } GameObject prefab = ZNetScene.instance.GetPrefab(args[0]); if (prefab == null) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid prefab!\nFor prefab names, use 'prefab_dump'"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out int amount)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } if (amount < 1) { return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[2], out int level)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } try { Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { Character component = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <GameObject>(prefab, localPlayer.transform.position + localPlayer.transform.forward * 2.0f + Vector3.up + (UnityEngine.Random.insideUnitSphere * 0.5f), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Character>(); if (component & level > 1) { component.SetLevel(level); } } string message = $"Spawned x{amount} of {} (Level {level})"; localPlayer.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, message); Console.WriteLine(message + $" in {(DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds} ms"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Debug(ex); } })); Console.RegisterCommand("font_size", "Set console font size.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: font_size [size]\nCurrent Value: {Console.GetFontSize()}"); return; } int size = Console.GetFontSize(); if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out size)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.SetFontSize(size); Console.WriteLine($"Changed console font size to {size}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("font_color", "Set console font color.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: font_color [color]\nAvailable Colors: blue white black yellow cyan grey gray green clear magenta red"); return; } try { var colorField = typeof(Color).GetProperty(args[0]); if (colorField != null) { Console.SetFontColor((Color)colorField.GetValue(null)); Console.WriteLine($"Changed console font color to {args[0]}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Debug(ex); } })); Console.RegisterCommand("inventory_carryweight", "Set the maximum inventory weight limit.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: inventory_carryweight [weight]\nCurrent value: {CarryWeight}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out CarryWeight)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Carry weight limit has been changed to {CarryWeight}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("inventory_height", "Set the inventory height. (aka more slots)", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: inventory_height [height]\nCurrent value: {InventoryHeight}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out InventoryHeight)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Inventory height has been changed to {InventoryHeight}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("clear", "Clear the console output.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Console.Clear(); })); Console.RegisterCommand("quit", "Quit from the game.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Application.Quit(); })); Console.RegisterCommand("exec", "Execute configuration file. (Relative .cfg path from Valheim folder)", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: exec [path]"); return; } Console.LoadConfig(args[0]); })); Console.RegisterCommand("equip_toggle", "Toggle instant equip.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: equip_toggle [value]\nCurrent value: {InstaEquip}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out InstaEquip)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Instant equip is now {InstaEquip}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Instant equip is now {InstaEquip}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("stamina_toggle", "Toggle infinite stamina.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: stamina_toggle [value]\nCurrent value: {UnlimitedStamina}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out UnlimitedStamina)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Infinite stamina is now {UnlimitedStamina}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Infinite stamina is now {UnlimitedStamina}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("comfort_level", "Set the comfort level.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: comfort_level [value]\nCurrent value: {ComfortLevel}"); return; } if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out ComfortLevel)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Comfort level is now {ComfortLevel}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Comfort level is now {ComfortLevel}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("roof_state", "Set roof state.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: comfort_level [value]\nCurrent value: {Roof}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out Roof)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Roof state is now {Roof}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Roof state is now {Roof}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("guardian_cooldown", "Toggle guardian cooldown.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: guardian_cooldown [value]\nCurrent value: {NoGuardianCd}"); return; } if (!bool.TryParse(args[0], out NoGuardianCd)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input!"); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Disable guardian cooldown is now {NoGuardianCd}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Disable guardian cooldown is now {NoGuardianCd}"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("guardian_power", "Set guardian power to any status effect.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: guardian_power [name]\nCurrent value: {GuardianPower}\nAvailable Status Effects: {GetStatusEffectNames()}"); return; } foreach (var i in ObjectDB.instance.m_StatusEffects) { if ( == args[0]) { GuardianPower = args[0]; Console.WriteLine($"Guardian power has been changed to {GuardianPower}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Guardian power has been changed to {GuardianPower}"); return; } } Console.WriteLine("Invalid status effect name!"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("guardian_start", "Force start guardian power.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer == null) { Console.WriteLine("Not in-game"); return; } if (localPlayer.StartGuardianPower()) { Console.WriteLine("Force started guardian power."); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, "Force started guardian power."); } else { Console.WriteLine("No guaridan power is equipped or coudln't force start it!"); } })); Console.RegisterCommand("add_status_effect", "Add status effect.", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: add_status_effect [name]\nAvailable Status Effects: {GetStatusEffectNames()}"); return; } Player localPlayer = GetLocalPlayer(); if (localPlayer == null) { Console.WriteLine("Not in-game"); return; } foreach (var i in ObjectDB.instance.m_StatusEffects) { if ( == args[0]) { AddStatusEffect(args[0]); Console.WriteLine($"Added status effect {args[0]}"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, $"Added status effect {args[0]}"); return; } } Console.WriteLine("Invalid status effect name!"); GetLocalPlayer()?.Message(MessageHud.MessageType.Center, "Invalid status effect name!"); })); Console.RegisterCommand("set_keybind", "Set keybind to execute command", new ConsoleCommandCallback((args) => { if (args.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Usage: set_keybind [keycode]\nAvailable keycodes:"); return; } KeyCode keyCode = KeyCode.None; foreach (var i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyCode))) { if (i.ToString().ToLower() == args[0]) { keyCode = (KeyCode)i; } } if (keyCode != KeyCode.None) { string buffer = ""; for (int i = 1; i < args.Count; i++) { buffer += args[i] + " "; } Keybinds[keyCode] = buffer; } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid keycode!"); } })); SendHudMessage("DURANDA LOADED"); Console.LoadConfig(); }
internal static void LateLoadMiniSkelly(GameObject clone) { Character component = (Character)clone.GetComponent <Character>(); BaseAI component2 = (BaseAI)clone.GetComponent <BaseAI>(); component.m_name = "Skeleton"; Character character1 = component; character1.m_health = 20; Character character2 = component; character2.m_acceleration = (float)(character2.m_acceleration * 1.75); Character character3 = component; character3.m_speed = (float)(character3.m_speed * 3.5); Character character4 = component; character4.m_walkSpeed = (float)(character4.m_walkSpeed * 2); Character character5 = component; character5.m_runSpeed = (float)(character5.m_runSpeed * 2.5); Rigidbody rigidbody = clone.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rigidbody.mass = 0.5f; Humanoid humanoid = (Humanoid)component; Character.Faction nFaction = Character.Faction.Players; humanoid.m_faction = nFaction; humanoid.m_defaultItems = new GameObject[1] { DesignSkellySword() }; humanoid.m_randomShield = new GameObject[1] { DesignSkellyShield() }; humanoid.m_randomWeapon = null; MonsterAI monsterAI = (MonsterAI)clone.GetComponent <BaseAI>(); monsterAI.m_viewRange = (int)15; monsterAI.m_deathMessage = "Friendly Skelly Down!"; monsterAI.m_enableHuntPlayer = false; monsterAI.m_circulateWhileCharging = false; Tameable tameable = (Tameable)clone.AddComponent <Tameable>(); GameObject wolfObject = (GameObject)RRRLateLoadPrefabs.Clone("Wolf", "tameClone", true, true); Tameable wolfTame = (Tameable)wolfObject.GetComponent <Tameable>(); tameable.m_fedDuration = wolfTame.m_fedDuration; tameable.m_tamingTime = wolfTame.m_tamingTime; tameable.m_commandable = true; CharacterDrop characterDrop = (CharacterDrop)clone.GetComponent <CharacterDrop>(); characterDrop.m_drops.Clear(); MiniSkelly.DesignAppearance(clone); }
internal static void LateLoadMiniSquito(GameObject clone) { Character component = (Character)clone.GetComponent <Character>(); BaseAI component2 = (BaseAI)clone.GetComponent <BaseAI>(); component.m_name = "Squito"; Character character1 = component; character1.m_health = 5; Character character2 = component; character2.m_acceleration = (float)(character2.m_acceleration * 0.75); Character character3 = component; character3.m_speed = (float)(character3.m_speed * 0.75); Character character4 = component; character4.m_walkSpeed = (float)(character4.m_walkSpeed * 0.75); Character character5 = component; character5.m_runSpeed = (float)(character5.m_runSpeed * 0.75); Character character6 = component; character6.m_flySlowSpeed = (float)(character6.m_flySlowSpeed * 0.75); Character character7 = component; character7.m_flyFastSpeed = (float)(character7.m_flyFastSpeed * 1.25); Rigidbody rigidbody = clone.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rigidbody.mass = 3f; Humanoid humanoid = (Humanoid)component; Character.Faction nFaction = Character.Faction.Players; humanoid.m_faction = nFaction; humanoid.m_defaultItems = new GameObject[1] { DesignSquitoSting() }; MonsterAI monsterAI = (MonsterAI)clone.GetComponent <BaseAI>(); monsterAI.m_viewRange = (int)15; monsterAI.m_deathMessage = "Friendly Squito Down!"; monsterAI.m_enableHuntPlayer = false; monsterAI.m_circulateWhileCharging = false; monsterAI.m_flyAltitudeMin = 0.4f; Tameable tameable = (Tameable)clone.AddComponent <Tameable>(); GameObject wolfObject = (GameObject)RRRLateLoadPrefabs.Clone("Wolf", "tameClone2", true, true); Tameable wolfTame = (Tameable)wolfObject.GetComponent <Tameable>(); tameable.m_fedDuration = wolfTame.m_fedDuration; tameable.m_tamingTime = wolfTame.m_tamingTime; tameable.m_commandable = true; tameable.m_tamedEffect = new EffectList(); CharacterDrop characterDrop = (CharacterDrop)clone.GetComponent <CharacterDrop>(); characterDrop.m_drops.Clear(); MiniSquito.DesignAppearance(clone); }