Exemplo n.º 1
        private bool ImportAnimationResource(TagInstance tagIndex, string cachePath, string dataPath)
            ModelAnimationGraph animation;
            ResourceCache       resourceCache;
            uint compressedSize = 0;
            var  data           = File.ReadAllBytes(dataPath);

            using (var cacheStream = _info.OpenCacheReadWrite())
                var tagContext = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, _info.Cache, _info.StringIDs, tagIndex);
                animation = _info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ModelAnimationGraph>(tagContext);
            using (var stream = File.Open(_info.CacheFile.DirectoryName + "\\" + cachePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                resourceCache = new ResourceCache(stream);
                animation.ResourceGroups[0].Resource.Index            = resourceCache.Add(stream, data, out compressedSize);
                animation.ResourceGroups[0].Resource.CompressedSize   = compressedSize;
                animation.ResourceGroups[0].Resource.OldLocationFlags = (OldResourceLocationFlags)2;
            using (var cacheStream = _fileInfo.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                var context = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, _cache, _stringIds, tagIndex);
                _info.Serializer.Serialize(context, animation);
            Console.WriteLine("{1}: Imported 0x{0}.", compressedSize, tagIndex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Limpa todas a linhas selecionadas
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void ButtonClearSelectedTags_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     foreach (var productTag in TagInstance.GetProductServiceTag().GetTags())
         productTag.Print = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a tag's data from the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="tag">The tag to read.</param>
        /// <returns>The data that was read.</returns>
        public TagData ExtractTag(Stream stream, TagInstance tag)
            if (tag == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tag));
            if (tag.HeaderOffset < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The tag is not in the cache file");

            // Build the description info and get the data offset
            uint dataOffset;
            var  data = BuildTagDescription(stream, tag, out dataOffset);

            // Read the tag data
            stream.Position = tag.HeaderOffset + dataOffset;
            data.Data       = new byte[tag.TotalSize - dataOffset];
            stream.Read(data.Data, 0, data.Data.Length);

            // Correct pointers
            using (var dataWriter = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream(data.Data)))
                foreach (var fixup in data.PointerFixups)
                    dataWriter.BaseStream.Position = fixup.WriteOffset;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Fixes tag offsets after a resize operation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startOffset">The offset where the resize operation took place.</param>
 /// <param name="sizeDelta">The amount to add to each tag offset after the start offset.</param>
 /// <param name="ignore">A tag to ignore.</param>
 private void FixTagOffsets(long startOffset, long sizeDelta, TagInstance ignore)
     foreach (var adjustTag in _tags.Where(t => t != null && t != ignore && t.HeaderOffset >= startOffset))
         adjustTag.HeaderOffset += sizeDelta;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static TagInstance ConvertTag(TagInstance srcTag, OpenTagCache srcInfo, Stream srcStream, ResourceDataManager srcResources, OpenTagCache destInfo, Stream destStream, ResourceDataManager destResources, TagCacheMap tagMap)

            // Deserialize the tag from the source cache
            var structureType = TagStructureTypes.FindByGroupTag(srcTag.Group.Tag);
            var srcContext    = new TagSerializationContext(srcStream, srcInfo.Cache, srcInfo.StringIDs, srcTag);
            var tagData       = srcInfo.Deserializer.Deserialize(srcContext, structureType);

            // Acquire the destination tag
            var destTag = destInfo.Cache.AllocateTag(srcTag.Group);

            tagMap.Add(srcInfo.CacheFile.FullName, srcTag.Index, destInfo.CacheFile.FullName, destTag.Index);

            if (srcTag.IsInGroup("decs") || srcTag.IsInGroup("rmd "))
                IsDecalShader = true;

            // Convert the source tag
            tagData = Convert(tagData, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap);

            if (srcTag.IsInGroup("decs") || srcTag.IsInGroup("rmd "))
                IsDecalShader = false;

            // Re-serialize into the destination cache
            var destContext = new TagSerializationContext(destStream, destInfo.Cache, destInfo.StringIDs, destTag);

            destInfo.Serializer.Serialize(destContext, tagData);

 private static bool CheckTargetOffset(TagInstance tag, uint targetOffset)
     if (targetOffset < tag.DataSize)
         return true;
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid target offset: cannot point to something outside the tag.");
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private bool ImportModelResource(TagInstance tagIndex, string cachePath, string dataPath)
            RenderModel   renderModel;
            ResourceCache resourceCache;
            uint          compressedSize = 0;
            var           data           = File.ReadAllBytes(dataPath);

            using (var cacheStream = _info.OpenCacheReadWrite())
                var tagContext = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, _info.Cache, _info.StringIDs, tagIndex);
                renderModel = _info.Deserializer.Deserialize <RenderModel>(tagContext);
            using (var stream = File.Open(_info.CacheFile.DirectoryName + "\\" + cachePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                resourceCache = new ResourceCache(stream);
                renderModel.Geometry.Resource.Index          = resourceCache.Add(stream, data, out compressedSize);
                renderModel.Geometry.Resource.CompressedSize = compressedSize;
            using (var cacheStream = _fileInfo.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                var context = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, _cache, _stringIds, tagIndex);
                _info.Serializer.Serialize(context, renderModel);
            Console.WriteLine("{1}: Imported 0x{0}.", compressedSize, tagIndex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a tag serialization context which serializes data into a tag.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream to write to.</param>
 /// <param name="cache">The cache file to write to.</param>
 /// <param name="stringIds">The stringID source to use.</param>
 /// <param name="tag">The tag to overwrite.</param>
 public TagSerializationContext(Stream stream, TagCache cache, StringIdCache stringIds, TagInstance tag)
     _stream = stream;
     _cache = cache;
     _stringIds = stringIds;
     Tag = tag;
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a tag serialization context which serializes data into a tag.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream">The stream to write to.</param>
 /// <param name="cache">The cache file to write to.</param>
 /// <param name="stringIds">The stringID source to use.</param>
 /// <param name="tag">The tag to overwrite.</param>
 public TagSerializationContext(Stream stream, TagCache cache, StringIDCache stringIds, TagInstance tag)
     _stream    = stream;
     _cache     = cache;
     _stringIds = stringIds;
     Tag        = tag;
Exemplo n.º 10
 private static int CompareTags(TagInstance lhs, TagInstance rhs)
     var classCompare = lhs.Group.Tag.CompareTo(rhs.Group.Tag);
     if (classCompare != 0)
         return classCompare;
     return lhs.Index.CompareTo(rhs.Index);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private bool ImportBitmapResource(TagInstance tagIndex, string cachePath, string dataPath)
            Bitmap        bitmap;
            ResourceCache resourceCache;
            uint          compressedSize = 0;

            using (var cacheStream = _info.OpenCacheRead())
                var tagContext = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, _info.Cache, _info.StringIDs, tagIndex);
                bitmap = _info.Deserializer.Deserialize <Bitmap>(tagContext);
            using (var stream = File.Open(_info.CacheFile.DirectoryName + "\\" + cachePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                int imageIndex = 0;
                foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(dataPath, "*.bitm"))
                    byte[] inBitmapData = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
                    resourceCache = new ResourceCache(stream);
                    bitmap.Resources[imageIndex].Resource.Index          = resourceCache.Add(stream, inBitmapData, out compressedSize);
                    bitmap.Resources[imageIndex].Resource.CompressedSize = compressedSize;
            using (var cacheStream = _fileInfo.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                var context = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, _cache, _stringIds, tagIndex);
                _info.Serializer.Serialize(context, bitmap);
            Console.WriteLine("{1}: Imported 0x{0}.", compressedSize, tagIndex);
Exemplo n.º 12
 private static bool CheckWriteOffset(TagInstance tag, uint writeOffset)
     if (writeOffset < tag.DataSize)
         return true;
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Invalid write offset: cannot write past the end of the tag.");
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private bool ExecuteList(TagInstance tag, bool all)
            if (tag.Dependencies.Count == 0)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Tag {0:X8} has no dependencies.", tag.Index);

            IEnumerable <TagInstance> dependencies;

            if (all)
                dependencies = Info.Cache.Tags.FindDependencies(tag);
                dependencies = tag.Dependencies.Where(i => Info.Cache.Tags.Contains(i)).Select(i => Info.Cache.Tags[i]);

            foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
                var tagName = Info.TagNames.ContainsKey(dependency.Index) ?
                              Info.TagNames[dependency.Index] :

                Console.WriteLine($"[Index: 0x{dependency.Index:X4}, Offset: 0x{dependency.HeaderOffset:X8}, Size: 0x{dependency.TotalSize:X4}] {tagName}.{Info.StringIDs.GetString(dependency.Group.Name)}");

Exemplo n.º 14
        private bool ExecuteListDependsOn(TagInstance tag)
            var dependsOn = _cache.Tags.NonNull().Where(t => t.Dependencies.Contains(tag.Index));

 private bool ExecuteAddRemove(TagInstance tag, List<string> args)
     if (args.Count < 3)
         return false;
     var dependencies = args.Skip(2).Select(a => ArgumentParser.ParseTagIndex(_cache, a)).ToList();
     if (dependencies.Count == 0 || dependencies.Any(d => d == null))
         return false;
     if (args[0] == "add")
         foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
             if (tag.Dependencies.Add(dependency.Index))
                 Console.WriteLine("Added dependency on tag {0:X8}.", dependency.Index);
                 Console.Error.WriteLine("Tag {0:X8} already depends on tag {1:X8}.", tag.Index, dependency.Index);
         foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
             if (tag.Dependencies.Remove(dependency.Index))
                 Console.WriteLine("Removed dependency on tag {0:X8}.", dependency.Index);
                 Console.Error.WriteLine("Tag {0:X8} does not depend on tag {1:X8}.", tag.Index, dependency.Index);
     using (var stream = _info.OpenCacheReadWrite())
         _cache.UpdateTag(stream, tag);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static void Populate(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            RenderMethod renderMethod = null;

            using (var cacheStream = info.OpenCacheReadWrite())
                var tagContext = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, info.Cache, info.StringIDs, tag);

                switch (tag.Group.Tag.ToString())
                case "rm  ":     // render_method
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <RenderMethod>(tagContext);

                case "rmsh":     // shader
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <Shader>(tagContext);

                case "rmd ":     // shader_decal
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ShaderDecal>(tagContext);

                case "rmfl":     // shader_foliage
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ShaderFoliage>(tagContext);

                case "rmhg":     // shader_halogram
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ShaderHalogram>(tagContext);

                case "rmss":     // shader_screen
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ShaderScreen>(tagContext);

                case "rmtr":     // shader_terrain
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ShaderTerrain>(tagContext);

                case "rmw ":     // shader_water
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ShaderWater>(tagContext);

                case "rmzo":     // shader_zonly
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ShaderZonly>(tagContext);

                case "rmcs":     // shader_custom
                    renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ShaderCustom>(tagContext);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            context.AddCommand(new ListArgumentsCommand(info, tag, renderMethod));
            context.AddCommand(new ListBitmapsCommand(info, tag, renderMethod));
            context.AddCommand(new SpecifyBitmapsCommand(info, tag, renderMethod));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private TagInstance ConvertTag(TagInstance srcTag, OpenTagCache srcInfo, Stream srcStream, ResourceDataManager srcResources, OpenTagCache destInfo, Stream destStream, ResourceDataManager destResources, TagVersionMap tagMap)

            // Uncomment this to use 0x101F for all shaders

            /*if (srcTag.IsClass("rm  "))
             *  return destInfo.Cache.Tags[0x101F];*/

            // Check if the tag is in the map, and just return the translated tag if so
            var destIndex = tagMap.Translate(srcInfo.Version, srcTag.Index, destInfo.Version);

            if (destIndex >= 0)
                Console.WriteLine("- Using already-known index {0:X4}", destIndex);

            // Deserialize the tag from the source cache
            var structureType = TagStructureTypes.FindByGroupTag(srcTag.Group.Tag);
            var srcContext    = new TagSerializationContext(srcStream, srcInfo.Cache, srcInfo.StringIDs, srcTag);
            var tagData       = srcInfo.Deserializer.Deserialize(srcContext, structureType);

            // Uncomment this to use 0x101F in place of shaders that need conversion

            /*if (tagData is RenderMethod)
             * {
             *  var rm = (RenderMethod)tagData;
             *  foreach (var prop in rm.ShaderProperties)
             *  {
             *      if (tagMap.Translate(srcInfo.Version, prop.Template.Index, destInfo.Version) < 0)
             *          return destInfo.Cache.Tags[0x101F];
             *  }
             * }*/

            // Allocate a new tag and create a mapping for it
            var newTag = destInfo.Cache.AllocateTag(srcTag.Group);

            tagMap.Add(srcInfo.Version, srcTag.Index, destInfo.Version, newTag.Index);

            if (srcTag.IsInGroup("decs") || srcTag.IsInGroup("rmd "))
                _isDecalShader = true;

            // Convert it
            tagData = Convert(tagData, srcInfo, srcStream, srcResources, destInfo, destStream, destResources, tagMap);

            if (srcTag.IsInGroup("decs") || srcTag.IsInGroup("rmd "))
                _isDecalShader = false;

            // Re-serialize into the destination cache
            var destContext = new TagSerializationContext(destStream, destInfo.Cache, destInfo.StringIDs, newTag);

            destInfo.Serializer.Serialize(destContext, tagData);
        public static void Populate(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            RenderMethod renderMethod = null;

            using (var cacheStream = info.OpenCacheReadWrite())
                var tagContext = new TagSerializationContext(cacheStream, info.Cache, info.StringIds, tag);

                switch (tag.Group.Tag.ToString())
                    case "rm  ": // render_method
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<RenderMethod>(tagContext);

                    case "rmsh": // shader
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<Shader>(tagContext);

                    case "rmd ": // shader_decal
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<ShaderDecal>(tagContext);

                    case "rmfl": // shader_foliage
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<ShaderFoliage>(tagContext);

                    case "rmhg": // shader_halogram
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<ShaderHalogram>(tagContext);

                    case "rmss": // shader_screen
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<ShaderScreen>(tagContext);

                    case "rmtr": // shader_terrain
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<ShaderTerrain>(tagContext);

                    case "rmw ": // shader_water
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<ShaderWater>(tagContext);

                    case "rmzo": // shader_zonly
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<ShaderZonly>(tagContext);

                    case "rmcs": // shader_custom
                        renderMethod = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<ShaderCustom>(tagContext);

                        throw new NotImplementedException();
            context.AddCommand(new ListArgumentsCommand(info, tag, renderMethod));
            context.AddCommand(new ListBitmapsCommand(info, tag, renderMethod));
            context.AddCommand(new SpecifyBitmapsCommand(info, tag, renderMethod));
 public static void Populate(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, VFilesList vfsl)
     context.AddCommand(new ListCommand(vfsl));
     context.AddCommand(new ExtractCommand(vfsl));
     context.AddCommand(new ExtractAllCommand(vfsl));
     context.AddCommand(new ImportCommand(info, tag, vfsl));
     context.AddCommand(new ImportAllCommand(info, tag, vfsl));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static void Populate(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, VFilesList vfsl)
     context.AddCommand(new ListCommand(vfsl));
     context.AddCommand(new ExtractCommand(vfsl));
     context.AddCommand(new ExtractAllCommand(vfsl));
     context.AddCommand(new ImportCommand(info, tag, vfsl));
     context.AddCommand(new ImportAllCommand(info, tag, vfsl));
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Allocates a new tag at the end of the tag list without updating the file.
        /// You can give the tag data by using one of the overwrite functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The tag's type information.</param>
        /// <returns>The allocated tag.</returns>
        public TagInstance AllocateTag(TagGroup type)
            var tagIndex = _tags.Count;
            var tag      = new TagInstance(tagIndex, type);

        public static void Populate(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, MultilingualUnicodeStringList unic)
            if (info.StringIds == null)

            context.AddCommand(new ListCommand(info, unic));
            context.AddCommand(new SetCommand(info, tag, unic));
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds a memory map for a tag.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tag">The tag to build a memory map for.</param>
 /// <returns>The built map.</returns>
 private static MemoryMap BuildTagMap(TagInstance tag)
     // Create a memory map with a boundary at each fixup target
     // and at the main structure
     var result = new MemoryMap(0, (uint)tag.DataSize);
     result.AddBoundaries(tag.DataFixups.Select(f => f.TargetOffset));
     return result;
        private void SetRenderModelName(Stream stream, TagInstance tag, ref Dictionary<int, string> tagNames)
            if (tagNames.ContainsKey(tag.Index))

            var context = new TagSerializationContext(stream, Info.Cache, Info.StringIds, tag);
            var definition = Info.Deserializer.Deserialize<RenderModel>(context);
            tagNames[tag.Index] = $"{Info.StringIds.GetString(definition.Name)}";
        public static CommandContext Create(CommandContext parent, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, VFilesList vfsl)
            var groupName = info.StringIds.GetString(tag.GroupName);

            var context = new CommandContext(parent,
                string.Format("{0:X8}.{1}", tag.Index, groupName));

            return context;
Exemplo n.º 26
        private static void EditModel(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            Model model;

            using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                model = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <Model>(
                    new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIDs, tag));

            ModelContextFactory.Populate(context, info, tag, model);
        private static void EditVFilesList(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            VFilesList vfsl;

            using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                vfsl = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<VFilesList>(
                    new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIds, tag));

            VFilesContextFactory.Populate(context, info, tag, vfsl);
        private static void EditBitmap(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            Bitmap bitmap;

            using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                bitmap = info.Deserializer.Deserialize<Bitmap>(
                    new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIds, tag));

            BitmapContextFactory.Populate(context, info, tag, bitmap);
Exemplo n.º 29
        private static int CompareTags(TagInstance lhs, TagInstance rhs)
            var classCompare = lhs.Group.Tag.CompareTo(rhs.Group.Tag);

            if (classCompare != 0)
Exemplo n.º 30
        private static void EditScenario(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            Scenario scenario;

            using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                scenario = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <Scenario>(
                    new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIDs, tag));

            ScnrContextFactory.Populate(context, info, tag, scenario);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public static void Populate(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, MultilingualUnicodeStringList unic)
            if (info.StringIds == null)

            context.AddCommand(new ListCommand(info, unic));
            context.AddCommand(new SetCommand(info, tag, unic));
Exemplo n.º 32
        private static void EditAnimation(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            ModelAnimationGraph animation;

            using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                animation = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <ModelAnimationGraph>(
                    new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIDs, tag));

            AnimationContextFactory.Populate(context, info, tag, animation);
Exemplo n.º 33
        private static void EditBitmap(CommandContext context, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag)
            Bitmap bitmap;

            using (var stream = info.OpenCacheRead())
                bitmap = info.Deserializer.Deserialize <Bitmap>(
                    new TagSerializationContext(stream, info.Cache, info.StringIDs, tag));

            BitmapContextFactory.Populate(context, info, tag, bitmap);
Exemplo n.º 34
 public TagAnalyzer(TagCache cache, TagInstance tag)
     _cache = cache;
     _tag = tag;
     _tagMap = BuildTagMap(tag);
     _dataFixupsByWriteOffset = _tag.DataFixups.ToDictionary(f => f.WriteOffset);
     _resourceFixupsByWriteOffset = _tag.ResourceFixups.ToDictionary(f => f.WriteOffset);
     foreach (var group in cache.Tags.NonNull().Select(t => t.GroupTag).Distinct())
 public ListArgumentsCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderMethod definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
          "Lists the arguments of the render_method.",
          "Lists the arguments of the render_method.")
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 36
 public ReplaceCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderModel definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.None,
            "replace <dest tag index> <dest cache dir>",
     Info       = info;
     Tag        = tag;
     Definition = definition;
 public ListBitmapsCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderMethod definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
          "Lists the bitmaps used by the render_method.",
          "Lists the bitmaps used by the render_method.")
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 38
 public GetResourceCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderModel definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.None,
     Info       = info;
     Tag        = tag;
     Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 39
 public ImportCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, VFilesList definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.None,
            "Replace a file stored in the tag",
            "import <virtual path> [filename]",
            "Replaces a file stored in the tag. The tag will be resized as necessary.")
     Info       = info;
     Tag        = tag;
     Definition = definition;
        public static CommandContext Create(CommandContext parent, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderModel renderModel)
            var groupName = info.StringIds.GetString(tag.GroupName);

            var context = new CommandContext(parent,
                string.Format("{0:X8}.{1}", tag.Index, groupName));

            Populate(context, info, tag, renderModel);

            return context;
Exemplo n.º 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes a tag reference.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="writer">The writer to write to.</param>
 /// <param name="referencedTag">The referenced tag.</param>
 /// <param name="valueInfo">Information about the value. Can be <c>null</c>.</param>
 private static void SerializeTagReference(BinaryWriter writer, TagInstance referencedTag, TagFieldAttribute valueInfo)
     // Write the reference out
     if (valueInfo == null || (valueInfo.Flags & TagFieldFlags.Short) == 0)
         writer.Write((referencedTag != null) ? referencedTag.Group.Tag.Value : -1);
     writer.Write((referencedTag != null) ? referencedTag.Index : -1);
 public SaveChangesCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, object value)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
           $"Saves changes made to the current {info.StringIds.GetString(tag.GroupName)} definition.",
           $"Saves changes made to the current {info.StringIds.GetString(tag.GroupName)} definition.")
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Value = value;
 public SpecifyShadersCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderModel definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
           "Allows the shaders of a render_model to be respecified.",
           "Allows the shaders of a render_model to be respecified.")
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 44
 public ListBitmapsCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderMethod definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
            "Lists the bitmaps used by the render_method.",
            "Lists the bitmaps used by the render_method.")
     Info       = info;
     Tag        = tag;
     Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 45
 public SpecifyBitmapsCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderMethod definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
            "Allows the bitmaps of the render_method to be respecified.",
            "Allows the bitmaps of the render_method to be respecified.")
     Info       = info;
     Tag        = tag;
     Definition = definition;
 public SpecifyBitmapsCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderMethod definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
          "Allows the bitmaps of the render_method to be respecified.",
          "Allows the bitmaps of the render_method to be respecified.")
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 47
 public SaveChangesCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, object value)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
            $"Saves changes made to the current {info.StringIDs.GetString(tag.Group.Name)} definition.",
            $"Saves changes made to the current {info.StringIDs.GetString(tag.Group.Name)} definition.")
     Info  = info;
     Tag   = tag;
     Value = value;
Exemplo n.º 48
 public SpecifyShadersCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderModel definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
            "Allows the shaders of a render_model to be respecified.",
            "Allows the shaders of a render_model to be respecified.")
     Info       = info;
     Tag        = tag;
     Definition = definition;
        public static CommandContext Create(CommandContext parent, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, MultilingualUnicodeStringList unic)
            var groupName = info.StringIds.GetString(tag.Group.Name);

            var context = new CommandContext(parent,
                string.Format("{0:X8}.{1}", tag.Index, groupName));

            Populate(context, info, tag, unic);

            return context;
Exemplo n.º 50
 public GetResourcesCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, ModelAnimationGraph definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.None,
     Info       = info;
     Tag        = tag;
     Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 51
 public ListArgumentsCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, RenderMethod definition)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
            "Lists the arguments of the render_method.",
            "Lists the arguments of the render_method.")
     Info       = info;
     Tag        = tag;
     Definition = definition;
 public EditBlockCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, object value)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
           "Edit the fields of a particular block element.",
           "Edit <block name> [block index (if block)]",
           "Edit the fields of a particular block element.")
     Info = info;
     Stack = stack;
     Tag = tag;
     Structure = new TagStructureInfo(value.GetType(), Info.Version);
     Owner = value;
 public AddToBlockCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
           $"Adds block element(s) to the end of a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",
           "AddTo <tag block name> [amount = 1]",
           $"Adds block element(s) to the end of a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
     Stack = stack;
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Structure = structure;
     Owner = owner;
 public RemoveFromBlockCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
           $"Removes block element(s) from a specified index of a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",
           "RemoveFrom <tag block name> [* | <tag block index> [* | amount = 1]]",
           $"Removes block element(s) from a specified index of a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
     Stack = stack;
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Structure = structure;
     Owner = owner;
Exemplo n.º 55
 public SetFieldCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
           $"Sets the value of a specific field in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",
           "SetField <field name> <field value>",
           $"Sets the value of a specific field in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
     Stack = stack;
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Structure = structure;
     Owner = owner;
 public PasteElementsCommand(CommandContextStack stack, OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, TagStructureInfo structure, object owner)
     : base(CommandFlags.Inherit,
           $"Pastes block element(s) to a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.",
           "PasteElements <tag block name> [index = *]",
           $"Pastes block element(s) to a specific tag block in the current {structure.Types[0].Name} definition.")
     Stack = stack;
     Info = info;
     Tag = tag;
     Structure = structure;
     Owner = owner;
Exemplo n.º 57
        public ImportCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, VFilesList definition) : base(
            "Replace a file stored in the tag",

            "import <virtual path> [filename]",
            "Replaces a file stored in the tag. The tag will be resized as necessary.")
            Info = info;
            Tag = tag;
            Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 58
        public ImportAllCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, VFilesList definition) : base(
            "Replace all files stored in the tag",

            "importall [directory]",
            "Replaces all file stored in the tag. The tag will be resized as necessary.\n" +
            "If no directory is specified, files will be loaded from the current directory.")
            Info = info;
            Tag = tag;
            Definition = definition;
Exemplo n.º 59
        public ImportCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, Bitmap bitmap) : base(

            "Import an image from a DDS file",

            "import <image index> <path>",

            "The image index must be in hexadecimal.\n" +
            "No conversion will be done on the data in the DDS file.\n" +
            "The pixel format must be supported by the game.")
            Info = info;
            Tag = tag;
            Definition = bitmap;
Exemplo n.º 60
        public SetCommand(OpenTagCache info, TagInstance tag, MultilingualUnicodeStringList unic) : base(

            "Set the value of a string",

            "set <language> <stringid> <value>",

            "Sets the string associated with a stringID in a language.\n" +
            "Remember to put the string value in quotes if it contains spaces.\n" +
            "If the string does not exist, it will be added.")
            Info = info;
            Tag = tag;
            Definition = unic;