Exemplo n.º 1
        private void LoadTableParser()
            TableSpec.TableParserConfigFile[] configurations = TryLoadConfigurationFiles <TableSpec.TableParserConfigFile>(this.SourceFolderPath);
            var tableParserConfig = configurations.FirstOrDefault();

            if (null != tableParserConfig)
                Console.WriteLine("Using table definitions from: {0}", tableParserConfig.SourcePath);
                this.TableParserConfig = tableParserConfig;
                this.TableParser       = new TableSpec.TableSpecConverter(tableParserConfig.TableDefinitions);
                Console.WriteLine("Using default table parser definitions");
                this.TableParser = TableSpec.TableSpecConverter.FromDefaultConfiguration();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert blocks of text found inside the markdown file into things we know how to work
        /// with (methods, resources, examples, etc).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="errors"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected bool ParseMarkdownBlocks(out ValidationError[] errors)
            List <ValidationError> detectedErrors = new List <ValidationError>();

            string methodTitle       = null;
            string methodDescription = null;

            Block previousHeaderBlock = null;

            List <object> foundElements = new List <object>();

            for (int i = 0; i < this.OriginalMarkdownBlocks.Length; i++)
                var block = this.OriginalMarkdownBlocks[i];

                this.ContentOutline.Add(string.Format("{0} - {1}", block.BlockType, this.PreviewOfBlockContent(block)));

                // Capture GitHub Flavored Markdown Bookmarks
                if (IsHeaderBlock(block, 6))

                // Capture h1 and/or p element to be used as the title and description for items on this page
                if (IsHeaderBlock(block))
                    methodTitle       = block.Content;
                    methodDescription = null;       // Clear this because we don't want new title + old description
                    detectedErrors.Add(new ValidationMessage(null, "Found title: {0}", methodTitle));
                else if (block.BlockType == BlockType.p)
                    if (null == previousHeaderBlock)
                        detectedErrors.Add(new ValidationWarning(ValidationErrorCode.MissingHeaderBlock, null, "Paragraph text found before a valid header: {0}", this.DisplayName));
                    else if (IsHeaderBlock(previousHeaderBlock))
                        methodDescription = block.Content;
                        detectedErrors.Add(new ValidationMessage(null, "Found description: {0}", methodDescription));
                else if (block.BlockType == BlockType.html)
                    // If the next block is a codeblock we've found a metadata + codeblock pair
                    Block nextBlock = null;
                    if (i + 1 < this.OriginalMarkdownBlocks.Length)
                        nextBlock = this.OriginalMarkdownBlocks[i + 1];
                    if (null != nextBlock && nextBlock.BlockType == BlockType.codeblock)
                        // html + codeblock = likely request or response!
                        ItemDefinition definition = null;
                            definition = this.ParseCodeBlock(block, nextBlock);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            detectedErrors.Add(new ValidationError(ValidationErrorCode.MarkdownParserError, this.DisplayName, ex.Message));

                        if (null != definition)
                            detectedErrors.Add(new ValidationMessage(null, "Found code block: {0} [{1}]", definition.Title, definition.GetType().Name));
                            definition.Title       = methodTitle;
                            definition.Description = methodDescription;

                            if (!foundElements.Contains(definition))
                    else if (null == this.Annotation)
                        // See if this is the page-level annotation
                        var annotation = this.ParsePageAnnotation(block);
                        if (null != annotation)
                            this.Annotation = annotation;
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Annotation.Title))
                                this.Annotation.Title = (from b in this.OriginalMarkdownBlocks where IsHeaderBlock(b, 1) select b.Content).FirstOrDefault();
                else if (block.BlockType == BlockType.table_spec)
                    Block blockBeforeTable = (i - 1 >= 0) ? this.OriginalMarkdownBlocks[i - 1] : null;
                    if (null == blockBeforeTable)

                    ValidationError[] parseErrors;
                    var table = TableSpecConverter.ParseTableSpec(block, previousHeaderBlock, out parseErrors);
                    if (null != parseErrors)

                    detectedErrors.Add(new ValidationMessage(null, "Found table: {0}. Rows:\r\n{1}", table.Type,
                                                             (from r in table.Rows select JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r, Formatting.Indented)).ComponentsJoinedByString(" ,\r\n")));


                if (block.IsHeaderBlock())
                    previousHeaderBlock = block;

            ValidationError[] postProcessingErrors;
            this.PostProcessFoundElements(foundElements, out postProcessingErrors);

            errors = detectedErrors.ToArray();
            return(!detectedErrors.Any(x => x.IsError));