public async Task TransactionalBatchAsync()
            string storageUri        = StorageUri;
            string accountName       = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey = PrimaryStorageAccountKey;
            string tableName         = "OfficeSuppliesBatch";
            string partitionKey      = "BatchInsertSample";

            var serviceClient = new TableServiceClient(
                new Uri(storageUri),
                new TableSharedKeyCredential(accountName, storageAccountKey));

            await serviceClient.CreateTableAsync(tableName);

            TableClient client = serviceClient.GetTableClient(tableName);

            #region Snippet:BatchAdd
            // Create a list of 5 entities with the same partition key.
            //@@string partitionKey = "BatchInsertSample";
            List <TableEntity> entityList = new List <TableEntity> {
                new TableEntity(partitionKey, "01")
                    { "Product", "Marker" },
                    { "Price", 5.00 },
                    { "Brand", "Premium" }
                new TableEntity(partitionKey, "02")
                    { "Product", "Pen" },
                    { "Price", 3.00 },
                    { "Brand", "Premium" }
                new TableEntity(partitionKey, "03")
                    { "Product", "Paper" },
                    { "Price", 0.10 },
                    { "Brand", "Premium" }
                new TableEntity(partitionKey, "04")
                    { "Product", "Glue" },
                    { "Price", 1.00 },
                    { "Brand", "Generic" }

            // Create the batch.
            TableTransactionalBatch addEntitiesBatch = client.CreateTransactionalBatch(partitionKey);

            // Add the entities to be added to the batch.

            // Submit the batch.
            TableBatchResponse response = await addEntitiesBatch.SubmitBatchAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (TableEntity entity in entityList)
                Console.WriteLine($"The ETag for the entity with RowKey: '{entity.RowKey}' is {response.GetResponseForEntity(entity.RowKey).Headers.ETag}");

            #region Snippet:BatchMixed
            // Create a new batch.
            TableTransactionalBatch mixedBatch = client.CreateTransactionalBatch(partitionKey);

            // Add an entity for deletion to the batch.

            // Remove this entity from our list so that we can track that it will no longer be in the table.

            // Change only the price of the entity with a RoyKey equal to "02".
            TableEntity mergeEntity = new TableEntity(partitionKey, "02")
                { "Price", 3.50 },

            // Add a merge operation to the batch.
            // We specify an ETag value of ETag.All to indicate that this merge should be unconditional.
            mixedBatch.UpdateEntity(mergeEntity, ETag.All, TableUpdateMode.Merge);

            // Update a property on an entity.
            TableEntity updateEntity = entityList[2];
            updateEntity["Brand"] = "Generic";

            // Add an update operation to the batch.
            // Using the UpsertEntity method allows us to implicitly ignore the ETag value.
            mixedBatch.UpsertEntity(updateEntity, TableUpdateMode.Replace);

            // Submit the batch.
            await mixedBatch.SubmitBatchAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


            #region Snippet:BatchDelete
            // Create a new batch.
            TableTransactionalBatch deleteEntitiesBatch = client.CreateTransactionalBatch(partitionKey);

            // Add the entities for deletion to the batch.
            foreach (TableEntity entity in entityList)

            // Submit the batch.
            await deleteEntitiesBatch.SubmitBatchAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Delete the table.
            await client.DeleteAsync();