Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 绑定所有报表类型
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="IsSelectAll">是否显示 无父类 选项</param>
        public void DataBindEx(bool IsSelectAll)
            List <T_Report_Type_MDL> list = new T_Report_Type_BLL().GetModelList("");

            ddl_Report_Type.DataSource     = list;
            ddl_Report_Type.DataTextField  = "ReportTypeName";
            ddl_Report_Type.DataValueField = "ReportTypeID";

            if (IsSelectAll)
                ListItem item = new ListItem("无父类", "0");
                ddl_Report_Type.Items.Insert(0, item);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据工程ID 将报表导出PDF,注意:报表必须预先在T_Report做出记录    ,
        /// 新生成的报表PDF文件名: pdfFileName=String.Concat(SingleProjectID, "-", ReportCode, ".pdf");
        /// 报表PDF存放路径: Server.MapPath("../Upload/TempReport/" + pdfFileName
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ids">ids 工程id或案卷id</param>
        /// <param name="reportCode">报表类型</param>
        /// <param name="delOldReportPdf">是否删除已生成的PDF,删除则重新生成</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ReportExportPDF(string ids, string reportCode, bool delOldReportPdf)
            string pdfFileName = String.Concat(ids, "-", reportCode, ".pdf");

            try {
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Upload/TempReport/" + pdfFileName)))
                    if (delOldReportPdf)
                        System.IO.File.Delete(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Upload/TempReport/" + pdfFileName));

                List <T_Report_MDL> ltReport = new T_Report_BLL().GetModelList("lower(ReportCode)='" + reportCode.ToLower() + "'");
                if (ltReport == null || ltReport.Count < 1)
                    return(SystemSet._RETURN_FAILURE_VALUE + "报表数据不存在!");

                T_Report_MDL      trMdl  = ltReport[0];
                T_Report_Type_MDL trtMdl = new T_Report_Type_BLL().GetModel(Common.ConvertEx.ToInt(trMdl.ReportTypeID));
                if (trMdl == null || trtMdl == null)
                    return(SystemSet._RETURN_FAILURE_VALUE + "报表数据不存在!");

                if (!Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../ajax"))) //如果不用报表空间预先加载报表,必须先创建此目录

                if (!Directory.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Upload/TempReport/")))//存放报表PDF的临时目录

                string reportPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Report/ReportFiles/" + trtMdl.ReportTypeName + "/" + trMdl.ReportFilePath);
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(reportPath))
                    StiReport Report = new StiReport();

                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    if (reportCode.ToLower() == "zrs")
                        string strSql = "select a.*,b.ReadyCheckBookCode from T_SingleProject a inner join T_ReadyCheckBook b ";
                        strSql += "on a.SingleProjectID=b.SingleProjectID where a.SingleProjectID=" + ids + " ";
                        ds      = new T_Other_BLL().GetDataSet(strSql);
                    else if (reportCode.ToLower() == "rkz")
                        string strSql = "select a.*,b.ReadyCheckBookCode from T_SingleProject a inner join T_ReadyCheckBook b ";
                        strSql += "on a.SingleProjectID=b.SingleProjectID where a.SingleProjectID=" + ids + " ";
                        ds      = new T_Other_BLL().GetDataSet(strSql);
                    else if (reportCode.ToLower() == "zms")
                        string strSql = "select P.gcbm,P.jsdw,P.gcmc,P.ghxkzh,P.gcdd,P.sgxkzh,"
                                        + " (CASE P.ProjectType WHEN 1 then P1.jzmj WHEN 2 THEN P2.jzmj WHEN 3 THEN '' END) AS JZMJ, "
                                        + " (CASE P.ProjectType WHEN 1 then P1.gcjs WHEN 2 THEN P2.zjs WHEN 3 THEN '' END) AS gczj, "
                                        + " P.kgsj,P.jgsj from T_SingleProject P "
                                        + " LEFT JOIN a_single_project P1 ON P.SingleProjectID=P1.SingleProjectID"
                                        + " LEFT JOIN b_single_project P2 ON P.SingleProjectID=p2.SingleProjectID"
                                        + " WHERE P.SingleProjectID=" + ids;

                        T_Other_BLL otherBLL = new T_Other_BLL();
                        ds = otherBLL.GetDataSet(strSql);
                        if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("wzCount")); //文字卷数
                            ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("tzCount")); //图纸卷数

                        ds = new T_Other_BLL().GetDataSet(strSql);
                    else if (reportCode.ToLower() == "archivefengpi")
                        string strSql = "SELECT DH,ShortDH,AJTM,BZDW,lrsj,zzsj,t_systeminfo.systeminfoname as sys_mj,sys2.systeminfoname as sys_bgqx,XH,";
                        strSql += "(SELECT COUNT(0) FROM T_Archive WHERE SINGLEPROJECTID=T_Archive.SINGLEPROJECTID) as jzcs, ";
                        strSql += "(select SUM(isnull(ManualCount,0)) from t_filelist where t_filelist.ArchiveID=T_Archive.ArchiveID)as TotalPageNums ";
                        strSql += "FROM T_Archive left join t_systeminfo on t_archive.mj=t_systeminfo.systeminfoid left join t_systeminfo sys2 ";
                        strSql += "on t_archive.bgqx=sys2.systeminfoid WHERE ARCHIVEID=" + ids;

                        ds = new T_Other_BLL().GetDataSet(strSql);
                    else if (reportCode.ToLower() == "archivemulu")
                        string strSql = "select (ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by ArchiveID ORDER BY OrderIndex)) as RowID,archiveid, ";
                        strSql += "w_t_h,Title,zrr,lrsj,StartTime,PagesCount,ManualCount,yc ";
                        strSql += "from t_filelist where archiveid in(" + ids + ") Order by ArchiveID,OrderIndex asc ";
                        ds      = new T_Other_BLL().GetDataSet(strSql);
                        if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)  //重排页次
                            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

                            int PageIndexCount = 1;
                            for (var i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                                if (i == 0)
                                    dt.Rows[i]["PagesCount"] = PageIndexCount;
                                    dt.Rows[i]["yc"]         = PageIndexCount;
                                    if ((i + 1) < dt.Rows.Count && ConvertEx.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["archiveid"]) != ConvertEx.ToInt(dt.Rows[i - 1]["archiveid"]))
                                        PageIndexCount = 1;
                                        PageIndexCount += ConvertEx.ToInt(dt.Rows[i - 1]["ManualCount"]);

                                    dt.Rows[i]["PagesCount"] = PageIndexCount;
                                    dt.Rows[i]["yc"]         = PageIndexCount;

                                    if (((i + 1) < dt.Rows.Count && ConvertEx.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["archiveid"]) != ConvertEx.ToInt(dt.Rows[i + 1]["archiveid"])) ||
                                        (i + 1) >= dt.Rows.Count)
                                        int lastManualCount = ConvertEx.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["ManualCount"]);//每个案卷中的最后一份文件页次都是 *-*格式
                                        if (lastManualCount > 1)
                                            dt.Rows[i]["yc"] = string.Concat(ConvertEx.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["PagesCount"]), "-",
                                                                             ConvertEx.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["PagesCount"]) - 1 + lastManualCount);
                                        else if (lastManualCount == 1)
                                            dt.Rows[i]["yc"] = string.Concat(dt.Rows[i]["yc"], "-", dt.Rows[i]["yc"]);
                    else if (reportCode.ToLower() == "juanneibeikao")
                        string strSql = "select T_Archive.lrr,T_Archive.lrsj,T_Archive.shr,T_Archive.shsj,sum(isnull(manualcount,0)) wzz, ";
                        strSql += "sum(isnull(t_filelist.tzz,0)) tzz,sum(isnull(zpz,0)) zpz,T_Archive.note from t_filelist,T_Archive where ";
                        strSql += "t_filelist.ArchiveID=T_Archive.ArchiveID AND t_filelist.archiveid=" + ids + " group by  T_Archive.lrr,";
                        strSql += " T_Archive.shr,T_Archive.note,T_Archive.lrsj,T_Archive.shsj";

                        ds = new T_Other_BLL().GetDataSet(strSql);
                    else if (reportCode.ToLower() == "printarchive")
                        string strSql = "select w_t_h,Title,zrr,lrsj,StartTime,PagesCount from t_filelist where Status<>0 AND ";
                        strSql += "SingleProjectID=" + ids + " Order by bh ";

                        ds = new T_Other_BLL().GetDataSet(strSql);

                    if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                        Report.RegData("Report", ds);
                        Report.ExportDocument(StiExportFormat.Pdf, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("../Upload/TempReport/" + pdfFileName));
                        pdfFileName = SystemSet._RETURN_FAILURE_VALUE + "无数据,不用打印!";
                    pdfFileName = SystemSet._RETURN_FAILURE_VALUE + "报表模板文件不存在!";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                pdfFileName = SystemSet._RETURN_FAILURE_VALUE + ex.Message;