Exemplo n.º 1
        private void FillListBox()
            lblFolder.Text = "Files on folder: " + Path.GetDirectoryName(openFileDialog1.FileName);
            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(openFileDialog1.FileName));

            FileInfo[] Fi = di.GetFiles("*.xls");

            TImageInfo[] Files = new TImageInfo[Fi.Length];

            for (int k = 0; k < Fi.Length; k++)
                FileInfo f       = Fi[k];
                bool     HasCrop = false;
                bool     HasARGB = false;
                XlsFile  x1      = new XlsFile();

                bool HasImages = false;

                    for (int sheet = 1; sheet <= x1.SheetCount; sheet++)
                        x1.ActiveSheet = sheet;
                        for (int i = x1.ImageCount; i > 0; i--)
                            HasImages = true;
                            TImageProperties ip = x1.GetImageProperties(i);
                            if (!HasCrop)
                                HasCrop = GetHasCrop(ip);

                            TXlsImgType imgType = TXlsImgType.Unknown;
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                                x1.GetImage(i, ref imgType, ms);
                                FlexCel.Pdf.TPngInformation PngInfo = FlexCel.Pdf.TPdfPng.GetPngInfo(ms);
                                if (PngInfo != null)
                                    HasARGB = PngInfo.ColorType == 6;
                catch (Exception)
                    Files[k] = new TImageInfo(f, false, false, false, false);

                Files[k] = new TImageInfo(f, true, HasCrop, HasImages, HasARGB);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void LoadDataBmp(byte[] Data, TXlsImgType DataType, Stream BlipData)         //A BMP is a DIB with a 14 byte header. We need to split the header.
            int Ofs = 0;

            if (BitOps.GetWord(Data, 0) == 0x4D42)
                Ofs = 14;                         //bitmap type ("BM"). If this is not this way, we will understand this is a DIB.
            BlipData.WriteByte(0xFF);             //Tag
            BlipData.Write(Data, Ofs, Data.Length - Ofs);
Exemplo n.º 3
 *              TWMFBlipHeader = packed record
 *                      m_rgbUid: TMd5Digest;  { The secondary, or data, UID - should always be set. }
 *              Metafile Blip overhead = 34 bytes. m_cb gives the number of
 *              bytes required to store an uncompressed version of the file, m_cbSave
 *              is the compressed size.  m_mfBounds gives the boundary of all the
 *              drawing calls within the metafile (this may just be the bounding box
 *              or it may allow some whitespace, for a WMF this comes from the
 *              SetWindowOrg and SetWindowExt records of the metafile).
 *                      m_cb: integer;           // Cache of the metafile size
 *                      m_rcBounds: Array[0..3] of integer;     // Boundary of metafile drawing commands
 *                      m_ptSize: Array[0..1] of integer;       // Size of metafile in EMUs
 *                      m_cbSave: integer;       // Cache of saved size (size of m_pvBits)
 *                      m_fCompression: byte; // MSOBLIPCOMPRESSION
 *                      m_fFilter: byte;      // always msofilterNone
 *     end;

        //1 point = 12700 emu.
        private static void LoadDataWMF(byte[] Data, TXlsImgType DataType, Stream BlipData)
            byte[] cb = BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)Data.Length);
            BlipData.Write(cb, 0, cb.Length);

            //This one is used only on metafiles.
            if (DataType == TXlsImgType.Wmf)
                //On Xls format coords are 32 bits, on wmf file format they are 16. That's why we have to convert.
                BlipData.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((Int32)BitConverter.ToInt16(Data, 6)), 0, 4);
                BlipData.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((Int32)BitConverter.ToInt16(Data, 8)), 0, 4);
                BlipData.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((Int32)BitConverter.ToInt16(Data, 10)), 0, 4);
                BlipData.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((Int32)BitConverter.ToInt16(Data, 12)), 0, 4);

                //byte[] ptSize = {0x18,0xF0,0x01,0x00,  0x18,0xF0,0x01,0x00};  //100 points x 100 points. This one is usd on EMF
                byte[] ptSize = { 0x18, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x18, 0xF0, 0xFF, 0x00 };  //something bigger. This will be the default size. This one is usd on EMF

                BlipData.Write(ptSize, 0, ptSize.Length);
                byte[] rcBounds = new byte[4 * 4];
                Array.Copy(Data, 8, rcBounds, 0, rcBounds.Length);
                BlipData.Write(rcBounds, 0, rcBounds.Length);

                int    WidthMM  = BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, 24 + 8) - BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, 24);
                int    HeightMM = BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, 24 + 12) - BitConverter.ToInt32(Data, 24 + 4);
                byte[] WidthEmu = BitConverter.GetBytes(WidthMM * 360);
                BlipData.Write(WidthEmu, 0, WidthEmu.Length);
                byte[] HeightEmu = BitConverter.GetBytes(HeightMM * 360);
                BlipData.Write(HeightEmu, 0, HeightEmu.Length);

            byte[] OtherDat  = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 254 };
            long   StreamPos = BlipData.Position;

            BlipData.Write(OtherDat, 0, 6);
            if (DataType == TXlsImgType.Emf)
                XlsMetafiles.ToXls(Data, BlipData, true);
                XlsMetafiles.ToXls(Data, BlipData, false);

            //GoBack and set m_cbSave
            BlipData.Position = StreamPos;
            BlipData.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt32)(BlipData.Length - StreamPos - 6)), 0, 4);
            BlipData.Position = BlipData.Length;
Exemplo n.º 4
        internal static void CheckImgValid(ref byte[] data, ref TXlsImgType imgType, bool AllowBmp)
            TXlsImgType bmp = AllowBmp ? TXlsImgType.Unknown : TXlsImgType.Bmp;

            if (imgType == TXlsImgType.Unknown || imgType == bmp || imgType == TXlsImgType.Gif || imgType == TXlsImgType.Tiff)  //We will try to convert bmps to png. We can't on CF
                data = TCompactFramework.ImgConvert(data, ref imgType);
            if (imgType == TXlsImgType.Unknown || imgType == TXlsImgType.Gif || imgType == TXlsImgType.Tiff)
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal static TEscherBSERecord Convert(byte[] Data, TXlsImgType DataType,
                                                 TEscherDwgGroupCache DwgGroupCache, TEscherDwgCache DwgCache)
            byte[] BSEHeader = TCompactFramework.GetBSEHeader(Data, (int)TBSEHeader.length, (int)TBSEHeader.rgbUid);

            using (MemoryStream BlipData = new MemoryStream())
                //Common header
                BlipData.Write(BSEHeader, (int)TBSEHeader.rgbUid, (int)TBSEHeader.tag - (int)TBSEHeader.rgbUid);

                // Specific info
                if ((DataType == TXlsImgType.Jpeg) || (DataType == TXlsImgType.Png))
                    LoadDataBitmap(Data, DataType, BlipData);
                if (DataType == TXlsImgType.Bmp)
                    LoadDataBmp(Data, DataType, BlipData);
                    LoadDataWMF(Data, DataType, BlipData);

                BSEHeader[(int)TBSEHeader.btWin32] = (byte)XlsEscherConsts.XlsImgConv(DataType);
                BSEHeader[(int)TBSEHeader.btMacOS] = (byte)msoblip.PICT;

                BitOps.SetWord(BSEHeader, (int)TBSEHeader.tag, 0xFF);
                BitOps.SetCardinal(BSEHeader, (int)TBSEHeader.size, BlipData.Length + XlsEscherConsts.SizeOfTEscherRecordHeader);
                BitOps.SetCardinal(BSEHeader, (int)TBSEHeader.cRef, 0);
                BitOps.SetCardinal(BSEHeader, (int)TBSEHeader.foDelay, 0);

                TEscherRecordHeader Eh = new TEscherRecordHeader();
                Eh.Id   = (int)Msofbt.BSE;
                Eh.Pre  = 2 + ((int)XlsEscherConsts.XlsImgConv(DataType) << 4);
                Eh.Size = BitOps.GetCardinal(BSEHeader, (int)TBSEHeader.size) + BSEHeader.Length;
                TEscherBSERecord Result = new TEscherBSERecord(Eh, DwgGroupCache, DwgCache, DwgGroupCache.BStore);

                TEscherRecordHeader BlipHeader = new TEscherRecordHeader();
                BlipHeader.Id   = (int)XlsEscherConsts.XlsBlipHeaderConv(DataType);
                BlipHeader.Pre  = (int)XlsEscherConsts.XlsBlipSignConv(DataType) << 4;
                BlipHeader.Size = BlipData.Length;

                BlipData.Position = 0;
                Result.CopyFromData(BSEHeader, BlipHeader, BlipData);

Exemplo n.º 6
 private static byte[] DoImgConvert(byte[] data, ref TXlsImgType imgType)
     using (MemoryStream DataStream = new MemoryStream(data))
         using (MemoryStream Result = new MemoryStream())
             using (Image Img = ImageExtender.FromStream(DataStream))
                 Img.Save(Result, ImageFormat.Png);
                 imgType = TXlsImgType.Png;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static byte[] ImgConvert(byte[] data, ref TXlsImgType imgType)
     if (MissingFrameworkImageSave)
         byte[] Result = DoImgConvert(data, ref imgType);
     catch (MissingMethodException)
         MissingFrameworkImageSave = true;
         //Nothing. It could be a bmp, and it is valid. (even when it would be better to convert it to a png)
     catch (ArgumentException)
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void OpenFile(string FileName)

                XlsFile Xls = new XlsFile(true);
                CurrentFilename = FileName;

                for (int sheet = 1; sheet <= Xls.SheetCount; sheet++)
                    Xls.ActiveSheet = sheet;
                    for (int i = Xls.ImageCount; i > 0; i--)
                        TXlsImgType      ImageType = TXlsImgType.Unknown;
                        byte[]           ImgBytes  = Xls.GetImage(i, ref ImageType);
                        TImageProperties ImgProps  = Xls.GetImageProperties(i);
                        object[]         ImgData   = new object[ImageDataTable.Columns.Count];
                        ImgData[0] = Xls.SheetName;
                        ImgData[1] = i;
                        ImgData[4] = ImageType.ToString();
                        ImgData[7] = Xls.GetImageName(i);
                        ImgData[8] = ImgBytes;
                        ImgData[9] = GetHasCrop(ImgProps);

                        using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(ImgBytes))
                            FlexCel.Pdf.TPngInformation PngInfo = FlexCel.Pdf.TPdfPng.GetPngInfo(ms);
                            if (PngInfo != null)
                                ImgData[2] = PngInfo.Width;
                                ImgData[3] = PngInfo.Height;
                                string s   = String.Empty;
                                int    bpp = 0;

                                if ((PngInfo.ColorType & 4) != 0)
                                    s  += "ALPHA-";
                                    bpp = 1;
                                if ((PngInfo.ColorType & 2) == 0)
                                    s  += "Grayscale -" + (1 << PngInfo.BitDepth).ToString() + " shades. ";
                                    bpp = 1;
                                    if ((PngInfo.ColorType & 1) == 0)
                                        bpp += 3;
                                        s   += "RGB - " + (PngInfo.BitDepth * (bpp)).ToString() + "bpp.  ";
                                        s  += "Indexed - " + (1 << PngInfo.BitDepth).ToString() + " colors. ";
                                        bpp = 1;

                                ImgData[5] = s;

                                ImgData[6] = (Math.Round(PngInfo.Width * PngInfo.Height * PngInfo.BitDepth * bpp / 8f / 1024f)).ToString() + " kb.";
                                ms.Position = 0;
                                    using (Image Img = Image.FromStream(ms))
                                        Bitmap Bmp = Img as Bitmap;
                                        if (Bmp != null)
                                            ImgData[5] = Bmp.PixelFormat.ToString() + "bpp";
                                        ImgData[2] = Img.Width;
                                        ImgData[3] = Img.Height;
                                catch (Exception)
                                    ImgData[2] = -1;
                                    ImgData[3] = -1;
                                    ImgData[5] = null;
                                    ImgData[8] = null;

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error");
                dataGrid.CaptionText = "No file selected";
                CurrentFilename      = null;
            dataGrid.CaptionText = "Selected file: " + FileName;
            CurrentRowChanged(GetCurrencyManager, null);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static byte[] ImgConvert(byte[] data, ref TXlsImgType imgType)
Exemplo n.º 10
 private static void LoadDataBitmap(byte[] Data, TXlsImgType DataType, Stream BlipData)
     BlipData.WriteByte(0xFF);             //Tag
     BlipData.Write(Data, 0, Data.Length);