Exemplo n.º 1
        public static TWPositions Positions(string accountNumber)
            Dictionary <string, decimal> marketValues = new Dictionary <string, decimal>();
            Dictionary <string, Int32>   orderIds     = new Dictionary <string, Int32>();


            // retrieve current values
            string  reply   = Web.DownloadString("https://api.tastyworks.com/margin/accounts/" + accountNumber);
            JObject package = JObject.Parse(reply);

            List <JToken> list = package["data"]["underlyings"].Children().ToList();

            foreach (JToken item in list)
                // capture the value of all of the options plus the underlaying
                JToken prices = item["marks"];
                foreach (JProperty price in prices)
                    if (!marketValues.ContainsKey(price.Name))
                        marketValues.Add(price.Name, Convert.ToDecimal(price.Value));

                // capture any orders associated with the underlying
                string symbol = item["underlying-symbol"].ToString();
                JToken orders = item["order-ids"];
                for (int i = 0; i < orders.Count(); i++)
                    if (!orderIds.ContainsKey(symbol))
                        Int32 order = Convert.ToInt32(orders[i]);
                        orderIds.Add(symbol, order);

            SetHeaders(Token); // reset, lost after previous call

            // retrieve specific positions
            reply   = Web.DownloadString("https://api.tastyworks.com/accounts/" + accountNumber + "/positions");
            package = JObject.Parse(reply);

            TWPositions returnList = new TWPositions();

            list = package["data"]["items"].Children().ToList();

            foreach (JToken item in list)
                TWPosition inst = new TWPosition();
                inst.Symbol       = item["underlying-symbol"].ToString();
                inst.OptionSymbol = item["symbol"].ToString();
                inst.Quantity     = Convert.ToDecimal(item["quantity"]);
                if (item["quantity-direction"].ToString() == "Short")
                    inst.Quantity *= -1;
                DateTime exp = Convert.ToDateTime(item["expires-at"]).Trim(TimeSpan.TicksPerDay);
                inst.PreviousClose = Convert.ToDecimal(item["close-price"]);
                if (inst.PreviousClose == 0)
                    inst.PreviousClose = Convert.ToDecimal(item["average-open-price"]);

                inst.Multiplier = Convert.ToDecimal(item["multiplier"]);;
                if (marketValues.ContainsKey(inst.OptionSymbol))
                    inst.Market = marketValues[inst.OptionSymbol] * inst.Multiplier;
                if (marketValues.ContainsKey(inst.Symbol))
                    inst.UnderlyingPrice = marketValues[inst.Symbol];

                inst.OrderActive = orderIds.ContainsKey(inst.Symbol);

                SymbolDecoder symbol = new SymbolDecoder(inst.OptionSymbol, item["instrument-type"].ToString());
                inst.Type    = symbol.Type;
                inst.ExpDate = symbol.Expiration;
                inst.Strike  = symbol.Strike;

                returnList.Add(inst.OptionSymbol.Length > 0 ? inst.OptionSymbol : inst.Symbol, inst);

            return((returnList.Count > 0) ? returnList : null);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void RetrieveCurrentData(TransactionGroup grp)
            decimal currentValue       = 0;
            decimal previousCloseValue = 0;

                // retrieve and cache current data from tastyworks for this a subsequent passes
                if (twpositions == null)
                    if (TastyWorks.ActiveSession())
                        List <string> symbols = new List <string>();

                        twpositions = new Dictionary <string, TWPositions>();
                        foreach (Account a in accounts)
                            if (a.Active)
                                // retrieve Tastyworks positions for given account
                                TWPositions pos = TastyWorks.Positions(a.ID);
                                twpositions.Add(a.ID, pos);

                                if (pos != null)
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TWPosition> p in pos)
                                        if (!symbols.Contains(p.Value.Symbol))

                        twmarketinfo = TastyWorks.MarketInfo(symbols);  // get IV's

                // ensure that positions got instanciated AND that the particular account isn't empty
                if ((twpositions != null) && (twpositions.Count > 0) && (twpositions[grp.Account] != null))
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Position> item in grp.Holdings)
                        Position pos = item.Value;

                        // this loop could be eliminated if the long symbol name gets persisted in database
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TWPosition> p in twpositions[grp.Account])
                            TWPosition twpos = p.Value;
                            if ((pos.Symbol == twpos.Symbol) && (pos.Type == twpos.Type) && (pos.Strike == twpos.Strike) && (pos.ExpDate == twpos.ExpDate))
                                currentValue       += pos.Quantity * twpos.Market;
                                previousCloseValue += pos.Quantity * twpos.PreviousClose * twpos.Multiplier;

                                // capture current details while we have it
                                pos.Market          = twpos.Market;
                                pos.Multiplier      = twpos.Multiplier;
                                pos.UnderlyingPrice = twpos.UnderlyingPrice;

                                // capture the underlying price from the first position for the overall group
                                if (grp.UnderlyingPrice == 0)
                                    grp.UnderlyingPrice = twpos.UnderlyingPrice;

                                // update groups order status based on any of items constituent holdings
                                grp.OrderActive = twpos.OrderActive;

                grp.CurrentValue            = currentValue;
                grp.PreviousCloseValue      = previousCloseValue;
                grp.ChangeFromPreviousClose = currentValue - previousCloseValue;
                if (twmarketinfo.ContainsKey(grp.ShortSymbol))
                    grp.ImpliedVolatility     = twmarketinfo[grp.ShortSymbol].ImpliedVolatility;
                    grp.ImpliedVolatilityRank = twmarketinfo[grp.ShortSymbol].ImpliedVolatilityRank;
                    grp.DividendYield         = twmarketinfo[grp.ShortSymbol].DividendYield;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.WriteLine("RetrieveCurrentData: " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public string ValidateCurrentHoldings()
            string returnValue = "";
            Dictionary <string, TWPositions> overallPositions = null;

            // always start with clean data
            if (TastyWorks.ActiveSession())
                overallPositions = new Dictionary <string, TWPositions>();
                foreach (Account a in accounts)
                    if (a.Active)
                        // retrieve Tastyworks positions for given account
                        TWPositions pos = TastyWorks.Positions(a.ID);
                        overallPositions.Add(a.ID, pos);
                MessageBox.Show("Login to TastyWorks failed", "Error");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TWPositions> item  in overallPositions)
                // cycle thru each account
                TWPositions accountPositions = item.Value;

                // skip if the account is empty of positions
                // and confirm each aligns with what is in current database by
                // iterating thru all the positions in the current account
                int i = 0;
                while ((accountPositions != null) && (i < accountPositions.Count))
                    TWPosition position = accountPositions.ElementAt(i).Value;

                    // iterate thru each group
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TransactionGroup> grpItem in this)
                        TransactionGroup grp = grpItem.Value;

                        // examine closer if right account and underlying
                        if ((item.Key == grp.Account) && (position.Symbol == grp.Symbol))
                            // iterate thru everthing in the group
                            int j = 0;
                            while ((j < grp.Holdings.Count) && (position.Quantity != 0))
                                Position dbpos = grp.Holdings[grp.Holdings.Keys.ElementAt(j)];

                                // look for matching security
                                if ((position.Type == dbpos.Type) && (position.Strike == dbpos.Strike) && (position.ExpDate == dbpos.ExpDate))
                                    position.Quantity -= dbpos.Quantity;

                    if (position.Quantity == 0)

            // catch anything left over in database
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, TransactionGroup> grpItem in this)
                TransactionGroup grp = grpItem.Value;

                if (grp.Holdings.Count > 0)
                    // something left
                    if (returnValue.Length == 0)
                        returnValue = "Unmatched positons in the database:\n";
                    returnValue += grp.Holdings.ToString();
            // add anything left from the TW query
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TWPositions> positionsPair in overallPositions)
                bool firstPass = true;

                // nothing to do if account is empty
                if (positionsPair.Value != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TWPosition> p in positionsPair.Value)
                        TWPosition pos = p.Value;

                        if (firstPass)
                            firstPass = false;
                            if (returnValue.Length > 0)
                                returnValue += "\n";
                            returnValue += "Unmatched from TastyWorks account:\n";
                        returnValue += (pos.Type == "Stock") ? pos.Symbol : pos.Symbol + pos.ExpDate.ToString("yyMMdd") + pos.Strike.ToString("0000.0") + pos.Type + " : " + pos.Quantity.ToString() + "\n";

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void Load(Accounts accounts)
                // establish db connection

                if (TastyWorks.InitiateSession(Config.GetEncryptedProp("Username"), Config.GetEncryptedProp("Password")))
                    // cache the current positions for details required to establish default risk and capreq
                    twpositions = new Dictionary <string, TWPositions>();
                    twMarginReq = new Dictionary <string, TWMargins>();
                    foreach (Account a in accounts)
                        if (a.Active)
                            // retrieve Tastyworks positions for given account
                            TWPositions pos = TastyWorks.Positions(a.ID);
                            twpositions.Add(a.ID, pos);

                            TWMargins mar = TastyWorks.MarginData(a.ID);
                            twMarginReq.Add(a.ID, mar);

                    // proceed with transactions from all accounts
                    foreach (Account a in accounts)
                        if (a.Active)

                            // retrieve Tastyworks transactions for the past month
                            TWTransactions transactions = TastyWorks.Transactions(a.ID, DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30), null);

                            SaveTransactions(transactions);  // transfer transaction array to database

                            // save latest transaction for next upload
                            SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand("SELECT max(time) FROM transactions WHERE Account = @ac", App.ConnStr);
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ac", a.ID);
                            SQLiteDataReader rdr      = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                            string           propName = "LastDate-" + a.ID;
                            if (rdr.Read())
                                Config.SetProp(propName, rdr[0].ToString());

                    UpdateNewTransactions();  // matches unassociated asignments and exercises
                    MessageBox.Show("Login to TastyWorks failed", "Error");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR DataLoader: " + ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Sync Error");