Exemplo n.º 1
        void SimpleMode_InitializeAppearance()
            TTip.SetToolTip(labelMore, $"{Config.ProgramTitle} is currently in simplified mode. Click here to toggle full mode with all available options.");
            TTip.SetToolTip(numericUpDownHalfTurns, $"A sound will play each time you reach this (or a higher) number of HALF-TURNS (180\u00B0).");
            TTip.SetToolTip(comboBoxNotifType, $"Select the type of sound you wish to hear when turning too much." + Environment.NewLine
                            + $"\u2022 Beep --> You will get two short beeps in the ear that is on the side of excess rotation. (Turn left too much --> left ear)" + Environment.NewLine
                            + $"\u2022 Speech --> A voice will say \"Turn left\" or \"Turn right\" according to the direction the cable will untwist." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                            + $"With both options you get a separate \"happy\" notification sound when returning back to neutral orientation (= no twist).");
            TTip.SetToolTip(trackBarVolume, $"Set the volume level for the notification sounds.");
            TTip.SetToolTip(checkBoxResetOnMount, ResetOnMountWarning);
            TTip.SetToolTip(pictureBoxPlay, $"Test the sounds." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                            + $"\u2022 Mouse left button --> Play the sound that you will hear when you turn too much to the LEFT." + Environment.NewLine
                            + $"\u2022 Mouse middle button --> Play the sound that you will hear when you return back to NEUTRAL orientation." + Environment.NewLine
                            + $"\u2022 Mouse right button --> Play the sound that you will hear when you turn too much to the RIGHT.");
            TTip.SetToolTip(comboBoxAPI, $"API for reading the headset data. (Application Programming Interface){Environment.NewLine+Environment.NewLine}"
                            + $"\u2022 {VRAPI.OculusVR} = Native Oculus connection. Recommended for Oculus headsets. Works with both platforms (Oculus Home + SteamVR).{Environment.NewLine}"
                            + $"\u2022 {VRAPI.OpenVR}  = SteamVR connection. For all SteamVR compatible headsets.");
            TTip.SetToolTip(checkBoxMountingSound, $"Play a sound when putting on the headset.{Environment.NewLine}Can be useful together with \"Reset on mount\" or just by itself to ensure that the app is running."
                            + Environment.NewLine + "You can preview the sound by checking this box." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine
                            + $"NOTE: Depending on the detection hardware and API implementation, this feature may not work as you'd expect.");

            panelSimple.Location = new Point(6, 229);
            labelMore.Location   = new Point(210, 465);
            comboBoxAPI.Location = new Point(12, 459);

            comboBoxNotifType.DataSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleNotifType));
            comboBoxAPI.DataSource       = Enum.GetValues(typeof(VRAPI));

            checkBoxMountingSound.ForeColor = Color.White;
            checkBoxMountingSound.Text      = "\u266C";
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     aPBox = new PBoxArray(this); IconExtractor iconex = new IconExtractor();
     Apps  = FileRead("apps.txt").Replace("\r", "").Split('\n');
     Icons = new Icon[Apps.GetUpperBound(0) + 1];
     for (int a = 0; a <= Apps.GetUpperBound(0); a++)
         try {
             Icons[a] = iconex.Extract(Apps[a], IconSize.Large);
         catch {
             Icons[a] = this.Icon;
         aPBox[a].BackgroundImage       = Icons[a].ToBitmap() as Image;
         aPBox[a].BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;
         aPBox[a].Size    = new Size(64, 64);
         aPBox[a].Visible = true;
         TTip.SetToolTip(aPBox[a], Apps[a].Split('\\').Last());
     iAppsWd       = (Apps.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) * 66; Cover.BringToFront();
     this.Location = new Point(
         (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 2) - (this.Width / 2),
         (-this.Size.Height) + iYOfs);