Exemplo n.º 1
        private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var oBtn = sender as Button;

            if (oBtn != null)
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                DataSet19.DataTable1DataTable dataTable1 = new DataSet19.DataTable1DataTable();
                int  Style_FK     = 0;
                int  Colour_FK    = 0;
                int  Size_FK      = 0;
                int  LineIssue_FK = 0;
                Util core         = new Util();

                QueryParms.BillingRecords = true;

                DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(dtpToDate.Value.ToShortDateString());
                dt = dt.AddHours(23);
                QueryParms.ToDate = dt;

                String FileName = string.Empty;

                using (var context = new TTI2Entities())
                    var ExistingGroups = repo.CMTCompletedWorkExport(QueryParms).GroupBy(x => new { x.TLCMTWC_LineIssue_FK /*, x.TLCMTWC_Size_FK*/ }).ToList();
                    foreach (var Group in ExistingGroups)
                        var SizeList = (from i in Group
                                        join o in context.TLADM_Sizes
                                        on i.TLCMTWC_Size_FK equals o.SI_id
                                        orderby o.SI_DisplayOrder
                                        select i);

                        StringBuilder SizeConcat = new StringBuilder();

                        foreach (var Record in SizeList)
                            Style_FK     = Record.TLCMTWC_Style_FK;
                            Colour_FK    = Record.TLCMTWC_Colour_FK;
                            Size_FK      = Record.TLCMTWC_Size_FK;
                            LineIssue_FK = Record.TLCMTWC_LineIssue_FK;

                            var SizeDesc = context.TLADM_Sizes.Find(Size_FK).SI_Description;
                            if (SizeConcat.Length == 0)
                            if (!SizeConcat.ToString().Contains(SizeDesc))
                                SizeConcat.Append(", " + SizeDesc);

                        // Find The Line Issue Record
                        var LineIssue = context.TLCMT_LineIssue.Find(LineIssue_FK);
                        if (LineIssue != null)
                            DataSet19.DataTable1Row NewRow = dataTable1.NewDataTable1Row();
                            NewRow.Style           = context.TLADM_Styles.Find(Style_FK).Sty_Description;
                            NewRow.Colour          = context.TLADM_Colours.Find(Colour_FK).Col_Display;
                            NewRow.Size            = SizeConcat.ToString();
                            NewRow.CMTDetails      = context.TLADM_Departments.Find(LineIssue.TLCMTLI_CmtFacility_FK).Dep_Description;
                            NewRow.LineIssuedNo    = LineIssue.TLCMTLI_CutSheetDetails;
                            NewRow.LineDescription = context.TLCMT_FactConfig.Find(LineIssue.TLCMTLI_LineNo_FK).TLCMTCFG_Description;
                            NewRow.Notes           = string.Empty;
                            // Find the Standard Costs;
                            var StdCosts = context.TLCMT_ProductionCosts.Where(x => x.CMTP_CMTFacility_FK == LineIssue.TLCMTLI_CmtFacility_FK && x.CMTP_Style_FK == Style_FK &&
                                                                               x.CMTP_Colour_FK == Colour_FK &&
                                                                               x.CMTP_Size_FK == Size_FK).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (StdCosts != null)
                                NewRow.ManuFaultCost = StdCosts.CMTP_Production_Damage;
                                NewRow.ManuShortCost = StdCosts.CMTP_Production_Loss;
                                NewRow.ManuCost      = StdCosts.CMTP_Production_Cost;
                                NewRow.ManuFaultCost = 0.00M;
                                NewRow.ManuShortCost = 0.00M;
                                NewRow.ManuCost      = 0.00M;
                                NewRow.Notes         = "Note : A";

                            // Find the Statistics;
                            NewRow.ManuShortQty = 0;
                            NewRow.ManuQty      = 0;
                            NewRow.ManuFaultQty = 0;
                            var Stats = context.TLCMT_Statistics.Where(x => x.CMTS_PanelIssue_FK == LineIssue_FK).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (Stats != null)
                                NewRow.ManuQty = Stats.CMTS_Total_A_Grades + Stats.CMTS_Total_B_Grades;

                                if (Stats.CMTS_Total_Difference > 0)
                                    NewRow.ManuShortQty = Stats.CMTS_Total_Difference;
                                    NewRow.ManuShortQty = 0;

                            //Find the faults
                            var PF = from PFaults in context.TLCMT_ProductionFaults
                                     join DFlaw in context.TLCMT_DeflectFlaw on PFaults.TLCMTPF_Fault_FK equals DFlaw.TLCMTDF_Pk
                                     where PFaults.TLCMTPF_PanelIssue_FK == LineIssue_FK && DFlaw.TLCMTDF_Manufacturing
                                     select PFaults;

                            NewRow.ManuFaultQty = PF.Sum(x => (int?)x.TLCMTPF_Qty) ?? 0;

                            NewRow.ManuTotal      = NewRow.ManuQty * NewRow.ManuCost;
                            NewRow.ManuFaultTotal = NewRow.ManuFaultQty * NewRow.ManuFaultCost;
                            NewRow.ManuShortTotal = NewRow.ManuShortQty * NewRow.ManuShortCost;


                    DataView DataV = dataTable1.DefaultView;
                    DataV.Sort = "LineIssuedNo";

                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application oexcel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
                    string path     = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
                    object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook  obook  = oexcel.Workbooks.Add(misValue);
                    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet osheet = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet();

                    osheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)obook.Sheets["Sheet1"];
                    int colIndex = 1;
                    int rowIndex = 1;

                    foreach (DataColumn dc in dataTable1.Columns)
                        if (colIndex == 1)
                            osheet.Columns[colIndex].NumberFormat = "@";       // column as a text
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex]             = "CMT";
                        else if (colIndex == 2)
                            osheet.Columns[colIndex].NumberFormat = "@";       // column as a text
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex]             = "CutSheet";
                        else if (colIndex == 3)
                            osheet.Columns[colIndex].NumberFormat = "@";       // column as a text
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex]             = "Line Detail";
                        else if (colIndex == 4)
                            osheet.Columns[colIndex].NumberFormat = "@";       // column as a text
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex]             = "Style";
                        else if (colIndex == 5)
                            osheet.Columns[colIndex].NumberFormat = "@";       // column as a text
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex]             = "Colour";
                        else if (colIndex == 6)
                            osheet.Columns[colIndex].NumberFormat = "@";       // column as a text
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex]             = "Size";
                        else if (colIndex == 7)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Manu Qty";
                        else if (colIndex == 8)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Manu Cost";
                        else if (colIndex == 9)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Manu Total";
                        else if (colIndex == 10)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex].NumberFormat = "0";
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Fault Qty";
                        else if (colIndex == 11)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Fault Cost";
                        else if (colIndex == 12)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Fault Total";
                        else if (colIndex == 13)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Short Qty";
                        else if (colIndex == 14)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Short Cost";
                        else if (colIndex == 15)
                            osheet.Cells[1, colIndex] = "Short Total";


                    foreach (DataRow Row in dataTable1.Rows)
                        colIndex = 1;

                        foreach (DataColumn dc in ds.Tables[0].Columns)
                            if (colIndex == 1)
                                string Val = Row.Field <string>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 2)
                                string Val = Row.Field <string>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 3)
                                string Val = Row.Field <string>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 4)
                                string Val = Row.Field <string>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 5)
                                string Val = Row.Field <string>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 6)
                                string Val = Row.Field <string>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 7)
                                int Val = Row.Field <int>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 8)
                                decimal Val = Row.Field <decimal>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 9)
                                decimal Val = Row.Field <decimal>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 10)
                                int Val = Row.Field <int>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 11)
                                decimal Val = Row.Field <decimal>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 12)
                                decimal Val = Row.Field <decimal>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 13)
                                int Val = Row.Field <int>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 14)
                                decimal Val = Row.Field <decimal>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;
                            else if (colIndex == 15)
                                decimal Val = Row.Field <decimal>(colIndex - 1);
                                osheet.Cells[rowIndex, colIndex] = Val;

                    osheet.Range["H2", "H" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                    osheet.Range["I2", "I" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                    osheet.Range["K2", "K" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                    osheet.Range["L2", "L" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                    osheet.Range["N2", "N" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                    osheet.Range["O2", "O" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";

                    /*osheet.Range["G2", "G" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                     * osheet.Range["H2", "H" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                     * osheet.Range["J2", "J" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                     * osheet.Range["K2", "K" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                     * osheet.Range["M2", "M" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                     * osheet.Range["N2", "N" + rowIndex].NumberFormat = "R #,###.00";
                     * `*/


                    SaveFileDialog sfd = new SaveFileDialog();
                    sfd.InitialDirectory = "C:\\Temp";
                    sfd.Filter           = "Excel |*.xlsx";

                    DialogResult xdr = sfd.ShowDialog();
                    if (xdr == DialogResult.OK)
                            obook.Saved = true;
                        catch (Exception ex)

                    //Release and terminate excel


                    DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show("Do you wish to close this months transactions", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                    if (Result == DialogResult.Yes)
                            foreach (var Dept in QueryParms.Depts)
                                DateTime dtx = Convert.ToDateTime(dtpToDate.Value.ToShortDateString());
                                dtx = dtx.AddHours(23);
                                context.UpdateCompletedWork1(dtx, Dept.Dep_Id);

                            MessageBox.Show("Data successfully updated");
                        catch (Exception ex)