//TODO to be tested with composite pk and with Non-Identity PK --- And in general
        //TODO see if it's ok to not specify the db type and only the ouput direction
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert template
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string PrintInsertMethod()
            var paramName = FirstCharacterToLower(_entityClassName);

            //Exclude de PK identity field to put "Direction Output" in Dapper params
            bool isOneColumnIdentity = _pkColumns.Count() == 1 && TSqlModelHelper.IsColumnIdentity(_pkColumns.ToList()[0]);
            var  normalColumns       = isOneColumnIdentity ? _allColumns.Except(_pkColumns) : _allColumns;

            string returnType = isOneColumnIdentity
                ? TSqlModelHelper.GetDotNetDataType(TSqlModelHelper.GetColumnSqlDataType(_pkColumns.ToArray()[0]))
                : "bool"; // return bool if insert ok  => we cannot return the new Id generated by Identity

            //If the PK is one identity field + one another field, we are f...
            string returnStatement = (returnType == "bool")
                ? "return true;"
                : $@"return p.Get<{returnType}> (""@{_pkColumns.ToArray()[0].Name.Parts[2]}"");";

            string spPkParams = isOneColumnIdentity
                ? String.Join(Environment.NewLine + "            ",
                              _pkColumns.Select(col =>
                var colName = col.Name.Parts[2];
                return($@"p.Add(""@{colName}"", dbType:{TSqlModelHelper.GetDotNetDataType_SystemDataDbTypes(TSqlModelHelper.GetColumnSqlDataType(col,false))}, direction: ParameterDirection.Output);");
                : string.Empty; // no identity PK

            //Excluded columns in the SP
            var tmpColumns = TableSettings.SqlInsertSettings.FieldNamesExcluded != null
                ? normalColumns.Where(c => !TableSettings.SqlInsertSettings.FieldNamesExcluded.Split(',').Contains(c.Name.Parts[2]))
                : normalColumns;

            string spNormalParams = String.Join(Environment.NewLine + "            ",
                                                tmpColumns.Select(col =>
                var colName    = col.Name.Parts[2];
                var entityProp = TSqlModelHelper.PascalCase(colName);
                return($@"p.Add(""@{colName}"", {paramName}.{entityProp});");

            string output = $@"
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert
        /// </summary>
        public async  Task<{returnType}> Insert({_entityClassFullName} {paramName})
            var p = new DynamicParameters();

            _ = await _dbContext.Connection.ExecuteAsync
                (""usp{_entityClassName}_insert"", p, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure, transaction: _dbContext.Transaction);
