Exemplo n.º 1
            public static double[] GetRotAngles(Universe univ
                                                , Vector[] coords
                                                , Vector[] dcoords
                                                , Func <Vector, MatrixByArr> Diag
                                                , Func <MatrixByArr, MatrixByArr> InvSymm
                                                , Func <MatrixByArr, MatrixByArr, MatrixByArr, MatrixByArr> Mul
                                                , MatrixByArr J = null
                                                , Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = null
                                                , List <Universe.RotableInfo> univ_rotinfos             = null
                                                , Vector[] dcoordsRotated = null
                if (J == null)
                    if (univ_rotinfos == null)
                        if (univ_flexgraph == null)
                            univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph();
                        univ_rotinfos = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                    J = TNM.GetJ(univ, coords, univ_rotinfos);

                Vector dangles;

                    Vector      R      = Vector.FromBlockvector(dcoords);
                    MatrixByArr M      = Diag(univ.GetMasses(3));
                    MatrixByArr Jt     = J.Tr();
                    MatrixByArr invJMJ = InvSymm(Mul(Jt, M, J));
                    Vector      A      = LinAlg.MV(Mul(invJMJ, Jt, M), R); // (6) of TNM paper
                    dangles = A;
                    if (dcoordsRotated != null)
                        HDebug.Assert(dcoordsRotated.Length == dcoords.Length);
                        Vector dR = LinAlg.MV(J, A);
                        Vector ldcoordsRotated = dR;
                        HDebug.Assert(ldcoordsRotated.Size == dcoordsRotated.Length * 3);
                        for (int i = 0; i < dcoordsRotated.Length; i++)
                            int i3 = i * 3;
                            dcoordsRotated[i] = new double[] { ldcoordsRotated[i3 + 0], ldcoordsRotated[i3 + 1], ldcoordsRotated[i3 + 2] };

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Vector tdangles = GetRotAngles(univ, coords, dcoords, J, univ_flexgraph, univ_rotinfos);

                    HDebug.Assert(0.9999 < (tdangles.Dist / dangles.Dist), (tdangles.Dist / dangles.Dist) < 1.0001);
                    HDebug.Assert(LinAlg.DotProd(tdangles, dangles) / (tdangles.Dist * dangles.Dist) > 0.9999);
                    HDebug.Assert((tdangles - dangles).Dist / tdangles.Dist < 0.0001);

Exemplo n.º 2
            public static double[] GetRotAngles(Universe univ
                                                , Vector[] coords
                                                , Vector[] dcoords
                                                , MatrixByArr J = null
                                                , Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = null
                                                , List <Universe.RotableInfo> univ_rotinfos             = null
                                                , Vector[] dcoordsRotated = null
                if (J == null)
                    if (univ_rotinfos == null)
                        if (univ_flexgraph == null)
                            univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph();
                        univ_rotinfos = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                    J = TNM.GetJ(univ, coords, univ_rotinfos);

                double[] dangles;
                using (new Matlab.NamedLock("TEST"))
                    Matlab.PutVector("TEST.R", Vector.FromBlockvector(dcoords));
                    Matlab.PutMatrix("TEST.J", J.ToArray(), true);
                    Matlab.PutVector("TEST.M", univ.GetMasses(3));
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.M = diag(TEST.M);");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.invJMJ = inv(TEST.J' * TEST.M * TEST.J);");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.A = TEST.invJMJ * TEST.J' * TEST.M * TEST.R;"); // (6) of TNM paper
                    dangles = Matlab.GetVector("TEST.A");
                    if (dcoordsRotated != null)
                        HDebug.Assert(dcoordsRotated.Length == dcoords.Length);
                        Matlab.Execute("TEST.dR = TEST.J * TEST.A;");
                        Vector ldcoordsRotated = Matlab.GetVector("TEST.dR");
                        HDebug.Assert(ldcoordsRotated.Size == dcoordsRotated.Length * 3);
                        for (int i = 0; i < dcoordsRotated.Length; i++)
                            int i3 = i * 3;
                            dcoordsRotated[i] = new double[] { ldcoordsRotated[i3 + 0], ldcoordsRotated[i3 + 1], ldcoordsRotated[i3 + 2] };

Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: TNM.cs Projeto: htna/explsolv
            public static MatrixByArr GetJ(Universe univ, Vector[] coords, List <RotableInfo> rotInfos, string option = null)
                switch (option)
                case "mine":
                    MatrixByArr[,] J = TNM_mine.GetJ(univ, coords, rotInfos, fnInv3x3: null);
                    double tolerance = 0.00001;
                    HDebug.Assert(CheckEckartConditions(univ, coords, rotInfos, J, tolerance: tolerance));
                    //    Matrix J0 = Matrix.FromBlockmatrix(J);
                    //    Matrix J1 = Matrix.FromBlockmatrix(GetJ(univ, coords, rotInfos, option:"paper", useNamedLock:false));
                    //    Debug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, J0 - J1);

                case "paper":
                    MatrixByArr[,] J = TNM_paper.GetJ(univ, coords, rotInfos);
                    HDebug.Assert(CheckEckartConditions(univ, coords, rotInfos, J, 0.0000001));

                case "mineopt":
                    MatrixByArr J = TNM_mineopt.GetJ(univ, coords, rotInfos);
                    if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached && univ.GetMolecules().Length == 1)
                        MatrixByArr J0 = TNM.GetJ(univ, coords, rotInfos, option: "paper");
                        MatrixByArr dJ = J - J0;
                        //double tolerance = dJ.ToArray().HAbs().HToArray1D().Mean();
                        //double maxAbsDH  = dJ.ToArray().HAbs().HMax();
                        //if(tolerance == 0)
                        //    tolerance = 0.000001;
                        HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, dJ);

                case null:
                    // my implementation has smaller error while checking Eckart conditions
                    goto case "mineopt";
Exemplo n.º 4
            public static Mode[] GetModeByTorsional(Universe univ
                                                    , HessMatrix hessian
                                                    , List <Universe.RotableInfo> univ_rotinfos = null
                                                    , Matrix J                 = null
                                                    , Vector[] coords          = null
                                                    , HPack <Matrix> optoutJMJ = null // J' M J
                                                    , HPack <Matrix> optoutJM  = null // J' M
                                                    , Func <Matrix, Tuple <Matrix, Vector> > fnEigSymm = null
                                                    , Func <Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix> fnMul      = null
                if (univ_rotinfos == null)
                    Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph(null as IList <Bond>);
                    if (univ_flexgraph.FindLoops().Count > 0)
                        // loop should not exist in the flexibility-graph; no-global loop in backbone
                    univ_rotinfos = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                if (coords == null)
                    coords = univ.GetCoords();
                if (J == null)
                    J = TNM.GetJ(univ, coords, univ_rotinfos);
                Vector masses = univ.GetMasses();

                Mode[] modes = GetModeByTorsional(hessian, masses, J
                                                  , optoutJMJ: optoutJMJ, optoutJM: optoutJM
                                                  , fnEigSymm: fnEigSymm, fnMul: fnMul
Exemplo n.º 5
            public static double[] GetRotAngles(Universe univ
                                                , Vector[] coords
                                                , MatrixByArr hessian
                                                , Vector[] forces
                                                , MatrixByArr J = null
                                                , Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = null
                                                , List <Universe.RotableInfo> univ_rotinfos             = null
                                                , Vector[] forceProjectedByTorsional   = null
                                                , HPack <Vector> optEigvalOfTorHessian = null
                Vector mass = univ.GetMasses();

                //Vector[] dcoords = new Vector[univ.size];
                //double t2 = t*t;
                //for(int i=0; i<univ.size; i++)
                //    dcoords[i] = forces[i] * (0.5*t2/mass[i]);

                if (J == null)
                    if (univ_rotinfos == null)
                        if (univ_flexgraph == null)
                            univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph();
                        univ_rotinfos = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                    J = TNM.GetJ(univ, coords, univ_rotinfos);

                double[] dangles;
                using (new Matlab.NamedLock("TEST"))
                    Matlab.PutVector("TEST.F", Vector.FromBlockvector(forces));
                    Matlab.PutMatrix("TEST.J", J);
                    Matlab.PutMatrix("TEST.H", hessian);
                    Matlab.PutVector("TEST.M", univ.GetMasses(3));
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.M = diag(TEST.M);");

                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.JHJ = TEST.J' * TEST.H * TEST.J;");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.JMJ = TEST.J' * TEST.M * TEST.J;");
                    // (J' H J) tor = J' F
                    // (V' D V) tor = J' F  <= (V,D) are (eigvec,eigval) of generalized eigenvalue problem with (A = JHJ, B = JMJ)
                    // tor = inv(V' D V) J' F
                    Matlab.Execute("[TEST.V, TEST.D] = eig(TEST.JHJ, TEST.JMJ);");
                    if (optEigvalOfTorHessian != null)
                        optEigvalOfTorHessian.value = Matlab.GetVector("diag(TEST.D)");
                        Matlab.Execute("TEST.D = diag(TEST.D);");
                        Matlab.Execute("TEST.D(abs(TEST.D)<1) = 0;"); // remove "eigenvalue < 1" because they will increase
                                                                      // the magnitude of force term too big !!!
                        Matlab.Execute("TEST.D = diag(TEST.D);");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.invJHJ  = TEST.V * pinv(TEST.D) * TEST.V';");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.dtor  = TEST.invJHJ * TEST.J' * TEST.F;");
                    /// f = m a
                    /// d = 1/2 a t^2
                    ///   = 0.5 a        : assuming t=1
                    ///   = 0.5 f/m
                    /// f = m a
                    ///   = 2 m d t^-2
                    ///   = 2 m d        : assuming t=1
                    /// coord change
                    /// dr = 0.5 a t^2
                    ///    = 0.5 f/m     : assuming t=1
                    ///    = 0.5 M^-1 F  : M is mass matrix, F is the net force of each atom
                    /// torsional angle change
                    /// dtor = (J' M J)^-1 J' M * dr                  : (6) of TNM paper
                    ///      = (J' M J)^-1 J' M * 0.5 M^-1 F
                    ///      = 0.5 (J' M J)^-1 J' F
                    /// force filtered by torsional ...
                    /// F_tor = ma
                    ///       = 2 M (J dtor)
                    ///       = 2 M J 0.5 (J' M J)^-1 J' F
                    ///       = M J (J' M J)^-1 J' F
                    /// H J dtor = F
                    ///          = F_tor                            : update force as the torsional filtered force
                    ///          = M J (J' M J)^-1 J' F
                    /// (J' H J) dtor = (J' M J) (J' M J)^-1 J' F
                    /// (V D V') dtor = (J' M J) (J' M J)^-1 J' F               : eigen decomposition of (J' H J) using
                    ///                                                           generalized eigenvalue problem with (J' M J)
                    ///          dtor = (V D^-1 V') (J' M J) (J' M J)^-1 J' F   : (J' M J) (J' M J)^-1 = I. However, it has
                    ///                                                           the projection effect of J'F into (J' M J)
                    ///                                                           vector space(?). The projection will be taken
                    ///                                                           care by (V D^-1 V')
                    ///               = (V D^-1 V') J' F
                    dangles = Matlab.GetVector("TEST.dtor");
                    if (forceProjectedByTorsional != null)
                        HDebug.Assert(forceProjectedByTorsional.Length == forces.Length);
                        Matlab.Execute("TEST.F_tor = TEST.M * TEST.J * pinv(TEST.JMJ) * TEST.J' * TEST.F;");
                        Vector lforceProjectedByTorsional = Matlab.GetVector("TEST.F_tor");
                        HDebug.Assert(lforceProjectedByTorsional.Size == forceProjectedByTorsional.Length * 3);
                        for (int i = 0; i < forceProjectedByTorsional.Length; i++)
                            int i3 = i * 3;
                            forceProjectedByTorsional[i] = new double[] { lforceProjectedByTorsional[i3 + 0],
                                                                          lforceProjectedByTorsional[i3 + 1],
                                                                          lforceProjectedByTorsional[i3 + 2], };

Exemplo n.º 6
            public static double[] GetRotAngles(Universe univ
                                                , Vector[] coords
                                                , Vector[] forces
                                                , double t // 0.1
                                                , MatrixByArr J = null
                                                , Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = null
                                                , List <Universe.RotableInfo> univ_rotinfos             = null
                                                , HPack <Vector[]> forcesProjectedByTorsional           = null
                                                , HPack <Vector[]> dcoordsProjectedByTorsional          = null
                Vector mass = univ.GetMasses();
                //Vector[] dcoords = new Vector[univ.size];
                double t2 = t * t;

                //for(int i=0; i<univ.size; i++)
                //    dcoords[i] = forces[i] * (0.5*t2/mass[i]);

                if (J == null)
                    if (univ_rotinfos == null)
                        if (univ_flexgraph == null)
                            univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph();
                        univ_rotinfos = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                    J = TNM.GetJ(univ, coords, univ_rotinfos);

                double[] dangles;
                using (new Matlab.NamedLock("TEST"))
                    Matlab.PutVector("TEST.F", Vector.FromBlockvector(forces));
                    Matlab.PutValue("TEST.t2", t2);
                    //Matlab.PutVector("TEST.R", Vector.FromBlockvector(dcoords));
                    Matlab.PutMatrix("TEST.J", J);
                    Matlab.PutVector("TEST.M", univ.GetMasses(3));
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.M = diag(TEST.M);");
                    /// f = m a
                    /// d = 1/2 a t^2
                    ///   = 0.5 f/m t^2
                    /// f = m a
                    ///   = 2 m d t^-2
                    /// coord change
                    /// dcoord = 0.5 a t^2
                    ///        = (0.5 t^2) f/m
                    ///        = (0.5 t^2) M^-1 F  : M is mass matrix, F is the net force of each atom
                    /// torsional angle change
                    /// dtor =           (J' M J)^-1 J' M * dcoord                  : (6) of TNM paper
                    ///      =           (J' M J)^-1 J' M * (0.5 t^2) M^-1 F
                    ///      = (0.5 t^2) (J' M J)^-1 J'                    F
                    ///      = (0.5 t^2) (J' M J)^-1 J' F
                    ///      = (0.5 t2)  invJMJ      JF
                    /// force filtered by torsional ...
                    /// F_tor = m a
                    ///       = 2 m d t^-2
                    ///       = 2 M (J * dtor) t^-2
                    ///       = 2 M (J * (0.5 t^2) (J' M J)^-1 J' F) t^-2
                    ///       = M J (J' M J)^-1 J' F
                    ///       = MJ  invJMJ      JF
                    /// coord change filtered by torsional
                    /// R_tor = (0.5 t^2) M^-1 * F_tor
                    ///       = (0.5 t^2) J (J' M J)^-1 J' F
                    ///       = (0.5 t2)  J invJMJ      JF
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.JMJ    = TEST.J' * TEST.M * TEST.J;");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.invJMJ = inv(TEST.JMJ);");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.MJ     = TEST.M * TEST.J;");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.JF     = TEST.J' * TEST.F;");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.dtor   = (0.5 * TEST.t2) * TEST.invJMJ * TEST.JF;"); // (6) of TNM paper
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.F_tor  = TEST.MJ * TEST.invJMJ * TEST.JF;");
                    Matlab.Execute("TEST.R_tor  = (0.5 * TEST.t2) * TEST.J * TEST.invJMJ * TEST.JF;");

                    dangles = Matlab.GetVector("TEST.dtor");
                    if (forcesProjectedByTorsional != null)
                        Vector F_tor = Matlab.GetVector("TEST.F_tor");
                        HDebug.Assert(F_tor.Size == forces.Length * 3);
                        forcesProjectedByTorsional.value = new Vector[forces.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < forces.Length; i++)
                            int i3 = i * 3;
                            forcesProjectedByTorsional.value[i] = new double[] { F_tor[i3 + 0], F_tor[i3 + 1], F_tor[i3 + 2] };
                    if (dcoordsProjectedByTorsional != null)
                        Vector R_tor = Matlab.GetVector("TEST.R_tor");
                        HDebug.Assert(R_tor.Size == coords.Length * 3);
                        dcoordsProjectedByTorsional.value = new Vector[coords.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < coords.Length; i++)
                            int i3 = i * 3;
                            dcoordsProjectedByTorsional.value[i] = new double[] { R_tor[i3 + 0], R_tor[i3 + 1], R_tor[i3 + 2] };
