Exemplo n.º 1
        private async Task ReadFacilitiesMetaAsync(TLCFIClientSession session, TLCFIClientConfig config, TLCFIClientStateManager stateManager, CancellationToken token)
                if (_facilitiesRef != null)
                    ObjectMeta facilitiesMeta = null;
                        _logger.Info("Getting TLCFacilities META data");
                        facilitiesMeta = await session.TLCProxy.ReadMetaAsync(_facilitiesRef, token);
                    catch (JsonRpcException e)

                    if (facilitiesMeta != null && facilitiesMeta.Meta.Length == 1)
                        _logger.Info("Succesfully obtained TLCFacilities META data");
                        var facilitiesData = (TLCFacilities)facilitiesMeta.Meta[0];
                        stateManager.Facilities = facilitiesData;
                        if (!facilitiesData.Intersections.Contains(config.RemoteIntersectionId))
                            _logger.Error("Intersection with id {0} not found in TLCFacilities META data",
                            throw new TLCObjectNotFoundException(config.RemoteIntersectionId, TLCObjectType.Intersection);
                        _logger.Fatal("Error reading META of TLCFacilities: received {0} objects, expected 1",
                                      facilitiesMeta?.Meta.Length ?? 0);
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                        "Error reading META of TLCFacilities: reference to facilities is null; was Register() succesfully called?");
                    throw new NullReferenceException();
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error(e, "Error reading META of TLCFacilities, canceling session; ");
                throw new TLCFISessionException("Error reading META of TLCFacilities, canceling session");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task InitializeSession(TLCFIClientSession session, TLCFIClientConfig config, TLCFIClientStateManager stateManager, CancellationToken token)
            if (config == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Config is null, has SetConfig been called first?");
                var sessionId = await RegisterAsync(session, config, token);

                if (!session.State.Registered)
                    throw new TLCFISessionException("Registering with TLC failed");
                ApplicationRegistered?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                await GetSessionDataAsync(sessionId, session, config, stateManager, token);

                if (stateManager == null)
                await ReadFacilitiesMetaAsync(session, config, stateManager, token);

                Intersection inter = null;
                if (!config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription)
                    inter = await ReadIntersectionMetaAndSubscribeAsync(session, config, stateManager, token);
                var refs = CollectAllRefs(stateManager.Facilities, inter, config);

                CheckMetaData(stateManager.Facilities, inter, config);
                await ReadAllObjectsMetaAsync(refs, session, config, stateManager, token);
                await SubscribeAllObjectsAsync(refs, session, stateManager, token);

                ApplicationConfigured?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                await SetInitialControlState(session, stateManager);

                _logger.Info("Client configured succesfully. Now ready to request control.");
            catch (TLCFISessionException e)
                _logger.Fatal(e, "Error initializing session. " + (e.Fatal ? "(FATAL!): " : ": "));
                throw new TLCFISessionException("Error initializing session. " + (e.Fatal ? "(FATAL!) " : ""), e.Fatal);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private async Task <string> RegisterAsync(TLCFIClientSession session, TLCFIClientConfig config, CancellationToken token)
            _logger.Info("Registering with TLC.");
                // Register with TLC
                var rr = new RegistrationRequest
                    Username = config.Username,
                    Password = config.Password,
                    Version  = TLCFIDataProvider.Default.ProtocolVersion,
                    Type     = ApplicationType.Control
                    rr.Uri = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.IveraUri)
                                    ? new Uri(config.IveraUri)
                                    : new Uri("");
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.Error(e, "Error configuring IVERA uri; reverting to default []. Exception: ");
                var reply = await session.TLCProxy.RegisterAsync(rr, token);

                _facilitiesRef = reply?.Facilities ?? throw new RegistrationFailedException("Received null as a reply to RegisterAsync().");

                session.State.Registered = true;
                _logger.Info("Registered succesful.");
            catch (JsonRpcException e)
                session.State.Registered = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                session.State.Registered = false;
                _logger.Info(e, "Register failed with non-jsonrpc error: ");
        public static bool IsCLACompatibleWithIntersection(TLCFIClientConfig tlcfiClientConfig, Intersection intersection, TLCFacilities facilities)
            // SignalGroups: all ids must match
            foreach (var id1 in intersection.Signalgroups)
                if (tlcfiClientConfig.SignalGroupIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("SignalGroup with id {0} from TLC intersection not found in CLA config", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in tlcfiClientConfig.SignalGroupIds)
                if (intersection.Signalgroups.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("SignalGroup with id {0} from CLA config not found in TLC intersection", id1);

            // Detectors, out- and inputs: all ids from CLA must be present in TLC
            foreach (var id1 in tlcfiClientConfig.DetectorIds)
                if (intersection.Detectors.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("Detector with id {0} from CLA config not found in TLC intersection", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in intersection.Detectors)
                if (tlcfiClientConfig.DetectorIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Warn("Detector with id {0} from TLC intersection not found in CLA config ", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in tlcfiClientConfig.InputIds)
                if (intersection.Inputs.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("Input with id {0} from CLA config not found in TLC intersection", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in intersection.Inputs)
                if (tlcfiClientConfig.InputIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Warn("Input with id {0} from TLC intersection not found in CLA config ", id1);

            // for outputs: use outputs from TLC if facilities argument is not null
            // this facilitates configuring non-exclusive outputs
            foreach (var id1 in tlcfiClientConfig.OutputIds)
                if (facilities != null && facilities.Outputs.All(id2 => id1 != id2) ||
                    facilities == null && intersection.Outputs.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("Output with id {0} from CLA config not found in TLC intersection", id1);
            if (facilities == null)
                foreach (var id1 in intersection.Outputs)
                    if (tlcfiClientConfig.OutputIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                        _logger.Warn("Output with id {0} from TLC intersection not found in CLA config ", id1);
                foreach (var id1 in facilities.Outputs)
                    if (tlcfiClientConfig.OutputIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                        _logger.Warn("Output with id {0} from TLC facilities not found in CLA config ", id1);

        public static bool IsCLACompatibleWithTLC(TLCFIClientConfig tlcfiClientConfig, TLCFacilities facilities)
            // SignalGroups: all ids must match
            foreach (var id1 in facilities.Signalgroups)
                if (tlcfiClientConfig.SignalGroupIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("SignalGroup with id {0} from TLC facilities not found in CLA config", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in tlcfiClientConfig.SignalGroupIds)
                if (facilities.Signalgroups.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("SignalGroup with id {0} from CLA config not found in TLC facilities", id1);

            // Detectors, out- and inputs: all ids from CLA must be present in TLC
            foreach (var id1 in tlcfiClientConfig.DetectorIds)
                if (facilities.Detectors.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("Detector with id {0} from CLA config not found in TLC facilities", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in facilities.Detectors)
                if (tlcfiClientConfig.DetectorIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Warn("Detector with id {0} from TLC facilities not found in CLA config ", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in tlcfiClientConfig.InputIds)
                if (facilities.Inputs.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("Input with id {0} from CLA config not found in TLC facilities", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in facilities.Inputs)
                if (tlcfiClientConfig.InputIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Warn("Input with id {0} from TLC facilities not found in CLA config ", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in tlcfiClientConfig.OutputIds)
                if (facilities.Outputs.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Error("Output with id {0} from CLA config not found in TLC facilities", id1);
            foreach (var id1 in facilities.Outputs)
                if (tlcfiClientConfig.OutputIds.All(id2 => id1 != id2))
                    _logger.Warn("Output with id {0} from TLC facilities not found in CLA config ", id1);

Exemplo n.º 6
        private async Task ReadAllObjectsMetaAsync(IEnumerable <ObjectReference> refs, TLCFIClientSession session, TLCFIClientConfig config, TLCFIClientStateManager stateManager, CancellationToken token)
            if (!session.State.Registered)
                    "Error configuring application: not authorized with TLC; were Register() and ReadFacilitiesMeta() called?");
                throw new TLCFISessionException("Client is authorized with TLC; were Register() and ReadFacilitiesMeta() called?");

                var getmetatasks = (from objref in refs
                                    where objref.Ids.Length > 0
                                    select session.TLCProxy.ReadMetaAsync(objref, token)).Cast <Task>()

                await Task.WhenAll(getmetatasks.ToArray());

                foreach (var t in getmetatasks)
                    using (var task = t as Task <ObjectMeta>)
                        if (task == null)

                        var meta = task.Result;

                        switch (meta.Objects.Type)
                        case TLCObjectType.SignalGroup:
                            foreach (SignalGroup sg in meta.Meta)

                        case TLCObjectType.Detector:
                            foreach (Detector d in meta.Meta)

                        case TLCObjectType.Input:
                            foreach (Input ip in meta.Meta)

                        case TLCObjectType.Output:
                            foreach (Output op in meta.Meta)

                        case TLCObjectType.SpecialVehicleEventGenerator:
                            stateManager.SpvhGenerator = (SpecialVehicleEventGenerator)meta.Meta[0];

                        case TLCObjectType.Variable:
                            foreach (Variable op in meta.Meta)

                        case TLCObjectType.Session:       // Special kind of object; gets initialized in Register()
                        case TLCObjectType.TLCFacilities: // Got initialized in ReadFacilitiesMeta()
                        case TLCObjectType.Intersection:  // Got initialized in ReadFacilitiesMeta()
                            throw new NotSupportedException();

                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
            catch (JsonRpcException e)
                throw new TLCFISessionException("Error reading META from TLCFacilities.");
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.Error(e, "Error while reading META data for all objects from TLC");
                throw new TLCFISessionException("Error reading META from TLCFacilities.");

                stateManager.Initialize(config.RemoteIntersectionId);         // Check and init
            catch (DuplicateNameException)
                throw new TLCFISessionException("Error checking META data from TLCFacilities (FATAL!)", true);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void CheckMetaData(TLCFacilities facilitiesData, Intersection intersectionData, TLCFIClientConfig config)
            bool ok;

            if (config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription)
                _logger.Info("Checking CLA config against TLC META data.");
                ok = TLCFIClientCompatabilityChecker.IsCLACompatibleWithTLC(config, facilitiesData);
                _logger.Info("Checking CLA config against Intersection META data.");
                ok = TLCFIClientCompatabilityChecker.IsCLACompatibleWithIntersection(config, intersectionData,
                                                                                     config.SubscribeToAllOutputs ? facilitiesData : null);
            if (ok)
                _logger.Info("All necessarry configured objects were found.");
            _logger.Fatal("Not all necessarry objects could be matched.");
            throw new TLCFISessionException("Not all necessarry object could be matched (FATAL!)", true);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private List <ObjectReference> CollectAllRefs(TLCFacilities facilitiesData, Intersection intersectionData, TLCFIClientConfig config)
            if (!config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription && intersectionData == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("IntersectionData may not be null when ids from intersection must be used to gather META data.");
            if (config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription && facilitiesData == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("FacilitiesData may not be null when ids from TLCFacilities must be used to gather META data.");
            var refs = new List <ObjectReference>
                new ObjectReference
                    Ids  = config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription ? facilitiesData.Signalgroups : intersectionData.Signalgroups,
                    Type = TLCObjectType.SignalGroup
                new ObjectReference
                    Ids  = config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription ? facilitiesData.Detectors : intersectionData.Detectors,
                    Type = TLCObjectType.Detector
                new ObjectReference
                    Ids  = config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription || config.SubscribeToAllOutputs ? facilitiesData.Outputs : intersectionData.Outputs,
                    Type = TLCObjectType.Output
                new ObjectReference
                    Ids  = config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription ? facilitiesData.Inputs : intersectionData.Inputs,
                    Type = TLCObjectType.Input
                new ObjectReference
                    Ids = config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription
                        ? new[] { facilitiesData.Spvehgenerator }
                        : new[] { intersectionData.Spvehgenerator },
                    Type = TLCObjectType.SpecialVehicleEventGenerator
                new ObjectReference
                    Ids  = facilitiesData.Variables,
                    Type = TLCObjectType.Variable

            if (config.UseIdsFromTLCForSubscription)
                refs.Add(new ObjectReference
                    Ids  = new[] { intersectionData.Id },
                    Type = TLCObjectType.Intersection
Exemplo n.º 9
        private async Task <Intersection> ReadIntersectionMetaAndSubscribeAsync(TLCFIClientSession session, TLCFIClientConfig config, TLCFIClientStateManager stateManager, CancellationToken token)
            ObjectMeta intersectionMeta  = null;
            ObjectData intersectionState = null;
            var        iref = new ObjectReference
                Ids  = new[] { config.RemoteIntersectionId },
                Type = TLCObjectType.Intersection

                _logger.Info("Getting Intersection META data for intersection with id {0}", config.RemoteIntersectionId);
                intersectionMeta = await session.TLCProxy.ReadMetaAsync(iref, token);
            catch (JsonRpcException e)

            if (intersectionMeta == null || intersectionMeta.Meta.Length != 1)
                var exmes = $"Error reading META of Intersection: received {intersectionMeta?.Meta.Length ?? 0} objects, expected 1";
                throw new InvalidMetaReceivedException(exmes);

            _logger.Info("Succesfully obtained Intersection META data");
            var intersectionData = (Intersection)intersectionMeta.Meta[0];


                intersectionState = await session.TLCProxy.SubscribeAsync(iref, token);
            catch (JsonRpcException e)

            if (intersectionState == null || intersectionState.Data.Length != 1)
                var exmes = $"Error reading STATE of Intersection: received {intersectionState?.Data.Length ?? 0} objects, expected 1";
                throw new InvalidMetaReceivedException(exmes);

            var ins  = (Intersection)intersectionState.Data[0];
            var sins = stateManager.InternalIntersections.First(x => x.Id == intersectionState.Objects.Ids[0]);

            // Copy state
            sins.StateTicks = ins.StateTicks;
            sins.State      = ins.State;
            session.State.IntersectionControl = sins.State == IntersectionControlState.Control;

Exemplo n.º 10
        private async Task <TLCFIClientStateManager> GetSessionDataAsync(string sessionId, TLCFIClientSession session, TLCFIClientConfig config, TLCFIClientStateManager stateManager, CancellationToken token)
            _logger.Info("Obtaining session data and subscribing to session.");
                // Read meta for session
                var sref = new ObjectReference()
                    Ids  = new[] { sessionId },
                    Type = TLCObjectType.Session
                var meta = await session.TLCProxy.ReadMetaAsync(sref, token);

                if (meta == null || meta.Meta.Length != 1)
                    throw new InvalidMetaReceivedException("Incorrect response while reading session META. Meta received: " + meta);

                // Check and store data, set state for session, and subscribe to session updates
                stateManager.Session = (TLCSessionBase)meta.Meta[0];
                switch (config.ApplicationType)
                case ApplicationType.Consumer:
                case ApplicationType.Provider:

                case ApplicationType.Control:
                    if (stateManager.Session is ControlApplication ct)
                        // Start with Error state: either the TLC will set it to Offline, or we will in SetInitialControlState
                        ct.ReqControlState = ControlState.Error;
                        ct.StartCapability = config.StartCapability;
                        ct.EndCapability   = config.EndCapability;
                        ct.ReqIntersection = config.RemoteIntersectionId;

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                if (stateManager.Session.SessionType != config.ApplicationType)
                    throw new InvalidTLCObjectTypeException($"Type of Session (ApplicationType) incorrect. Expected {config.ApplicationType.ToString()}, got {stateManager.Session.SessionType.ToString()}");
                var data = await session.TLCProxy.SubscribeAsync(sref, token);

                if (data == null || data.Data.Length != 1)
                    throw new InvalidStateReceivedException("Incorrect response while reading session STATE. State received: " + data);

                ApplicationRegistered?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

                _logger.Info("Succesfully got session meta and state: registered properly.");
            catch (JsonRpcException e)
                session.State.Registered = false;
            catch (Exception e)
                session.State.Registered = false;
                _logger.Info(e, "Register failed with non-jsonrpc error.");