public override void DeserializeBody(BinaryReader br)
     flags = br.ReadInt32();
     silent = (flags & 32) != 0;
     background = (flags & 64) != 0;
     from_peer = (TLAbsInputPeer)ObjectUtils.DeserializeObject(br);
     id = (TLVector<int>)ObjectUtils.DeserializeVector<int>(br);
     random_id = (TLVector<long>)ObjectUtils.DeserializeVector<long>(br);
     to_peer = (TLAbsInputPeer)ObjectUtils.DeserializeObject(br);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <TLAbsDialogs> GetUserDialogsAsync(int offsetDate = 0, int offsetId = 0, TLAbsInputPeer offsetPeer = null, int limit = 100, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            if (offsetPeer == null)
                offsetPeer = new TLInputPeerSelf();

            var req = new TLRequestGetDialogs()
                OffsetDate = offsetDate,
                OffsetId   = offsetId,
                OffsetPeer = offsetPeer,
                Limit      = limit

            return(await SendAuthenticatedRequestAsync <TLAbsDialogs>(req, token)
Exemplo n.º 3
 public override void DeserializeBody(BinaryReader br)
     peer = (TLAbsInputPeer)ObjectUtils.DeserializeObject(br);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public override void DeserializeBody(BinaryReader br)
     Peer = (TLAbsInputPeer)ObjectUtils.DeserializeObject(br);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public async Task SendMessageAsync(TLAbsInputPeer peer, string message)
     await _telegramClient.SendMessageAsync(peer, message);
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal static async Task MainMethodAsync(TelegramBotAbstract telegramBotAbstract)
                var links     = new List <string>();
                var groupsRaw = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\eliam\Documents\groups.csv");
                var groups    = Regex.Split(groupsRaw, "\r\n|\r|\n");
                //using StreamWriter groupsFile = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Users\eliam\Documents\WriteLines.txt", append: true);
                //await groupsFile.WriteLineAsync("Nome Gruppo $ Link di Invito");
                using (var sw = File.AppendText(@"C:\Users\eliam\Documents\groupslist.txt"))
                    sw.WriteLine("Nome Gruppo $ Link di Invito");

                foreach (var group in groups)
                    var toBeDone = true;
                    while (toBeDone)
                        if (group.Length > 0)
                                //    await telegramBotAbstract.FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBotAsync();
                                var name = group;
                                if (name.Length > 255)
                                    using (var sw = File.AppendText(@"C:\Users\eliam\Documents\errorlist.txt"))
                                        sw.WriteLine(name + " FAILED");

                                var desc = "Gruppo @polinetwork \nPer tutti i link:";

                                var  members = new List <long>(); //ID members to insert
                                long?chatID  = null;
                                while (chatID == null)
                                    chatID = await telegramBotAbstract.CreateGroup(name, desc, members);
                                Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 10);
                                var channel = await telegramBotAbstract.upgradeGroupIntoSupergroup(chatID);

                                if (channel == null)
                                //await telegramBotAbstract.EditDescriptionChannel(channel, desc);
                                Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 10);
                                await telegramBotAbstract.addUserIntoChannel("@polinetwork3bot", channel);

                                var admins = new List <TLInputUser>();

                                var adminTags = new List <string>
                                };                       //tag members to set admins (MUST BE INSIDE THE members ARRAY)
                                foreach (var admin in adminTags)
                                    Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 10);
                                    TLAbsInputPeer u =
                                        await UserbotPeer.GetPeerUserWithAccessHash(admin,

                                    if (u is TLInputPeerUser u2)
                                        var user1 = new TLInputUser {
                                            AccessHash = u2.AccessHash, UserId = u2.UserId

                                foreach (var admin in admins)
                                    Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 10);
                                    await telegramBotAbstract.PromoteChatMember(admin, channel.Id, channel.AccessHash);

                                Thread.Sleep(1 * 1000 * 10);
                                var link = await telegramBotAbstract.ExportChatInviteLinkAsync(channel.Id,

                                using (var sw = File.AppendText(@"C:\Users\eliam\Documents\groupslist.txt"))
                                    sw.WriteLine(group + " $ " + link);

                                Console.WriteLine("added: " + group + " $ " + link);
                                Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000 * 60);
                                toBeDone = false;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " -> In Main Thread!");
                                Thread.Sleep(int.Parse(Regex.Match(e.Message, @"\d+").Value) * 1000);
                                await NotifyUtil.NotifyOwners(e, telegramBotAbstract);

                Console.WriteLine("====== CREATION COMPLETE ======");
            catch (Exception ignore)
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <TLAbsDialogs> GetUserDialogsAsync(int offsetDate = 0, int offsetId = 0, TLAbsInputPeer offsetPeer = null, int limit = 100)
            if (!IsUserAuthorized())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Authorize user first!");

            if (offsetPeer == null)
                offsetPeer = new TLInputPeerSelf();

            var req = new TLRequestGetDialogs()
                OffsetDate = offsetDate,
                OffsetId   = offsetId,
                OffsetPeer = offsetPeer,
                Limit      = limit

            return(await SendRequestAsync <TLAbsDialogs>(req));
        private static async Task <Tuple <bool?, string, long> > FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot3(
            TLAbsChat x4,
            TLAbsInputPeer u, TelegramBotAbstract telegramBotAbstract)
            if (x4 == null)

            if (x4 is TLChat x5)
                if (GlobalVariables.ExcludedChatsForBot.Contains(x5.Id))
                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(null, x5.Title, x5.Id));

                var r5 = await FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot4(x5, u, telegramBotAbstract);

                if (r5 == null)
                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(null, x5.Title, x5.Id));

                if (r5.Item2 == null)
                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(r5.Item1, x5.Title, x5.Id));

                var r6 = await FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot4(x5, u, telegramBotAbstract);

                if (r6 == null)

                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(null, x5.Title, x5.Id));

                if (r6.Item2 == null)
                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(r6.Item1, x5.Title, x5.Id));
            else if (x4 is TLChannel x6)
                if (GlobalVariables.ExcludedChatsForBot.Contains(x6.Id))
                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(null, x6.Title, x6.Id));

                var r2 = await FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot5(x6, u, telegramBotAbstract);

                if (r2 == null)

                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(null, x6.Title, x6.Id));

                if (r2.Item2 == null)
                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(r2.Item1, x6.Title, x6.Id));

                var r3 = await FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot5(x6, u, telegramBotAbstract);

                if (r3 == null)

                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(null, x6.Title, x6.Id));

                if (r3.Item2 == null)
                    return(new Tuple <bool?, string, long>(r3.Item1, x6.Title, x6.Id));
            else if (x4 is TLChatForbidden chatForbidden)

Exemplo n.º 9
 public static async Task SendMessage(TelegramClient client, TLAbsInputPeer peer, string text)
     await client.SendMessageAsync(peer, text);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static async Task <List <TLMessage> > GetLastMessages(TelegramClient client, TLAbsInputPeer peer,
                                                                     bool isChannel = false, int count = 2)
            if (isChannel)
                var msgHistory = await client.GetHistoryAsync(peer, limit : count) as TLChannelMessages;

                return(msgHistory?.Messages.Select(msg => msg as TLMessage).ToList());
                var msgHistory = await client.GetHistoryAsync(peer, limit : count) as TLMessagesSlice;

                return(msgHistory?.Messages.Select(msg => msg as TLMessage).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static async Task ForwardMessage(TelegramClient client, TLAbsInputPeer fromPeer, TLAbsInputPeer toPeer, int messageId)
            var randomIds = new TLVector <long> {
            var forwardRequest = new TLRequestForwardMessages
                FromPeer = fromPeer,
                Id       = new TLVector <int> {
                ToPeer   = toPeer,
                RandomId = randomIds

            await client.SendRequestAsync <TLUpdates>(forwardRequest);
        private static async Task <Tuple <bool?, DateTime?> > FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot4(
            TLChat x5, TLAbsInputPeer u, TelegramBotAbstract telegramBotAbstract)
            if (x5 == null)



            if (x5.MigratedTo == null)
                var r4 = await FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot6Async(x5, u, telegramBotAbstract);


            var            x6 = x5.MigratedTo;
            TLInputChannel x8 = null;

            if (x6 is TLInputChannel x7)
                x8 = x7;

            if (x5.MigratedTo == null)

            TLAbsInputChannel channel = x8;
            TLChatFull        x       = null;

            var channel2 = GetChannel(channel);

            if (channel2 == null)
                return(new Tuple <bool?, DateTime?>(false, null));

            var isOurBotPresent2 = await CheckIfOurBotIsPresent2Async(channel2, telegramBotAbstract);

            if (isOurBotPresent2 == null)
                return(new Tuple <bool?, DateTime?>(false, null));

            if (isOurBotPresent2.Item2 != null)
                return(new Tuple <bool?, DateTime?>(null, isOurBotPresent2.Item2));

            if (isOurBotPresent2.Item1 != null && isOurBotPresent2.Item1.Value)
                return(new Tuple <bool?, DateTime?>(true, null));

            var r3 = await InsertOurBotAsyncChat(x5, u, x8.AccessHash, telegramBotAbstract);

            return(new Tuple <bool?, DateTime?>(r3, null));
        private static async Task <ResultF1> F1Async(TelegramBotAbstract telegramBotAbstract, long userIdOfOurBot,
                                                     TLAbsInputPeer u, string x5Title, int x5Id, TLInputChannel channel)
            var users = new TLVector <TLAbsInputUser>();

            if (u == null)
                return(new ResultF1(false, null, null, null));

            long accessHashUser = 0;


            TLInputPeerUser u5 = null;

            if (u is TLInputPeerUser u4)
                u5 = u4;

            if (u5 == null)
                return(new ResultF1(false, null, null, null));

            accessHashUser = u5.AccessHash;

            TLAbsInputUser u2 = new TLInputUser {
                UserId = (int)userIdOfOurBot, AccessHash = accessHashUser

            TLAbsUpdates r = null;

                r = await telegramBotAbstract._userbotClient.ChannelsInviteToChannel(channel, users);
            catch (Exception e)
                var m = "\n";
                m += "We can't add our bot in this group:\n";
                m += "[Title] " + x5Title + "\n";
                m += "[ID]    " + x5Id;
                m += "\n --- end --- ";
                m += "\n";
                var e2 = new Exception(m, e);
                await NotifyUtil.NotifyOwners(e2, telegramBotAbstract);

                return(new ResultF1(false, null, r, null));


            var idMessageAdded = GetIdMessageAdded(r);

            Tuple <TLAbsUpdates, Exception> r2 = null;

                r2 = await PromoteToAdminAsync(u2, channel, telegramBotAbstract);
            catch (Exception e2)


            return(new ResultF1(null, idMessageAdded, r, r2));
        public static async Task <bool> FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot2(
            TelegramBotAbstract telegramBotAbstract)
            const int      LIMIT = 20;
            var            i     = 0;
            TLAbsInputPeer u     =
                await UserbotPeer.GetPeerUserWithAccessHash("polinetwork3bot", telegramBotAbstract._userbotClient);

            if (u == null)

            id_of_chats_we_know_are_ok = new Dictionary <long, bool>();

            while (true)
                TLAbsDialogs   x = null;
                FloodException floodException1 = null;
                    x = await telegramBotAbstract._userbotClient.GetUserDialogsAsync(limit : LIMIT, offsetId : i);
                catch (FloodException floodException)
                    floodException1 = floodException;

                if (x == null && floodException1 != null)
                    var untilWhen = GetUntilWhenWeCanMakeRequests(floodException1);

                        x = await telegramBotAbstract._userbotClient.GetUserDialogsAsync(limit : LIMIT, offsetId : i);
                    catch (Exception e7)

                if (x == null)
                    return(i > 0);

                if (x is TLDialogs x2)
                    if (x2.Chats != null)
                        foreach (var x4 in x2.Chats)
                            var r1 = await FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot3(x4, u,

                            await NotifyUtil.NotifyIfFalseAsync(r1, 1.ToString(), telegramBotAbstract);
                else if (x is TLDialogsSlice x3)
                    if (x3.Chats != null)
                        foreach (var x4 in x3.Chats)
                            var r1 = await FixTheFactThatSomeGroupsDoesNotHaveOurModerationBot3(x4, u,

                            await NotifyUtil.NotifyIfFalseAsync(r1, 2.ToString(), telegramBotAbstract);

                i += LIMIT;

            throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 15
 public override void deserializeBody(InputStream stream, TLContext context)
     this.peer     = StreamingUtils.readTLObject(stream, context);       = StreamingUtils.readInt(stream);
     this.randomId = StreamingUtils.readLong(stream);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public virtual void setPeer(TLAbsInputPeer value)
     this.peer = value;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public override void deserializeBody(InputStream stream, TLContext context)
     this.peer   = StreamingUtils.readTLObject(stream, context);
     this.action = StreamingUtils.readTLObject(stream, context);