/* TDS_SpawningInformationsEditor :
     *	#####################
     *	###### PURPOSE ######
     *	#####################
     *	Editor of the Random Spawning Information class
     *	#####################
     *	### MODIFICATIONS ###
     *	#####################
     *	Date :			[12/02/2019]
     *	Author :		[THIEBAUT Alexis]
     *	Changes :
     *	[Initialisation de la class]
     *      - Implémentation de la methode OnGUI pour afficher les settings de la Random Spawning Information
     *	-----------------------------------

    #region Methods
    public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
        base.OnGUI(position, property, label);
        // Display the chance of spawn for the random enemies
        if (property.FindPropertyRelative("isFoldOut").boolValue)
            TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Spawn Chance", "", property.FindPropertyRelative("spawnChance"), 1, 100);
    protected override void DrawSettings()

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Evolve", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);
        TDS_EditorUtility.RadioToggle("Has Evolved", "Is the minion evolved", hasEvolved);
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Rage", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);
        TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Reset Rage Delay", "Delay to reset the rage", resetRageDelay);
        TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Reset Rage Threshold", "Count of attacks to ignore the next damages", ragingThreshold, 1, 5);
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the editor for the Destructible class settings.
    /// </summary>
    protected void DrawSettings()
        TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Loot Chance", "Chance in percentage to have drop on this destructible destruction", lootChance, 0, 100);


        TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Min Loot", "Minimum amount of loot for this destructible", lootMin, 0, lootMax.intValue);
        if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Max Loot", "Maximum amount of loot for this destructible", lootMax))
            destructibles.ForEach(d => d.LootMax = lootMax.intValue);
Exemplo n.º 4
    protected override void DrawSettings()

        TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Damages Threshold", "How much damages had to be taken to play the hit animation", damagesThreshold, 1, 50);

        TDS_EditorUtility.ObjectField("Boss Portrait", "Portrait to display next to the boss' lifebar", portrait, typeof(GameObject));

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Health events", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);
        TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("On Two Thirds Health", "Event called when the boss has reached two thirds of his life", onTwoThirdsHealth);
        TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("On Half Health", "Event called when the boss has reached half of his life", onHalfHealth);
        TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("On One Third Health", "Event called when the boss has reached one third of his life", onOneThirdHealth);
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the editor for Damageable class settings
    /// </summary>
    private void DrawSettings()
        // If the serializedProperty is changed, triggers the property of the field
        // After the property has been used, update the object so that serializedProperties can be refresh
        if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Health", "Current health of this object", healthCurrent, 0, healthMax.intValue))
            damageables.ForEach(d => d.HealthCurrent = healthCurrent.intValue);

        if (!healthCurrent.hasMultipleDifferentValues)

            TDS_EditorUtility.ProgressBar(25, (float)healthCurrent.intValue / healthMax.intValue, "Health");


        // If the application is playing, draws two button next to each other allowing the heal & damage the object
        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Max Health", "Maximum health of the object ; its health cannot exceed this value", healthMax))
            damageables.ForEach(d => d.HealthMax = healthMax.intValue);

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Dead", "Indicates if the object is dead, or not", isDead))
            damageables.ForEach(d => d.IsDead = isDead.boolValue);

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Indestructible", "When indestructible, the object will not be dead when its health reach zero", isIndestructible))
            damageables.ForEach(d => d.IsIndestructible = isIndestructible.boolValue);

        TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Invulnerable", "When invulnerable, the object cannot take any damage", isInvulnerable);

        TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Can be Moved", "If set to true, this damageable can suffer the effects of special attack effect moving opponent", canBeMoved);

Exemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the custom editor for this class settings.
    /// </summary>
    private void DrawSettings()
        if (TDS_EditorUtility.PropertyField("Beard State", "Current state of the Beard Lady's beard", currentBeardState) && Application.isPlaying)
            beardLadies.ForEach(b => b.CancelInvokeGrowBeard());
            beardLadies.ForEach(b => b.CurrentBeardState = (BeardState)currentBeardState.enumValueIndex);

        TDS_EditorUtility.ProgressBar(25, (float)currentBeardState.enumValueIndex / 3, "Beard State");

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Beard Grow Interval", "Interval between two beard grow up", beardGrowInterval))
            beardLadies.ForEach(b => b.BeardGrowInterval = beardGrowInterval.floatValue);

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Beard Life", "Current beard life", beardCurrentLife, 0, beardMaxLife.intValue) && Application.isPlaying)
            beardLadies.ForEach(b => b.BeardCurrentLife = beardCurrentLife.intValue);

        TDS_EditorUtility.ProgressBar(25, (float)beardCurrentLife.intValue / beardMaxLife.intValue, "Beard Life");

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Beard Max Life", "Maximum beard life value", beardMaxLife))
            beardLadies.ForEach(b => b.BeardMaxLife = beardMaxLife.intValue);
        if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Beard Heal Interval", "Interval between two beard heal", beardHealInterval))
            beardLadies.ForEach(b => b.BeardHealInterval = beardHealInterval.floatValue);
Exemplo n.º 7
    /// <summary>
    /// Draw the editor for the variables settings of the enemy
    /// </summary>
    protected virtual void DrawSettings()
        // Draw a header for the enemy detection settings
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Detection", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);
        TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Wandering range Min", "The wandering distance around the targeted player when other enemies attacking an enemy", wanderingRangeMin, 1, wanderingRangeMax.floatValue);
        TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Wandering range Max", "The wandering distance around the targeted player when other enemies attacking an enemy", wanderingRangeMax, wanderingRangeMin.floatValue, 10);
        TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Taunt Probability", "The chance to taunt after wandering", tauntProbability, 0, 100);

        //Draw a header for the enemy scale up settings
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Scale Up Settings", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);
        TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Scale Up", "Should this enemy health scale up depending on player amount", doScaleOnPlayerAmount);
        if (doScaleOnPlayerAmount.boolValue)
            if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Health Scale Up Percent", "Percentage by which this enemy health is scaled up for each other player", healthScalePercent, 0, 100))
                enemies.ForEach(e => e.HealthScalePercent = healthScalePercent.intValue);


        //Draw a header for the enemy down settings
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Damages Settings", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);
        TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Can be grounded", "Is the enemy can be grounded", canBeDown);

        // Draws a header for the enemy attacks settings
        TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Can Throw", "Is the enemy can throw objects", canThrow);
        if (canThrow.boolValue)
            TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Throw Range", "Distance reached by the throwed object", throwRange, .5f, 20f);

Exemplo n.º 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the editor for the Character class settings.
    /// </summary>
    private void DrawSettings()
        // Draws a header for the character behaviour settings
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Behaviour", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);


        TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Pacific", "When pacific, the character will not attack", isPacific);

        TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Paralyzed", "When paralyzed, the character will no move", isParalyzed);

        // When on play and setting the toggle, do not change the property but execute the Flip method instead
        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            if (!isCharaMultiEditing && TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Facing Right Side", "Indicates if the character is currently facing the right side of the screen, or not", isFacingRight, false))
            TDS_EditorUtility.Toggle("Facing Right Side", "Indicates if the character is currently facing the right side of the screen, or not", isFacingRight);

        // Draws a header for the character behaviour settings
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Speed", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);


        // When on play and not multi editing, diplay a progress bar representing the current speed of the character
        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            if (!isCharaMultiEditing)
                TDS_EditorUtility.ProgressBar(20, speedCurrent.floatValue / speedMax.floatValue, "Speed");

        // If the serializedProperty is changed, triggers the property of the field
        // After the property has been used, update the object so that serializedProperties can be refresh
        if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Initial Speed", "Speed of the character when starting moving", speedInitial, 0, speedMax.floatValue))
            characters.ForEach(c => c.SpeedInitial = speedInitial.floatValue);

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Max Speed", "Maximum speed of the character", speedMax))
            characters.ForEach(c => c.SpeedMax = speedMax.floatValue);

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Speed Acceleration Time", "Time that take the character to get its speed to the maximum value, after starting moving (in seconds)", speedAccelerationTime))
            characters.ForEach(c => c.SpeedAccelerationTime = speedAccelerationTime.floatValue);

        if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatField("Speed Coefficient", "Global coefficient used to multiply all speed values for this character", speedCoef))
            characters.ForEach(c => c.SpeedCoef = speedCoef.floatValue);

        if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)
            // Draws a header for the player aim settings
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Throwables & Aiming", TDS_EditorUtility.HeaderStyle);


            if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntField("Throw max. Bonus Damages", "Maximum amount of bonus damages when throwing an object", throwBonusDamagesMax))
                characters.ForEach(p => p.ThrowBonusDamagesMax = throwBonusDamagesMax.intValue);
            if (TDS_EditorUtility.IntSlider("Throw min. Bonus Damages", "Minimum amount of bonus damages when throwing an object", throwBonusDamagesMin, 0, throwBonusDamagesMax.intValue))
                characters.ForEach(p => p.ThrowBonusDamagesMin = throwBonusDamagesMin.intValue);


            if (TDS_EditorUtility.FloatSlider("Aiming Angle", "Angle used by this player to aim for a throw", aimAngle, 15f, 60f))
                characters.ForEach(p => p.AimAngle = aimAngle.floatValue);

            TDS_EditorUtility.Vector3Field("Throw Aiming Point", "Position to aim when preparing a throw (Local space)", throwAimingPoint);
