Exemplo n.º 1
 public static void ApplyDeltas(ref TCompData template, ref Dictionary <string, List <double> > deltas)
     for (int i = 5; i < 91; i++)
         template.TempData[i] = template.TempData[i - 1] + deltas["temp"][i - 5]; //Apply delta to previous value to get current value
         foreach (string key in template.MeasurementData.Keys)
             template.MeasurementData[key][i] = template.MeasurementData[key][i - 1] + deltas[key][i - 5];
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Template(string model, int months)
            Tuple <TCompData, int> templateData = GenerateTemplate(model, months);
            TCompData     template       = templateData.Item1;
            List <string> lines          = template.GetLines();
            string        templateFolder = Path.Join(Config.ResultsDir, "\\TComp_Templates\\GenericTemplates");

            WriteFile(templateFolder, Path.Join(templateFolder, $"{DateTime.UtcNow:yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss}_{model}_Template.txt"), lines);
            MessageBox.Show($"{model} template generated using the data from {templateData.Item2} sensors from the past {months} months.",
                            "Template Generated", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void FillTemplate(ref TCompData template)
     //Fill template up to count 91 with 0.0 values
     while (template.TempData.Count < 91)
     foreach (string key in template.MeasurementData.Keys)
         while (template.MeasurementData[key].Count < 91)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static void ApplyTemplate(string serialNumber, int months)
            HelixEvoSensor         sensor       = AllEvoDataSingle(new() { SerialNumber = serialNumber });
            Tuple <TCompData, int> templateData = GenerateTemplate(sensor.PartNumber.Substring(0, 8), months); //Only get 920-0201 portion of PN
            TCompData     template      = templateData.Item1;
            List <string> lines         = template.GetLines();
            string        snGroupFolder = GetGroupFolder(Config.TcompDir, sensor.SerialNumber);

            string tcompPath = Path.Join(snGroupFolder, $"SN{sensor.SerialNumber}.txt");

            if (File.Exists(tcompPath))
            WriteFile(snGroupFolder, tcompPath, lines, false);
            LogTemplateApplication(sensor, templateData.Item2, months);
            MessageBox.Show($"Template generated for SN{sensor.SerialNumber}, model {sensor.PartNumber}. Used data from {templateData.Item2} sensors" +
                            $" from the past {months} months.", "Template Applied", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void TrimTemplate(ref TCompData template, bool reference = false)
            int trimTo = reference ? 5 : 91;

            //Trim all data columns to length of 91
            while (template.TimeData.Count > 91) //Ensure count is 91
                template.TimeData.RemoveAt(template.TimeData.Count - 1);
            while (template.TempData.Count > trimTo)
                template.TempData.RemoveAt(template.TempData.Count - 1);
            foreach (string key in template.MeasurementData.Keys)
                while (template.MeasurementData[key].Count > trimTo)
                    template.MeasurementData[key].RemoveAt(template.MeasurementData[key].Count - 1);