Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void DrawNewFrame(TCODConsole screen)
            if (m_enabled)
                int lowX = m_cursorPosition.X - (MapDrawnWidth / 2);
                int lowY = m_cursorPosition.Y - (MapDrawnHeight / 2);
                for (int i = lowX; i < lowX + MapDrawnWidth; ++i)
                    for (int j = lowY; j < lowY + MapDrawnHeight; ++j)
                        int screenPlacementX = m_mapCorner.X + i + 1;
                        int screenPlacementY = m_mapCorner.Y + j + 1;

                        if (IsDrawableTile(screenPlacementX, screenPlacementY))
                            if (m_map.IsPointOnMap(new Point(i, j)))
                                TileVisibility isVisible = m_tileVisibility[i, j];
                                if (isVisible == TileVisibility.Unvisited)
                                    // If it's unvisisted, nuke the square completed black
                                    screen.setCharBackground(screenPlacementX, screenPlacementY, ColorPresets.Black);
                                    screen.setCharForeground(screenPlacementX, screenPlacementY, ColorPresets.Black);
                                    screen.putChar(screenPlacementX, screenPlacementY, ' ');
Exemplo n.º 2
        public new void Draw(TCODConsole console, Point offset)
            switch (DrawMode)
            case DrawModes.Normal:
                if (Area.SolidTerrainAt(Position))
                    goto case DrawModes.OnlyForegroundColor;
                base.Draw(console, offset);

            case DrawModes.OnlyForegroundColor:
                if (Position.X > offset.X && Position.X <= offset.X + 45 && Position.Y > offset.Y && Position.Y <= offset.Y + 45)
                    console.setCharForeground(Position.X - offset.X, Position.Y - offset.Y, ForegroundColor);

            case DrawModes.OnlyBackgroundColor:
                if (Position.X > offset.X && Position.X <= offset.X + 45 && Position.Y > offset.Y && Position.Y <= offset.Y + 45)
                    console.setCharBackground(Position.X - offset.X, Position.Y - offset.Y, BackgroundColor);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Draw(TCODConsole cons)
            for (int i = 0; i < MAP_WIDTH; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MAP_HEIGHT; j++)
                    cons.putChar(i, j, this[i, j] ? '#' : '.');

            cons.putChar(StartPosX, StartPosY, '<');

            foreach (Item item in _items)

            foreach (Monster mons in _monsters)


            for (int i = 0; i < MAP_WIDTH; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MAP_HEIGHT; j++)
                    /*int intens;
                     * Light light = LightAt(i, j);
                     * if (light == null)
                     *  intens = 0;
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  intens = light.IntensityAt(i, j);
                     *  color = color.Multiply(light.Color);
                     * }
                     * float value = (float)intens / 20 + (Game.ShowWall ? 0.05f : 0f);
                     * color.setValue(System.Math.Min(value, 1f));//*/

                    TCODColor color  = cons.getCharForeground(i, j);
                    TCODColor newCol = ColorAt(i, j);

                    if (newCol.NotEqual(TCODColor.black))
                        _known[i, j] = true;
                    color = color.Multiply(newCol);

                    cons.setCharForeground(i, j, color);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Custom string drawing method that vignets out the text using the renderer
        /// </summary>
        public static void DrawText(TCODConsole console, int x, int y, string text, TCODColor color)
            TCODColor fadedCol;
            Vector2   pos;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                pos      = new Vector2(x + i, y);
                fadedCol = GetFadedColor(pos, color);
                console.setCharForeground(pos.X, pos.Y, fadedCol);
                console.setChar(pos.X, pos.Y, text[i]);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void DrawRectBorderAt(int x, int y, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, EBorderStyle style, TCODColor borderCol)
            // border cases
            if (x == left && (style == EBorderStyle.WEST || style == EBorderStyle.ALL))
                console.setCharForeground(x, y, borderCol);
                console.setChar(x, y, CharConstants.VERT_LINE);

            if (x == right - 1 && (style == EBorderStyle.EAST || style == EBorderStyle.ALL))
                console.setCharForeground(x, y, borderCol);
                console.setChar(x, y, CharConstants.VERT_LINE);

            if (y == top && (style == EBorderStyle.NORTH || style == EBorderStyle.ALL))
                console.setCharForeground(x, y, borderCol);
                console.setChar(x, y, CharConstants.HORZ_LINE);

            if (y == bottom - 1 && (style == EBorderStyle.SOUTH || style == EBorderStyle.ALL))
                console.setCharForeground(x, y, borderCol);
                console.setChar(x, y, CharConstants.HORZ_LINE);

            // Corner cases: char color has been set by the prev two cases: only if its all sides
            if (style == EBorderStyle.ALL)
                if (x == left && y == top)
                    console.setChar(x, y, CharConstants.NW_LINE);
                if (x == right - 1 && y == top)
                    console.setChar(x, y, CharConstants.NE_LINE);
                if (x == left && y == bottom - 1)
                    console.setChar(x, y, CharConstants.SW_LINE);
                if (x == right - 1 && y == bottom - 1)
                    console.setChar(x, y, CharConstants.SE_LINE);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void Draw(TCODConsole cons)
     cons.putChar(PosX, PosY, _tile);
     cons.setCharForeground(PosX, PosY, Color);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public new void Draw(TCODConsole console, Point offset)
            switch (DrawMode) {
                case DrawModes.Normal:
                    if (Area.SolidTerrainAt(Position)) goto case DrawModes.OnlyForegroundColor;
                    base.Draw(console, offset);

                case DrawModes.OnlyForegroundColor:
                    if (Position.X > offset.X && Position.X <= offset.X + 45 && Position.Y > offset.Y && Position.Y <= offset.Y + 45) {
                        console.setCharForeground(Position.X - offset.X, Position.Y - offset.Y, ForegroundColor);

                case DrawModes.OnlyBackgroundColor:
                    if (Position.X > offset.X && Position.X <= offset.X + 45 && Position.Y > offset.Y && Position.Y <= offset.Y + 45) {
                        console.setCharBackground(Position.X - offset.X, Position.Y - offset.Y, BackgroundColor);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the current map as the background of the level
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderGameBackground(TCODConsole targetConsole, Camera camera, AreaMap currentMap,
                                          Vector2 screenCenter)
            int left   = camera.GetBound(Camera.EBound.Left);
            int right  = camera.GetBound(Camera.EBound.Right);
            int top    = camera.GetBound(Camera.EBound.Top);
            int bottom = camera.GetBound(Camera.EBound.Bottom);

            if (left < 0)
                left  = 0;
                right = camera.width;

            if (top < 0)
                top    = 0;
                bottom = camera.height;

            if (right > currentMap.width)
                left  = currentMap.width - camera.width;
                right = currentMap.width;

            if (bottom > currentMap.height)
                top    = currentMap.height - camera.height;
                bottom = currentMap.height;

            TCODColor fg, bg;

            for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++)
                for (int x = left; x < right; x++)
                    // Translate the world coords into screen coords
                    int screenX = camera.screenX + x - left;
                    int screenY = camera.screenY + y - top;

                    var tile = currentMap.GetTile(x, y);
                    fg = tile.terrain.fg;
                    bg = tile.terrain.bg;
                    char ch = tile.terrain.Ch;

                    if (!tile.explored && showOnlyExplored)
                        bg = AreaMap.unexplored.bg;
                        fg = AreaMap.unexplored.fg;
                        ch = AreaMap.unexplored.Ch;

                    // If the tile is not in the current LOS, fade its color
                    if (!tile.cachedLOS && showOnlyLOS)
                        bg = FadeColor(bg, blockedBrightness);
                        fg = FadeColor(fg, blockedBrightness);

                    if (doCircularFade)
                        bg = GetFadedColor(new Vector2(screenX, screenY), screenCenter, bg);
                        fg = GetFadedColor(new Vector2(screenX, screenY), screenCenter, fg);

                    targetConsole.setCharBackground(screenX, screenY, bg);
                    targetConsole.setCharForeground(screenX, screenY, fg);
                    targetConsole.setChar(screenX, screenY, ch);
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders all game objects that have a draw component attached onto the target console, at their world positions
        /// Also obeys current visibility rules
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderEntities(TCODConsole targetConsole, Camera camera, AreaMap currentMap,
                                    Vector2 screenCenter)
            int left   = camera.GetBound(Camera.EBound.Left);
            int right  = camera.GetBound(Camera.EBound.Right);
            int top    = camera.GetBound(Camera.EBound.Top);
            int bottom = camera.GetBound(Camera.EBound.Bottom);

            if (left < 0)
                left  = 0;
                right = camera.width;

            if (top < 0)
                top    = 0;
                bottom = camera.height;

            if (right > currentMap.width)
                left  = currentMap.width - camera.width;
                right = currentMap.width;

            if (bottom > currentMap.height)
                top    = currentMap.height - camera.height;
                bottom = currentMap.height;

            Vector2   pos;
            TCODColor col;

            for (int i = drawList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                pos = drawList[i].owner.position;

                bool los       = currentMap.GetTile(pos.X, pos.Y).cachedLOS;
                bool explored  = currentMap.GetTile(pos.X, pos.Y).explored;
                bool isVisible = true;

                // Do not draw object if it is not in los and is not static, or if it is static, then only if it hasn't been explored yet
                if (!explored)
                else if (!los)
                    // check if the entity wants to be rendered anyways
                    if (!drawList[i].owner.Has(typeof(StaticComponent)))

                    isVisible = false;

                col = drawList[i].color;
                TCODColor fadedColor = new TCODColor(col.Red, col.Green, col.Blue);

                // Fade the color based on how far from the center it is
                if (doCircularFade)
                    fadedColor = GetFadedColor(pos, screenCenter, col);

                if (!isVisible)
                    fadedColor = FadeColor(fadedColor, 0.5f);

                int screenX = camera.screenX + pos.X - left;
                int screenY = camera.screenY + pos.Y - top;

                // Draw the char to the forground layer
                targetConsole.setCharForeground(screenX, screenY, fadedColor);
                targetConsole.setChar(screenX, screenY, drawList[i].ch);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private void DrawPoint(TCODConsole screen, Point p, char c)
     Point screenPosition = new Point(m_mapUpCorner.X + p.X + 1, m_mapUpCorner.Y + p.Y + 1);
     screen.putChar(screenPosition.X, screenPosition.Y, c, TCODBackgroundFlag.None);
     screen.setCharForeground(screenPosition.X, screenPosition.Y, m_color);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void Draw(TCODConsole cons)
            for (int i = 0; i < MAP_WIDTH; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MAP_HEIGHT; j++)
                    cons.putChar(i, j, this[i, j] ? '#' : '.');

            cons.putChar(StartPosX, StartPosY, '<');

            foreach (Item item in _items)

            foreach (Monster mons in _monsters)


            for (int i = 0; i < MAP_WIDTH; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < MAP_HEIGHT; j++)
                    /*int intens;
                    Light light = LightAt(i, j);

                    if (light == null)
                        intens = 0;
                        intens = light.IntensityAt(i, j);
                        color = color.Multiply(light.Color);
                    float value = (float)intens / 20 + (Game.ShowWall ? 0.05f : 0f);
                    color.setValue(System.Math.Min(value, 1f));//*/

                    TCODColor color = cons.getCharForeground(i, j);
                    TCODColor newCol = ColorAt(i, j);

                    if (newCol.NotEqual(TCODColor.black))
                        _known[i, j] = true;
                    color = color.Multiply(newCol);

                    cons.setCharForeground(i, j, color);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public void Draw(TCODConsole cons)
     cons.putChar(PosX, PosY, _tile);
     cons.setCharForeground(PosX, PosY, _color);