Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// We register the packet type in the static constructor.
 /// </summary>
 static TCNetOptIn()
     TCNetPacketBuilder.RegisterPacket(MessageTypes.OptIn, (() => new TCNetOptIn()));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when when new data is recieved on a socket.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The recieve data for this transaction.</param>
        private void OnRecieve(IAsyncResult state)
            EndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0);

            if (PortOpen)
                TCNetRecieveData recieveState = (TCNetRecieveData)(state.AsyncState);
                if (recieveState != null)
                        IPEndPoint localEndpoint = (IPEndPoint)recieveState.Socket.LocalEndPoint;

                        SocketError socketError;
                        int         dataRecieved;

                        dataRecieved = recieveState.Socket.EndReceiveFrom(state, ref remoteEndPoint);

                        recieveState.SetLength((recieveState.Length - recieveState.ReadNibble) + dataRecieved);

                        //Protect against UDP loopback where we recieve our own packets.
                        if (localEndpoint != remoteEndPoint && recieveState.Valid)
                            LastPacket = DateTime.UtcNow;

                            TCNetPacket newPacket;
                            while (TCNetPacketBuilder.TryBuild(recieveState, (DateTime)LastPacket, out newPacket))
                                recieveState.ReadPosition = (int)recieveState.Position;

                                newPacket.NetworkID = TCNetPacket.BuildNetworkID((IPEndPoint)remoteEndPoint, newPacket.NodeID);

                                //Packet has been read successfully.
                                if (NewPacket != null)
                                    NewPacket(this, new NewPacketEventArgs <TCNetPacket>(new TCNetEndPoint((IPEndPoint)remoteEndPoint, newPacket.NodeID), newPacket));
                    catch (ObjectDisposedException ex)
                        //It is possible for the socket to become disposed
                        PortOpen = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //Attempt to recieve another packet.
                        if (PortOpen)
                            StartRecieve(recieveState.Socket, recieveState.Port, recieveState.Unicast);