Exemplo n.º 1
         * push caller's uncompressed simple trajectory point.
        public void Push(TALON_Control_6_MotProfAddTrajPoint_huff0_t pt)

            _motProfTopBuffer[_in] = pt;
            if (++_in >= _cap)
                _in = 0;
         * push caller's uncompressed simple trajectory point.
        public void Push(TALON_Control_6_MotProfAddTrajPoint_huff0_t pt)

            _motProfTopBuffer[_in] = pt;
            if (++_in >= _cap)
                _in = 0;
         * Push another trajectory point into the top level buffer (which is emptied into the Talon's
         * bottom buffer as room allows).
         * @param   targPos             servo position in native Talon units (sensor units).
         * @param   targVel             velocity to feed-forward in native Talon units (sensor units per
         *                              100ms).
         * @param   profileSlotSelect   which slot to pull PIDF gains from.  Currently supports 0 or 1.
         * @param   timeDurMs           time in milliseconds of how long to apply this point.
         * @param   velOnly             set to nonzero to signal Talon that only the feed-foward velocity
         *                              should be used, i.e. do not perform PID on position. This is
         *                              equivalent to setting PID gains to zero, but much more efficient
         *                              and synchronized to MP.
         * @param   isLastPoint         set to nonzero to signal Talon to keep processing this trajectory
         *                              point, instead of jumping to the next one when timeDurMs expires.
         *                              Otherwise MP executer will eventually see an empty buffer after
         *                              the last point expires, causing it to assert the IsUnderRun flag.
         *                              However this may be desired if calling application never wants to
         *                              terminate the MP.
         * @param   zeroPos             set to nonzero to signal Talon to "zero" the selected position
         *                              sensor before executing this trajectory point. Typically the
         *                              first point should have this set only thus allowing the remainder
         *                              of the MP positions to be relative to zero.
         * @return  CTR_OKAY if trajectory point push ok. CTR_BufferFull if buffer is full due to
         *          kMotionProfileTopBufferCapacity.

        public ErrorCode PushMotionProfileTrajectory(
            double position, double velocity, double turn,
            int profileSlotSelect0, int profileSlotSelect1, bool isLastPoint, bool zeroPos, int durationMs)
            ErrorCode retval = ErrorCode.OK;

            int turnUnits = (int)(turn);
            int targPos   = (int)position;
            int targVel   = (int)velocity;

            /* sterilize and check inputs */
            if (profileSlotSelect0 < 0)
                profileSlotSelect0 = 0;
                retval             = ErrorCode.InvalidParamValue;
            if (profileSlotSelect0 > 3)
                profileSlotSelect0 = 3;
                retval             = ErrorCode.InvalidParamValue;
            if (profileSlotSelect1 < 0)
                profileSlotSelect1 = 0;
                retval             = ErrorCode.InvalidParamValue;
            if (profileSlotSelect1 > 1)
                profileSlotSelect1 = 1;
                retval             = ErrorCode.InvalidParamValue;

            byte b0 = (byte)profileSlotSelect0;

            b0 <<= 1;
            b0  |= (byte)(zeroPos ? 1 : 0);
            b0 <<= 3;
            b0  |= (byte)DurationMsToEnum(durationMs);

            byte headingH = (byte)((turnUnits >> 8) & 0x3F);
            byte headingL = (byte)(turnUnits & 0xFF);

            byte b1 = (byte)(isLastPoint ? 1 : 0);

            b1 <<= 1;
            b1  |= (byte)profileSlotSelect1;
            b1 <<= 6;
            b1  |= headingH;

            byte b2 = headingL;
            byte b3 = (byte)(targVel >> 0x08);
            byte b4 = (byte)(targVel & 0xFF);
            byte b5 = (byte)(targPos >> 0x10);
            byte b6 = (byte)(targPos >> 0x08);
            byte b7 = (byte)(targPos & 0xFF);

            TALON_Control_6_MotProfAddTrajPoint_huff0_t traj = 0;

            traj  |= b7;
            traj <<= 8;
            traj  |= b6;
            traj <<= 8;
            traj  |= b5;
            traj <<= 8;
            traj  |= b4;
            traj <<= 8;
            traj  |= b3;
            traj <<= 8;
            traj  |= b2;
            traj <<= 8;
            traj  |= b1;
            traj <<= 8;
            traj  |= b0;

            lock (_mutMotProf)
                if (_motProfTopBuffer.GetNumTrajectories() >= kMotionProfileTopBufferCapacity)
                    return(Reporting.Log(ErrorCode.BufferFull, ToString(), 0, ""));
            if (retval != ErrorCode.OK)
                return(Reporting.Log(retval, ToString(), 0, ""));