Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load this Simple type from the .NET schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The type to load</param>
        public void Load(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType type)
            if (type == null)
            this.Name           = type.Name;
            this.Namespace      = type.QualifiedName != null ? type.QualifiedName.Namespace : Schema.TargetNamespace;
            this.SystemType     = type.Datatype.ValueType;
            this.systemTypeCode = type.Datatype.TypeCode;
            this.Type           = SimpleType.Extension;

            // Deal with an enum
            if (type.Content is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList)
                Type = SimpleType.Enum;

                System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList stl = type.Content as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList;

                this.SystemType     = stl.BaseItemType.Datatype.ValueType;
                this.systemTypeCode = stl.BaseItemType.Datatype.TypeCode;

                System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection listitems = null;

                if (stl.ItemType != null && stl.ItemType.Content is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction) // Restriction meaning this is an enum
                    listitems = (stl.ItemType.Content as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction).Facets;
                else if (stl.BaseItemType.Content is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion)
                    listitems = new System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection();
                    foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject so in (stl.BaseItemType.Content as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion).BaseMemberTypes)
                        if (so is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType)
                            foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject o in ((so as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType).Content as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction).Facets)

                // TODO: Can lists appear somewhere else?

                // Iterate through the restrictions
                if (listitems != null)
                    foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject o in listitems)
                        if (o is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet)
                            Restrictions.Add((o as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet).Value);

        /// <summary> Fill the EnumDeclaration with Attributes of the XmlSchemaSimpleType. </summary>
        public static void GenerateEnumeration(System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType enumElt, Refly.CodeDom.EnumDeclaration ed)
            ed.Doc.Summary.AddText(AnnotationToString(enumElt.Annotation));                 // Create the <summary />
            ed.AddField("unspecified").Doc.Summary.AddText("Default value (don't use it)"); // The default value

            if (enumElt.Content is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction)
                System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction restric = enumElt.Content as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction;
                foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject obj in restric.Facets)
                    if (obj is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet)
                        System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet elt = obj as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet;
                        Refly.CodeDom.FieldDeclaration field            = ed.AddField(elt.Value.Replace("-", "").ToLower());
                        field.Doc.Summary.AddText(elt.Value);                           // Create the <summary />
                        // Add the XmlEnumAttribute used in GetXmlEnumValue()
                        Refly.CodeDom.AttributeDeclaration enumAttrib = field.CustomAttributes.Add("System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute");
                        enumAttrib.Arguments.Add("", new Refly.CodeDom.Expressions.SnippetExpression("\"" + elt.Value + "\""));
                        log.Warn("Unknow Enum: " + obj.ToString());
                log.Warn("Unknow Enum Content: " + enumElt.Content.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 3
		private void ValidateRestrictedSimpleTypeValue (SimpleType st, ref XsDatatype dt, string normalized)
				string [] values;
				XsDatatype itemDatatype;
				SimpleType itemSimpleType;
				switch (st.DerivedBy) {
				case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.List:
					SimpleTypeList listContent = st.Content as SimpleTypeList;
					values = normalized.Split (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars);
					itemDatatype = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as XsDatatype;
					itemSimpleType = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as SimpleType;
					for (int vi = 0; vi < values.Length; vi++) {
						string each = values [vi];
						if (each == String.Empty)
						// validate against ValidatedItemType
						if (itemDatatype != null) {
							try {
								itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, nameTable, nsResolver);
							} catch (Exception ex) { // FIXME: (wishlist) better exception handling ;-(
								HandleError ("List type value contains one or more invalid values.", ex);
							AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each);
				case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Union:
					SimpleTypeUnion union = st.Content as SimpleTypeUnion;
						string each = normalized;
						// validate against ValidatedItemType
						bool passed = false;
						foreach (object eachType in union.ValidatedTypes) {
							itemDatatype = eachType as XsDatatype;
							itemSimpleType = eachType as SimpleType;
							if (itemDatatype != null) {
								try {
									itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, nameTable, nsResolver);
								} catch (Exception) { // FIXME: (wishlist) better exception handling ;-(
							else {
								try {
									AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each);
								} catch (ValException) {
							passed = true;
						if (!passed) {
							HandleError ("Union type value contains one or more invalid values.");
				case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Restriction:
					SimpleTypeRest str = st.Content as SimpleTypeRest;
					// facet validation
					if (str != null) {
						/* Don't forget to validate against inherited type's facets 
						 * Could we simplify this by assuming that the basetype will also
						 * be restriction?
						 * */
						 // mmm, will check later.
						SimpleType baseType = st.BaseXmlSchemaType as SimpleType;
						if (baseType != null) {
							 AssessStringValid(baseType, dt, normalized);
						if (!str.ValidateValueWithFacets (normalized, nameTable, nsResolver)) {
							HandleError ("Specified value was invalid against the facets.");
					dt = st.Datatype;
        static void Main()
                log.Info("Generation of NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes");

                // Open the Schema (in /NHMA/ directory)
                System.Xml.XmlTextReader reader = new System.Xml.XmlTextReader("../../../../NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes/nhibernate-mapping.xsd");
                schema = System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Read(reader, null);

                Refly.CodeDom.NamespaceDeclaration nd = new Refly.CodeDom.NamespaceDeclaration("NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes", conformer);
                nd.Imports.Clear();                 // remove "using System;"
                conformer.Capitalize = true;
                Refly.CodeDom.ClassDeclaration hbmWriter = nd.AddClass("HbmWriter");
                hbmWriter.Attributes = System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Public;
                hbmWriter.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Write a XmlSchemaElement from attributes in a System.Type. ");                 // Create the <summary />

                Refly.CodeDom.FieldDeclaration fdDefaultHelper = hbmWriter.AddField("HbmWriterHelper", "DefaultHelper");
                fdDefaultHelper.InitExpression = new Refly.CodeDom.Expressions.SnippetExpression("new HbmWriterHelperEx()");
                // Add its public property with a comment
                Refly.CodeDom.PropertyDeclaration pdDefaultHelper = hbmWriter.AddProperty(fdDefaultHelper, true, true, false);
                pdDefaultHelper.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Gets or sets the HbmWriterHelper used by HbmWriter ");                 // Create the <summary />

                Refly.CodeDom.FieldDeclaration fdStartQuote = hbmWriter.AddField(typeof(string), "StartQuote");
                // Add its public property with a comment
                Refly.CodeDom.PropertyDeclaration pdStartQuote = hbmWriter.AddProperty(fdStartQuote, false, true, false);
                pdStartQuote.Get.Add(new Refly.CodeDom.Expressions.SnippetExpression(@"if(_startQuote==null || _startQuote.Length==0)
					_startQuote = ""{{"";
				return _startQuote"                ));
                pdStartQuote.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Gets or sets the beginning string used when declaring an identifier for an AttributeIdenfierAttribute ");                 // Create the <summary />

                Refly.CodeDom.FieldDeclaration fdEndQuote = hbmWriter.AddField(typeof(string), "EndQuote");
                // Add its public property with a comment
                Refly.CodeDom.PropertyDeclaration pdEndQuote = hbmWriter.AddProperty(fdEndQuote, false, true, false);
                pdEndQuote.Get.Add(new Refly.CodeDom.Expressions.SnippetExpression(@"if(_endQuote==null || _endQuote.Length==0)
					_endQuote = ""}}"";
				return _endQuote"                ));
                pdEndQuote.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Gets or sets the ending string used when declaring an identifier for an AttributeIdenfierAttribute ");                 // Create the <summary />

                Refly.CodeDom.FieldDeclaration fdPatterns = hbmWriter.AddField(typeof(System.Collections.Hashtable), "Patterns");
                // Add its public property with a comment
                Refly.CodeDom.PropertyDeclaration pdPatterns = hbmWriter.AddProperty(fdPatterns, false, true, false);
                pdPatterns.Get.Add(new Refly.CodeDom.Expressions.SnippetExpression(@"if(_patterns==null)
					_patterns = new System.Collections.Hashtable();
					_patterns.Add(@""Nullables.Nullable(\w+), Nullables"", ""Nullables.NHibernate.Nullable$1Type, Nullables.NHibernate"");
					_patterns.Add(@""System.Data.SqlTypes.Sql(\w+), System.Data"", ""NHibernate.UserTypes.SqlTypes.Sql$1Type, NHibernate.UserTypes.SqlTypes"");
				return _patterns"                ));
                pdPatterns.Doc.Summary.AddText(" Gets or sets the Patterns to convert properties types (the key is the pattern string and the value is the replacement string) ");                 // Create the <summary />

                HbmWriterGenerator.FillIsNextElement(hbmWriter.AddMethod("IsNextElement"), schema.Items);

                log.Info("Browse Schema.Items (Count=" + schema.Items.Count + ")");
                foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject obj in schema.Items)
                    if (obj is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroup)
                        // Ignore (used by Elements: <xs:attributeGroup ref="..." />)
                        log.Debug("Ignore AttributeGroup: " + (obj as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroup).Name + string.Format(", nh-mapping.xsd({0})", obj.LineNumber));
                    else if (obj is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroup)
                        // Ignore (used by Elements: <xs:group ref="..." />)
                        log.Debug("Ignore Group: " + (obj as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroup).Name + string.Format(", nh-mapping.xsd({0})", obj.LineNumber));
                    else if (obj is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType)
                        System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType elt = obj as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType;
                        log.Debug("Generate Enumeration for SimpleType: " + elt.Name + string.Format(", nh-mapping.xsd({0})", elt.LineNumber));
                        AttributeAndEnumGenerator.GenerateEnumeration(elt, nd.AddEnum(Utils.Capitalize(elt.Name), false));
                    else if (obj is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement)
                        System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement     elt  = obj as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement;
                        System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType type = null;
                        if (!elt.SchemaTypeName.IsEmpty)                        // eg:  <xs:element name="cache" type="cacheType" />
                            foreach (System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject o in schema.Items)
                                System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType t = o as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType;
                                if (t != null && t.Name == elt.SchemaTypeName.Name)
                                    type = t;
                        string eltName = Utils.Capitalize(elt.Name);
                        log.Debug("Generate Attrib and EltWriter for Elt: " + elt.Name + string.Format(", nh-mapping.xsd({0})", elt.LineNumber));
                        AttributeAndEnumGenerator.GenerateAttribute(elt, nd.AddClass(eltName + "Attribute"), type);
                        HbmWriterGenerator.GenerateElementWriter(elt, eltName, hbmWriter.AddMethod("Write" + eltName), type, schema.Items);
                        if (Utils.IsRoot(eltName))
                            HbmWriterGenerator.FillWriteNestedTypes(eltName, hbmWriter.AddMethod("WriteNested" + eltName + "Types"));
                    else if (obj is System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType)
                        // Ignore (Note: Make sure that it is used by Elements only like this: <xs:element name="XXX" type="YYY" />)
                        System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType elt = obj as System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType;
                        log.Debug("Don't generate ComplexType: " + elt.Name + string.Format(", nh-mapping.xsd({0})", elt.LineNumber));                         // like <query> and <sql-query>
                        log.Warn("Unknown Object: " + obj.ToString() + string.Format(", nh-mapping.xsd({0})", obj.LineNumber));

                // Generate the source code
                // Note: NameConformer.WordSplit() has been replaced in Refly.
                Refly.CodeDom.CodeGenerator gen = new Refly.CodeDom.CodeGenerator();
                gen.Options.IndentString = "	";                 // Tab
                gen.CreateFolders        = false;
                #region Copyright
                gen.Copyright = string.Format(@"
 This product is under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

     This code was generated by a tool.
     Runtime Version: {0}.{1}.{2}.x

     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 
     the code is regenerated.

 This source code was auto-generated by Refly, Version={3} (modified).
                                              System.Environment.Version.Major, System.Environment.Version.Minor, System.Environment.Version.Build,

                log.Info("CodeGenerator.GenerateCode()... Classes=" + nd.Classes.Count + ", Enums=" + nd.Enums.Count);
                gen.GenerateCode(@"../../../../NHibernate.Mapping.Attributes", nd);
                log.Info("Done !");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                log.Error("Unexpected Exception", ex);
Exemplo n.º 5
		// 3.14.4 String Valid 
		private object AssessStringValid (SimpleType st,
			XsDatatype dt, string value)
			XsDatatype validatedDatatype = dt;
			object ret = null;
			if (st != null) {
				string normalized = validatedDatatype.Normalize (value);
				string [] values;
				XsDatatype itemDatatype;
				SimpleType itemSimpleType;
				switch (st.DerivedBy) {
				case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.List:
					SimpleTypeList listContent = st.Content as SimpleTypeList;
					values = normalized.Split (XmlChar.WhitespaceChars);
					// LAMESPEC: Types of each element in
					// the returned list might be 
					// inconsistent, so basically returning 
					// value does not make sense without 
					// explicit runtime type information 
					// for base primitive type.
					object [] retValues = new object [values.Length];
					itemDatatype = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as XsDatatype;
					itemSimpleType = listContent.ValidatedListItemType as SimpleType;
					for (int vi = 0; vi < values.Length; vi++) {
						string each = values [vi];
						if (each == String.Empty)
						// validate against ValidatedItemType
						if (itemDatatype != null) {
							try {
								retValues [vi] = itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, nameTable, nsResolver);
							} catch (Exception ex) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
								HandleError ("List type value contains one or more invalid values.", ex);
							AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each);
					ret = retValues;
				case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Union:
					SimpleTypeUnion union = st.Content as SimpleTypeUnion;
						string each = normalized;
						// validate against ValidatedItemType
						bool passed = false;
						foreach (object eachType in union.ValidatedTypes) {
							itemDatatype = eachType as XsDatatype;
							itemSimpleType = eachType as SimpleType;
							if (itemDatatype != null) {
								try {
									ret = itemDatatype.ParseValue (each, nameTable, nsResolver);
								} catch (Exception) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
							else {
								try {
									ret = AssessStringValid (itemSimpleType, itemSimpleType.Datatype, each);
								} catch (ValException) {
							passed = true;
						if (!passed) {
							HandleError ("Union type value contains one or more invalid values.");
				case XmlSchemaDerivationMethod.Restriction:
					SimpleTypeRest str = st.Content as SimpleTypeRest;
					// facet validation
					if (str != null) {
						/* Don't forget to validate against inherited type's facets 
						 * Could we simplify this by assuming that the basetype will also
						 * be restriction?
						 * */
						 // mmm, will check later.
						SimpleType baseType = st.BaseXmlSchemaType as SimpleType;
						if (baseType != null) {
							 ret = AssessStringValid (baseType, dt, value);
						if (!str.ValidateValueWithFacets (value, nameTable, nsResolver)) {
							HandleError ("Specified value was invalid against the facets.");
					validatedDatatype = st.Datatype;
			if (validatedDatatype != null) {
				try {
					ret = validatedDatatype.ParseValue (value, nameTable, nsResolver);
				} catch (Exception ex) { // It is inevitable and bad manner.
					HandleError ("Invalidly typed data was specified", ex);
			return ret;