Exemplo n.º 1
 public static IEnumerable<string> GetHelp(ScriptSession session, string command)
     Collection<PSParseError> errors;
     var tokens = PSParser.Tokenize(command, out errors);
     var lastPsToken = tokens.LastOrDefault(t => t.Type == PSTokenType.Command);
     if (lastPsToken != null)
         var lastToken = lastPsToken.Content;
         session.SetVariable("helpFor", lastToken);
         var platformmodule = ModuleManager.GetModule("Platform");
         var scriptItem = Database.GetDatabase(platformmodule.Database)
             .GetItem(platformmodule.Path + "/Internal/Context Help/Command Help");
         if (scriptItem == null)
             scriptItem = Factory.GetDatabase(ApplicationSettings.ScriptLibraryDb)
                 .GetItem(ApplicationSettings.ScriptLibraryPath + "Internal/Context Help/Command Help");
         session.ExecuteScriptPart(scriptItem[ScriptItemFieldNames.Script], true, true);
         var sb = new StringBuilder("<div id=\"HelpClose\">X</div>");
         if (session.Output.Count == 0 || session.Output[0].LineType == OutputLineType.Error)
             return new[]
                 "<div class='ps-help-command-name'>&nbsp;</div><div class='ps-help-header' align='center'>No Command in line or help information found</div><div class='ps-help-parameter' align='center'>Cannot provide help in this context.</div>"
         session.Output.ForEach(l => sb.Append(l.Text));
         var result = new[] {sb.ToString()};
         return result;
     return new[] {"No Command in line found - cannot provide help in this context."};
        public ActionResult Search(string query)
            ViewData["Message"] = "query : " + query;

            var searcher = new IndexSearcher(
                new Lucene.Net.Store.SimpleFSDirectory(new DirectoryInfo(Configuration.IndexDirectory)),
                readOnly: true);

            var fieldsToSearchIn = new[] {Configuration.Fields.Name, Configuration.Fields.Description};
            var queryanalizer = new MultiFieldQueryParser(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT,
                                                          new BrazilianAnalyzer());

            var numberOfResults = 10;
            var top10Results = searcher.Search(queryanalizer.Parse(query), numberOfResults);
            var docs = new List<DocumentViewModel>();
            foreach (var scoreDoc in top10Results.scoreDocs)
                var document = searcher.Doc(scoreDoc.doc);
                var name = document.GetField(Configuration.Fields.Name).StringValue();
                var description = document.GetField(Configuration.Fields.Description).StringValue();
                var link = document.GetField(Configuration.Fields.Link).StringValue();
                docs.Add(new DocumentViewModel(name, description, link));
            return View(new SearchViewModel(docs));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Index()
            var themes = new List<dynamic>();
            var dirbase = new DirectoryInfo(HttpContext.Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/Content/js/easyui/{0}/themes", AppSettings.EasyuiVersion)));
            DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dirbase.GetDirectories();
            foreach (var dir in dirs)
                if (dir.Name != "icons")
                    themes.Add(new {text=dir.Name,value=dir.Name });

            var navigations = new List<dynamic>();
            navigations.Add(new { text = "手风琴-2级(默认)", value = "accordion" });
            //navigations.Add(new { text = "手风琴大图标-2级", value = "accordionbigicon" });
            navigations.Add(new { text = "手风琴树", value = "accordiontree" });
            navigations.Add(new { text = "横向菜单", value = "menubutton" });
            navigations.Add(new { text = "树形结构", value = "tree" });
            var model = new {
                dataSource = new{
                form=  new sys_userService().GetCurrentUserSettings()             

            return View(model);
        public void FiltersForLineItemType()
            // Arrange
            var sw = new StringWriter();
            using (var csv = new CsvWriter(sw))
                var lineItems = new[]
                    new LineItem {RecordType = "Dummy"},
                    new LineItem {RecordType = "LineItem", RecordId = "Hoojey"}

            // Act
            List<LineItem> parsedItems;
            using (var reader = new StringReader(sw.ToString()))
                using (var parser = new LineItemCsvParser(reader))
                    parsedItems = parser.GetLineItems().ToList();

            // Assert
Exemplo n.º 5
		public void TestIncomingMessageQueue()
			var processed = new List<MessageSet>();
			var testQueue = new IncomingMessageQueue(processed.Add);

			var testSets = new[]
				new MessageSet {Number = 2},
				new MessageSet {Number = 1},
				new MessageSet {Number = 3},
				new MessageSet {Number = 4},
				new MessageSet {Number = 5},
				new MessageSet {Number = 7},
				new MessageSet {Number = 8},
				new MessageSet {Number = 6},
				new MessageSet {Number = 9},
				new MessageSet {Number = 10}

			foreach (var messageSet in testSets)

			Assert.AreEqual(processed.Count, 10);

			int numberTest = 1;
			foreach (var eventSet in processed)
				Assert.AreEqual(eventSet.Number, numberTest++);

			Assert.AreEqual(testQueue.NextMessageSetNumber, 11);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void StdDevTest()
     // TODO: write a mock for benchmark reports
     var report = new BenchmarkReport(
         new Benchmark(
             new BenchmarkTarget(null, null),
             new BenchmarkTask(1,
             new BenchmarkConfiguration(
         new List<BenchmarkRunReport>
             new BenchmarkRunReport(1, 10),
             new BenchmarkRunReport(1, 50),
             new BenchmarkRunReport(1, 100)
     var reports = new[] { report };
     var warnings = new BenchmarkStdDevAnalyser().Analyze(reports).ToList();
     Assert.Equal(1, warnings.Count);
     foreach (var warning in warnings)
         output.WriteLine($"[{warning.Kind}] {warning.Message}");
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void Should_return_the_file_names_that_are_in_the_array_of_arguments()
     string[] args = new[] { "/Assembly:MyAssembly", "file1", "file2", "*.xlsx" };
     List<string> files = args.GetFiles();
     Assert.IsTrue(files.Count == 3);
     Assert.IsFalse(files.Exists(x => x.Equals("/Assembly:MyAssembly")));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public async Task GetUserClaimTest()
     var db = UnitTestHelper.CreateDefaultDb();
     var manager = new UserManager<IdentityUser>(new UserStore<IdentityUser>(db));
     var user = new IdentityUser("u1");
     var result = await manager.CreateAsync(user);
     var claims = new[]
         new Claim("c1", "v1"),
         new Claim("c2", "v2"),
         new Claim("c3", "v3")
     foreach (Claim c in claims)
         UnitTestHelper.IsSuccess(await manager.AddClaimAsync(user.Id, c));
     var userClaims = new List<Claim>(await manager.GetClaimsAsync(user.Id));
     Assert.Equal(3, userClaims.Count);
     foreach (Claim c in claims)
         Assert.True(userClaims.Exists(u => u.Type == c.Type && u.Value == c.Value));
        public object GetConfiguration(string type, int id)
            var objectType = Mappings.TreeNodeObjectTypes[new TreeNodeType("settings", type)];
            var contentTypes = ContentTypeService.GetAllContentTypes().ToList();
            var mediaTypes = ApplicationContext.Services.ContentTypeService.GetAllMediaTypes().ToList();

            var types = new[]
                (objectType == UmbracoObjectTypes.DocumentType ? UmbracoObjectTypes.Document : UmbracoObjectTypes.Media).GetGuid(),

            var relationTypes = ApplicationContext.Services.RelationService.GetAllRelationTypes()
                .Where(rt => types.Contains(rt.ParentObjectType))

            var contentType = objectType == UmbracoObjectTypes.DocumentType ? 
                (IContentTypeBase)contentTypes.Single(ct => ct.Id == id) :
                mediaTypes.Single(ct => ct.Id == id);
            var contentObjectType = objectType == UmbracoObjectTypes.DocumentType
                ? UmbracoObjectTypes.Document
                : UmbracoObjectTypes.Media;

            return new
                configuration = RelationEditor.Configuration.Get(contentObjectType, contentType.Alias)
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void SortArrayOfInts()
            var unsorted = new[] {5, 2, 3, -1, 8};
            var sorted = new[] {-1, 2, 3, 5, 8};

            Assert.That(InsertionSortArray(unsorted), Is.EqualTo(sorted));
        public ActionResult GetLogGridItems(GridSettings gridSettings)
            var logGridItems = _logRepository.GetLogItems(gridSettings);
            var totalLogGridItems = _logRepository.CountLogItems(gridSettings);
            var pageIndex = gridSettings.PageIndex;
            var pageSize = gridSettings.PageSize;

            var jsonData = new
                total = (totalLogGridItems / pageSize) + ((totalLogGridItems % pageSize > 0) ? 1 : 0),
                page = pageIndex,
                records = totalLogGridItems,
                rows = (from logItem in logGridItems
                        select new Dictionary<string, string>
                                                { "Id", logItem.Id.ToString() },
                                                { "Created", logItem.Created.ToString() },
                                                { "Level", logItem.Level },
                                                { "Username", logItem.Username },
                                                { "Message", logItem.Message}

            return Json(jsonData, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        internal static async Task TestNotReusedOnAssemblyDiffersAsync(string projectLanguage)
            var metadataSources = new[]
                @"[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("""")] public class D {}",
                @"[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion("""")] public class D {}"

            using (var context = await TestContext.CreateAsync(projectLanguage))
                var projectId = ProjectId.CreateNewId();
                var metadataProject = context.CurrentSolution
                    .AddProject(projectId, "Metadata", "Metadata", LanguageNames.CSharp).GetProject(projectId)
                    .WithCompilationOptions(new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary, optimizationLevel: OptimizationLevel.Release));

                var references = new List<MetadataReference>();

                foreach (var source in metadataSources)
                    var newDoc = metadataProject.AddDocument("MetadataSource", source);
                    metadataProject = newDoc.Project;
                    references.Add(MetadataReference.CreateFromImage((await metadataProject.GetCompilationAsync()).EmitToArray()));
                    metadataProject = metadataProject.RemoveDocument(newDoc.Id);

                var project = context.DefaultProject.AddMetadataReference(references[0]);
                var a = await context.GenerateSourceAsync("D", project);

                project = project.RemoveMetadataReference(references[0]).AddMetadataReference(references[1]);
                var b = await context.GenerateSourceAsync("D", project);

                context.VerifyDocumentNotReused(a, b);
        public void CombineWith()
            // Arrange
            List<string> log = new List<string>();

            ModelValidationNode[] allChildNodes = new[]
                new ModelValidationNode(GetModelMetadata(), "key1"),
                new ModelValidationNode(GetModelMetadata(), "key2"),
                new ModelValidationNode(GetModelMetadata(), "key3"),

            ModelValidationNode parentNode1 = new ModelValidationNode(GetModelMetadata(), "parent1");
            parentNode1.Validating += (sender, e) => log.Add("Validating parent1.");
            parentNode1.Validated += (sender, e) => log.Add("Validated parent1.");

            ModelValidationNode parentNode2 = new ModelValidationNode(GetModelMetadata(), "parent2");
            parentNode2.Validating += (sender, e) => log.Add("Validating parent2.");
            parentNode2.Validated += (sender, e) => log.Add("Validated parent2.");

            // Act

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(new[] { "Validating parent1.", "Validating parent2.", "Validated parent1.", "Validated parent2." }, log.ToArray());
            Assert.Equal(allChildNodes, parentNode1.ChildNodes.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void HashCodeBasedOnEquality()
     string[] names = new[] {"foo", "bar", "baz", "quux", "quuux"};
     for (int i = 0; i <= names.Length; ++i)
         for (int j = 0; j != 3; ++j)
             for (int x = 0; x <= names.Length; ++x)
                 for (int y = 0; y != 3; ++y)
                     var info0 = new CallInfo(i + j, names.Take(i));
                     var info1 = new CallInfo(x + y, names.Take(x));
                     if (info0.Equals(info1))
                         Assert.Equal(info0.GetHashCode(), info1.GetHashCode());
                         // Failure at this point is not definitely a bug,
                         // but should be considered a concern unless it can be
                         // convincingly ruled a fluke.
                         Assert.NotEqual(info0.GetHashCode(), info1.GetHashCode());
    protected override void Prepare()

      _defaultScreen = new LocalMediaNavigationScreenData(_genericPlayableItemCreatorDelegate);

      // Dynamic screens remain null - browse media states don't provide dynamic filters
      _availableScreens = null;

      _defaultSorting = new BrowseDefaultSorting();
      _availableSortings = new List<Sorting.Sorting>
          new SortByTitle(),
          new SortByDate(),
          // We could offer sortings here which are specific for one media item type but which will cope with all three item types (and sort items of the three types in a defined order)

      var optionalMias = new[]

      _customRootViewSpecification = new AddedRemovableMediaViewSpecificationFacade(
        new LocalMediaRootProxyViewSpecification(_viewName, _necessaryMias, optionalMias));
Exemplo n.º 16
        private void WriteNodes(XElement nodes)
            foreach (NodeInfo nodeInfo in _snapshot.Nodes)
                var labelComponents = new[] {nodeInfo.NodeType.ToString(), nodeInfo.Details}
                    .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x));
                string label = string.Join("\n", labelComponents);
                var node = new XElement(Name("Node"),
                                        new XAttribute("Id", Id(nodeInfo)),
                                        new XAttribute("Category", nodeInfo.NodeType),
                                        new XAttribute("Label", label));
                if (nodeInfo.Items.Length > 0)
                    node.Add(new XAttribute("Group", "Collapsed"));

                for (int i = 0; i < nodeInfo.Items.Length; i++)
                    var itemNode = new XElement(Name("Node"),
                        new XAttribute("Id", SubNodeId(nodeInfo, i)),
                        new XAttribute("Label", nodeInfo.Items[i]),
                        new XAttribute("Style", "Plain"));
        public void ParseCommandLineArguments_ShouldUseBaseParserToParseArgs()
            var args = new[] { "foo", "bar" };

        public void SetUp()
            var list1 = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 5 };
            var list2 = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

            this.result = list1.Consolidate(list2);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task TestLowerCaseComlicatedNamespaceAsync()
            var testCode = @"namespace test.foo.bar


            var fixedCode = @"namespace Test.Foo.Bar


            DiagnosticResult[] expected = new[]
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("test").WithLocation(1, 11),
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("test").WithLocation(1, 11),
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("test").WithLocation(1, 11),
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("foo").WithLocation(1, 16),
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("foo").WithLocation(1, 16),
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("foo").WithLocation(1, 16),
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("bar").WithLocation(1, 20),
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("bar").WithLocation(1, 20),
                this.CSharpDiagnostic().WithArguments("bar").WithLocation(1, 20)

            await this.VerifyCSharpDiagnosticAsync(testCode, expected, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
            await this.VerifyCSharpDiagnosticAsync(fixedCode, EmptyDiagnosticResults, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
            await this.VerifyCSharpFixAsync(testCode, fixedCode).ConfigureAwait(false);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static Edge[] GetEdgesOfTile(GameObject tile)
            Vector2 center = tile.transform.position;
            Sprite sprite = tile.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite;
            float extendX = sprite.bounds.extents.x;
            float extendY = sprite.bounds.extents.y;

            Vector2[] vertices = new[]
                new Vector2(center.x - extendX, center.y - extendY),
                new Vector2(center.x - extendX, center.y + extendY),
                new Vector2(center.x + extendX, center.y + extendY),
                new Vector2(center.x + extendX, center.y - extendY),

            return new[]
                new Edge(vertices[0], vertices[1], center, Direction.Left),
                new Edge(vertices[1], vertices[2], center, Direction.Top),
                new Edge(vertices[2], vertices[3], center, Direction.Right),
                new Edge(vertices[3], vertices[0], center, Direction.Bottom),
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void SortListOfInts()
            var unsorted = new[] { 5, 2, 3, -1, 8 };
            var sorted = new[] { -1, 2, 3, 5, 8 };

            Assert.That(InsertionSortIEnumerable(unsorted), Is.EqualTo(sorted));
 public override IEnumerable<OperatorElement> FindPath(Element target)
     var pathHere = new[] {this};
     if (ReferenceEquals(Elements.Lhs, target) || ReferenceEquals(Elements.Rhs, target)) return pathHere;
     var pathFromHere = Elements.Lhs.FindPath(target) ?? Elements.Rhs.FindPath(target);
     return pathFromHere != null ? pathHere.Concat(pathFromHere) : null;
		public void Can_translate_generic_lists()
			var values = new[] { "A", "B", "C" };
			var testA = new TestClassA {
				FromStringList = new ArrayOfString(values),
				ToStringList = new List<string>(values),
				FromUserFileTypes = new List<UserFileType>
            		UserFileType.DefaultProfile, UserFileType.OriginalProfile

			var fromTestA = testA.TranslateTo<TestClassB>();

			AssertAreEqual(testA, fromTestA);

			var userFileTypeValues = testA.FromUserFileTypes.ConvertAll(x => x.ToString());
			var testB = new TestClassB {
				FromStringList = new List<string>(values),
				ToStringList = new ArrayOfString(values),
				FromUserFileTypes = new ArrayOfString(userFileTypeValues),

			var fromTestB = testB.TranslateTo<TestClassA>();
			AssertAreEqual(fromTestB, testB);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public async Task TestCtor()
            var blocks = new[] {
                new TransformBlock<int, string>(i => i.ToString()),
                new TransformBlock<int, string>(i => i.ToString(), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxMessagesPerTask = 1 }),
                new TransformBlock<int, string>(i => Task.Run(() => i.ToString()), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxMessagesPerTask = 1 })
            foreach (var block in blocks)
                Assert.Equal(expected: 0, actual: block.InputCount);
                Assert.Equal(expected: 0, actual: block.OutputCount);

            blocks = new[] {
                new TransformBlock<int, string>(i => i.ToString(), 
                    new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = new CancellationToken(true) }),
                new TransformBlock<int, string>(i => Task.Run(() => i.ToString()), 
                    new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = new CancellationToken(true) })
            foreach (var block in blocks)
                Assert.Equal(expected: 0, actual: block.InputCount);
                Assert.Equal(expected: 0, actual: block.OutputCount);
                await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync<OperationCanceledException>(() => block.Completion);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void MapToTokenModelTest()
            const string email = "*****@*****.**";
            const int id = 1;
            const string hash = "HashToken";
            IEnumerable<string> roles = new[] {"Admin", "Student", "Teacher"};
            Mock<ITokenValidation> token = new Mock<ITokenValidation>();
            UserToTokenMapper mapper = new UserToTokenMapper(token.Object);

            var initial = new UserWithPasswordModel()
                Email = email,
                Id = id,
                HashToken = hash,
                Roles = roles
            var expected = new TokenModel()
                EmailAndIdToken = email,
                RolesToken = roles.ToString(),
                HashToken = hash

            token.Setup(x => x.EncodeEmailAndIdToken(id.ToString() + ' ' + email.ToLower()))

            token.Setup(x => x.EncodeRoleToken(roles))

            var action = mapper.MapToTokenModel(initial);
            Assert.AreEqual(action.EmailAndIdToken, expected.EmailAndIdToken);
            Assert.AreEqual(action.HashToken, expected.HashToken);
            Assert.AreEqual(action.RolesToken, expected.RolesToken);
Exemplo n.º 26
        private static string[] GetLibrariesScript()
            string[] libraries = new[]

            libraries = libraries.Concat(GetMixERPCoreScript()).ToArray();

            return libraries;
        public void SearchUsesServiceMethodIfServerSupportsIt()
            // Arrange
            var client = new Mock<IHttpClient>();
            var context = new Mock<IDataServiceContext>();
            var repository = new Mock<DataServicePackageRepository>(client.Object) { CallBase = true };
            var packages = new[] { 
                PackageUtility.CreatePackage("A", description:"New and aweseome"),
                PackageUtility.CreatePackage("B", description:"old and bad"),
                PackageUtility.CreatePackage("C", description:"rich")
            repository.Setup(m => m.GetPackages()).Returns(packages.AsQueryable());
            repository.Object.Context = context.Object;
            context.Setup(m => m.SupportsServiceMethod("Search")).Returns(true);
            context.Setup(m => m.CreateQuery<DataServicePackage>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<IDictionary<string, object>>()))
                   .Callback<string, IDictionary<string, object>>((entitySet, parameters) =>
                       // Assert
                       Assert.Equal("Search", entitySet);
                       Assert.Equal(2, parameters.Count);
                       Assert.Equal("'old'", parameters["searchTerm"]);
                       Assert.Equal("''", parameters["targetFramework"]);
                   .Returns(new Mock<IDataServiceQuery<DataServicePackage>>().Object);

            // Act
            repository.Object.Search("old", allowPrereleaseVersions: false);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData_ValidArgs()
            var samplePoints = new[]
                Point.ByCoordinates(0, 2, 4),
                Point.ByCoordinates(0, 7, 4),
                Point.ByCoordinates(0, 19, 4)

            var sampleValues = new[]
                Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 2, 4),
                Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 7, 4),
                Vector.ByCoordinates(0, 19, 4)

            var data = VectorAnalysisData.ByPointsAndResults(
                new List<string>() { "Test vector data." },
                new List<IList<Vector>>() { sampleValues });

            var doc = Document.Current;
            var grid = VectorAnalysisDisplay.ByViewAndVectorAnalysisData(doc.ActiveView, new []{data});

Exemplo n.º 29
 private static void AssertInequalities(string[] subject)
     var reference = new[] { "foo", "bar", "baz" };
     IComparer<IEnumerable<string>> comparer = new EnumerableComparer<string>();
     Assert.AreEqual(-1, comparer.Compare(reference, subject));
     Assert.AreEqual(1, comparer.Compare(subject, reference));
        public void Sink_ShouldContainTestForAllSupportedTypeOfSources()
            var sources = new[]
                "ListContentSupport" + BoostTestDiscoverer.ExeExtension,
                "DllProject1" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension,
                "DllProject2" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension,

            var context = new DefaultTestContext();
            var logger = new ConsoleMessageLogger();
            var sink = new DefaultTestCaseDiscoverySink();

            context.RegisterSettingProvider(BoostTestAdapterSettings.XmlRootName, new BoostTestAdapterSettingsProvider());

            var boostTestDiscovererFactory = new StubBoostTestDiscovererFactory();

            var boostTestDiscoverer = new BoostTestDiscoverer(boostTestDiscovererFactory);
            boostTestDiscoverer.DiscoverTests(sources, context, logger, sink);

            Assert.That(sink.Tests, Is.Not.Empty);

            // tests are found in the using the fake debughelper
            Assert.That(sink.Tests.Count(x => x.Source == "ListContentSupport" + BoostTestDiscoverer.ExeExtension), Is.EqualTo(8));

            // the external runner does NOT support the two dll projects
            Assert.That(sink.Tests.Any(x => x.Source == "DllProject1" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension), Is.False);
            Assert.That(sink.Tests.Any(x => x.Source == "DllProject2" + BoostTestDiscoverer.DllExtension), Is.False);
Exemplo n.º 31
            public bool Find(ref K item)
                SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V> p = new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(item, default);
                bool retval = sortedpairs.Find(ref p);

                item = p.Key;
Exemplo n.º 32
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bot"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IDirectedEnumerable <SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V> > RangeFrom(K bot)
     return(sortedpairs.RangeFrom(new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(bot, default)));
Exemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="top"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public IDirectedEnumerable <SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V> > RangeTo(K top)
     return(sortedpairs.RangeTo(new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(top, default)));
Exemplo n.º 34
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the entry in the dictionary whose key is the
 /// predecessor of the specified key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="NoSuchItemException"></exception>
 /// <param name="key">The key</param>
 /// <returns>The entry</returns>
 public SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V> Predecessor(K key)
     return(sortedpairs.Predecessor(new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(key, default)));
Exemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Find the entry in the dictionary whose key is the
 /// weak successor of the specified key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The key</param>
 /// <param name="res">The weak successor, if any</param>
 /// <returns>True if the key has a weak successor</returns>
 public bool TryWeakSuccessor(K key, out SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V> res)
     return(sortedpairs.TryWeakSuccessor(new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(key, default), out res));
Exemplo n.º 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the entry in the dictionary whose key is the
 /// weak successor of the specified key.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="NoSuchItemException"></exception>
 /// <param name="key">The key</param>
 /// <returns>The entry</returns>
 public SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V> WeakSuccessor(K key)
     return(sortedpairs.WeakSuccessor(new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(key, default)));
Exemplo n.º 37
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="highKey"></param>
 public void RemoveRangeTo(K highKey)
     sortedpairs.RemoveRangeTo(new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(highKey, default));
Exemplo n.º 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove all items *not* in a supplied collection from this bag,
        /// counting multiplicities.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">The items to retain</param>
        public virtual void RetainAll(SCG.IEnumerable <T> items)

            HashBag <T> res = new HashBag <T>(itemequalityComparer);

            foreach (T item in items)
                SCG.KeyValuePair <T, int> p = new SCG.KeyValuePair <T, int>(item, default);
                if (dict.Find(ref p))
                    SCG.KeyValuePair <T, int> q = p;
                    if (res.dict.Find(ref q))
                        if (q.Value < p.Value)
                            q = new SCG.KeyValuePair <T, int>(q.Key, q.Value + 1);
                        q = new SCG.KeyValuePair <T, int>(q.Key, 1);

            if (size == res.size)

            CircularQueue <T> wasRemoved = null;

            if ((ActiveEvents & EventType.Removed) != 0)
                wasRemoved = new CircularQueue <T>();
                foreach (SCG.KeyValuePair <T, int> p in dict)
                    int removed = p.Value - res.ContainsCount(p.Key);
                    if (removed > 0)
#warning We could send bag events here easily using a CircularQueue of (should?)
                        for (int i = 0; i < removed; i++)
            dict = res.dict;
            size = res.size;

            if ((ActiveEvents & EventType.Removed) != 0)
            else if ((ActiveEvents & EventType.Changed) != 0)
Exemplo n.º 39
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lowKey"></param>
 /// <param name="highKey"></param>
 public void RemoveRangeFromTo(K lowKey, K highKey)
     sortedpairs.RemoveRangeFromTo(new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(lowKey, default), new SCG.KeyValuePair <K, V>(highKey, default));