Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var type  = new SysSettingBLL().GetValueById(SysSettingEnum.CRM_OPPORTUNITY_LOSS_REASON);
            int value = 0;

            if (!int.TryParse(type, out value))
                needReasonType = DicEnum.SYS_CLOSE_OPPORTUNITY.NEED_NONE;
                needReasonType = (DicEnum.SYS_CLOSE_OPPORTUNITY)value;

            if (needReasonType != DicEnum.SYS_CLOSE_OPPORTUNITY.NEED_NONE)
                var list = new GeneralBLL().GetDicValues(GeneralTableEnum.OPPORTUNITY_LOSS_REASON_TYPE);
                LossReasonList.DataTextField  = "show";
                LossReasonList.DataValueField = "val";
                LossReasonList.DataSource     = list;
                LossReasonList.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem()
                    Value = "", Text = "   ", Selected = true

            if (IsPostBack)
                if (needReasonType == DicEnum.SYS_CLOSE_OPPORTUNITY.NEED_TYPE_DETAIL)
                    lossReason = DNRequest.GetQueryStringValue("LossReasonDetail", "");
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据部门获取相对应的工作类型
        /// </summary>
        private void GetWorkType(HttpContext context, long department_id)
            var           dccDal         = new d_cost_code_dal();
            var           workTypeList   = dccDal.GetCostCodeByWhere((int)DicEnum.COST_CODE_CATE.GENERAL_ALLOCATION_CODE, " and department_id =" + department_id);
            StringBuilder workTypeString = new StringBuilder();

            workTypeString.Append("<option value='0'>   </option>");
            if (workTypeList != null && workTypeList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var workType in workTypeList)
                    string billed = workType.show_on_invoice == (int)DicEnum.SHOW_ON_INVOICE.SHOW_DISBILLED ? "" : "(不计费)";
                    workTypeString.Append($"<option value='{workType.id}'>{workType.name}{billed}</option>");
            var thisSet = new SysSettingBLL().GetSetById(SysSettingEnum.ALL_USER_ASSIGN_NODE_TOTAASL);

            if (thisSet != null && thisSet.setting_value == "1")
                var noDepWorkTypeList = dccDal.GetCostCodeByWhere((int)DicEnum.COST_CODE_CATE.GENERAL_ALLOCATION_CODE, " and department_id is null");
                if (noDepWorkTypeList != null && noDepWorkTypeList.Count > 0)
                    workTypeString.Append("<option value='0'>--------</option>");
                    foreach (var workType in noDepWorkTypeList)
                        string billed = workType.show_on_invoice == (int)DicEnum.SHOW_ON_INVOICE.SHOW_DISBILLED ? "" : "(不计费)";
                        workTypeString.Append($"<option value='{workType.id}'>{workType.name}{billed}</option>");
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据不同的报价项选择不同的物料代码(执行不同的jquery代码放到前端执行)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string ReturnJquery()
            var scriptText = "";

            if (proAndOneTimeItem != null && proAndOneTimeItem.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in proAndOneTimeItem)
                    if (item.object_id != null)
                        var product = new EMT.DoneNOW.BLL.ProductBLL().GetProduct((long)item.object_id);
                        if (product != null)
                            scriptText += $"$('#{item.id}_select').val({product.cost_code_id});";
            if (shipItem != null && shipItem.Count > 0)
                var sysSet = new SysSettingBLL().GetSetById(SysSettingEnum.SHIPITEM_COSTCODE_CLOSE);

                foreach (var item in shipItem)
                    if (item.object_id != null)
                        var thisGeneral = new d_general_dal().GetGeneralById((long)item.object_id);
                        if (thisGeneral.parent_id != null)
                            scriptText += $"$('#{item.id}_select').val({thisGeneral.parent_id});";
                    else if (sysSet != null && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sysSet.setting_value)))
                        scriptText += $"$('#{item.id}_select').val({sysSet.setting_value});";
            if (degressionItem != null && degressionItem.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in proAndOneTimeItem)
                    if (item.object_id != null)
                        scriptText += $"$('#{item.id}_select').val({item.object_id});";
        private void buttonX1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Text.Equals("添加类别名称"))
                sys_dict dict = new sys_dict();

                dict.category_name = textBoxX1.Text;
                dict.dict_name     = SysDictTypeConvert.CToE(labelX3.Text);
                SysSettingBLL set    = new SysSettingBLL();
                Result        result = new Result();
                result = set.Add(dict);
                if (result.Message == "添加成功!")
                    MessageBoxCustom.Show("添加成功", "提示", this);
                    MessageBoxCustom.Show("添加失败", "提示", this);
                sys_dict dict = new sys_dict();
                dict.dict_name     = SysDictTypeConvert.CToE(labelX3.Text);
                dict.category_name = textBoxX1.Text;
                dict.id            = number;
                SysSettingBLL set    = new SysSettingBLL();
                Result        result = new Result();
                result = set.Update(dict);
                if (result.Message == "修改成功!")
                    MessageBoxCustom.Show("修改成功", "提示", this);
                    MessageBoxCustom.Show("修改失败", "提示", this);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void TabSysSet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DgvSysSet.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            var ds = new SysSettingBLL().SeleteAll();

            foreach (var item in ds)
                if (item.dict_name.Equals(sys_dict_type.Cost.ToString()))
                    item.dict_name = "费用类别";
                else if (item.dict_name.Equals(sys_dict_type.Person.ToString()))
                    item.dict_name = "重点人员类别";
                else if (item.dict_name.Equals(sys_dict_type.BelongPlace.ToString()))
                    item.dict_name = "归属地";
            DgvSysSet.DataSource = ds;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void CmbDictType_SelectedValueChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string a  = CmbDictType.SelectedItem.ToString();
            var    ds = new SysSettingBLL().SelectByDictName(SysDictTypeConvert.Change(a));

            foreach (var item in ds)
                if (item.dict_name.Equals(sys_dict_type.Cost.ToString()))
                    item.dict_name = "费用类别";
                else if (item.dict_name.Equals(sys_dict_type.Person.ToString()))
                    item.dict_name = "重点人员类别";
                else if (item.dict_name.Equals(sys_dict_type.BelongPlace.ToString()))
                    item.dict_name = "归属地";
            DgvSysSet.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
            DgvSysSet.DataSource          = ds;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void BtnDelType_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CmbDictType.SelectedItem == null)
                List <int> list3 = new List <int>();
                list3 = SelectSettingId();
                if (list3.Count == 0)
                    DialogResult = MessageBoxCustom.Show("已经使用的数据字典系统自动保留,确认删除?", "操作确认", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, this);
                    if (DialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                        SysSettingBLL set    = new SysSettingBLL();
                        Result        result = new Result();
                        result = set.DelAll(list3);
                        if (result.Code == RES.OK)
                            MessageBoxCustom.Show("删除成功", "提示", this);
                            MessageBoxCustom.Show("删除失败", "提示", this);

                        CmbDictType_SelectedValueChanged_1(sender, e);
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected bool noTime = false;      // 可以不输入开始结束时间(根据系统设置进行判断)
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //  是否需要输入开始结束时间
                var isNeedTimeString = Request.QueryString["NoTime"];
                var noTimeSet        = new SysSettingBLL().GetSetById(SysSettingEnum.SDK_ENTRY_REQUIRED);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isNeedTimeString))
                    if (noTimeSet != null && noTimeSet.setting_value == "0")
                        noTime = true;
                var callId = Request.QueryString["callId"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(callId))
                    thisCall = new sdk_service_call_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(callId));
                thisUser = new sys_resource_dal().FindNoDeleteById(GetLoginUserId());
                var resList = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "sys_resource").Value as List <DictionaryEntryDto>;
                if (!IsPostBack)
                    resource_id.DataTextField  = "show";
                    resource_id.DataValueField = "val";
                    var  entryProxySet = new SysSettingBLL().GetValueById(SysSettingEnum.SDK_ENTRY_PROXY);
                    bool isAgent       = false;
                    if (entryProxySet == ((int)DicEnum.PROXY_TIME_ENTRY.DISABLED).ToString())
                        if (resList != null && resList.Count > 0)
                            resList = resList.Where(_ => _.val == LoginUserId.ToString()).ToList();
                        var agentResList = new UserResourceBLL().GetAgentUser(LoginUserId, out isAgent);
                        if (agentResList != null && agentResList.Count > 0)
                            resList = (from a in agentResList
                                       select new DictionaryEntryDto()
                                val = a.id.ToString(), show = a.name
                    resource_id.DataSource    = resList;
                    resource_id.SelectedValue = LoginUserId.ToString();

                    var statusList = dic.FirstOrDefault(_ => _.Key == "ticket_status").Value as List <DictionaryEntryDto>;
                    status_id.DataTextField  = "show";
                    status_id.DataValueField = "val";
                    status_id.DataSource     = statusList;

                    cost_code_id.DataTextField  = "name";
                    cost_code_id.DataValueField = "id";
                    cost_code_id.DataSource     = new d_cost_code_dal().GetCostCodeByWhere((int)DicEnum.COST_CODE_CATE.GENERAL_ALLOCATION_CODE);

                    notify_id.DataTextField  = "name";
                    notify_id.DataValueField = "id";
                    notify_id.DataSource     = new sys_notify_tmpl_dal().GetTempByEvent(DicEnum.NOTIFY_EVENT.TICKET_TIME_ENTRY_CREATED_EDITED);

                var taskId = Request.QueryString["task_id"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskId))
                    thisTask = new sdk_task_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(taskId));

                var id = Request.QueryString["id"];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                    thisWorkEntry = new sdk_work_entry_dal().FindNoDeleteById(long.Parse(id));
                    if (thisWorkEntry != null)
                        if (thisWorkEntry.approve_and_post_date != null || thisWorkEntry.approve_and_post_user_id != null)

                        if (!resList.Any(_ => _.val == thisWorkEntry.create_user_id.ToString()))
                        if (thisWorkEntry.end_time == null && noTimeSet != null && noTimeSet.setting_value == "0")
                            noTime = true;
                        entryList = new sdk_work_entry_dal().GetBatchList(thisWorkEntry.batch_id);
                        isAdd     = false;
                        thisTask  = new sdk_task_dal().FindNoDeleteById(thisWorkEntry.task_id);
                        if (!IsPostBack)
                            resource_id.SelectedValue  = ((long)thisWorkEntry.resource_id).ToString();
                            cost_code_id.SelectedValue = ((long)thisWorkEntry.cost_code_id).ToString();
                            // status_id.SelectedValue = ((long)thisWorkEntry.)
                            // thisTask  = new crm_account_dal().FindNoDeleteById(thisWorkEntry.);

                        if (thisWorkEntry.contract_id != null)
                            thisContract = new ctt_contract_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisWorkEntry.contract_id);
                        if (!IsPostBack)
                            isBilled.Checked  = thisWorkEntry.is_billable == 0;
                            ShowOnInv.Checked = thisWorkEntry.show_on_invoice == 1;
                            if (isBilled.Checked)
                                ShowOnInv.Enabled = true;
                #region 根据批次获取相关工时
                //var batchId = Request.QueryString["batchId"];
                //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(batchId))
                //    entryList = new sdk_work_entry_dal().GetBatchList(long.Parse(batchId));
                //    if(entryList!=null&& entryList.Count > 0)
                //    {
                //        thisWorkEntry = entryList[0];
                //        if (thisWorkEntry.approve_and_post_date != null || thisWorkEntry.approve_and_post_user_id != null)
                //        {
                //            Response.Write("<script>alert('审批提交的工时不可以更改!');window.close();</script>");
                //            Response.End();
                //        }

                //        if (!resList.Any(_ => _.val == thisWorkEntry.create_user_id.ToString()))
                //        {
                //            Response.Write("<script>alert('系统设置不能代理操作!')window.close();</script>");
                //            Response.End();
                //        }
                //        if (thisWorkEntry.end_time == null && noTimeSet != null && noTimeSet.setting_value == "0")
                //        {
                //            noTime = true;
                //        }
                //        entryList = new sdk_work_entry_dal().GetBatchList(thisWorkEntry.batch_id);
                //        isAdd = false;
                //        thisTask = new sdk_task_dal().FindNoDeleteById(thisWorkEntry.task_id);
                //        if (!IsPostBack)
                //        {
                //            resource_id.SelectedValue = ((long)thisWorkEntry.resource_id).ToString();
                //            cost_code_id.SelectedValue = ((long)thisWorkEntry.cost_code_id).ToString();
                //            // status_id.SelectedValue = ((long)thisWorkEntry.)
                //            // thisTask  = new crm_account_dal().FindNoDeleteById(thisWorkEntry.);

                //        }

                //        if (thisWorkEntry.contract_id != null)
                //        {
                //            thisContract = new ctt_contract_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisWorkEntry.contract_id);
                //        }
                //        if (!IsPostBack)
                //        {
                //            isBilled.Checked = thisWorkEntry.is_billable == 0;
                //            ShowOnInv.Checked = thisWorkEntry.show_on_invoice == 1;
                //            if (isBilled.Checked)
                //            {
                //                ShowOnInv.Enabled = true;
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }
                if (thisTask != null)
                    v_task      = new v_task_all_dal().FindById(thisTask.id);
                    thisProjetc = new pro_project_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisTask.project_id);
                    if (thisProjetc != null)
                        thisAccount = new crm_account_dal().FindNoDeleteById(thisProjetc.account_id);
                        if (!IsPostBack)
                            status_id.SelectedValue = thisTask.status_id.ToString();
                // 项目关联合同,并且合同中设置-工时录入需要输入开始结束时间
                if (thisProjetc != null && thisProjetc.contract_id != null)
                    var thisCttContract = new ctt_contract_dal().FindNoDeleteById((long)thisProjetc.contract_id);
                    if (thisCttContract != null)
                        if (thisCttContract.timeentry_need_begin_end == 1)
                            noTime = false;

                if (thisCall != null)
                    showStartDate = EMT.Tools.Date.DateHelper.ConvertStringToDateTime(thisCall.start_time);
                    showEndDate   = EMT.Tools.Date.DateHelper.ConvertStringToDateTime(thisCall.end_time);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["chooseDate"]))
                    showStartDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["chooseDate"]);
                    showEndDate   = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["chooseDate"]);
            catch (Exception msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            long batchId;

            if (long.TryParse(Request.QueryString["id"], out batchId))
                isAdd = false;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["resourceId"]))
                resourceId = long.Parse(Request.QueryString["resourceId"]);
                resourceId = LoginUserId;

            var entryProxySet = new SysSettingBLL().GetValueById(SysSettingEnum.SDK_ENTRY_PROXY);

            if (entryProxySet == ((int)DicEnum.PROXY_TIME_ENTRY.ENABLED_TIMESHEET_APPROVERS).ToString())
                showResource = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["startDate"]))
                startDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);
                startDate = DateTime.Parse(Request.QueryString["startDate"]);
            if (!isAdd)     // 编辑工时的开始日期
                workEntryList = bll.GetWorkEntryByBatchId(batchId);
                if (workEntryList.Count <= 0)
                startDate  = Tools.Date.DateHelper.TimeStampToUniversalDateTime(workEntryList[0].start_time.Value);
                resourceId = workEntryList[0].resource_id.Value;
            if (startDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Monday)
                if (startDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    startDate = startDate.AddDays(-6);
                    startDate = startDate.AddDays((int)DayOfWeek.Monday - (int)startDate.DayOfWeek);
            resourceName = new UserResourceBLL().GetResourceById(resourceId).name;

            var costCodeList = bll.GetTimeCostCodeList();

            if (!IsPostBack)
                if (isAdd)
                    costCodeName.Visible        = false;
                    cost_code_id.DataValueField = "id";
                    cost_code_id.DataTextField  = "name";
                    cost_code_id.DataSource     = costCodeList;
                    cost_code_id.Visible = false;
                    costCodeName.Visible = true;
                    costCodeName.Text    = costCodeList.Find(_ => _.id == workEntryList[0].task_id).name;

                    DateTime dt   = new DateTime(startDate.Ticks);
                    var      find = workEntryList.Find(_ => _.start_time == Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(dt));
                    if (find != null)
                        monday.Text       = find.hours_billed.Value.ToString();
                        mondayInter.Value = find.internal_notes;
                        mondayNodes.Value = find.summary_notes;
                    dt   = dt.AddDays(1);
                    find = workEntryList.Find(_ => _.start_time == Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(dt));
                    if (find != null)
                        tuesday.Text       = find.hours_billed.Value.ToString();
                        tuesdayInter.Value = find.internal_notes;
                        tuesdayNodes.Value = find.summary_notes;
                    dt   = dt.AddDays(1);
                    find = workEntryList.Find(_ => _.start_time == Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(dt));
                    if (find != null)
                        wednesday.Text       = find.hours_billed.Value.ToString();
                        wednesdayInter.Value = find.internal_notes;
                        wednesdayNodes.Value = find.summary_notes;
                    dt   = dt.AddDays(1);
                    find = workEntryList.Find(_ => _.start_time == Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(dt));
                    if (find != null)
                        thursday.Text       = find.hours_billed.Value.ToString();
                        thursdayInter.Value = find.internal_notes;
                        thursdayNodes.Value = find.summary_notes;
                    dt   = dt.AddDays(1);
                    find = workEntryList.Find(_ => _.start_time == Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(dt));
                    if (find != null)
                        friday.Text       = find.hours_billed.Value.ToString();
                        fridayInter.Value = find.internal_notes;
                        fridayNodes.Value = find.summary_notes;
                    dt   = dt.AddDays(1);
                    find = workEntryList.Find(_ => _.start_time == Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(dt));
                    if (find != null)
                        saturday.Text       = find.hours_billed.Value.ToString();
                        saturdayInter.Value = find.internal_notes;
                        saturdayNodes.Value = find.summary_notes;
                    dt   = dt.AddDays(1);
                    find = workEntryList.Find(_ => _.start_time == Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(dt));
                    if (find != null)
                        sunday.Text       = find.hours_billed.Value.ToString();
                        sundayInter.Value = find.internal_notes;
                        sundayNodes.Value = find.summary_notes;
                if (showResource)
                    var resList = new UserResourceBLL().GetResourceList();
                    resource_id.DataValueField = "val";
                    resource_id.DataTextField  = "show";
                    resource_id.DataSource     = resList;
                    if (resList.Exists(_ => _.val == resourceId.ToString()))
                        resource_id.SelectedValue = resourceId.ToString();
                notify_tmpl_id.DataTextField  = "name";
                notify_tmpl_id.DataValueField = "id";
                notify_tmpl_id.DataSource     = new DAL.sys_notify_tmpl_dal().GetTempByEvent(DicEnum.NOTIFY_EVENT.TICKET_TIME_ENTRY_CREATED_EDITED);
                List <string> weNames = new List <string> {
                    "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday"
                if (isAdd && showResource)
                    resourceId = long.Parse(resource_id.SelectedValue);

                var weList = new List <sdk_work_entry>();
                for (int i = 0; i < weNames.Count; i++)
                    decimal hours_worked;
                    if (!decimal.TryParse(Request.Form[weNames[i]], out hours_worked))
                    sdk_work_entry we = new sdk_work_entry();
                    if (isAdd)
                        long taskId = long.Parse(cost_code_id.SelectedValue);
                        we.task_id      = taskId;
                        we.cost_code_id = taskId;
                        we.batch_id = batchId;
                    we.resource_id     = resourceId;
                    we.start_time      = Tools.Date.DateHelper.ToUniversalTimeStamp(startDate.AddDays(i));
                    we.end_time        = we.start_time;
                    we.hours_worked    = hours_worked;
                    we.hours_billed    = hours_worked;
                    we.offset_hours    = 0;
                    we.internal_notes  = Request.Form[weNames[i] + "Inter"];
                    we.summary_notes   = Request.Form[weNames[i] + "Nodes"];
                    we.is_billable     = 0;
                    we.show_on_invoice = 0;

                if (isAdd)
                    bll.AddWorkEntry(weList, LoginUserId);
                else if (!bll.EditWorkEntry(weList, batchId, LoginUserId))

                if (Request.Form["subAct"] == "SaveClose")
Exemplo n.º 10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //测试函数-数据字典bll set.Del(id)
            //SysSettingBLL set = new SysSettingBLL();
            //sys_dict SysDict = new sys_dict();
            //SysDict.dict_name ="";

            //SysSettingBLL set = new SysSettingBLL();
            //sys_dict SysDict = new sys_dict();
            //SysDict.category_name = "";
            //SysDict.dict_name = "";
            //SysDict.id = 11;

            SysSettingBLL set  = new SysSettingBLL();
            List <int>    list = new List <int>();

            Result res = new Result();

            res = set.DelAll(list);

            //SysSettingBLL set = new SysSettingBLL();
            //List<sys_dict> listuser = set.SeleteAll();
            //foreach (sys_dict a in listuser)
            //    Console.WriteLine(a.category_name + "  " +a.dict_name + "  " +a.create_time + "  " + a.modify_time);

            //测试函数:login.Login(user)  测试成功BLL
            //LoginBLL login = new LoginBLL();
            //string userName = "******";
            //string password = "******";
            //Console.WriteLine(login.Login(userName, password));

            //测试函数:perm.Add(group)  测试成功BLL
            //PermBLL perm = new PermBLL();
            //sys_group group = new sys_group();
            //group.group_name = "员工";
            //group.remark = "民警";

            //测试函数:perm.Addu2g(groupId,userId)  测试成功BLL
            //PermBLL perm = new PermBLL();
            //int groupId = 26;
            //int userId = 32;
            //Console.WriteLine(perm.AddU2g(groupId, userId));

            //测试函数:perm.Update(group) 测试成功BLL
            //PermBLL perm = new PermBLL();
            //sys_group group = new sys_group();
            //group.id = 26;
            //group.group_name = "普通用户";
            //group.remark = "实习民警";

            //测试函数:perm.Del(groupId) 测试成功BLL
            //PermBLL perm = new PermBLL();
            //int groupId = 19;

            //测试函数:perm.perm(groupId) 测试成功BLL
            //PermBLL perm = new PermBLL();
            //int groupId = 26;
            //int[] menu_id = { 4, 5, 6 };
            //List<int> menuId = new List<int>(menu_id);
            //Console.WriteLine(perm.Perm(groupId, menuId));

            //测试函数:perm.DelG2u(groupId) 测试成功BLL
            //PermBLL perm = new PermBLL();
            //int groupId = 23;
            //int userId = 32;
            //Console.WriteLine(perm.DelG2u(groupId, userId));

            //测试函数:perm.Selectu2g() 测试成功
            //PermBLL perm = new PermBLL();
            //int groupId = 15;

            //测试函数:perm.Selectg2m() 测试成功
            //PermBLL perm = new PermBLL();
            //int groupId = 15;

            //测试函数:perm.SelectGroup() 测试成功
            //PermDAL perm = new PermDAL();
            //sys_group group = new sys_group();
            //group.group_name = "管理员";
            //DateTime a = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
            //group.create_time = a;
            //group.modify_time = new DateTime(2022, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);

            //测试函数:SysUser.add(sys_user user, int groupid)  测试成功BLL
            //SysUserBLL userbll = new SysUserBLL();
            //sys_user user = new sys_user();
            //user.username = "******";
            //user.name = "小明";
            //user.password = "******";
            //user.gender = "男";
            //user.job = "领导";
            //user.phone = "17396226172";
            //user.email = "*****@*****.**";
            //user.status = false;

            //测试函数:SysUser.Update(sys_user user,int groupid)  测试成功BLL
            //SysUserBLL userbll = new SysUserBLL();
            //sys_user user = new sys_user();
            //user.id = 27;
            //user.username = "******";
            //user.name = "李华";
            //user.password = "******";
            //user.gender = "女";
            //user.job = "领导";
            //user.phone = "17396226172";
            //user.email = "*****@*****.**";
            //user.status = false;

            //测试函数:SysUser.Del(id)  测试成功BLL
            //SysUserBLL userbll = new SysUserBLL();
            //int userId = 39;

            //测试函数:Sysuser.Select(user, group) 测试成功BLL
            //SysUserBLL userbll = new SysUserBLL();
            //sys_user user = new sys_user();
            //user.name = "李华";

            //测试函数:set.Add(dict)  测试成功
            //SysSetting set = new SysSetting();
            //sys_dict dict = new sys_dict();
            //dict.dict_name = "费用类别";
            //dict.category_name = "其他2";

            //测试函数:set.Update(dict)  测试成功
            //SysSetting set = new SysSetting();
            //sys_dict dict = new sys_dict();
            //dict.category_name = "其他1";
            //dict.dict_name = "费用类别";
            //dict.id = 6;

            //测试函数:set.Del(dict)  测试成功
            //SysSetting set = new SysSetting();
            //sys_dict dict = new sys_dict();
            //dict.id = 6;

            //测试函数:set.SelectAll()  测试成功
            //SysSetting set = new SysSetting();

            //CostApplyDAL apply = new CostApplyDAL();

            ///测试函数:costApply.Add(cost cost)

            //cost_main main = new cost_main
            //    apply_id=8,
            //    remark="费用申请描述",
            //    status=0,
            //    apply_money = 951,
            //    apply_time = DateTime.Now
            //cost_detail detail = new cost_detail
            //    cost_type_name = "住宿",
            //    cost_type = 4,
            //    money = 451
            //cost_detail detail2 = new cost_detail
            //    cost_type_name = "餐饮",
            //    cost_type = 5,
            //    money = 160
            //cost_detail detail3 = new cost_detail
            //    cost_type_name = "出行",
            //    cost_type = 8,
            //    money = 340
            //List<cost_detail> listDetail = new List<cost_detail>
            //    detail,
            //    detail2,
            //    detail3
            //List<cost_approval> ListApproval = new List<cost_approval>
            //    new cost_approval
            //    {
            //        approval_id=29
            //    }
            //Console.WriteLine(apply.Add(new cost { Main = main, DetailList = listDetail,ApprovalList=ListApproval }));

            ///测试函数:costApply.Update(cost cost)

            //cost_main main = new cost_main
            //    id = 1563613841,
            //    apply_money = 900

            //cost_detail detail = new cost_detail
            //    cost_type_name = "其他",
            //    cost_type=7,
            //    money = 500

            //cost_detail detail2 = new cost_detail
            //    cost_type_name = "餐饮",
            //    cost_type=5,
            //    money = 400

            //List<cost_detail> listDetail = new List<cost_detail>
            //    detail,
            //    detail2

            //Console.WriteLine(apply.Update(new cost { main=main,DetailList=listDetail}));

            ///测试函数:costApply.QueryMain(Dictionary<string, object> conditions)

            //Dictionary<string, object> conditions = new Dictionary<string, object>
            //    //{ "id", 1563517332 },
            //    //{ "applicant", "测试add" },
            //    //{ "status", 1 },
            //    //{ "start_time", new DateTime(2019, 7, 20,19,20,0) },
            //    //{ "end_time", new DateTime(2017, 5, 5) }
            //    //{"page",2 },
            //    //{"limit",20 }
            //List<cost_main> list = apply.QueryMain(conditions);
            //foreach (cost_main cm in list)
            //    Console.WriteLine(cm.id + "  " + cm.applicant + "  " + cm.approver + "  " + cm.apply_time + "  " + cm.approval_time + "  " + cm.apply_money + "  " + cm.approval_money + "  " + cm.status + "  " + cm.remark);

            //  new CostApplyDAL().GetApprovalInfo(8);
            ///测试函数:costApproval.Update(cost_main main)
            ///     main:approver、approval_time、approval_money、status、id

            //cost_main main = new cost_main
            //    id = 1563517332,
            //    approver = "小Abor",
            //    approval_time = new DateTime(2019, 7, 18),
            //    approval_money = 950,
            //    status = 1
            //Console.WriteLine(new CostApproval().Update(main));

            ///测试函数:costPlan.Add(List<cost_plan> listPlan)
            ///     plan:cost_type、money、start_time、end_time

            // CostPlan costplan = new CostPlan();
            //cost_plan plan = new cost_plan();
            //plan.cost_type = "出行";
            //plan.money = 99;
            //plan.start_time = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1);
            //plan.end_time = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);

            //cost_plan plan2 = new cost_plan();
            //plan2.cost_type = "餐饮";
            //plan2.money = 222;
            //plan2.start_time = new DateTime(2013, 1, 1);
            //plan2.end_time = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);

            //List<cost_plan> ListPlan = new List<cost_plan>();


            ///测试函数:costPlan.Update(List<cost_plan> ListPlan)
            ///     plan:id、cost_type、money、start_time、end_time

            //CostPlan costPlan = new CostPlan();
            //cost_plan plan = new cost_plan();
            //plan.cost_type = "出行";
            //plan.money = 999;
            //plan.start_time = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1);
            //plan.end_time = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);

            //cost_plan plan2 = new cost_plan();
            //plan2.cost_type = "餐饮";
            //plan2.money = 999;
            //plan2.start_time = new DateTime(2011, 1, 1);
            //plan2.end_time = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);

            //List<cost_plan> ListPlan = new List<cost_plan>();


            ///测试函数:costPlan.Del(List<cost_plan> ListPlan )
            ///     plan:start_time,end_time

            //CostPlan costplan = new CostPlan();
            //cost_plan plan = new cost_plan();
            //plan.start_time = (new DateTime(2011, 1, 1));
            //plan.end_time = (new DateTime(2017, 1, 1));

            //cost_plan plan2 = new cost_plan();
            //plan2.start_time = (new DateTime(2011, 1, 9));
            //plan2.end_time = (new DateTime(2017, 1, 1));

            //List<cost_plan> ListPlan = new List<cost_plan>();


            ///     无

            //CostPlan costPlan = new CostPlan();
            //List<cost_plan> listPlan = costPlan.Query();
            //foreach (cost_plan plan in listPlan)
            //    Console.WriteLine(plan.id + "  " + plan.cost_type + "  " + plan.start_time + "  " + plan.end_time + "  " + plan.money);

            ///测试函数:costPlan.Query(Dictionary<string, object> conditions)
            ///     conditions:条件键值对词典  key建议是"start_time", "end_time", "cost_type", "id"其中的,否则无效

            //Dictionary<string, object> conditions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //List<cost_plan> listPlan = new CostPlan().Query(conditions);
            //foreach(cost_plan plan in listPlan)
            //Console.WriteLine(plan.id+" "+plan.cost_type+" "+plan.start_time+" "+plan.end_time+" "+plan.money);

            ///测试函数:costPlan.QuerySum(DateTime SrartTime, DateTime EndTime)
            /// plan:start_time,end_time,money
            //CostPlanDAL costPlan = new CostPlanDAL();
            //Console.WriteLine(costPlan.QuerySum(new DateTime(2017,1,1),new DateTime (2017,2,1)));

            ///测试函数:CostStastic.Query(Dictionary<string, object> conditions)
            ///返回类型:Dictionary<cost_main, List<cost_detail>>
            ///     conditions:条件键值对词典  key建议是"start_time", "end_time", "apply_id"其中的,否则无效

            //Dictionary<string, object> conditions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //conditions.Add("apply_id", 27);
            //conditions.Add("start_time", new DateTime(2019, 7, 1));
            //conditions.Add("end_time", new DateTime(2019, 8, 1));
            //List<cost> ListCost = new CostStatisticDAL().Query(conditions);
            //foreach (cost  C in ListCost)
            //    cost_main cm = C.main;
            //    Console.WriteLine(cm.id + "  " + cm.apply_id + "  " + cm.approval_id + "  " + cm.apply_time + "  " + cm.approval_time + "  " + cm.apply_money + "  " + cm.approval_money + "  " + cm.status + "  " + cm.remark);
            //    foreach (cost_detail cd in C.DetailList)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("\t" + cd.id + "  " + cd.cost_id + "  " + cd.cost_type + " "+cd.cost_type_name+" " + cd.money);
            //    }

            //PersonFileDAL files = new PersonFileDAL();
            //person_file A = new person_file();
            //A.id = 22;
            //A.person_id = 1;
            //A.filename = "张安的XXX";
            //A.filetype = "222";
            //A.create_time = new DateTime(2019, 4, 1);
            //A.modify_time = new DateTime(2018, 1, 18);


            //PersonFileDAL files = new PersonFileDAL();
            //person_file A = new person_file();
            //A.id = 28;
            //A.filename = "zhao";

            //PersonFileDAL files = new PersonFileDAL();
            //person_file A = new person_file();
            //A.id = 25;

            //PersonFileDAL files = new PersonFileDAL();
            //List<person_file> Listfile = files.GetById(26);
            //foreach (person_file B in Listfile)
            //    Console.WriteLine(B.id + " " + B.person_id + " " + B.filename + " " + B.file + " " + B.filetype + " " + B.create_time + " " + B.modify_time);


            // 删除信息,测试
            //LogSysDAL sys = new LogSysDAL();

            ////日志查询   测试
            //LogUserDAL user = new LogUserDAL();
            //List<log_user> listuser = user.Query(18);
            //foreach (log_user loguser in listuser)
            //    Console.WriteLine(loguser.id + "  " + loguser.user_id + "  " + loguser.username + "  " + loguser.operation + "  " + loguser.ip + "  " + loguser.create_time);

            //LogSysDAL sys = new LogSysDAL();
            //List<log_sys> listsys = sys.Query();
            //foreach (log_sys logsys in listsys)
            //    Console.WriteLine(logsys.id + "  " + logsys.log_message + "  " + logsys.create_time);
            //////日志查询   测试
            //LogUser user = new LogUser();
            //List<log_user> listuser = user.GetByUserName("1");
            //foreach (log_user loguser in listuser)
            //    Console.WriteLine(loguser.id + "  " + loguser.user_id + "  " + loguser.username + "  " + loguser.operation + "  " + loguser.ip + "  " + loguser.create_time);

            //Dictionary<string, object> conditions = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            //conditions.Add("username", "2");
            ////conditions.Add("create_time", new DateTime(2019, 7, 18));
            //List<log_user> user = new LogUserDAL().GetByConditionns(conditions);
            //foreach (log_user loguser in user)
            //    Console.WriteLine(loguser.id + "  " + loguser.user_id + "  " + loguser.username + "  " + loguser.operation + "  " + loguser.ip + "  " + loguser.create_time);


            //LogUserDAL lu = new LogUserDAL();
            //List<log_user> user = lu.Query("2",new DateTime(2019,7,18));
            //foreach (log_user loguser in user)
            //    Console.WriteLine(loguser.id + "  " + loguser.user_id + "  " + loguser.username + "  " + loguser.operation + "  " + loguser.ip + "  " + loguser.create_time);

            //LogSysDAL sys = new LogSysDAL();
            // List<log_sys> sysList =sys.Query(new DateTime(2019,7,18));
            // foreach (log_sys logsys in sysList)
            // {
            //     Console.WriteLine(logsys.id + " " + logsys.create_time + "  " + logsys.log_message);

            // }

            //PersonBasicDAL PB = new PersonBasicDAL();
            //person_basic pb = new person_basic();

            //pb.name = "赵四";
            //pb.former_name = "尼古拉斯";
            //pb.gender = "男";
            //pb.identity_number = "123456789";
            //pb.birth_date = DateTime.Now;
            //pb.native_place = "四川成都";
            //pb.marry_status = true;
            //pb.job_status = "养猪";
            //pb.income = 2000;
            //pb.temper = "未知";
            //pb.family = "未知";
            //pb.person_type_id = 1;
            //pb.qq = "123456789";
            //pb.address = "成都市双流区养猪场";
            //pb.phone = "123456789";
            //pb.belong_place_id = 1;
            //pb.nation = "汉";
            //pb.input_time = DateTime.Now;
            //pb.user_id = 81;
            //pb.isdel = 0;

            //if (PB.Add(pb) > 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine("插入成功!");
            //    Console.WriteLine("插入失败!");

            // 修改
            //pb.id = 1001;
            //if (PB.Update(pb) > 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine("修改成功!");
            //    Console.WriteLine("修改失败!");

            // 移除
            //int id = 1013;
            //if (PB.Remove(id) > 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine("移除成功!");
            //    Console.WriteLine("移除失败!");

            // 删除
            //int id = 1020;
            //if (PB.Del(id) > 0)
            //    Console.WriteLine("删除成功!");
            //    Console.WriteLine("删除失败!");

            //List<person_basic> list = new List<person_basic>();
            //pb.name = "赵四";
            //pb.identity_number = "123456789";
            //pb.person_type_name = "未知";
            //pb.native_place = "四川成都";

            // 查询
            //list = PB.Query(pb);
            //list = PB.Query();
            //for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine(list[i].id + "\t" + list[i].name + "\t" + list[i].former_name + "\t" + list[i].gender + "\t" + list[i].identity_number + "\t"
            //        + list[i].birth_date + "\t" + list[i].native_place + "\t" + list[i].marry_status + "\t" + list[i].job_status + "\t"
            //        + list[i].income + "\t" + list[i].temper + "\t" + list[i].family + "\t" + list[i].person_type_id + "\t" + list[i].qq + "\t"
            //        + list[i].address + "\t" + list[i].phone + "\t" + list[i].belong_place_id + "\t" + list[i].nation + "\t" + list[i].input_time + "\t"
            //        + list[i].user_id + "\t" + list[i].isdel + "\t\n");


            //PersonFileDAL personFile = new PersonFileDAL();
            //person_file A = new person_file();
            //List<person_file> ListFile = new List<person_file>();

            //PersonFileDAL personFileDAL = new PersonFileDAL();
            //List<person_file> listFile = personFileDAL.GetByPersonId(1001);
            //foreach (person_file A in listFile)
            //    Console.WriteLine(A.person_id + " " + A.id + "  " + A.filename + " " + A.filetype + " " + A.create_time + " " + A.modify_time);
