Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a syntax provider that looks for syntax nodes with a given attribute.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">The exact syntax node type to search for.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="syntaxValueProvider">The syntax value provider to register on.</param>
 /// <param name="attributeType">The attribute type to search for.</param>
 /// <returns>The values provider with the syntax nodes attributed with an attribute of type
 /// <paramref name="attributeType"/>.</returns>
 public static IncrementalValuesProvider <T> CreateAttributedSyntaxProvider <T>(
     this SyntaxValueProvider syntaxValueProvider,
     Type attributeType)
     where T : MemberDeclarationSyntax =>
     // Filter for type declarations with at least one attribute
     predicate : (n, _) => IsSyntaxTargetForGeneration <T>(n),
     // Transform to either the semantic value or null, if not the right attribute
     transform : (ctx, ct) => GetSemanticTargetForGeneration <T>(ctx, attributeType.FullName, ct))
 // Discard null
 .Where(m => m is not null) !;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an <see cref="IncrementalValuesProvider{T}"/> that can provide a transform over all <see
    /// cref="SyntaxNode"/>s if that node has an attribute on it that binds to a <see cref="INamedTypeSymbol"/> with the
    /// same fully-qualified metadata as the provided <paramref name="fullyQualifiedMetadataName"/>. <paramref
    /// name="fullyQualifiedMetadataName"/> should be the fully-qualified, metadata name of the attribute, including the
    /// <c>Attribute</c> suffix.  For example <c>"System.CLSCompliantAttribute</c> for <see
    /// cref="System.CLSCompliantAttribute"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="predicate">A function that determines if the given <see cref="SyntaxNode"/> attribute target (<see
    /// cref="GeneratorAttributeSyntaxContext.TargetNode"/>) should be transformed.  Nodes that do not pass this
    /// predicate will not have their attributes looked at at all.</param>
    /// <param name="transform">A function that performs the transform. This will only be passed nodes that return <see
    /// langword="true"/> for <paramref name="predicate"/> and which have a matching <see cref="AttributeData"/> whose
    /// <see cref="AttributeData.AttributeClass"/> has the same fully qualified, metadata name as <paramref
    /// name="fullyQualifiedMetadataName"/>.</param>
    public static IncrementalValuesProvider <T> ForAttributeWithMetadataName <T>(
        this SyntaxValueProvider @this,
        IncrementalGeneratorInitializationContext context,
        string fullyQualifiedMetadataName,
        Func <SyntaxNode, CancellationToken, bool> predicate,
        Func <GeneratorAttributeSyntaxContext, CancellationToken, T> transform)
#if false
        // Deviation from roslyn.  We do not support attributes that are nested or generic.  That's ok as that's not a
        // scenario that ever arises in our generators.

        var metadataName = fullyQualifiedMetadataName.Contains('+')
            ? MetadataTypeName.FromFullName(fullyQualifiedMetadataName.Split(s_nestedTypeNameSeparators).Last())
            : MetadataTypeName.FromFullName(fullyQualifiedMetadataName);

        var nodesWithAttributesMatchingSimpleName = @this.ForAttributeWithSimpleName(context, metadataName.UnmangledTypeName, predicate);
        var lastDotIndex = fullyQualifiedMetadataName.LastIndexOf('.');
        Debug.Assert(lastDotIndex > 0);
        var unmangledTypeName = fullyQualifiedMetadataName.Substring(lastDotIndex + 1);

        var nodesWithAttributesMatchingSimpleName = @this.ForAttributeWithSimpleName(context, unmangledTypeName, predicate);

        var compilationAndGroupedNodesProvider = nodesWithAttributesMatchingSimpleName

        var syntaxHelper  = CSharpSyntaxHelper.Instance;
        var finalProvider = compilationAndGroupedNodesProvider.SelectMany((tuple, cancellationToken) =>
            var((syntaxTree, syntaxNodes), compilation) = tuple;
            Debug.Assert(syntaxNodes.All(n => n.SyntaxTree == syntaxTree));

            using var result = new ValueListBuilder <T>(Span <T> .Empty);
            if (!syntaxNodes.IsEmpty)
                var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntaxTree);

                foreach (var targetNode in syntaxNodes)

                    var targetSymbol =
                        targetNode is ICompilationUnitSyntax compilationUnit ? semanticModel.Compilation.Assembly :
                        syntaxHelper.IsLambdaExpression(targetNode) ? semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(targetNode, cancellationToken).Symbol :
                        semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(targetNode, cancellationToken);
                    if (targetSymbol is null)

                    var attributes = getMatchingAttributes(targetNode, targetSymbol, fullyQualifiedMetadataName);
                    if (attributes.Length > 0)
                                          new GeneratorAttributeSyntaxContext(targetNode, targetSymbol, semanticModel, attributes),

        }) /*.WithTrackingName("result_ForAttributeWithMetadataName")*/;
