Exemplo n.º 1
        static internal bool OpenConnection(IDbConnection connection)
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(connection, "connection");

            bool openedConnection = false;

            switch (connection.State)
            case ConnectionState.Open:

            case ConnectionState.Broken:
                SyncServiceTracer.TraceVerbose("Closing broken connection");
                goto case ConnectionState.Closed;

            case ConnectionState.Closed:
                if (connection is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection)
                    // Blank out the password
                    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
                    builder.ConnectionString = connection.ConnectionString;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(builder.Password))
                        builder.Password = "******";

                    SyncServiceTracer.TraceVerbose("Connecting using string: {0}", builder.ConnectionString);
                    SyncServiceTracer.TraceVerbose("Connecting to database: {0}", connection.Database);

                // Check for SqlConnection
                if (connection is SqlConnection)

                openedConnection = true;

                throw SyncServiceException.CreateInternalServerError(String.Format("Unhandled ConnectionState {0}", connection.State));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility function to get the SELECT command for a given entity type.
        /// This will return a command of format SELECT [Fieldname1, FieldName2] from [TableName] WHERE PK1 = @PK1 [AND PK2= @pk2]
        /// where FieldNameN is the actual columns included in the scope
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">Entity type</param>
        /// <returns>TSQL Select command text</returns>
        internal string GetSelectScriptForType(Type t)
            if (!_typeToTableGlobalNameMapping.ContainsKey(t))
                throw SyncServiceException.CreateInternalServerError(
                          String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "DataSetToEntitiesConverter.GetSelectScriptForType: Unknown type {0}", t));

            if (!this._globalToLocalPropertyMapping.ContainsKey(t))

            Dictionary <string, string> mappingInfo = this._globalToLocalPropertyMapping[t];

            string        delimiter = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder colsList  = new StringBuilder();

            // Build cols list
            foreach (PropertyInfo pinfo in ReflectionUtility.GetPropertyInfoMapping(t))
                colsList.Append(delimiter).Append((mappingInfo.ContainsKey(pinfo.Name)) ? mappingInfo[pinfo.Name] : pinfo.Name);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(delimiter))
                    delimiter = ", ";

            delimiter = string.Empty;
            StringBuilder pkList = new StringBuilder();

            int index = 1;

            // Build primary keys list
            foreach (PropertyInfo pinfo in ReflectionUtility.GetPrimaryKeysPropertyInfoMapping(t))
                pkList.Append(delimiter).Append((mappingInfo.ContainsKey(pinfo.Name)) ? mappingInfo[pinfo.Name] : pinfo.Name);
                pkList.Append(" = @p").Append(index++);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(delimiter))
                    delimiter = " AND ";

            // Get the table local name.
            string tableName = _typeToTableLocalNameMapping[t];

            return(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, SelectFromTableFormat, colsList, tableName, pkList));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert from a list of OfflineCapableEntities to a dataset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entities">Entity list</param>
        /// <returns>Dataset which contains all data from the entity list.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="SyncServiceException">For an unknown type that is passed in the input.</exception>
        internal DataSet ConvertEntitiesToDataSet(List <IOfflineEntity> entities)
            var resultSet = new DataSet();

            foreach (var entity in entities)
                if (!_typeToTableGlobalNameMapping.ContainsKey(entity.GetType()))
                    throw SyncServiceException.CreateInternalServerError(
                                            "DataSetToEntitiesConverter.ConvertEntitiesToDataSet: Unknown type {0}",


                string tableName = _typeToTableGlobalNameMapping[entity.GetType()];

                AddEntityToDataSet(entity, resultSet, tableName);

Exemplo n.º 4
        // **** Methods for pulling sorted data
        public IEnumerable <SortedBatch> PullSortedBatches()
            // start the first batch and range
            SortedBatch pendingBatch = new SortedBatch();
            long        sizeOfBatch  = 0;

            // intialize the range set build because we will be pullig
            // rows now and need to calculate the correct range sets
            BatchRangeSetBuilder rangeSetBuilder = new BatchRangeSetBuilder(_srcKnowledge.GetSyncIdFormatGroup().ItemIdFormat, _tablesInApplyOrder);


            // for each table in apply order
            foreach (string tableName in _tablesInApplyOrder)
                // start the next table range

                // if we have a datatable for this name
                SortedTable curTable;
                if (_sortedTables.TryGetValue(tableName, out curTable) &&
                    curTable._schema != null)
                    // add the current table to the batch we are working
                    // on
                    DataTable curDataTable = curTable._schema.Clone();

                    // if there are no rows in the table just add it to
                    // the current dataset and move on
                    SyncId maxIdInCurrentTable = null;
                    // pull the rows in SyncId order
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <SyncId, SortedRow> kvp in curTable._rows)
                        long curRowSize = SyncUtil.GetRowSizeForObjectArray(kvp.Value._rowValues);
                        if (curRowSize > (_maxSortedBatchSizeInKB * 1024))
                            // Note: This code is modified to throw a more specific exception.
                            // If we end up merging this code with the provider, then the caller has to be tested to
                            // make sure it works with the logic in the provider codebase.
                            throw SyncServiceException.CreateInternalServerError(
                                      String.Format(Strings.RowExceedsConfiguredBatchSize, _maxSortedBatchSizeInKB, tableName, curRowSize));
                        // fixme: if this row won't fit then return
                        // the current batch
                        if ((sizeOfBatch + curRowSize) > (_maxSortedBatchSizeInKB * 1024))
                            // * done loading data
                            // * add last sync id in batch
                            if (maxIdInCurrentTable == null)
                                // we have not added any rows to the
                                // current table so we should create a
                                // dummy id in the current table for
                                // the range
                                maxIdInCurrentTable = rangeSetBuilder.MakeDummyFirstRowID(tableName);

                            rangeSetBuilder.AddSyncId(tableName, maxIdInCurrentTable);
                            // start a new batch
                            BatchRangeSet curRS = rangeSetBuilder.FinishBuildingBatchRangeSet();
                            pendingBatch.sortedDataSetKnowledge = curRS.ProjectOnKnowledge(_srcKnowledge);

                            yield return(pendingBatch);

                            // *** tricky
                            // after yielding the current batch we
                            // need to start a new one for the rest of
                            // the rows in this table.
                            // we must reset all the neede state and
                            // this is tricky
                            maxIdInCurrentTable = null;
                            // start a new batch
                            pendingBatch = new SortedBatch();
                            sizeOfBatch  = 0;
                            // start a new range after the current one
                            // add the current table to the batch we are working
                            // on
                            curDataTable = curTable._schema.Clone();
                        AddSortedRowToDataTable(curDataTable, kvp.Value);
                        sizeOfBatch        += curRowSize;
                        maxIdInCurrentTable = kvp.Key;
            // we should always be working on a batch
                Debug.Assert(pendingBatch != null);
                BatchRangeSet curRS = rangeSetBuilder.FinishLastBatchRangeSet();
                pendingBatch.sortedDataSetKnowledge = curRS.ProjectOnKnowledge(_srcKnowledge);
            yield return(pendingBatch);