/// <summary>
 /// Reconciliate the client with the server data
 /// </summary>
 private void Reconciliate()
     if (reconciliationInfoList.Count() > 0)
         //Get the position of the client at this specific frame
         SyncMessageModel clientInfo = reconciliationInfoList.Where(i => i.serverTick == lastReceivedMessage.serverTick).FirstOrDefault();
         //If there is more than 50 tick that the ball has not been updated depending to the server position
         if (reconciliationInfoList.Count() > 50)
             piece.x    = lastReceivedMessage.x;
             piece.y    = lastReceivedMessage.y;
             clientTick = lastReceivedMessage.serverTick;
             clientInfo = lastReceivedMessage;
         if (!Equals(clientInfo, null))
             //Check for position divergence
             if (!Equals(clientInfo.x, lastReceivedMessage.x))
                 //Update data
                 piece.x = lastReceivedMessage.x;
                 board.SetPieceLocation(piece, piece.x, piece.y);
             if (!Equals(clientInfo.y, lastReceivedMessage.y))
                 //Update data
                 piece.y = lastReceivedMessage.y;
                 board.SetPieceLocation(piece, piece.x, piece.y);
             //Empty the list
    /// <summary>
    /// Send piece server position to all clients
    /// </summary>
    private void SendPiecePositionToClients()
        //Create the message
        SyncMessageModel piecePositionMessageData = new SyncMessageModel
            networkID  = base.id,
            serverTick = GameServerManager.instance.currentTick,
            x          = piece.x,
            y          = piece.y

        //create the message
        using (Message m = Message.Create(
                   NetworkTags.InGame.PIECE_SYNC_POS, //Tag
                   piecePositionMessageData)          //Data
            foreach (IClient client in GameServerManager.instance.serverReference.Server.ClientManager.GetAllClients())
                client.SendMessage(m, SendMode.Reliable);
 /// <summary>
 /// update from the server state
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void UpdateFromServerState(object sender, DarkRift.Client.MessageReceivedEventArgs e)
     if (e.Tag == NetworkTags.InGame.PIECE_SYNC_POS)
         //Get message data
         SyncMessageModel syncMessage = e.GetMessage().Deserialize <SyncMessageModel>();
         //If this is the first time we receive the message
         if (Object.Equals(null, lastReceivedMessage))
             //Update data
             piece.x = syncMessage.x;
             piece.y = syncMessage.y;
             BoardGenerator.instance.SetPieceLocation(piece, piece.x, piece.y);
             clientTick          = syncMessage.serverTick;
             lastReceivedMessage = syncMessage;
         //If the message regards this object and is older than the previous one
         if (id == syncMessage.networkID && syncMessage.serverTick > lastReceivedMessage.serverTick)
             lastReceivedMessage = syncMessage;