Exemplo n.º 1
        public AdvancedReshapeFeedback()
            _openJawReplaceEndSymbol = CreateHollowCircle(0, 0, 200);

            _addAreaSymbol    = SymbolUtils.CreateHatchFillSymbol(0, 255, 0, 90);
            _removeAreaSymbol = SymbolUtils.CreateHatchFillSymbol(255, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public RemoveOverlapsFeedback()
            _overlapLineSymbol =
                SymbolUtils.CreateLineSymbol(255, 0, 0, 2);

            _overlapPolygonSymbol = SymbolUtils.CreateHatchFillSymbol(255, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void updateSymbolsList()
            // update symbol list
            var sutils  = new SymbolUtils();
            var symbols = sutils.GetSymbolListFromFiles();

            var syms = this._repository.BulkUpdateSymbols(symbols);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void CanCreateSimpleStrokeSymbol()
            // Create a simple line symbol: black stroke

            var symbol = SymbolUtils.CreateLineSymbol(ColorUtils.BlackRGB, 1.0);
            var xml    = symbol.ToXml();          // may copy-paste into CIM Viewer (fix root elem name!)

            Assert.IsTrue(xml.Length > 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void CanFindPrimitives()
            var black       = ColorUtils.BlackRGB;
            var pointSymbol = SymbolUtils.CreatePointSymbol(black, 1.5);

            var layer = SymbolUtils.FindPrimitive <CIMSymbolLayer>(pointSymbol, "layer 0");


            layer.LabelLayer(out Guid markerGuid);
            var layer2 = SymbolUtils.FindPrimitive <CIMObject>(pointSymbol, markerGuid);

            Assert.AreSame(layer, layer2);

            // Again, but on a more complicated symbol

            var circleMarker = SymbolUtils.CreateMarker(black, 5, SymbolUtils.MarkerStyle.Circle)
            var squareMarker = SymbolUtils.CreateMarker(black, 5, SymbolUtils.MarkerStyle.Square)
            var blackStroke = SymbolUtils.CreateSolidStroke(black, 2)
                              .AddDashes(SymbolUtils.CreateDashPattern(20, 10));
            var symbol = SymbolUtils.CreateLineSymbol(blackStroke, circleMarker, squareMarker)

            var globalEffect = SymbolUtils.FindPrimitive <CIMGeometricEffect>(symbol, "effect 0");

            globalEffect.LabelEffect(out Guid offsetLabel);
            var localEffect =
                SymbolUtils.FindPrimitive <CIMGeometricEffect>(symbol, "layer 0 effect 0");

            localEffect.LabelEffect(out Guid dashesLabel);
            var circleLayer = SymbolUtils.FindPrimitive <CIMSymbolLayer>(symbol, "layer 2");

            circleLayer.LabelLayer(out Guid circleLabel);
            var markerPlacement =
                SymbolUtils.FindPrimitive <CIMMarkerPlacement>(symbol, "layer 2 placement");

            markerPlacement.LabelPlacement(out Guid placementLabel);
            //var circleGraphic = SymbolUtils.FindPrimitive<CIMMarkerGraphic>(symbol, "layer 2 graphic 0 layer 0");
            //circleGraphic.LabelGraphic(out Guid graphicLabel);

            var reference = symbol.CreateReference();

            reference.AddMapping(offsetLabel, "Offset", "[OFFSET]");
            reference.AddMapping(dashesLabel, "DashTemplate", "[DASHPATTERN]");
            reference.AddMapping(circleLabel, "Size", "[SIZE]");
            reference.AddMapping(placementLabel, "AngleToLine", "[ALIGN]");
            //reference.AddMapping(graphicLabel, "Color", "[COLOR]")

            var xml = reference.ToXml();

            Assert.True(xml.Length > 0);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static object pt2mm(object value)
     if (value == null)
     if (IsNumeric(value))
     throw InvalidArgumentType("pt2mm", value);
Exemplo n.º 7
            //public IMapContext MapContext { get; set; }

            public static object mm2pt(object value)
                if (value == null)
                if (IsNumeric(value))
                throw InvalidArgumentType("mm2pt", value);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void CanCreateLineSymbolWithOverride()
            // Create a solid black 1pt wide stroke symbol
            // with overrides for the color (text field COLOR)
            // and the line width (numeric field WIDTH)

            var          color  = ColorUtils.BlackRGB;
            const double width  = 1.0;
            var          stroke = SymbolUtils.CreateSolidStroke(color, width)
                                  .LabelLayer(out Guid strokeLabel);

            var symbol = SymbolUtils.CreateLineSymbol(stroke);

            var reference = symbol.CreateReference()
                            .AddMapping(strokeLabel, "Width", "[WIDTH]")
                            .AddMapping(strokeLabel, "Color", "$feature.COLOR");

            var xml = reference.ToXml();             // may copy-paste into CIM Viewer (fix root elem name!)

            Assert.IsTrue(xml.Length > 0);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void CanCreateNonTrivialLineSymbol()
            // Create line symbol: black stroke, with alternating
            // black circles and blue squares along the line

            CIMColor black = ColorUtils.CreateRGB(0, 0, 0);
            CIMColor blue  = ColorUtils.CreateRGB(0, 0, 255);

            var circleMarker = SymbolUtils.CreateMarker(black, 5, SymbolUtils.MarkerStyle.Circle)
            var squareMarker = SymbolUtils.CreateMarker(blue, 5, SymbolUtils.MarkerStyle.Square)

            var dashPattern = SymbolUtils.CreateDashPattern(20, 10, 20, 10);
            var blackStroke = SymbolUtils.CreateSolidStroke(black, 1)
                              .AddDashes(dashPattern, LineDashEnding.HalfPattern)

            var symbol = SymbolUtils.CreateLineSymbol(blackStroke, circleMarker, squareMarker);

            var xml = symbol.ToXml();             // may copy-paste into CIM Viewer (fix root elem name!)

            Assert.IsTrue(xml.Length > 0);