Exemplo n.º 1
			public override object Visit (Switch switchStatement)
				var result = new SwitchStatement ();
				var location = LocationsBag.GetLocations (switchStatement);
				result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (switchStatement.loc), "switch".Length), SwitchStatement.Roles.Keyword);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[0]), 1), SwitchStatement.Roles.LPar);
				result.AddChild ((INode)switchStatement.Expr.Accept (this), SwitchStatement.Roles.Expression);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[1]), 1), SwitchStatement.Roles.RPar);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[2]), 1), SwitchStatement.Roles.LBrace);
				foreach (var section in switchStatement.Sections) {
					var newSection = new MonoDevelop.CSharp.Dom.SwitchSection ();
					foreach (var caseLabel in section.Labels) {
						var newLabel = new CaseLabel ();
						newLabel.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (caseLabel.Location), "case".Length), SwitchStatement.Roles.Keyword);
						if (caseLabel.Label != null)
							newLabel.AddChild ((INode)caseLabel.Label.Accept (this), SwitchStatement.Roles.Expression);
						newSection.AddChild (newLabel, MonoDevelop.CSharp.Dom.SwitchSection.CaseLabelRole);
					newSection.AddChild ((INode)section.Block.Accept (this), MonoDevelop.CSharp.Dom.SwitchSection.Roles.Body);
					result.AddChild (newSection, SwitchStatement.SwitchSectionRole);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[3]), 1), SwitchStatement.Roles.RBrace);
				return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
			public override object Visit(Switch switchStatement)
				var result = new SwitchStatement();
				var location = LocationsBag.GetLocations(switchStatement);
				result.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(switchStatement.loc), SwitchStatement.SwitchKeywordRole), SwitchStatement.SwitchKeywordRole);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(location [0]), Roles.LPar), Roles.LPar);
				if (switchStatement.Expr != null)
					result.AddChild((Expression)switchStatement.Expr.Accept(this), Roles.Expression);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 1)
					result.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(location [1]), Roles.RPar), Roles.RPar);
				if (location != null && location.Count > 2)
					result.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(location [2]), Roles.LBrace), Roles.LBrace);
				SwitchSection newSection = null;
				bool lastWasCase = false, added = true;
				if (switchStatement.Block != null) {
					foreach (var child in switchStatement.Block.Statements) {
						var statement = child.Accept(this);
						var caseLabel = statement as CaseLabel;
						if (caseLabel != null) {
							if (!lastWasCase) {
								newSection = new SwitchSection();
								added = false;
							newSection.AddChild(caseLabel, SwitchSection.CaseLabelRole);
							lastWasCase = true;
						} else {
							if (lastWasCase) {
								result.AddChild(newSection, SwitchStatement.SwitchSectionRole);
								lastWasCase = false;
								added = true;
							newSection.AddChild((Statement)statement, Roles.EmbeddedStatement);
				if (!added)
					result.AddChild(newSection, SwitchStatement.SwitchSectionRole);

				if (location != null && location.Count > 3) {
					result.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(location [3]), Roles.RBrace), Roles.RBrace);
				} else {
					// parser error, set end node to max value.
					result.AddChild(new ErrorNode(), Roles.Error);
				return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
			public override object Visit (Switch switchStatement)
				var result = new SwitchStatement ();
				var location = LocationsBag.GetLocations (switchStatement);
				result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (switchStatement.loc), "switch".Length), SwitchStatement.Roles.Keyword);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[0]), 1), SwitchStatement.Roles.LPar);
				result.AddChild ((Expression)switchStatement.Expr.Accept (this), SwitchStatement.Roles.Expression);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[1]), 1), SwitchStatement.Roles.RPar);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[2]), 1), SwitchStatement.Roles.LBrace);
				foreach (var section in switchStatement.Sections) {
					var newSection = new SwitchSection ();
					foreach (var caseLabel in section.Labels) {
						var newLabel = new CaseLabel ();
						newLabel.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (caseLabel.Location), "case".Length), SwitchStatement.Roles.Keyword);
						if (caseLabel.Label != null)
							newLabel.AddChild ((Expression)caseLabel.Label.Accept (this), SwitchStatement.Roles.Expression);
						newSection.AddChild (newLabel, SwitchSection.CaseLabelRole);
					var blockStatement = section.Block;
					var bodyBlock = new BlockStatement ();
					int curLocal = 0;
					AddBlockChildren (bodyBlock, blockStatement, ref curLocal);
					foreach (var statement in bodyBlock.Statements) {
						statement.Remove ();
						newSection.AddChild (statement, SwitchSection.Roles.EmbeddedStatement);
					result.AddChild (newSection, SwitchStatement.SwitchSectionRole);
				if (location != null)
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[3]), 1), SwitchStatement.Roles.RBrace);
				return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
            public override object Visit(Switch switchStatement)
                var result = new SwitchStatement ();

                var location = LocationsBag.GetLocations (switchStatement);
                result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (switchStatement.loc), SwitchStatement.SwitchKeywordRole), SwitchStatement.SwitchKeywordRole);
                if (location != null)
                    result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [0]), Roles.LPar), Roles.LPar);
                if (switchStatement.Expr != null)
                    result.AddChild ((Expression)switchStatement.Expr.Accept (this), Roles.Expression);
                if (location != null && location.Count > 1)
                    result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [1]), Roles.RPar), Roles.RPar);
                if (location != null && location.Count > 2)
                    result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [2]), Roles.LBrace), Roles.LBrace);
                if (switchStatement.Sections != null) {
                    foreach (var section in switchStatement.Sections) {
                        var newSection = new SwitchSection ();
                        if (section.Labels != null) {
                            foreach (var caseLabel in section.Labels) {
                                var newLabel = new CaseLabel ();
                                if (caseLabel.Label != null) {
                                    newLabel.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (caseLabel.Location), CaseLabel.CaseKeywordRole), CaseLabel.CaseKeywordRole);
                                    if (caseLabel.Label != null)
                                        newLabel.AddChild ((Expression)caseLabel.Label.Accept (this), Roles.Expression);
                                    var colonLocation = LocationsBag.GetLocations (caseLabel);
                                    if (colonLocation != null)
                                        newLabel.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (colonLocation [0]), Roles.Colon), Roles.Colon);
                                } else {
                                    newLabel.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (caseLabel.Location), CaseLabel.DefaultKeywordRole), CaseLabel.DefaultKeywordRole);
                                    newLabel.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (new TextLocation (caseLabel.Location.Row, caseLabel.Location.Column + "default".Length), Roles.Colon), Roles.Colon);
                                newSection.AddChild (newLabel, SwitchSection.CaseLabelRole);

                        var blockStatement = section.Block;
                        var bodyBlock = new BlockStatement ();
                        int curLocal = 0;
                        AddBlockChildren (bodyBlock, blockStatement, ref curLocal);
                        foreach (var statement in bodyBlock.Statements) {
                            statement.Remove ();
                            newSection.AddChild (statement, Roles.EmbeddedStatement);

                        result.AddChild (newSection, SwitchStatement.SwitchSectionRole);

                if (location != null && location.Count > 3) {
                    result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location [3]), Roles.RBrace), Roles.RBrace);
                } else {
                    // parser error, set end node to max value.
                    result.AddChild (new ErrorNode (), Roles.Error);

                return result;
Exemplo n.º 5
        IEnumerable<Statement> TransformNode(ILNode node)
            if (node is ILLabel) {
                yield return new Ast.LabelStatement { Label = ((ILLabel)node).Name };
            } else if (node is ILExpression) {
                List<ILRange> ilRanges = ((ILExpression)node).GetILRanges();
                AstNode codeExpr = TransformExpression((ILExpression)node);
                if (codeExpr != null) {
                    codeExpr = codeExpr.WithAnnotation(ilRanges);
                    if (codeExpr is Ast.Expression) {
                        yield return new Ast.ExpressionStatement { Expression = (Ast.Expression)codeExpr };
                    } else if (codeExpr is Ast.Statement) {
                        yield return (Ast.Statement)codeExpr;
                    } else {
                        throw new Exception();
            } else if (node is ILLoop) {
                yield return new Ast.ForStatement {
                    EmbeddedStatement = TransformBlock(((ILLoop)node).ContentBlock)
            } else if (node is Branch) {
                yield return new Ast.LabelStatement { Label = ((Branch)node).FirstBasicBlock.Label };

                Ast.BlockStatement trueBlock = new Ast.BlockStatement();
                trueBlock.AddStatement(new Ast.GotoStatement(((Branch)node).TrueSuccessor.Label));

                Ast.BlockStatement falseBlock = new Ast.BlockStatement();
                falseBlock.AddStatement(new Ast.GotoStatement(((Branch)node).FalseSuccessor.Label));

                Ast.IfElseStatement ifElseStmt = new Ast.IfElseStatement {
                    Condition = MakeBranchCondition((Branch)node),
                    TrueStatement = trueBlock,
                    FalseStatement = falseBlock

                yield return ifElseStmt;
            } else if (node is ILCondition) {
                ILCondition conditionalNode = (ILCondition)node;
                if (conditionalNode.FalseBlock.Body.Any()) {
                    // Swap bodies
                    yield return new Ast.IfElseStatement {
                        Condition = new UnaryOperatorExpression(UnaryOperatorType.Not, MakeBranchCondition(conditionalNode.Condition)),
                        TrueStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.FalseBlock),
                        FalseStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.TrueBlock)
                } else {
                    yield return new Ast.IfElseStatement {
                        Condition = MakeBranchCondition(conditionalNode.Condition),
                        TrueStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.TrueBlock),
                        FalseStatement = TransformBlock(conditionalNode.FalseBlock)
            } else if (node is ILSwitch) {
                ILSwitch ilSwitch = (ILSwitch)node;
                SwitchStatement switchStmt = new SwitchStatement() { Expression = (Expression)TransformExpression(ilSwitch.Condition.Arguments[0]) };
                for (int i = 0; i < ilSwitch.CaseBlocks.Count; i++) {
                    switchStmt.AddChild(new SwitchSection() {
                            CaseLabels = new[] { new CaseLabel() { Expression = new PrimitiveExpression(i) } },
                            Statements = new[] { TransformBlock(ilSwitch.CaseBlocks[i]) }
                    }, SwitchStatement.SwitchSectionRole);
                yield return switchStmt;
            } else if (node is ILTryCatchBlock) {
                ILTryCatchBlock tryCatchNode = ((ILTryCatchBlock)node);
                List<Ast.CatchClause> catchClauses = new List<CatchClause>();
                foreach (var catchClause in tryCatchNode.CatchBlocks) {
                    catchClauses.Add(new Ast.CatchClause {
                        Type = AstBuilder.ConvertType(catchClause.ExceptionType),
                        VariableName = "exception",
                        Body = TransformBlock(catchClause)
                yield return new Ast.TryCatchStatement {
                    TryBlock = TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.TryBlock),
                    CatchClauses = catchClauses,
                    FinallyBlock = tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock != null ? TransformBlock(tryCatchNode.FinallyBlock) : null
            } else if (node is ILBlock) {
                yield return TransformBlock((ILBlock)node);
            } else {
                throw new Exception("Unknown node type");