// Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        SwarmLeaderAI leaderAI = GetComponentInParent <SwarmLeaderAI>();

        Selector    TreeRoot    = new Selector();
        Sequence    Turn        = new Sequence();
        Wait        wait        = new Wait();
        RequestTurn requestTurn = new RequestTurn();

        SetValue("SwarmLeaderAI", leaderAI);
        SetValue("TimeToWait", timeToWait);

        requestTurn.leaderAIKey = "SwarmLeaderAI";

        wait.TimeToWaitKey = "TimeToWait";

        TreeRoot.tree    = this;
        Turn.tree        = this;
        wait.tree        = this;
        requestTurn.tree = this;
        root             = TreeRoot;
    public override NodeResult Execute()
        int     direction = Random.Range(0, 3);
        Turning newTurn   = Turning.STRAIGHT;

        switch (direction)
        case 0:
            newTurn = Turning.STRAIGHT;

        case 1:
            newTurn = Turning.LEFT;

        case 2:
            newTurn = Turning.RIGHT;
        SwarmLeaderAI leaderAI = (SwarmLeaderAI)tree.GetValue(leaderAIKey);

        leaderAI.SetValue("TurnRequested", newTurn);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        maskNames = new string[5][];

        maskNames[0] = new string[] { "flock1", "flock2", "flock3", "flock4" };
        maskNames[1] = new string[] { "flock0", "flock2", "flock3", "flock4" };
        maskNames[2] = new string[] { "flock0", "flock1", "flock3", "flock4" };
        maskNames[3] = new string[] { "flock0", "flock1", "flock2", "flock4" };
        maskNames[4] = new string[] { "flock0", "flock1", "flock2", "flock3" };

        splines    = new Catmul[5]; // TODO - change
        splines[0] = Instantiate(splinePrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Catmul>();
        // TODO add code here
        float space = 30;

        //top right
        splines[1] = Instantiate(splinePrefab, new Vector3(space, 0, space), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Catmul>();
        //top left
        splines[2] = Instantiate(splinePrefab, new Vector3(space, 0, -space), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Catmul>();
        //bottom right
        splines[3] = Instantiate(splinePrefab, new Vector3(-space, 0, space), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Catmul>();
        //bottom left
        splines[4] = Instantiate(splinePrefab, new Vector3(-space, 0, -space), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent <Catmul>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // TO DO - change code

        //1 You have a prefab for each color of swarm leader.Pick one of them, and start it on
        //the central track – this is the player.  Since the tracks are created dynamically,
        //you’ll want to get the leader instantiated as well.The place to do this is in the track generation script.

        // spawn the flocks on the tracks.  Track 0 is where the player begins.
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) // TO DO CHANGE CODE
            // TO DO - Spawn the swarm leader
            Vector3    SpawnPos    = splines[i].sp[0].transform.position;
            GameObject swarmLeader = Instantiate(swarmleaderPrefab[i], SpawnPos, Quaternion.identity);
            Flock      swarmFlock  = swarmLeader.GetComponent <Flock>();
            swarmFlock.target = swarmLeader;
            swarmFlock.boom   = boomPrefab;
            SwarmLeaderAI leaderAI = swarmLeader.GetComponent <SwarmLeaderAI>();
            leaderAI.catmul       = splines[i];
            leaderAI.trackManager = this;
            leaderAI.trackIndex   = i;
            if (i == 0) //spawn player
                swarmFlock.player = true;
                //swarmleaderPrefab[0] = Instantiate(swarmleaderPrefab[0], new Vector3(space, 0, space), Quaternion.identity).GetComponent<Catmul>();
            // TODO - Get the follow track script, and tell it about the track manager (so it can find more tracks), and the spline.
            // make sure to set the mask on the flock, and to say which is the player.
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     leaderAI = GetComponentInParent <SwarmLeaderAI>();