Exemplo n.º 1
        private void TestUpload(string skinname)
            // Given a selected file, download this and all included/imported files
            string mainleaf;
            mainleaf = "HTMLOutput.xsl";
            object sender = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread;

            string rootfile = this.PathToSkins.Text + @"\" + mainleaf;
            string rootdir = this.PathToSkins.Text;

            string tempfilesroot = Application.UserAppDataPath + @"\skins";
            string subfilesroot = tempfilesroot + @"\" + skinname;
            string mainskinpath = tempfilesroot + @"\" + skinname + @"\" + mainleaf;
            RichBoxArgs a = new RichBoxArgs("Testing " + rootfile + "\r\n", true);
            this.WriteToRichBox(sender, a);
            a.clear = false;
            a.stringToWrite = "dowloading files\r\n";
            this.WriteToRichBox(sender, a);

            DownloadSkinFile(tempfilesroot, subfilesroot, mainleaf, skinname, new SortedList(), false, "default");

             * Now we've got the skins from live, apply the changes (one by one) and see if it still works
             * We can rearrange the filenames in the list in order to accomodate the success or otherwise
             * Simply put: Go down the list of selected items until one fails, then keep going until one
             *				succeeds, then swap the failure and success, then start again from the next
             *				one. If you run out of files and they've all failed, report the problem

            int current = 0;
            int lastfailed = 0;
            int iFilecount = this.GetCheckedFileCount();
            while (current < iFilecount && lastfailed < iFilecount)
                // rename existing file in the test directory
                string curfilename = subfilesroot + @"\" + this.GetCheckedFilename(current);
                string filetocopy = rootdir + @"\" + this.GetCheckedFilename(current);
                string renamefile = subfilesroot + @"\" + this.GetCheckedFilename(current) + ".___temp";
                a.stringToWrite = "Trying " + this.GetCheckedFilename(current) + "...";
                this.WriteToRichBox(sender, a);
                bool bFileExists = System.IO.File.Exists(curfilename);
                if (bFileExists)
                    System.IO.Directory.Move(curfilename, renamefile);
                System.IO.File.Copy(filetocopy, curfilename, true);
                string result;
                if (TestXSLTFile(mainskinpath, out result))
                    a.stringToWrite = "succeeded\r\n";
                    this.WriteToRichBox(sender, a);
                    // succeeded
                    if (bFileExists)
                    if (current != lastfailed)
                        a.stringToWrite = "Swapping " + this.GetCheckedFilename(current) + " with " + this.GetCheckedFilename(lastfailed);
                        this.WriteToRichBox(sender, a);
                        SwapFileItemsArgs arg = new SwapFileItemsArgs(current, lastfailed);
                        SwapFileItems(sender, arg);

                        lastfailed = current;
                        lastfailed = current;
                    a.stringToWrite = "failed (" + result + ")\r\n";
                    this.WriteToRichBox(sender, a);
                    if (bFileExists)
                        System.IO.File.Move(renamefile, curfilename);
            if (current == lastfailed)
                a.stringToWrite = "All files successfully tested\r\n";
                this.WriteToRichBox(sender, a);
                a.stringToWrite = this.directoryStructure.Nodes[lastfailed].Text + " cannot be uploaded\r\n";
                this.WriteToRichBox(sender, a);
Exemplo n.º 2
 void SwapFileItems(object sender, SwapFileItemsArgs a)
     if (this.InvokeRequired == false)
         TreeNode temp = this.directoryStructure.Nodes[a.firstindex];
         this.directoryStructure.Nodes[a.firstindex] = this.directoryStructure.Nodes[a.firstindex];
         this.directoryStructure.Nodes[a.firstindex] = temp;
         SwapFileItemsHandler handler = new SwapFileItemsHandler(SwapFileItems);
         Invoke(handler, new object[] { sender, a });