Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Swap(Swap swap)
     var from = new Point(swap.From.X, swap.From.Y);
     var to = new Point(swap.To.X, swap.To.Y);
     _animals[from.X, from.Y] = swap.To; swap.To.MoveTo(from.X, from.Y);
     _animals[to.X, to.Y] = swap.From; swap.From.MoveTo(to.X, to.Y);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public bool Equals(Swap obj)
            if (obj == null)
                return false;

            return (this == obj);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void SwapEnsureCanAssignAcceptSwapStatus()
     Swap swapping = new Swap();
     swapping.AcceptSwap = true;
     bool expected = true;
     bool actual = swapping.AcceptSwap;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void SwapEnsureICanAssignBeerNameAvailable()
     Swap swapping = new Swap();
     swapping.BeerName = "Pale Ale";
     string expected = "Pale Ale";
     string actual = swapping.BeerName;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void SwapEnsureICanAssignBeerNameOffered()
     Swap swapping = new Swap();
     swapping.BeerOffered = "Dos Perros";
     string expected = "Dos Perros";
     string actual = swapping.BeerOffered;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void SwapEnsureICanAssignQtyAvailable()
     Swap swapping = new Swap();
     swapping.QtyOffered = 3;
     int expected = 3;
     int actual = swapping.QtyOffered;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void SwapEnsureICanAssignQtyWanted()
     Swap swapping = new Swap();
     swapping.QtyWanted = 2;
     int expected = 2;
     int actual = swapping.QtyWanted;
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public Swap CreateSwap(string _specificUser)
            Swap make_swap = new Swap { OfferUserId = _specificUser };

            return make_swap;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public bool AddSwap(int _beerpostid, Swap haveSwap)
     var query = from p in context.BeerPostings where p.BeerPostingID == _beerpostid select p;
     BeerPosting foundPosting = null;
     bool result = true;
         foundPosting = query.Single<BeerPosting>();
     catch (InvalidOperationException)
         result = false;
         result = false;
     return result;
        public void testDecomposition()
            // Testing collared coupon against its decomposition...

             CommonVars vars= new CommonVars();

             double tolerance = 1e-10;
             double npvVanilla,npvCappedLeg,npvFlooredLeg,npvCollaredLeg,npvCap,npvFloor,npvCollar;
             double error;
             double floorstrike = 0.05;
             double capstrike = 0.10;
             InitializedList<double> caps = new InitializedList<double>(vars.length,capstrike);
             List<double> caps0 = new List<double>();
             InitializedList<double> floors = new InitializedList<double>(vars.length,floorstrike);
             List<double> floors0 = new List<double>();
             double gearing_p = 0.5;
             double spread_p = 0.002;
             double gearing_n = -1.5;
             double spread_n = 0.12;
             // fixed leg with zero rate
             List<CashFlow> fixedLeg  = vars.makeFixedLeg(vars.startDate,vars.length);
             // floating leg with gearing=1 and spread=0
             List<CashFlow> floatLeg  = vars.makeYoYLeg(vars.startDate,vars.length);
             // floating leg with positive gearing (gearing_p) and spread<>0
             List<CashFlow> floatLeg_p = vars.makeYoYLeg(vars.startDate,vars.length,gearing_p,spread_p);
             // floating leg with negative gearing (gearing_n) and spread<>0
             List<CashFlow> floatLeg_n = vars.makeYoYLeg(vars.startDate,vars.length,gearing_n,spread_n);
             // Swap with null fixed leg and floating leg with gearing=1 and spread=0
             Swap vanillaLeg = new Swap(fixedLeg,floatLeg);
             // Swap with null fixed leg and floating leg with positive gearing and spread<>0
             Swap vanillaLeg_p = new Swap(fixedLeg,floatLeg_p);
             // Swap with null fixed leg and floating leg with negative gearing and spread<>0
             Swap vanillaLeg_n = new Swap(fixedLeg,floatLeg_n);

             IPricingEngine engine = new DiscountingSwapEngine(vars.nominalTS);

             vanillaLeg.setPricingEngine(engine);    // here use the autoset feature

             // CAPPED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
             // Payoff = Nom * Min(rate,strike) * accrualperiod =
             // = Nom * [rate + Min(0,strike-rate)] * accrualperiod =
             // = Nom * rate * accrualperiod - Nom * Max(rate-strike,0) * accrualperiod =
             // = VanillaFloatingLeg - Call

             int whichPricer = 0;

             // Case gearing = 1 and spread = 0
             List<CashFlow> cappedLeg = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,
             Swap capLeg = new Swap(fixedLeg,cappedLeg);
             YoYInflationCap cap = new YoYInflationCap(floatLeg, new List<double>(){capstrike});
             npvVanilla = vanillaLeg.NPV();
             npvCappedLeg = capLeg.NPV();
             npvCap = cap.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvCappedLeg - (npvVanilla-npvCap));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("\nYoY Capped Leg: gearing=1, spread=0%, strike=" + capstrike*100 +
                        "%\n" +
                        "  Capped Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCappedLeg + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV - Cap NPV: " + (npvVanilla - npvCap) + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );

             // gearing = 1 and spread = 0
             // FLOORED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
             // Payoff = Nom * Max(rate,strike) * accrualperiod =
             // = Nom * [rate + Max(0,strike-rate)] * accrualperiod =
             // = Nom * rate * accrualperiod + Nom * Max(strike-rate,0) * accrualperiod =
             // = VanillaFloatingLeg + Put

             List<CashFlow> flooredLeg = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,
             Swap floorLeg = new Swap(fixedLeg,flooredLeg);
             YoYInflationFloor floor= new YoYInflationFloor(floatLeg, new List<double>(){floorstrike});
             npvFlooredLeg = floorLeg.NPV();
             npvFloor = floor.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvFlooredLeg-(npvVanilla + npvFloor));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("YoY Floored Leg: gearing=1, spread=0%, strike=" + floorstrike *100 +
                        "%\n" +
                        "  Floored Floating Leg NPV: " + npvFlooredLeg + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV + Floor NPV: " + (npvVanilla + npvFloor) + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );

             // gearing = 1 and spread = 0
             // COLLARED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
             // Payoff = Nom * Min(strikem,Max(rate,strikeM)) * accrualperiod =
             // = VanillaFloatingLeg - Collar

             List<CashFlow> collaredLeg = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,
             Swap collarLeg = new Swap(fixedLeg,collaredLeg);
             YoYInflationCollar collar = new YoYInflationCollar(floatLeg,
                     new List<double>(){capstrike},
                     new List<double>(){floorstrike});
             npvCollaredLeg = collarLeg.NPV();
             npvCollar = collar.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvCollaredLeg -(npvVanilla - npvCollar));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("\nYoY Collared Leg: gearing=1, spread=0%, strike=" +
                        floorstrike*100 + "% and " + capstrike*100 + "%\n" +
                        "  Collared Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCollaredLeg + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV - Collar NPV: " + (npvVanilla - npvCollar) + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );

             // gearing = a and spread = b
             // CAPPED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
             // Payoff
             // = Nom * Min(a*rate+b,strike) * accrualperiod =
             // = Nom * [a*rate+b + Min(0,strike-a*rate-b)] * accrualperiod =
             // = Nom * a*rate+b * accrualperiod + Nom * Min(strike-b-a*rate,0) * accrualperiod
             // --> If a>0 (assuming positive effective strike):
             // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg - Call(a*rate+b,strike)
             // --> If a<0 (assuming positive effective strike):
             // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg + Nom * Min(strike-b+|a|*rate+,0) * accrualperiod =
             // = VanillaFloatingLeg + Put(|a|*rate+b,strike)

             // Positive gearing
             List<CashFlow> cappedLeg_p = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,caps,floors0,
             Swap capLeg_p = new Swap(fixedLeg,cappedLeg_p);
             YoYInflationCap cap_p = new YoYInflationCap(floatLeg_p,new List<double>(){capstrike});
             npvVanilla = vanillaLeg_p.NPV();
             npvCappedLeg = capLeg_p.NPV();
             npvCap = cap_p.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvCappedLeg - (npvVanilla-npvCap));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("\nYoY Capped Leg: gearing=" + gearing_p + ", " +
                        "spread= " + spread_p *100 +
                        "%, strike=" + capstrike*100  + "%, " +
                        "effective strike= " + (capstrike-spread_p)/gearing_p*100 +
                        "%\n" +
                        "  Capped Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCappedLeg + "\n" +
                        "  Vanilla Leg NPV: " + npvVanilla + "\n" +
                        "  Cap NPV: " + npvCap + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV - Cap NPV: " + (npvVanilla - npvCap) + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );

             // Negative gearing
             List<CashFlow> cappedLeg_n = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,caps,floors0,
             Swap capLeg_n = new Swap(fixedLeg,cappedLeg_n);
             YoYInflationFloor floor_n = new YoYInflationFloor(floatLeg,new List<double>(){(capstrike-spread_n)/gearing_n});
             npvVanilla = vanillaLeg_n.NPV();
             npvCappedLeg = capLeg_n.NPV();
             npvFloor = floor_n.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvCappedLeg - (npvVanilla+ gearing_n*npvFloor));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("\nYoY Capped Leg: gearing=" + gearing_n + ", " +
                        "spread= " + spread_n *100 +
                        "%, strike=" + capstrike*100  + "%, " +
                        "effective strike= " + ((capstrike-spread_n)/gearing_n*100) +
                        "%\n" +
                        "  Capped Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCappedLeg + "\n" +
                        "  npv Vanilla: " + npvVanilla + "\n" +
                        "  npvFloor: " + npvFloor + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV - Cap NPV: " + (npvVanilla + gearing_n*npvFloor) + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );

             // gearing = a and spread = b
             // FLOORED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
             // Payoff
             // = Nom * Max(a*rate+b,strike) * accrualperiod =
             // = Nom * [a*rate+b + Max(0,strike-a*rate-b)] * accrualperiod =
             // = Nom * a*rate+b * accrualperiod + Nom * Max(strike-b-a*rate,0) * accrualperiod
             // --> If a>0 (assuming positive effective strike):
             // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg + Put(a*rate+b,strike)
             // --> If a<0 (assuming positive effective strike):
             // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg + Nom * Max(strike-b+|a|*rate+,0) * accrualperiod =
             // = VanillaFloatingLeg - Call(|a|*rate+b,strike)

             // Positive gearing
             List<CashFlow> flooredLeg_p1 = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,caps0,floors,
             Swap floorLeg_p1 = new Swap(fixedLeg,flooredLeg_p1);
             YoYInflationFloor floor_p1 = new YoYInflationFloor(floatLeg_p,new List<double>(){floorstrike});
             npvVanilla = vanillaLeg_p.NPV();
             npvFlooredLeg = floorLeg_p1.NPV();
             npvFloor = floor_p1.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvFlooredLeg - (npvVanilla+npvFloor));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("\nYoY Floored Leg: gearing=" + gearing_p + ", "
                        + "spread= " + spread_p *100+ "%, strike=" + floorstrike *100 + "%, "
                        + "effective strike= " + (floorstrike-spread_p)/gearing_p*100
                        + "%\n" +
                        "  Floored Floating Leg NPV: "    + npvFlooredLeg
                        + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV + Floor NPV: " + (npvVanilla + npvFloor)
                        + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );
             // Negative gearing
             List<CashFlow> flooredLeg_n = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,caps0,floors,
             Swap floorLeg_n = new Swap(fixedLeg,flooredLeg_n);
             YoYInflationCap cap_n = new YoYInflationCap(floatLeg,new List<double>(){(floorstrike-spread_n)/gearing_n});
             npvVanilla = vanillaLeg_n.NPV();
             npvFlooredLeg = floorLeg_n.NPV();
             npvCap = cap_n.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvFlooredLeg - (npvVanilla - gearing_n*npvCap));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("\nYoY Capped Leg: gearing=" + gearing_n + ", " +
                        "spread= " + spread_n *100 +
                        "%, strike=" + floorstrike*100  + "%, " +
                        "effective strike= " + (floorstrike-spread_n)/gearing_n*100 +
                        "%\n" +
                        "  Capped Floating Leg NPV: " + npvFlooredLeg + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV - Cap NPV: " + (npvVanilla - gearing_n*npvCap) + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );
             // gearing = a and spread = b
             // COLLARED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
             // Payoff = Nom * Min(caprate,Max(a*rate+b,floorrate)) * accrualperiod
             // --> If a>0 (assuming positive effective strike):
             // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg - Collar(a*rate+b, floorrate, caprate)
             // --> If a<0 (assuming positive effective strike):
             // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg + Collar(|a|*rate+b, caprate, floorrate)
             // Positive gearing
             List<CashFlow> collaredLeg_p = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,caps,floors,
             Swap collarLeg_p1 = new Swap(fixedLeg,collaredLeg_p);
             YoYInflationCollar collar_p = new YoYInflationCollar(floatLeg_p,
                        new List<double>(){capstrike},
                        new List<double>(){floorstrike});
             npvVanilla = vanillaLeg_p.NPV();
             npvCollaredLeg = collarLeg_p1.NPV();
             npvCollar = collar_p.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvCollaredLeg - (npvVanilla - npvCollar));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("\nYoY Collared Leg: gearing=" + gearing_p + ", "
                        + "spread= " + spread_p*100 + "%, strike="
                        + floorstrike*100 + "% and " + capstrike*100
                        + "%, "
                        + "effective strike=" + (floorstrike-spread_p)/gearing_p*100
                        +  "% and " + (capstrike-spread_p)/gearing_p*100
                        + "%\n" +
                        "  Collared Floating Leg NPV: "    + npvCollaredLeg
                        + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV - Collar NPV: " + (npvVanilla - npvCollar)
                        + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );
             // Negative gearing
             List<CashFlow> collaredLeg_n = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer,vars.startDate,vars.length,caps,floors,
             Swap collarLeg_n1 = new Swap(fixedLeg,collaredLeg_n);
             YoYInflationCollar collar_n = new YoYInflationCollar(floatLeg,
                        new List<double>(){(floorstrike-spread_n)/gearing_n},
                        new List<double>(){(capstrike-spread_n)/gearing_n});
             npvVanilla = vanillaLeg_n.NPV();
             npvCollaredLeg = collarLeg_n1.NPV();
             npvCollar = collar_n.NPV();
             error = Math.Abs(npvCollaredLeg - (npvVanilla - gearing_n*npvCollar));
             if (error>tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("\nYoY Collared Leg: gearing=" + gearing_n + ", "
                        + "spread= " + spread_n*100 + "%, strike="
                        + floorstrike*100 + "% and " + capstrike*100
                        + "%, "
                        + "effective strike=" + (floorstrike-spread_n)/gearing_n*100
                        +  "% and " + (capstrike-spread_n)/gearing_n*100
                        + "%\n" +
                        "  Collared Floating Leg NPV: "    + npvCollaredLeg
                        + "\n" +
                        "  Floating Leg NPV - Collar NPV: " + (npvVanilla - gearing_n*npvCollar)
                        + "\n" +
                        "  Diff: " + error );
             // remove circular refernce
             vars.hy.linkTo(new YoYInflationTermStructure());
Exemplo n.º 11
 public bool IsPossibleSwap(Swap swap) => _possibleSwaps.Contains(swap);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public Task <bool> AddSwapAsync(Swap swap) =>
Exemplo n.º 13
 public Trade(XmlNode xmlNode)
     XmlNodeList tradeHeaderNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("tradeHeader");
     if (tradeHeaderNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in tradeHeaderNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 tradeHeaderIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 TradeHeader ob = TradeHeader();
                 IDManager.SetID(tradeHeaderIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 tradeHeaderIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 tradeHeader = new TradeHeader(item);
     XmlNodeList productNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("product");
     if (productNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in productNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 productIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Product ob = Product();
                 IDManager.SetID(productIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 productIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 product = new Product(item);
     XmlNodeList forwardNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("forward");
     if (forwardNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in forwardNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 forwardIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 ForwardSale ob = ForwardSale();
                 IDManager.SetID(forwardIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 forwardIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 forward = new ForwardSale(item);
     XmlNodeList bondOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("bondOption");
     if (bondOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in bondOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 bondOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 BondOption ob = BondOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(bondOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 bondOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 bondOption = new BondOption(item);
     XmlNodeList creditDefaultSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("creditDefaultSwap");
     if (creditDefaultSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in creditDefaultSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 creditDefaultSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CreditDefaultSwap ob = CreditDefaultSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(creditDefaultSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 creditDefaultSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 creditDefaultSwap = new CreditDefaultSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList creditDefaultSwapOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("creditDefaultSwapOption");
     if (creditDefaultSwapOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in creditDefaultSwapOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 creditDefaultSwapOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CreditDefaultSwapOption ob = CreditDefaultSwapOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(creditDefaultSwapOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 creditDefaultSwapOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 creditDefaultSwapOption = new CreditDefaultSwapOption(item);
     XmlNodeList commodityForwardNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("commodityForward");
     if (commodityForwardNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in commodityForwardNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 commodityForwardIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CommodityForward ob = CommodityForward();
                 IDManager.SetID(commodityForwardIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 commodityForwardIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 commodityForward = new CommodityForward(item);
     XmlNodeList commodityOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("commodityOption");
     if (commodityOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in commodityOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 commodityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CommodityOption ob = CommodityOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(commodityOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 commodityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 commodityOption = new CommodityOption(item);
     XmlNodeList commoditySwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("commoditySwap");
     if (commoditySwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in commoditySwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 commoditySwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CommoditySwap ob = CommoditySwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(commoditySwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 commoditySwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 commoditySwap = new CommoditySwap(item);
     XmlNodeList commoditySwaptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("commoditySwaption");
     if (commoditySwaptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in commoditySwaptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 commoditySwaptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CommoditySwaption ob = CommoditySwaption();
                 IDManager.SetID(commoditySwaptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 commoditySwaptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 commoditySwaption = new CommoditySwaption(item);
     XmlNodeList correlationSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("correlationSwap");
     if (correlationSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in correlationSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 correlationSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CorrelationSwap ob = CorrelationSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(correlationSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 correlationSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 correlationSwap = new CorrelationSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement");
     if (dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 DividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement ob = DividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement = new DividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList dividendSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("dividendSwapTransactionSupplement");
     if (dividendSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in dividendSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 dividendSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 DividendSwapTransactionSupplement ob = DividendSwapTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(dividendSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 dividendSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 dividendSwapTransactionSupplement = new DividendSwapTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList instrumentTradeDetailsNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("instrumentTradeDetails");
     if (instrumentTradeDetailsNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in instrumentTradeDetailsNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 instrumentTradeDetailsIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 InstrumentTradeDetails ob = InstrumentTradeDetails();
                 IDManager.SetID(instrumentTradeDetailsIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 instrumentTradeDetailsIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 instrumentTradeDetails = new InstrumentTradeDetails(item);
     XmlNodeList strategyNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("strategy");
     if (strategyNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in strategyNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 strategyIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Strategy ob = Strategy();
                 IDManager.SetID(strategyIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 strategyIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 strategy = new Strategy(item);
     XmlNodeList returnSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("returnSwap");
     if (returnSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in returnSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 returnSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 ReturnSwap ob = ReturnSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(returnSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 returnSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 returnSwap = new ReturnSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList brokerEquityOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("brokerEquityOption");
     if (brokerEquityOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in brokerEquityOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 brokerEquityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 BrokerEquityOption ob = BrokerEquityOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(brokerEquityOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 brokerEquityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 brokerEquityOption = new BrokerEquityOption(item);
     XmlNodeList equityForwardNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("equityForward");
     if (equityForwardNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in equityForwardNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 equityForwardIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EquityForward ob = EquityForward();
                 IDManager.SetID(equityForwardIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 equityForwardIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 equityForward = new EquityForward(item);
     XmlNodeList equityOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("equityOption");
     if (equityOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in equityOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 equityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EquityOption ob = EquityOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(equityOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 equityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 equityOption = new EquityOption(item);
     XmlNodeList equityOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("equityOptionTransactionSupplement");
     if (equityOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in equityOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 equityOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EquityOptionTransactionSupplement ob = EquityOptionTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(equityOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 equityOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 equityOptionTransactionSupplement = new EquityOptionTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList fxSingleLegNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fxSingleLeg");
     if (fxSingleLegNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fxSingleLegNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fxSingleLegIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 FxSingleLeg ob = FxSingleLeg();
                 IDManager.SetID(fxSingleLegIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fxSingleLegIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fxSingleLeg = new FxSingleLeg(item);
     XmlNodeList fxSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fxSwap");
     if (fxSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fxSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fxSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 FxSwap ob = FxSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(fxSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fxSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fxSwap = new FxSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList fxOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fxOption");
     if (fxOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fxOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fxOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 FxOption ob = FxOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(fxOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fxOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fxOption = new FxOption(item);
     XmlNodeList fxDigitalOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fxDigitalOption");
     if (fxDigitalOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fxDigitalOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fxDigitalOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 FxDigitalOption ob = FxDigitalOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(fxDigitalOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fxDigitalOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fxDigitalOption = new FxDigitalOption(item);
     XmlNodeList termDepositNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("termDeposit");
     if (termDepositNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in termDepositNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 termDepositIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 TermDeposit ob = TermDeposit();
                 IDManager.SetID(termDepositIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 termDepositIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 termDeposit = new TermDeposit(item);
     XmlNodeList genericProductNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("genericProduct");
     if (genericProductNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in genericProductNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 genericProductIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 GenericProduct ob = GenericProduct();
                 IDManager.SetID(genericProductIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 genericProductIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 genericProduct = new GenericProduct(item);
     XmlNodeList nonSchemaProductNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("nonSchemaProduct");
     if (nonSchemaProductNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in nonSchemaProductNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 nonSchemaProductIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 GenericProduct ob = GenericProduct();
                 IDManager.SetID(nonSchemaProductIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 nonSchemaProductIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 nonSchemaProduct = new GenericProduct(item);
     XmlNodeList bulletPaymentNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("bulletPayment");
     if (bulletPaymentNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in bulletPaymentNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 bulletPaymentIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 BulletPayment ob = BulletPayment();
                 IDManager.SetID(bulletPaymentIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 bulletPaymentIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 bulletPayment = new BulletPayment(item);
     XmlNodeList capFloorNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("capFloor");
     if (capFloorNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in capFloorNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 capFloorIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CapFloor ob = CapFloor();
                 IDManager.SetID(capFloorIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 capFloorIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 capFloor = new CapFloor(item);
     XmlNodeList fraNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fra");
     if (fraNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fraNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fraIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Fra ob = Fra();
                 IDManager.SetID(fraIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fraIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fra = new Fra(item);
     XmlNodeList swapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("swap");
     if (swapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in swapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 swapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Swap ob = Swap();
                 IDManager.SetID(swapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 swapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 swap = new Swap(item);
     XmlNodeList swaptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("swaption");
     if (swaptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in swaptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 swaptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Swaption ob = Swaption();
                 IDManager.SetID(swaptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 swaptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 swaption = new Swaption(item);
     XmlNodeList equitySwapTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("equitySwapTransactionSupplement");
     if (equitySwapTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in equitySwapTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 equitySwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EquitySwapTransactionSupplement ob = EquitySwapTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(equitySwapTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 equitySwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 equitySwapTransactionSupplement = new EquitySwapTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList standardProductNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("standardProduct");
     if (standardProductNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in standardProductNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 standardProductIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 StandardProduct ob = StandardProduct();
                 IDManager.SetID(standardProductIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 standardProductIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 standardProduct = new StandardProduct(item);
     XmlNodeList varianceOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("varianceOptionTransactionSupplement");
     if (varianceOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in varianceOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 varianceOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 VarianceOptionTransactionSupplement ob = VarianceOptionTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(varianceOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 varianceOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 varianceOptionTransactionSupplement = new VarianceOptionTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList varianceSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("varianceSwap");
     if (varianceSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in varianceSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 varianceSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 VarianceSwap ob = VarianceSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(varianceSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 varianceSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 varianceSwap = new VarianceSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList varianceSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("varianceSwapTransactionSupplement");
     if (varianceSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in varianceSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 varianceSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 VarianceSwapTransactionSupplement ob = VarianceSwapTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(varianceSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 varianceSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 varianceSwapTransactionSupplement = new VarianceSwapTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList otherPartyPaymentNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("otherPartyPayment");
     foreach (XmlNode item in otherPartyPaymentNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 otherPartyPaymentIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 List<Payment> ob = new List<Payment>();
                 ob.Add(new Payment(item));
                 IDManager.SetID(otherPartyPaymentIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 otherPartyPaymentIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
             otherPartyPayment.Add(new Payment(item));
     XmlNodeList brokerPartyReferenceNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("brokerPartyReference");
     foreach (XmlNode item in brokerPartyReferenceNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 brokerPartyReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 List<PartyReference> ob = new List<PartyReference>();
                 ob.Add(new PartyReference(item));
                 IDManager.SetID(brokerPartyReferenceIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 brokerPartyReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
             brokerPartyReference.Add(new PartyReference(item));
     XmlNodeList calculationAgentNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("calculationAgent");
     if (calculationAgentNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in calculationAgentNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 calculationAgentIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CalculationAgent ob = CalculationAgent();
                 IDManager.SetID(calculationAgentIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 calculationAgentIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 calculationAgent = new CalculationAgent(item);
     XmlNodeList calculationAgentBusinessCenterNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("calculationAgentBusinessCenter");
     if (calculationAgentBusinessCenterNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in calculationAgentBusinessCenterNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 calculationAgentBusinessCenterIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 BusinessCenter ob = BusinessCenter();
                 IDManager.SetID(calculationAgentBusinessCenterIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 calculationAgentBusinessCenterIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 calculationAgentBusinessCenter = new BusinessCenter(item);
     XmlNodeList determiningPartyNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("determiningParty");
     foreach (XmlNode item in determiningPartyNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 determiningPartyIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 List<PartyReference> ob = new List<PartyReference>();
                 ob.Add(new PartyReference(item));
                 IDManager.SetID(determiningPartyIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 determiningPartyIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
             determiningParty.Add(new PartyReference(item));
     XmlNodeList hedgingPartyNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("hedgingParty");
     foreach (XmlNode item in hedgingPartyNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 hedgingPartyIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 List<PartyReference> ob = new List<PartyReference>();
                 ob.Add(new PartyReference(item));
                 IDManager.SetID(hedgingPartyIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 hedgingPartyIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
             hedgingParty.Add(new PartyReference(item));
     XmlNodeList collateralNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("collateral");
     if (collateralNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in collateralNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 collateralIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Collateral ob = Collateral();
                 IDManager.SetID(collateralIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 collateralIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 collateral = new Collateral(item);
     XmlNodeList documentationNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("documentation");
     if (documentationNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in documentationNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 documentationIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Documentation ob = Documentation();
                 IDManager.SetID(documentationIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 documentationIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 documentation = new Documentation(item);
     XmlNodeList governingLawNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("governingLaw");
     if (governingLawNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in governingLawNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 governingLawIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 GoverningLaw ob = GoverningLaw();
                 IDManager.SetID(governingLawIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 governingLawIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 governingLaw = new GoverningLaw(item);
     XmlNodeList allocationsNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("allocations");
     if (allocationsNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in allocationsNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 allocationsIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Allocations ob = Allocations();
                 IDManager.SetID(allocationsIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 allocationsIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 allocations = new Allocations(item);
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: Game.cs Projeto: Jahoe/Blocks
    void Start()
        _endBox = GameObject.Find("EndBox");
        _blockCount = 0;
        _blockMemoryInt = -1;
        _level.Level = _level.GetLevelSelected();
        _level.Section = _level.GetSectionSelected();

        _textures = _level.GetLevelBlocks();
        _size = _level.GetLevelDimensions();
        _swap = SwapFactory.CreateSwap(_level.GetLevelDimensions(), SpriteArray, CreateGrid());

        var titleFieldText = GameObject.Find("Title").GetComponent<Text>();
        titleFieldText.text = _level.GetTitle();

        _movesLeftText = GameObject.Find("Moves").GetComponent<Text>();
        _movesLeftText.text = _level.GetMoves().ToString();
        _movesCountInt = _level.GetMoves();
        _movesLeftFontSize = _movesLeftText.fontSize;
        _fontSizeTemp = _movesLeftFontSize;

        _levelEndCompletitionText = _endBox.transform.FindChild("Finished").GetComponent<Text>();

        _medal = _endBox.transform.FindChild("MedalImage").GetComponent<Image>();
        _medalText = _endBox.transform.FindChild("MedalName").GetComponent<Text>();

        _timeBar = GameObject.Find("Progress").GetComponent<TimeBar>();
        _timeBar.TotalTime = _level.GetTime();
Exemplo n.º 15
 private bool IsAccept(Swap swap, Swap receivedSwap)
     return(swap.IsStatusSet(receivedSwap.Status, SwapStatus.Accepted));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public abstract Task StartPartyPaymentControlAsync(
     Swap swap,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
 public Swaption(XmlNode xmlNode)
 : base(xmlNode)
     XmlNodeList buyerPartyReferenceNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("buyerPartyReference");
     if (buyerPartyReferenceNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in buyerPartyReferenceNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 buyerPartyReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 PartyReference ob = PartyReference();
                 IDManager.SetID(buyerPartyReferenceIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 buyerPartyReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 buyerPartyReference = new PartyReference(item);
     XmlNodeList buyerAccountReferenceNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("buyerAccountReference");
     if (buyerAccountReferenceNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in buyerAccountReferenceNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 buyerAccountReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 AccountReference ob = AccountReference();
                 IDManager.SetID(buyerAccountReferenceIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 buyerAccountReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 buyerAccountReference = new AccountReference(item);
     XmlNodeList sellerPartyReferenceNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("sellerPartyReference");
     if (sellerPartyReferenceNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in sellerPartyReferenceNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 sellerPartyReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 PartyReference ob = PartyReference();
                 IDManager.SetID(sellerPartyReferenceIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 sellerPartyReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 sellerPartyReference = new PartyReference(item);
     XmlNodeList sellerAccountReferenceNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("sellerAccountReference");
     if (sellerAccountReferenceNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in sellerAccountReferenceNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 sellerAccountReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 AccountReference ob = AccountReference();
                 IDManager.SetID(sellerAccountReferenceIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 sellerAccountReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 sellerAccountReference = new AccountReference(item);
     XmlNodeList premiumNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("premium");
     foreach (XmlNode item in premiumNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 premiumIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 List<Payment> ob = new List<Payment>();
                 ob.Add(new Payment(item));
                 IDManager.SetID(premiumIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 premiumIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
             premium.Add(new Payment(item));
     XmlNodeList exerciseNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("exercise");
     if (exerciseNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in exerciseNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 exerciseIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Exercise ob = Exercise();
                 IDManager.SetID(exerciseIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 exerciseIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 exercise = new Exercise(item);
     XmlNodeList americanExerciseNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("americanExercise");
     if (americanExerciseNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in americanExerciseNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 americanExerciseIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 AmericanExercise ob = AmericanExercise();
                 IDManager.SetID(americanExerciseIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 americanExerciseIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 americanExercise = new AmericanExercise(item);
     XmlNodeList bermudaExerciseNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("bermudaExercise");
     if (bermudaExerciseNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in bermudaExerciseNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 bermudaExerciseIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 BermudaExercise ob = BermudaExercise();
                 IDManager.SetID(bermudaExerciseIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 bermudaExerciseIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 bermudaExercise = new BermudaExercise(item);
     XmlNodeList europeanExerciseNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("europeanExercise");
     if (europeanExerciseNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in europeanExerciseNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 europeanExerciseIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EuropeanExercise ob = EuropeanExercise();
                 IDManager.SetID(europeanExerciseIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 europeanExerciseIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 europeanExercise = new EuropeanExercise(item);
     XmlNodeList exerciseProcedureNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("exerciseProcedure");
     if (exerciseProcedureNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in exerciseProcedureNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 exerciseProcedureIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 ExerciseProcedure ob = ExerciseProcedure();
                 IDManager.SetID(exerciseProcedureIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 exerciseProcedureIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 exerciseProcedure = new ExerciseProcedure(item);
     XmlNodeList calculationAgentNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("calculationAgent");
     if (calculationAgentNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in calculationAgentNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 calculationAgentIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CalculationAgent ob = CalculationAgent();
                 IDManager.SetID(calculationAgentIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 calculationAgentIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 calculationAgent = new CalculationAgent(item);
     XmlNodeList cashSettlementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("cashSettlement");
     if (cashSettlementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in cashSettlementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 cashSettlementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CashSettlement ob = CashSettlement();
                 IDManager.SetID(cashSettlementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 cashSettlementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 cashSettlement = new CashSettlement(item);
     XmlNodeList physicalSettlementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("physicalSettlement");
     if (physicalSettlementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in physicalSettlementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 physicalSettlementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 SwaptionPhysicalSettlement ob = SwaptionPhysicalSettlement();
                 IDManager.SetID(physicalSettlementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 physicalSettlementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 physicalSettlement = new SwaptionPhysicalSettlement(item);
     XmlNodeList swaptionStraddleNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("swaptionStraddle");
     if (swaptionStraddleNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in swaptionStraddleNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 swaptionStraddleIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 XsdTypeBoolean ob = XsdTypeBoolean();
                 IDManager.SetID(swaptionStraddleIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 swaptionStraddleIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 swaptionStraddle = new XsdTypeBoolean(item);
     XmlNodeList swaptionAdjustedDatesNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("swaptionAdjustedDates");
     if (swaptionAdjustedDatesNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in swaptionAdjustedDatesNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 swaptionAdjustedDatesIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 SwaptionAdjustedDates ob = SwaptionAdjustedDates();
                 IDManager.SetID(swaptionAdjustedDatesIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 swaptionAdjustedDatesIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 swaptionAdjustedDates = new SwaptionAdjustedDates(item);
     XmlNodeList swapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("swap");
     if (swapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in swapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 swapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Swap ob = Swap();
                 IDManager.SetID(swapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 swapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 swap = new Swap(item);
Exemplo n.º 18
 protected Task UpdateSwapAsync(
     Swap swap,
     SwapStateFlags changedFlag,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) =>
 SwapUpdated?.Invoke(this, new SwapEventArgs(swap, changedFlag), cancellationToken);
Exemplo n.º 19
 protected abstract Task RefundTimeReachedHandler(
     Swap swap,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void RaiseSwapUpdated(Swap swap, SwapStateFlags changedFlag)
     SwapUpdatedHandler(this, new SwapEventArgs(swap, changedFlag));
Exemplo n.º 21
        private async Task RestoreSwapAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (swap.StateFlags.HasFlag(SwapStateFlags.IsPaymentBroadcast))
                bool confirmed = true;

                if (!swap.StateFlags.HasFlag(SwapStateFlags.IsPaymentConfirmed) &&
                    DateTime.UtcNow > swap.TimeStamp.ToUniversalTime() + DefaultMaxPaymentTimeout)
                    var result = await swap.PaymentTx
                        cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

                    if (result.HasError || !result.Value.IsConfirmed)
                        confirmed = false;

                        Log.Debug("Swap {@id} canceled in RestoreSwapAsync. Timeout reached.", swap.Id);

                        RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.IsCanceled);

                if (confirmed)
                    await GetCurrencySwap(swap.SoldCurrency)
                    .StartWaitForRedeemAsync(swap, cancellationToken)

                    if (swap.IsInitiator)
                        // check acceptor payment confirmation
                        await GetCurrencySwap(swap.PurchasedCurrency)
                        .StartPartyPaymentControlAsync(swap, cancellationToken)
                if (DateTime.UtcNow < swap.TimeStamp.ToUniversalTime() + DefaultMaxSwapTimeout)
                    if (swap.IsInitiator)
                        // todo: reinitiate swap
                        // todo: reaccept swap
                    RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.IsCanceled);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private async Task HandleInitiateAsync(Swap swap, Swap receivedSwap)
            if (DateTime.UtcNow > swap.TimeStamp.ToUniversalTime() + DefaultCredentialsExchangeTimeout)
                Log.Error("Handle initiate after swap {@swap} timeout", swap.Id);

                RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.IsCanceled);


            if (swap.SecretHash != null)
                if (!swap.SecretHash.SequenceEqual(receivedSwap.SecretHash))
                    throw new InternalException(
                              code: Errors.InvalidSecretHash,
                              description: $"Secret hash does not match the one already received for swap {swap.Id}");

            if (receivedSwap.SecretHash == null || receivedSwap.SecretHash.Length != CurrencySwap.DefaultSecretHashSize)
                throw new InternalException(
                          code: Errors.InvalidSecretHash,
                          description: $"Incorrect secret hash length for swap {swap.Id}");

            Log.Debug("Secret hash {@hash} successfully received", receivedSwap.SecretHash.ToHexString());

            swap.SecretHash = receivedSwap.SecretHash;
            RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.HasSecretHash);

            // check party requisites
            if (receivedSwap.PartyAddress == null)
                throw new InternalException(
                          code: Errors.InvalidWallets,
                          description: $"Incorrect party address for swap {swap.Id}");

            //if (IsCriminal(clientSwap.PartyAddress))
            //    throw new InternalException(
            //        code: Errors.IsCriminalWallet,
            //        description: $"Party wallet is criminal for swap {swap.Id}");

            if (receivedSwap.RewardForRedeem < 0)
                throw new InternalException(
                          code: Errors.InvalidRewardForRedeem,
                          description: $"Incorrect reward for redeem for swap {swap.Id}");

            swap.PartyAddress         = receivedSwap.PartyAddress;
            swap.PartyRewardForRedeem = receivedSwap.PartyRewardForRedeem;

            // create self requisites
            var walletToAddress = (await _account

            swap.ToAddress = walletToAddress.Address;

            swap.RewardForRedeem = await GetRewardForRedeemAsync(walletToAddress)

            RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.Empty);

            // send "accept" to other side

            await GetCurrencySwap(swap.PurchasedCurrency)
Exemplo n.º 23
        public void testInArrears()
            //("Testing in-arrears swap calculation...");

             CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

             /* See Hull, 4th ed., page 550
            Note: the calculation in the book is wrong (work out the adjustment and you'll get 0.05 + 0.000115 T1) */
             Date maturity = + new Period(5, TimeUnit.Years);
             Calendar calendar = new NullCalendar();
             Schedule schedule = new Schedule(, maturity, new Period(Frequency.Annual), calendar,
                                          BusinessDayConvention.Following, BusinessDayConvention.Following,
                                          DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
             DayCounter dayCounter = new SimpleDayCounter();

             List<double> nominals = new List<double>() { 100000000.0 };

             IborIndex index = new IborIndex("dummy", new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years), 0, new EURCurrency(), calendar,
                                         BusinessDayConvention.Following, false, dayCounter, vars.termStructure);
             double oneYear = 0.05;
             double r = Math.Log(1.0 + oneYear);
             vars.termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(, r, dayCounter));

             List<double> coupons = new List<double>() { oneYear };
             List<CashFlow> fixedLeg = new FixedRateLeg(schedule)
                                 .withCouponRates(coupons, dayCounter)

             List<double> gearings = new List<double>();
             List<double> spreads = new List<double>();
             int fixingDays = 0;

             double capletVolatility = 0.22;
             var vol = new Handle<OptionletVolatilityStructure>(
                        new ConstantOptionletVolatility(, new NullCalendar(),
                                                        BusinessDayConvention.Following, capletVolatility, dayCounter));
             IborCouponPricer pricer = new BlackIborCouponPricer(vol);

             List<CashFlow> floatingLeg = new IborLeg(schedule, index)
             Utils.setCouponPricer(floatingLeg, pricer);

             Swap swap = new Swap(floatingLeg, fixedLeg);
             swap.setPricingEngine(new DiscountingSwapEngine(vars.termStructure));

             double storedValue = -144813.0;
             double tolerance = 1.0;

             if (Math.Abs(swap.NPV() - storedValue) > tolerance)
            Assert.Fail("Wrong NPV calculation:\n"
                        + "    expected:   " + storedValue + "\n"
                        + "    calculated: " + swap.NPV());
Exemplo n.º 24
 public abstract Task RedeemForPartyAsync(
     Swap swap,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public override async Task RefundAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var erc20 = Erc20;

            if (swap.StateFlags.HasFlag(SwapStateFlags.IsRefundBroadcast))
                    swap: swap,
                    currency: erc20,
                    txId: swap.RefundTx.Id,
                    confirmationHandler: RefundConfirmedEventHandler,
                    cancellationToken: cancellationToken)


            Log.Debug("Create refund for swap {@swap}", swap.Id);

            var walletAddress = (await Erc20Account
                                     toAddress: null, // get refund address
                                     amount: 0,
                                     fee: 0,
                                     feePrice: 0,
                                     feeUsagePolicy: FeeUsagePolicy.EstimatedFee,
                                     addressUsagePolicy: AddressUsagePolicy.UseOnlyOneAddress,
                                     transactionType: BlockchainTransactionType.SwapRefund,
                                     cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

            if (walletAddress == null)
                Log.Error("Insufficient funds for refund");

            var nonceResult = await EthereumNonceManager.Instance
                              .GetNonceAsync(erc20, walletAddress.Address)

            if (nonceResult.HasError)
                Log.Error("Nonce getting error with code {@code} and description {@description}",


            var message = new ERC20RefundFunctionMessage
                FromAddress  = walletAddress.Address,
                HashedSecret = swap.SecretHash,
                GasPrice     = Atomex.Ethereum.GweiToWei(erc20.GasPriceInGwei),
                Nonce        = nonceResult.Value,

            message.Gas = await EstimateGasAsync(message, new BigInteger(erc20.RefundGasLimit))

            var txInput = message.CreateTransactionInput(erc20.SwapContractAddress);

            var refundTx = new EthereumTransaction(erc20, txInput)
                Type = BlockchainTransactionType.Output | BlockchainTransactionType.SwapRefund

            var signResult = await SignTransactionAsync(refundTx, cancellationToken)

            if (!signResult)
                Log.Error("Transaction signing error");

            swap.RefundTx    = refundTx;
            swap.StateFlags |= SwapStateFlags.IsRefundSigned;
            RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.IsRefundSigned);

            await BroadcastTxAsync(swap, refundTx, cancellationToken)

            swap.RefundTx    = refundTx;
            swap.StateFlags |= SwapStateFlags.IsRefundBroadcast;
            RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.IsRefundBroadcast);

                swap: swap,
                currency: erc20,
                txId: refundTx.Id,
                confirmationHandler: RefundConfirmedEventHandler,
                cancellationToken: cancellationToken)
Exemplo n.º 26
 public abstract Task RefundAsync(
     Swap swap,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Exemplo n.º 27
 public void SwapEnsureICanCreateInstance()
     Swap swapping = new Swap();
Exemplo n.º 28
 public abstract Task StartWaitForRedeemBySomeoneAsync(
     Swap swap,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public CapHelper(Period length,
            Handle<Quote> volatility,
            IborIndex index,
            // data for ATM swap-rate calculation
            Frequency fixedLegFrequency,
            DayCounter fixedLegDayCounter,
            bool includeFirstSwaplet,
            Handle<YieldTermStructure> termStructure,
            bool calibrateVolatility /*= false*/)
            : base(volatility, termStructure, calibrateVolatility)
            Period indexTenor = index.tenor();
            double fixedRate = 0.04; // dummy value
            Date startDate, maturity;
            if (includeFirstSwaplet) {
                startDate =;
                maturity = + length;
            } else {
                startDate = + indexTenor;
                maturity = + length;
            IborIndex dummyIndex=new

            List<double> nominals = new InitializedList<double>(1,1.0);

            Schedule floatSchedule=new Schedule(startDate, maturity,
                                   index.tenor(), index.fixingCalendar(),
                                   DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            List<CashFlow> floatingLeg;
            IborLeg iborLeg = (IborLeg) new IborLeg(floatSchedule, index)
            floatingLeg = iborLeg.value();
            Schedule fixedSchedule=new Schedule(startDate, maturity, new Period(fixedLegFrequency),
                                   BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted, BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted,
                                   DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            List<CashFlow> fixedLeg = new FixedRateLeg(fixedSchedule)
                .withCouponRates(fixedRate, fixedLegDayCounter)

            Swap swap = new Swap(floatingLeg, fixedLeg);
            swap.setPricingEngine(new DiscountingSwapEngine(termStructure));
            double bp = 1.0e-4;
            double fairRate = fixedRate - (double)(swap.NPV()/(swap.legBPS(1) / bp));
            List<double> exerciceRate = new InitializedList<double>(1,fairRate);
            cap_ = new Cap(floatingLeg, exerciceRate);
            marketValue_ = blackPrice(;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public abstract Task <Result <IBlockchainTransaction> > TryToFindPaymentAsync(
     Swap swap,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public static List <TextChunk> GetEmbeddedText(string pdf_filename, string page_numbers, string password, ProcessPriorityClass priority_class)

            string process_parameters = String.Format(
                + " " + "-tt "
                + " " + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? "" : "-p " + password)
                + " " + '"' + pdf_filename + '"'
                + " " + page_numbers

            var execResult = ReadEntireStandardOutput("pdfdraw.exe", process_parameters, binary_output: false, priority_class);

            using (MemoryStream ms = execResult.stdoutStream)
                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                using (StreamReader sr_lines = new StreamReader(ms))
                    List <TextChunk> text_chunks = new List <TextChunk>();

                    int    page          = 0;
                    double page_x0       = 0;
                    double page_y0       = 0;
                    double page_x1       = 0;
                    double page_y1       = 0;
                    double page_rotation = 0;

                    string current_font_name = "";
                    double current_font_size = 0;

                    string line;
                    while (null != (line = sr_lines.ReadLine()))
                        // Look for a character element (note that even a " can be the character in the then malformed XML)
                            Match match = Regex.Match(line, "char ucs=\"(.*)\" bbox=\"\\[(\\S*) (\\S*) (\\S*) (\\S*)\\]");
                            if (Match.Empty != match)
                                string text    = match.Groups[1].Value;
                                double word_x0 = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[2].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);
                                double word_y0 = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[3].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);
                                double word_x1 = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[4].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);
                                double word_y1 = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[5].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);

                                ResolveRotation(page_rotation, ref word_x0, ref word_y0, ref word_x1, ref word_y1);

                                // safety measure: discard zero-width and zero-height "words" as those only cause trouble down the line:
                                if (word_x0 == word_x1 || word_y0 == word_y1)
                                    Logging.Warn("Zero-width/height bounding box for text chunk: ignoring this 'word' @ {0}.", line);

                                // Position this little grubber
                                TextChunk text_chunk = new TextChunk();
                                text_chunk.text      = text;
                                text_chunk.font_name = current_font_name;
                                text_chunk.font_size = current_font_size;
                            = page;
                                text_chunk.x0        = (word_x0 - page_x0) / (page_x1 - page_x0);
                                text_chunk.y0        = 1 - (word_y0 - page_y0) / (page_y1 - page_y0);
                                text_chunk.x1        = (word_x1 - page_x0) / (page_x1 - page_x0);
                                text_chunk.y1        = 1 - (word_y1 - page_y0) / (page_y1 - page_y0);

                                // Cater for the rotation
                                if (0 != page_rotation)
                                    text_chunk.y0 = 1 - text_chunk.y0;
                                    text_chunk.y1 = 1 - text_chunk.y1;

                                // Make sure the bounding box is TL-BR
                                if (text_chunk.x1 < text_chunk.x0)
                                    Swap.swap(ref text_chunk.x0, ref text_chunk.x1);
                                if (text_chunk.y1 < text_chunk.y0)
                                    Swap.swap(ref text_chunk.y0, ref text_chunk.y1);

                                if (text_chunk.x1 <= text_chunk.x0 || text_chunk.y1 <= text_chunk.y0)
                                    Logging.Warn("Bad bounding box for text chunk ({0})", process_parameters);

                                // And add him to the result list


                        // Look for a change in font name
                            Match match = Regex.Match(line, " font=\"(\\S*)\" size=\"(\\S*)\" ");
                            if (Match.Empty != match)
                                current_font_name = match.Groups[1].Value;
                                current_font_size = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[2].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);


                        // Look for the page header with dimensions
                            Match match = Regex.Match(line, @"\[Page (.+) X0 (\S+) Y0 (\S+) X1 (\S+) Y1 (\S+) R (\S+)\]");
                            if (Match.Empty != match)
                                page          = Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups[1].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);
                                page_x0       = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[2].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);
                                page_y0       = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[3].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);
                                page_x1       = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[4].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);
                                page_y1       = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[5].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);
                                page_rotation = Convert.ToDouble(match.Groups[6].Value, Internationalization.DEFAULT_CULTURE);

                                ResolveRotation(page_rotation, ref page_x0, ref page_y0, ref page_x1, ref page_y1);


                    text_chunks = AggregateOverlappingTextChunks(text_chunks, process_parameters);
Exemplo n.º 32
 protected Task RaiseAcceptorPaymentConfirmed(
     Swap swap,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) =>
 AcceptorPaymentConfirmed?.Invoke(this, new SwapEventArgs(swap), cancellationToken);
Exemplo n.º 33
        public double calculateImpl(DateTime calcDate, FP_Parameter fp_parameter)

            List<QLNet.CashFlow> ql_fixedCFList = new List<QLNet.CashFlow>();
            List<QLNet.CashFlow> ql_floatingCFList = new List<QLNet.CashFlow>();

            foreach (FP_CashFlow fixed_cf in this.FixedLegInfo_.FP_CashFlowList_)
                { ql_fixedCFList.Add(fixed_cf.build_ql_cf(fp_parameter)); }

            foreach (FP_CashFlow floating_cf in this.FloatingLegInfo_.FP_CashFlowList_)
                { ql_floatingCFList.Add(floating_cf.build_ql_cf(fp_parameter)); }

            Swap ql_swap = new Swap(ql_fixedCFList, ql_floatingCFList);


            Handle<YieldTermStructure> ql_discount_ts
                //= new QLNet.Handle<YieldTermStructure>(fp_parameter.DiscountCurveMap_["KRW"]);
                = new QLNet.Handle<YieldTermStructure>(fp_parameter.getDiscountCurve("KRW"));

            QLNet.DiscountingSwapEngine engine = new DiscountingSwapEngine(ql_discount_ts);


            #region Result Price/Greek

            //clsHITM_FP_GREEKRESULT_TB clstb_greekresult = new clsHITM_FP_GREEKRESULT_TB();

            //clsHDAT_MARKETDATA_TB clstb_market = new clsHDAT_MARKETDATA_TB();

            //clstb_market.REF_DT = calcDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            double swap_price = ql_swap.NPV();

            #region Comment

            //foreach (var item in index_cdList)
            //    clstb_market.INDEX_CD = item;

            //    clstb_market.SelectOwn();

            //    clstb_greekresult.FP_GREEKRESULT_ID = "";
            //    clstb_greekresult.CALC_DT = calcDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
            //    clstb_greekresult.INSTRUMENT_ID = this.SwapDAO_.INSTRUMENT_ID;
            //    clstb_greekresult.INSTRUMENT_TYP = 0;
            //    clstb_greekresult.UNDERLYING_ID = item;
            //    clstb_greekresult.UNDERLYING_VALUE = clstb_market.LAST;
            //    clstb_greekresult.SEQ = count;

            //    clstb_greekresult.DELTA = 0.0;
            //    clstb_greekresult.GAMMA = 0.0;
            //    clstb_greekresult.VEGA = 0.0;

            //    if (count == 1) { clstb_greekresult.CALC_PRICE = swap_price; }
            //    else  { clstb_greekresult.CALC_PRICE = 0.0; }

            //    clstb_greekresult.CALCULATED_FLAG = 1;
            //    clstb_greekresult.CALCULATED_TIME = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss");

            //    clstb_greekresult.CALCULATE_TYP = 1; // 패러럴 쉬푸투 or 그냥 구한거 머 등등..

            //    clstb_greekresult.Insert();

            //    count += 1;


            for (int i = 0; i < this.FixedLegInfo_.FP_CashFlowList_.Count; i++)
                this.FixedLegInfo_.FP_CashFlowList_[i].CashFlowAmount_ = ql_fixedCFList[i].amount();
                    = ql_discount_ts.currentLink().discount(this.FixedLegInfo_.FP_CashFlowList_[i].PaymentDate_);


            for (int j = 0; j < this.FloatingLegInfo_.FP_CashFlowList_.Count; j++)
                this.FloatingLegInfo_.FP_CashFlowList_[j].CashFlowAmount_ = ql_floatingCFList[j].amount();
                    = ql_discount_ts.currentLink().discount(this.FloatingLegInfo_.FP_CashFlowList_[j].PaymentDate_);

            return swap_price;

Exemplo n.º 34
        public void testInArrears()
            //("Testing in-arrears swap calculation...");

            CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

            /* See Hull, 4th ed., page 550
             * Note: the calculation in the book is wrong (work out the adjustment and you'll get 0.05 + 0.000115 T1) */
            Date     maturity = + new Period(5, TimeUnit.Years);
            Calendar calendar = new NullCalendar();
            Schedule schedule = new Schedule(, maturity, new Period(Frequency.Annual), calendar,
                                             BusinessDayConvention.Following, BusinessDayConvention.Following,
                                             DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false);
            DayCounter dayCounter = new SimpleDayCounter();

            List <double> nominals = new List <double>()

            IborIndex index = new IborIndex("dummy", new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years), 0, new EURCurrency(), calendar,
                                            BusinessDayConvention.Following, false, dayCounter, vars.termStructure);
            double oneYear = 0.05;
            double r       = Math.Log(1.0 + oneYear);

            vars.termStructure.linkTo(Utilities.flatRate(, r, dayCounter));

            List <double> coupons = new List <double>()
            List <CashFlow> fixedLeg = new FixedRateLeg(schedule)
                                       .withCouponRates(coupons, dayCounter)

            List <double> gearings   = new List <double>();
            List <double> spreads    = new List <double>();
            int           fixingDays = 0;

            double capletVolatility = 0.22;
            var    vol = new Handle <OptionletVolatilityStructure>(
                new ConstantOptionletVolatility(, new NullCalendar(),
                                                BusinessDayConvention.Following, capletVolatility, dayCounter));
            IborCouponPricer pricer = new BlackIborCouponPricer(vol);

            List <CashFlow> floatingLeg = new IborLeg(schedule, index)

            Utils.setCouponPricer(floatingLeg, pricer);

            Swap swap = new Swap(floatingLeg, fixedLeg);

            swap.setPricingEngine(new DiscountingSwapEngine(vars.termStructure));

            double storedValue = -144813.0;
            double tolerance   = 1.0;

            if (Math.Abs(swap.NPV() - storedValue) > tolerance)
                Assert.Fail("Wrong NPV calculation:\n"
                            + "    expected:   " + storedValue + "\n"
                            + "    calculated: " + swap.NPV());
Exemplo n.º 35
Arquivo: Swap.cs Projeto: minikie/test
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(Swap obj) {
   return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
        public void testDecomposition()
            // Testing collared coupon against its decomposition...

            CommonVars vars = new CommonVars();

            double         tolerance = 1e-10;
            double         npvVanilla, npvCappedLeg, npvFlooredLeg, npvCollaredLeg, npvCap, npvFloor, npvCollar;
            double         error;
            double         floorstrike = 0.05;
            double         capstrike   = 0.10;
            List <double?> caps        = new InitializedList <double?>(vars.length, capstrike);
            List <double?> caps0       = new List <double?>();
            List <double?> floors      = new InitializedList <double?>(vars.length, floorstrike);
            List <double?> floors0     = new List <double?>();
            double         gearing_p   = 0.5;
            double         spread_p    = 0.002;
            double         gearing_n   = -1.5;
            double         spread_n    = 0.12;
            // fixed leg with zero rate
            List <CashFlow> fixedLeg = vars.makeFixedLeg(vars.startDate, vars.length);
            // floating leg with gearing=1 and spread=0
            List <CashFlow> floatLeg = vars.makeYoYLeg(vars.startDate, vars.length);
            // floating leg with positive gearing (gearing_p) and spread<>0
            List <CashFlow> floatLeg_p = vars.makeYoYLeg(vars.startDate, vars.length, gearing_p, spread_p);
            // floating leg with negative gearing (gearing_n) and spread<>0
            List <CashFlow> floatLeg_n = vars.makeYoYLeg(vars.startDate, vars.length, gearing_n, spread_n);
            // Swap with null fixed leg and floating leg with gearing=1 and spread=0
            Swap vanillaLeg = new Swap(fixedLeg, floatLeg);
            // Swap with null fixed leg and floating leg with positive gearing and spread<>0
            Swap vanillaLeg_p = new Swap(fixedLeg, floatLeg_p);
            // Swap with null fixed leg and floating leg with negative gearing and spread<>0
            Swap vanillaLeg_n = new Swap(fixedLeg, floatLeg_n);

            IPricingEngine engine = new DiscountingSwapEngine(vars.nominalTS);

            vanillaLeg.setPricingEngine(engine); // here use the autoset feature

            // CAPPED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
            // Payoff = Nom * Min(rate,strike) * accrualperiod =
            // = Nom * [rate + Min(0,strike-rate)] * accrualperiod =
            // = Nom * rate * accrualperiod - Nom * Max(rate-strike,0) * accrualperiod =
            // = VanillaFloatingLeg - Call

            int whichPricer = 0;

            // Case gearing = 1 and spread = 0
            List <CashFlow> cappedLeg = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length,
                                                                  caps, floors0, vars.volatility);
            Swap capLeg = new Swap(fixedLeg, cappedLeg);

            YoYInflationCap cap = new YoYInflationCap(floatLeg, new List <double>()

            cap.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvVanilla   = vanillaLeg.NPV();
            npvCappedLeg = capLeg.NPV();
            npvCap       = cap.NPV();
            error        = Math.Abs(npvCappedLeg - (npvVanilla - npvCap));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nYoY Capped Leg: gearing=1, spread=0%, strike=" + capstrike * 100 +
                             "%\n" +
                             "  Capped Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCappedLeg + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV - Cap NPV: " + (npvVanilla - npvCap) + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);

            // gearing = 1 and spread = 0
            // FLOORED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
            // Payoff = Nom * Max(rate,strike) * accrualperiod =
            // = Nom * [rate + Max(0,strike-rate)] * accrualperiod =
            // = Nom * rate * accrualperiod + Nom * Max(strike-rate,0) * accrualperiod =
            // = VanillaFloatingLeg + Put

            List <CashFlow> flooredLeg = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length,
                                                                   caps0, floors, vars.volatility);
            Swap floorLeg = new Swap(fixedLeg, flooredLeg);

            YoYInflationFloor floor = new YoYInflationFloor(floatLeg, new List <double>()

            floor.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvFlooredLeg = floorLeg.NPV();
            npvFloor      = floor.NPV();
            error         = Math.Abs(npvFlooredLeg - (npvVanilla + npvFloor));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("YoY Floored Leg: gearing=1, spread=0%, strike=" + floorstrike * 100 +
                             "%\n" +
                             "  Floored Floating Leg NPV: " + npvFlooredLeg + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV + Floor NPV: " + (npvVanilla + npvFloor) + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);

            // gearing = 1 and spread = 0
            // COLLARED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
            // Payoff = Nom * Min(strikem,Max(rate,strikeM)) * accrualperiod =
            // = VanillaFloatingLeg - Collar

            List <CashFlow> collaredLeg = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length,
                                                                    caps, floors, vars.volatility);
            Swap collarLeg = new Swap(fixedLeg, collaredLeg);

            YoYInflationCollar collar = new YoYInflationCollar(floatLeg,
                                                               new List <double>()
                                                               new List <double>()

            collar.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvCollaredLeg = collarLeg.NPV();
            npvCollar      = collar.NPV();
            error          = Math.Abs(npvCollaredLeg - (npvVanilla - npvCollar));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nYoY Collared Leg: gearing=1, spread=0%, strike=" +
                             floorstrike * 100 + "% and " + capstrike * 100 + "%\n" +
                             "  Collared Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCollaredLeg + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV - Collar NPV: " + (npvVanilla - npvCollar) + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);

            // gearing = a and spread = b
            // CAPPED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
            // Payoff
            // = Nom * Min(a*rate+b,strike) * accrualperiod =
            // = Nom * [a*rate+b + Min(0,strike-a*rate-b)] * accrualperiod =
            // = Nom * a*rate+b * accrualperiod + Nom * Min(strike-b-a*rate,0) * accrualperiod
            // --> If a>0 (assuming positive effective strike):
            // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg - Call(a*rate+b,strike)
            // --> If a<0 (assuming positive effective strike):
            // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg + Nom * Min(strike-b+|a|*rate+,0) * accrualperiod =
            // = VanillaFloatingLeg + Put(|a|*rate+b,strike)

            // Positive gearing
            List <CashFlow> cappedLeg_p = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length, caps, floors0,
                                                                    vars.volatility, gearing_p, spread_p);
            Swap capLeg_p = new Swap(fixedLeg, cappedLeg_p);

            YoYInflationCap cap_p = new YoYInflationCap(floatLeg_p, new List <double>()

            cap_p.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvVanilla   = vanillaLeg_p.NPV();
            npvCappedLeg = capLeg_p.NPV();
            npvCap       = cap_p.NPV();
            error        = Math.Abs(npvCappedLeg - (npvVanilla - npvCap));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nYoY Capped Leg: gearing=" + gearing_p + ", " +
                             "spread= " + spread_p * 100 +
                             "%, strike=" + capstrike * 100 + "%, " +
                             "effective strike= " + (capstrike - spread_p) / gearing_p * 100 +
                             "%\n" +
                             "  Capped Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCappedLeg + "\n" +
                             "  Vanilla Leg NPV: " + npvVanilla + "\n" +
                             "  Cap NPV: " + npvCap + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV - Cap NPV: " + (npvVanilla - npvCap) + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);

            // Negative gearing
            List <CashFlow> cappedLeg_n = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length, caps, floors0,
                                                                    vars.volatility, gearing_n, spread_n);
            Swap capLeg_n = new Swap(fixedLeg, cappedLeg_n);

            YoYInflationFloor floor_n = new YoYInflationFloor(floatLeg, new List <double>()
                (capstrike - spread_n) / gearing_n

            floor_n.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvVanilla   = vanillaLeg_n.NPV();
            npvCappedLeg = capLeg_n.NPV();
            npvFloor     = floor_n.NPV();
            error        = Math.Abs(npvCappedLeg - (npvVanilla + gearing_n * npvFloor));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nYoY Capped Leg: gearing=" + gearing_n + ", " +
                             "spread= " + spread_n * 100 +
                             "%, strike=" + capstrike * 100 + "%, " +
                             "effective strike= " + ((capstrike - spread_n) / gearing_n * 100) +
                             "%\n" +
                             "  Capped Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCappedLeg + "\n" +
                             "  npv Vanilla: " + npvVanilla + "\n" +
                             "  npvFloor: " + npvFloor + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV - Cap NPV: " + (npvVanilla + gearing_n * npvFloor) + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);

            // gearing = a and spread = b
            // FLOORED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
            // Payoff
            // = Nom * Max(a*rate+b,strike) * accrualperiod =
            // = Nom * [a*rate+b + Max(0,strike-a*rate-b)] * accrualperiod =
            // = Nom * a*rate+b * accrualperiod + Nom * Max(strike-b-a*rate,0) * accrualperiod
            // --> If a>0 (assuming positive effective strike):
            // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg + Put(a*rate+b,strike)
            // --> If a<0 (assuming positive effective strike):
            // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg + Nom * Max(strike-b+|a|*rate+,0) * accrualperiod =
            // = VanillaFloatingLeg - Call(|a|*rate+b,strike)

            // Positive gearing
            List <CashFlow> flooredLeg_p1 = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length, caps0, floors,
                                                                      vars.volatility, gearing_p, spread_p);
            Swap floorLeg_p1 = new Swap(fixedLeg, flooredLeg_p1);

            YoYInflationFloor floor_p1 = new YoYInflationFloor(floatLeg_p, new List <double>()

            floor_p1.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvVanilla    = vanillaLeg_p.NPV();
            npvFlooredLeg = floorLeg_p1.NPV();
            npvFloor      = floor_p1.NPV();
            error         = Math.Abs(npvFlooredLeg - (npvVanilla + npvFloor));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nYoY Floored Leg: gearing=" + gearing_p + ", "
                             + "spread= " + spread_p * 100 + "%, strike=" + floorstrike * 100 + "%, "
                             + "effective strike= " + (floorstrike - spread_p) / gearing_p * 100
                             + "%\n" +
                             "  Floored Floating Leg NPV: " + npvFlooredLeg
                             + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV + Floor NPV: " + (npvVanilla + npvFloor)
                             + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);
            // Negative gearing
            List <CashFlow> flooredLeg_n = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length, caps0, floors,
                                                                     vars.volatility, gearing_n, spread_n);
            Swap floorLeg_n = new Swap(fixedLeg, flooredLeg_n);

            YoYInflationCap cap_n = new YoYInflationCap(floatLeg, new List <double>()
                (floorstrike - spread_n) / gearing_n

            cap_n.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvVanilla    = vanillaLeg_n.NPV();
            npvFlooredLeg = floorLeg_n.NPV();
            npvCap        = cap_n.NPV();
            error         = Math.Abs(npvFlooredLeg - (npvVanilla - gearing_n * npvCap));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nYoY Capped Leg: gearing=" + gearing_n + ", " +
                             "spread= " + spread_n * 100 +
                             "%, strike=" + floorstrike * 100 + "%, " +
                             "effective strike= " + (floorstrike - spread_n) / gearing_n * 100 +
                             "%\n" +
                             "  Capped Floating Leg NPV: " + npvFlooredLeg + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV - Cap NPV: " + (npvVanilla - gearing_n * npvCap) + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);
            // gearing = a and spread = b
            // COLLARED coupon - Decomposition of payoff
            // Payoff = Nom * Min(caprate,Max(a*rate+b,floorrate)) * accrualperiod
            // --> If a>0 (assuming positive effective strike):
            // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg - Collar(a*rate+b, floorrate, caprate)
            // --> If a<0 (assuming positive effective strike):
            // Payoff = VanillaFloatingLeg + Collar(|a|*rate+b, caprate, floorrate)
            // Positive gearing
            List <CashFlow> collaredLeg_p = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length, caps, floors,
                                                                      vars.volatility, gearing_p, spread_p);
            Swap collarLeg_p1 = new Swap(fixedLeg, collaredLeg_p);

            YoYInflationCollar collar_p = new YoYInflationCollar(floatLeg_p,
                                                                 new List <double>()
                                                                 new List <double>()

            collar_p.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvVanilla     = vanillaLeg_p.NPV();
            npvCollaredLeg = collarLeg_p1.NPV();
            npvCollar      = collar_p.NPV();
            error          = Math.Abs(npvCollaredLeg - (npvVanilla - npvCollar));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nYoY Collared Leg: gearing=" + gearing_p + ", "
                             + "spread= " + spread_p * 100 + "%, strike="
                             + floorstrike * 100 + "% and " + capstrike * 100
                             + "%, "
                             + "effective strike=" + (floorstrike - spread_p) / gearing_p * 100
                             + "% and " + (capstrike - spread_p) / gearing_p * 100
                             + "%\n" +
                             "  Collared Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCollaredLeg
                             + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV - Collar NPV: " + (npvVanilla - npvCollar)
                             + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);
            // Negative gearing
            List <CashFlow> collaredLeg_n = vars.makeYoYCapFlooredLeg(whichPricer, vars.startDate, vars.length, caps, floors,
                                                                      vars.volatility, gearing_n, spread_n);
            Swap collarLeg_n1 = new Swap(fixedLeg, collaredLeg_n);

            YoYInflationCollar collar_n = new YoYInflationCollar(floatLeg,
                                                                 new List <double>()
                (floorstrike - spread_n) / gearing_n
                                                                 new List <double>()
                (capstrike - spread_n) / gearing_n

            collar_n.setPricingEngine(vars.makeEngine(vars.volatility, whichPricer));
            npvVanilla     = vanillaLeg_n.NPV();
            npvCollaredLeg = collarLeg_n1.NPV();
            npvCollar      = collar_n.NPV();
            error          = Math.Abs(npvCollaredLeg - (npvVanilla - gearing_n * npvCollar));
            if (error > tolerance)
                QAssert.Fail("\nYoY Collared Leg: gearing=" + gearing_n + ", "
                             + "spread= " + spread_n * 100 + "%, strike="
                             + floorstrike * 100 + "% and " + capstrike * 100
                             + "%, "
                             + "effective strike=" + (floorstrike - spread_n) / gearing_n * 100
                             + "% and " + (capstrike - spread_n) / gearing_n * 100
                             + "%\n" +
                             "  Collared Floating Leg NPV: " + npvCollaredLeg
                             + "\n" +
                             "  Floating Leg NPV - Collar NPV: " + (npvVanilla - gearing_n * npvCollar)
                             + "\n" +
                             "  Diff: " + error);
            // remove circular refernce
Exemplo n.º 37
        private Swap AttemptSwap(int x, int y, bool horizontal, Animal animal)
            var xDelta = horizontal ? 1 : 0;
            var yDelta = horizontal ? 0 : 1;

            if ((!horizontal || x >= Width - 1) && (horizontal || y >= Height - 1))
                return null;

            var other = GetAnimalAt(x + xDelta, y + yDelta);
            if (other == null)
                return null;

            SetAnimalAt(x, y, other);
            SetAnimalAt(x + xDelta, y + yDelta, animal);

            Swap swap = null;
            if (ChainExistsAt(x + xDelta, y + yDelta) || ChainExistsAt(x, y))
                swap = new Swap(animal, other);

            SetAnimalAt(x, y, animal);
            SetAnimalAt(x + xDelta, y + yDelta, other);
            return swap;
Exemplo n.º 38
        public static Task StartSwapRedeemedControlAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            DateTime refundTimeUtc,
            TimeSpan interval,
            bool cancelOnlyIfRefundTimeReached,
            Func <Swap, byte[], CancellationToken, Task> redeemedHandler,
            Func <Swap, DateTime, CancellationToken, Task> canceledHandler,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            return(Task.Run(async() =>
                    while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        var isRedeemedResult = await IsRedeemedAsync(
                            swap: swap,
                            currency: currency,
                            cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

                        if (isRedeemedResult.HasError && isRedeemedResult.Error.Code != Errors.RequestError) // has error
                            await canceledHandler
                            .Invoke(swap, refundTimeUtc, cancellationToken)

                        else if (!isRedeemedResult.HasError && isRedeemedResult.Value != null) // has secret
                            await redeemedHandler
                            .Invoke(swap, isRedeemedResult.Value, cancellationToken)


                        if (!cancelOnlyIfRefundTimeReached || DateTime.UtcNow >= refundTimeUtc)
                            await canceledHandler
                            .Invoke(swap, refundTimeUtc, cancellationToken)


                        await Task.Delay(interval, cancellationToken)
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    Log.Debug("StartSwapRedeemedControlAsync canceled.");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error(e, "StartSwapRedeemedControlAsync error.");
            }, cancellationToken));
Exemplo n.º 39
        protected override async Task <IEnumerable <EthereumTransaction> > CreatePaymentTxsAsync(
            Swap swap,
            int lockTimeInSeconds,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var erc20 = Erc20;

            Log.Debug("Create payment transactions for swap {@swapId}", swap.Id);

            var requiredAmountInERC20   = AmountHelper.QtyToAmount(swap.Side, swap.Qty, swap.Price, erc20.DigitsMultiplier);
            var refundTimeStampUtcInSec = new DateTimeOffset(swap.TimeStamp.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds(lockTimeInSeconds)).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
            var isInitTx = true;
            var rewardForRedeemInERC20 = swap.PartyRewardForRedeem;

            var unspentAddresses = (await Erc20Account
                                   .SortList((a, b) => a.AvailableBalance().CompareTo(b.AvailableBalance()));

            var transactions = new List <EthereumTransaction>();

            foreach (var walletAddress in unspentAddresses)
                Log.Debug("Create swap payment tx from address {@address} for swap {@swapId}", walletAddress.Address, swap.Id);

                var balanceInEth = (await EthereumAccount
                                        address: walletAddress.Address,
                                        cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

                var balanceInERC20 = (await Erc20Account
                                          address: walletAddress.Address,
                                          cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

                Log.Debug("Available balance: {@balance}", balanceInERC20);

                var feeAmountInEth = (isInitTx
                    ? rewardForRedeemInERC20 == 0
                        ? erc20.InitiateFeeAmount
                        : erc20.InitiateWithRewardFeeAmount
                    : erc20.AddFeeAmount) + erc20.ApproveFeeAmount;

                if (balanceInEth - feeAmountInEth <= 0)
                        "Insufficient funds at {@address}. Balance: {@balance}, feeAmount: {@feeAmount}, result: {@result}.",
                        balanceInEth - feeAmountInEth);


                var amountInERC20 = requiredAmountInERC20 > 0
                    ? AmountHelper.DustProofMin(balanceInERC20, requiredAmountInERC20, erc20.DigitsMultiplier, erc20.DustDigitsMultiplier)
                    : 0;

                requiredAmountInERC20 -= amountInERC20;

                var nonceResult = await EthereumNonceManager.Instance
                                  .GetNonceAsync(erc20, walletAddress.Address)

                if (nonceResult.HasError)
                    Log.Error("Nonce getting error with code {@code} and description {@description}",


                var nonce = nonceResult.Value;

                var allowanceMessage = new ERC20AllowanceFunctionMessage()
                    Owner       = walletAddress.Address,
                    Spender     = erc20.SwapContractAddress,
                    FromAddress = walletAddress.Address

                var allowance = await((IEthereumBlockchainApi)erc20.BlockchainApi)
                    erc20: erc20,
                    tokenAddress: erc20.ERC20ContractAddress,
                    allowanceMessage: allowanceMessage,
                    cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

                if (allowance.Value > 0)
                    transactions.Add(await CreateApproveTx(walletAddress, nonceResult.Value, 0)
                    nonce += 1;
                    transactions.Add(new EthereumTransaction());

                transactions.Add(await CreateApproveTx(walletAddress, nonce, erc20.TokensToTokenDigits(amountInERC20))
                nonce += 1;

                TransactionInput txInput;

                //actual transfer
                if (isInitTx)
                    var initMessage = new ERC20InitiateFunctionMessage
                        HashedSecret    = swap.SecretHash,
                        ERC20Contract   = erc20.ERC20ContractAddress,
                        Participant     = swap.PartyAddress,
                        RefundTimestamp = refundTimeStampUtcInSec,
                        Countdown       = lockTimeInSeconds,
                        Value           = erc20.TokensToTokenDigits(amountInERC20),
                        RedeemFee       = erc20.TokensToTokenDigits(rewardForRedeemInERC20),
                        Active          = true,
                        FromAddress     = walletAddress.Address,
                        GasPrice        = Atomex.Ethereum.GweiToWei(erc20.GasPriceInGwei),
                        Nonce           = nonce

                    var initiateGasLimit = rewardForRedeemInERC20 == 0
                        ? erc20.InitiateGasLimit
                        : erc20.InitiateWithRewardGasLimit;

                    initMessage.Gas = await EstimateGasAsync(initMessage, new BigInteger(initiateGasLimit))

                    txInput = initMessage.CreateTransactionInput(erc20.SwapContractAddress);
                    var addMessage = new ERC20AddFunctionMessage
                        HashedSecret = swap.SecretHash,
                        Value        = erc20.TokensToTokenDigits(amountInERC20),
                        FromAddress  = walletAddress.Address,
                        GasPrice     = Atomex.Ethereum.GweiToWei(erc20.GasPriceInGwei),
                        Nonce        = nonce

                    addMessage.Gas = await EstimateGasAsync(addMessage, new BigInteger(erc20.AddGasLimit))

                    txInput = addMessage.CreateTransactionInput(erc20.SwapContractAddress);

                transactions.Add(new EthereumTransaction(erc20, txInput)
                    Type = BlockchainTransactionType.Output | BlockchainTransactionType.SwapPayment

                if (isInitTx)
                    isInitTx = false;

                if (requiredAmountInERC20 <= 0)

            if (requiredAmountInERC20 > 0)
                Log.Warning("Insufficient ERC20 or Eth funds (left {@requiredAmount}).", requiredAmountInERC20);
                return(Enumerable.Empty <EthereumTransaction>());

Exemplo n.º 40
 private void swapPoints(int i, int j)
     Swap.swap(ref scores[i], ref scores[j]);
     Swap.swap(ref points[i].x, ref points[j].x);
     Swap.swap(ref points[i].y, ref points[j].y);
Exemplo n.º 41
        public override async Task PayAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (!CheckPayRelevance(swap))

            var lockTimeInSeconds = swap.IsInitiator
                ? DefaultInitiatorLockTimeInSeconds
                : DefaultAcceptorLockTimeInSeconds;

            var txs = (await CreatePaymentTxsAsync(swap, lockTimeInSeconds)

            if (txs.Count == 0)
                Log.Error("Can't create payment transactions");

                foreach (int i in new int[] { 0, 1 })
                    var approvalTxs = txs
                                      .Where((tx, j) => j % 3 == i)

                    var isApproved = await ApproveAsync(swap, approvalTxs, cancellationToken)

                    if (!isApproved)
                        Log.Error("Approve txs are not confirmed after timeout {@timeout}", InitiationTimeout.Minutes);

                txs = txs
                      .Where(tx => tx.Type.HasFlag(BlockchainTransactionType.SwapPayment))

                var isInitiateTx = true;

                foreach (var tx in txs)
                    var signResult = await SignTransactionAsync(tx, cancellationToken)

                    if (!signResult)
                        Log.Error("Transaction signing error");

                    if (isInitiateTx)
                        swap.PaymentTx   = tx;
                        swap.StateFlags |= SwapStateFlags.IsPaymentSigned;
                        RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.IsPaymentSigned);

                    await BroadcastTxAsync(swap, tx, cancellationToken)

                    if (isInitiateTx)
                        swap.PaymentTx   = tx;
                        swap.StateFlags |= SwapStateFlags.IsPaymentBroadcast;
                        RaiseSwapUpdated(swap, SwapStateFlags.IsPaymentBroadcast);

                        isInitiateTx = false;

                        // delay for contract initiation
                        if (txs.Count > 1)
                            var isInitiated = await WaitPaymentConfirmationAsync(
                                txId : tx.Id,
                                timeout : InitiationTimeout,
                                cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

                            if (!isInitiated)
                                Log.Error("Initiation payment tx not confirmed after timeout {@timeout}", InitiationTimeout.Minutes);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(e, "Swap payment error for swap {@swapId}", swap.Id);

            if (swap.StateFlags.HasFlag(SwapStateFlags.IsPaymentBroadcast))
                // start redeem control async
                await StartWaitForRedeemAsync(swap, cancellationToken)
Exemplo n.º 42
        private void LoadSettings_1_3_2(BinaryTextReader btr)
            // items
            bool randAbilities = btr.ReadBool();
            bool randTanks     = btr.ReadBool();

            if (randAbilities && randTanks)
                AbilitySwap = Swap.GlobalPool;
                TankSwap    = Swap.GlobalPool;
            else if (randAbilities)
                AbilitySwap = Swap.LocalPool;
            else if (randTanks)
                TankSwap = Swap.LocalPool;

            if (btr.ReadBool())
                NumItemsRemoved = btr.ReadNumber(7);
            if (SwapOrRemoveItems)
                Completion          = (GameCompletion)btr.ReadNumber(2);
                IceNotRequired      = btr.ReadBool();
                PlasmaNotRequired   = btr.ReadBool();
                NoPBsBeforeChozodia = btr.ReadBool();
                ChozoStatueHints    = btr.ReadBool();
                InfiniteBombJump    = btr.ReadBool();
                WallJumping         = btr.ReadBool();

            // locations
            if (btr.ReadBool())
                int count = btr.ReadNumber(7);
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    int      locNum = btr.ReadNumber(7);
                    ItemType item   = (ItemType)btr.ReadNumber(5);
                    CustomAssignments[locNum] = item;

            // enemies
            RandoEnemies = btr.ReadBool();

            // palettes
            TilesetPalettes = btr.ReadBool();
            EnemyPalettes   = btr.ReadBool();
            BeamPalettes    = btr.ReadBool();
            if (RandomPalettes)
                if (btr.ReadBool())
                    HueMinimum = btr.ReadNumber(8);
                if (btr.ReadBool())
                    HueMaximum = btr.ReadNumber(8);

            // misc
            EnableItemToggle    = btr.ReadBool();
            ObtainUnkItems      = btr.ReadBool();
            HardModeAvailable   = btr.ReadBool();
            PauseScreenInfo     = btr.ReadBool();
            RemoveCutscenes     = btr.ReadBool();
            SkipSuitless        = btr.ReadBool();
            SkipDoorTransitions = btr.ReadBool();
Exemplo n.º 43
        public override async Task RedeemForPartyAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            Log.Debug("Create redeem for counterParty for swap {@swapId}", swap.Id);

            var erc20 = Erc20;

            var walletAddress = (await Erc20Account
                                     toAddress: null, // todo: get participant address
                                     amount: 0,
                                     fee: 0,
                                     feePrice: 0,
                                     feeUsagePolicy: FeeUsagePolicy.EstimatedFee,
                                     addressUsagePolicy: AddressUsagePolicy.UseOnlyOneAddress,
                                     transactionType: BlockchainTransactionType.SwapRedeem,
                                     cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

            if (walletAddress == null)
                Log.Error("Insufficient balance for party redeem. Cannot find the address containing the required amount of funds.");

            var nonceResult = await EthereumNonceManager.Instance
                              .GetNonceAsync(erc20, walletAddress.Address, cancellationToken)

            if (nonceResult.HasError)
                Log.Error("Nonce getting error with code {@code} and description {@description}",


            var message = new RedeemFunctionMessage
                FromAddress  = walletAddress.Address,
                HashedSecret = swap.SecretHash,
                Secret       = swap.Secret,
                Nonce        = nonceResult.Value,
                GasPrice     = Atomex.Ethereum.GweiToWei(erc20.GasPriceInGwei),

            message.Gas = await EstimateGasAsync(message, new BigInteger(erc20.RedeemGasLimit))

            var txInput = message.CreateTransactionInput(erc20.SwapContractAddress);

            var redeemTx = new EthereumTransaction(erc20, txInput)
                Type = BlockchainTransactionType.Output | BlockchainTransactionType.SwapRedeem

            var signResult = await SignTransactionAsync(redeemTx, cancellationToken)

            if (!signResult)
                Log.Error("Transaction signing error");

            await BroadcastTxAsync(swap, redeemTx, cancellationToken)
Exemplo n.º 44
 public override System.Collections.IList Operations()
     System.Collections.IList operations = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
     for (int i = 0; i < _code.Length - 1; i++)
         if (_code[i][1] + _code[i][2] == _code[i + 1][1])
             // adjacent
             Operation op = new Swap(EnclosingInstance, index, i, i + 1);
     return operations;
Exemplo n.º 45
        public static char[] BuildKey(string key, Mode mode, Swap swap)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");

            string seed = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

            char[] cipherKey = new char[5 * 5];
            key = key.ToUpper();
            char cSwap;
            char cMode;

            switch (swap)
            case Swap.X:
                cSwap = 'X';

            case Swap.Z:
                cSwap = 'Z';

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("swap");

            switch (mode)
            case Mode.Q:
                cMode = 'Q';
                key   = key.Replace('Q', cSwap);

            case Mode.J:
                cMode = 'J';
                key   = key.Replace('J', 'I');

            case Mode.I:
                cMode = 'I';
                key   = key.Replace('I', 'J');

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("mode");
            seed = seed.Replace(cMode.ToString(), "");
            int pos = 0;

            foreach (char currentChar in key.ToCharArray())
                if (seed.IndexOf(currentChar) >= 0)
                    seed             = seed.Replace(currentChar.ToString(), "");
                    cipherKey[pos++] = currentChar;

                if (pos >= cipherKey.Length)

            foreach (char currentChar in seed.ToCharArray())
                if (pos >= cipherKey.Length)
                cipherKey[pos++] = currentChar;

        public static async Task <Result <byte[]> > IsRedeemedAsync(
            Swap swap,
            Currency currency,
            Atomex.Tezos tezos,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
                Log.Debug("Tezos FA2: check redeem event");

                var fa2 = (TezosTokens.FA2)currency;

                var contractAddress = fa2.SwapContractAddress;

                var blockchainApi = (ITezosBlockchainApi)tezos.BlockchainApi;

                var txsResult = await blockchainApi
                                .TryGetTransactionsAsync(contractAddress, cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

                if (txsResult == null)
                    return(new Error(Errors.RequestError, $"Connection error while getting txs from contract {contractAddress}"));

                if (txsResult.HasError)
                    Log.Error("Error while get transactions from contract {@contract}. Code: {@code}. Description: {@desc}",


                var txs = txsResult.Value
                          ?.Cast <TezosTransaction>()

                if (txs != null)
                    foreach (var tx in txs)
                        if (tx.To == contractAddress && IsSwapRedeem(tx, swap.SecretHash))
                            // redeem!
                            var secret = GetSecret(tx);

                            Log.Debug("Redeem event received with secret {@secret}", Convert.ToBase64String(secret));


                        if (tx.BlockInfo?.BlockTime == null)

                        var blockTimeUtc = tx.BlockInfo.BlockTime.Value.ToUniversalTime();
                        var swapTimeUtc  = swap.TimeStamp.ToUniversalTime();

                        if (blockTimeUtc < swapTimeUtc)
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(e, "Tezos FA2 redeem control task error");

                return(new Error(Errors.InternalError, e.Message));

Exemplo n.º 47
        protected override void performCalculations()
            Period indexTenor = index_.tenor();
            double fixedRate = 0.04; // dummy value
            Date startDate, maturity;
            if ( includeFirstSwaplet_ )
                startDate =;
                maturity = + length_;
                startDate = + indexTenor;
                maturity = + length_;
            IborIndex dummyIndex = new IborIndex( "dummy",
                             termStructure_ );

            InitializedList<double> nominals = new InitializedList<double>( 1, 1.0 );

            Schedule floatSchedule = new Schedule( startDate, maturity,
                                          index_.tenor(), index_.fixingCalendar(),
                                          DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false );
            List<CashFlow> floatingLeg = new IborLeg( floatSchedule, index_ )
                 .withFixingDays( 0 )
                 .withNotionals( nominals )
                 .withPaymentAdjustment( index_.businessDayConvention() );

            Schedule fixedSchedule = new Schedule( startDate, maturity, new Period( fixedLegFrequency_ ),
                                          BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted, BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted,
                                          DateGeneration.Rule.Forward, false );
            List<CashFlow> fixedLeg = new FixedRateLeg( fixedSchedule )
                 .withCouponRates( fixedRate, fixedLegDayCounter_ )
                 .withNotionals( nominals )
                 .withPaymentAdjustment( index_.businessDayConvention() );

            Swap swap = new Swap( floatingLeg, fixedLeg );
            swap.setPricingEngine( new DiscountingSwapEngine( termStructure_, false ) );
            double fairRate = fixedRate - (double)(swap.NPV() / ( swap.legBPS( 1 ) / 1.0e-4 ));
            cap_ = new Cap( floatingLeg, new InitializedList<double>( 1, fairRate ) );

Exemplo n.º 48
 protected SwapPricer(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, String nameSpace,
                      List <Pair <IBusinessCalendar, IBusinessCalendar> > legCalendars,
                      Swap swapFpML, string basePartyReference, ProductTypeSimpleEnum productType)
     : this(logger, cache, nameSpace, legCalendars, swapFpML, basePartyReference, productType, false)
 public Strategy(XmlNode xmlNode)
 : base(xmlNode)
     XmlNodeList strategyComponentIdentifierNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("strategyComponentIdentifier");
     foreach (XmlNode item in strategyComponentIdentifierNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 strategyComponentIdentifierIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 List<StrategyComponentIdentification> ob = new List<StrategyComponentIdentification>();
                 ob.Add(new StrategyComponentIdentification(item));
                 IDManager.SetID(strategyComponentIdentifierIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 strategyComponentIdentifierIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
             strategyComponentIdentifier.Add(new StrategyComponentIdentification(item));
     XmlNodeList premiumProductReferenceNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("premiumProductReference");
     if (premiumProductReferenceNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in premiumProductReferenceNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 premiumProductReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 ProductReference ob = ProductReference();
                 IDManager.SetID(premiumProductReferenceIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 premiumProductReferenceIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 premiumProductReference = new ProductReference(item);
     XmlNodeList productNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("product");
     if (productNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in productNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 productIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Product ob = Product();
                 IDManager.SetID(productIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 productIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 product = new Product(item);
     XmlNodeList forwardNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("forward");
     if (forwardNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in forwardNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 forwardIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 ForwardSale ob = ForwardSale();
                 IDManager.SetID(forwardIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 forwardIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 forward = new ForwardSale(item);
     XmlNodeList bondOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("bondOption");
     if (bondOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in bondOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 bondOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 BondOption ob = BondOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(bondOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 bondOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 bondOption = new BondOption(item);
     XmlNodeList creditDefaultSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("creditDefaultSwap");
     if (creditDefaultSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in creditDefaultSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 creditDefaultSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CreditDefaultSwap ob = CreditDefaultSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(creditDefaultSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 creditDefaultSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 creditDefaultSwap = new CreditDefaultSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList creditDefaultSwapOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("creditDefaultSwapOption");
     if (creditDefaultSwapOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in creditDefaultSwapOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 creditDefaultSwapOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CreditDefaultSwapOption ob = CreditDefaultSwapOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(creditDefaultSwapOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 creditDefaultSwapOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 creditDefaultSwapOption = new CreditDefaultSwapOption(item);
     XmlNodeList commodityForwardNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("commodityForward");
     if (commodityForwardNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in commodityForwardNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 commodityForwardIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CommodityForward ob = CommodityForward();
                 IDManager.SetID(commodityForwardIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 commodityForwardIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 commodityForward = new CommodityForward(item);
     XmlNodeList commodityOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("commodityOption");
     if (commodityOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in commodityOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 commodityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CommodityOption ob = CommodityOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(commodityOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 commodityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 commodityOption = new CommodityOption(item);
     XmlNodeList commoditySwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("commoditySwap");
     if (commoditySwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in commoditySwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 commoditySwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CommoditySwap ob = CommoditySwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(commoditySwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 commoditySwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 commoditySwap = new CommoditySwap(item);
     XmlNodeList commoditySwaptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("commoditySwaption");
     if (commoditySwaptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in commoditySwaptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 commoditySwaptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CommoditySwaption ob = CommoditySwaption();
                 IDManager.SetID(commoditySwaptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 commoditySwaptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 commoditySwaption = new CommoditySwaption(item);
     XmlNodeList correlationSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("correlationSwap");
     if (correlationSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in correlationSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 correlationSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CorrelationSwap ob = CorrelationSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(correlationSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 correlationSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 correlationSwap = new CorrelationSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement");
     if (dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 DividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement ob = DividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 dividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement = new DividendSwapOptionTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList dividendSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("dividendSwapTransactionSupplement");
     if (dividendSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in dividendSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 dividendSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 DividendSwapTransactionSupplement ob = DividendSwapTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(dividendSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 dividendSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 dividendSwapTransactionSupplement = new DividendSwapTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList instrumentTradeDetailsNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("instrumentTradeDetails");
     if (instrumentTradeDetailsNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in instrumentTradeDetailsNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 instrumentTradeDetailsIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 InstrumentTradeDetails ob = InstrumentTradeDetails();
                 IDManager.SetID(instrumentTradeDetailsIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 instrumentTradeDetailsIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 instrumentTradeDetails = new InstrumentTradeDetails(item);
     XmlNodeList strategyNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("strategy");
     if (strategyNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in strategyNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 strategyIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Strategy ob = Strategy();
                 IDManager.SetID(strategyIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 strategyIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 strategy = new Strategy(item);
     XmlNodeList returnSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("returnSwap");
     if (returnSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in returnSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 returnSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 ReturnSwap ob = ReturnSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(returnSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 returnSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 returnSwap = new ReturnSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList brokerEquityOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("brokerEquityOption");
     if (brokerEquityOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in brokerEquityOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 brokerEquityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 BrokerEquityOption ob = BrokerEquityOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(brokerEquityOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 brokerEquityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 brokerEquityOption = new BrokerEquityOption(item);
     XmlNodeList equityForwardNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("equityForward");
     if (equityForwardNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in equityForwardNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 equityForwardIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EquityForward ob = EquityForward();
                 IDManager.SetID(equityForwardIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 equityForwardIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 equityForward = new EquityForward(item);
     XmlNodeList equityOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("equityOption");
     if (equityOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in equityOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 equityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EquityOption ob = EquityOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(equityOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 equityOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 equityOption = new EquityOption(item);
     XmlNodeList equityOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("equityOptionTransactionSupplement");
     if (equityOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in equityOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 equityOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EquityOptionTransactionSupplement ob = EquityOptionTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(equityOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 equityOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 equityOptionTransactionSupplement = new EquityOptionTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList fxSingleLegNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fxSingleLeg");
     if (fxSingleLegNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fxSingleLegNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fxSingleLegIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 FxSingleLeg ob = FxSingleLeg();
                 IDManager.SetID(fxSingleLegIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fxSingleLegIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fxSingleLeg = new FxSingleLeg(item);
     XmlNodeList fxSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fxSwap");
     if (fxSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fxSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fxSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 FxSwap ob = FxSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(fxSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fxSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fxSwap = new FxSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList fxOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fxOption");
     if (fxOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fxOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fxOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 FxOption ob = FxOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(fxOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fxOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fxOption = new FxOption(item);
     XmlNodeList fxDigitalOptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fxDigitalOption");
     if (fxDigitalOptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fxDigitalOptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fxDigitalOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 FxDigitalOption ob = FxDigitalOption();
                 IDManager.SetID(fxDigitalOptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fxDigitalOptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fxDigitalOption = new FxDigitalOption(item);
     XmlNodeList termDepositNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("termDeposit");
     if (termDepositNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in termDepositNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 termDepositIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 TermDeposit ob = TermDeposit();
                 IDManager.SetID(termDepositIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 termDepositIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 termDeposit = new TermDeposit(item);
     XmlNodeList genericProductNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("genericProduct");
     if (genericProductNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in genericProductNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 genericProductIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 GenericProduct ob = GenericProduct();
                 IDManager.SetID(genericProductIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 genericProductIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 genericProduct = new GenericProduct(item);
     XmlNodeList nonSchemaProductNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("nonSchemaProduct");
     if (nonSchemaProductNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in nonSchemaProductNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 nonSchemaProductIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 GenericProduct ob = GenericProduct();
                 IDManager.SetID(nonSchemaProductIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 nonSchemaProductIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 nonSchemaProduct = new GenericProduct(item);
     XmlNodeList bulletPaymentNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("bulletPayment");
     if (bulletPaymentNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in bulletPaymentNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 bulletPaymentIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 BulletPayment ob = BulletPayment();
                 IDManager.SetID(bulletPaymentIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 bulletPaymentIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 bulletPayment = new BulletPayment(item);
     XmlNodeList capFloorNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("capFloor");
     if (capFloorNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in capFloorNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 capFloorIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 CapFloor ob = CapFloor();
                 IDManager.SetID(capFloorIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 capFloorIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 capFloor = new CapFloor(item);
     XmlNodeList fraNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("fra");
     if (fraNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in fraNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 fraIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Fra ob = Fra();
                 IDManager.SetID(fraIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 fraIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 fra = new Fra(item);
     XmlNodeList swapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("swap");
     if (swapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in swapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 swapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Swap ob = Swap();
                 IDManager.SetID(swapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 swapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 swap = new Swap(item);
     XmlNodeList swaptionNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("swaption");
     if (swaptionNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in swaptionNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 swaptionIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 Swaption ob = Swaption();
                 IDManager.SetID(swaptionIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 swaptionIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 swaption = new Swaption(item);
     XmlNodeList equitySwapTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("equitySwapTransactionSupplement");
     if (equitySwapTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in equitySwapTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 equitySwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 EquitySwapTransactionSupplement ob = EquitySwapTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(equitySwapTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 equitySwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 equitySwapTransactionSupplement = new EquitySwapTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList standardProductNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("standardProduct");
     if (standardProductNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in standardProductNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 standardProductIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 StandardProduct ob = StandardProduct();
                 IDManager.SetID(standardProductIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 standardProductIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 standardProduct = new StandardProduct(item);
     XmlNodeList varianceOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("varianceOptionTransactionSupplement");
     if (varianceOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in varianceOptionTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 varianceOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 VarianceOptionTransactionSupplement ob = VarianceOptionTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(varianceOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 varianceOptionTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 varianceOptionTransactionSupplement = new VarianceOptionTransactionSupplement(item);
     XmlNodeList varianceSwapNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("varianceSwap");
     if (varianceSwapNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in varianceSwapNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 varianceSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 VarianceSwap ob = VarianceSwap();
                 IDManager.SetID(varianceSwapIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 varianceSwapIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 varianceSwap = new VarianceSwap(item);
     XmlNodeList varianceSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList = xmlNode.SelectNodes("varianceSwapTransactionSupplement");
     if (varianceSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList.Count > 1 )
             throw new Exception();
     foreach (XmlNode item in varianceSwapTransactionSupplementNodeList)
         if (item.Attributes["href"] != null || item.Attributes["id"] == null) 
             if (item.Attributes["id"] != null) 
                 varianceSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["id"].Name;
                 VarianceSwapTransactionSupplement ob = VarianceSwapTransactionSupplement();
                 IDManager.SetID(varianceSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef, ob);
             else if (item.Attributes.ToString() == "href")
                 varianceSwapTransactionSupplementIDRef = item.Attributes["href"].Name;
                 varianceSwapTransactionSupplement = new VarianceSwapTransactionSupplement(item);
Exemplo n.º 50
        protected SwapPricer(ILogger logger, ICoreCache cache, String nameSpace,
                             List <Pair <IBusinessCalendar, IBusinessCalendar> > legCalendars,
                             Swap swapFpML, string basePartyReference,
                             ProductTypeSimpleEnum productType, Boolean forecastRateInterpolation)
            Multiplier = 1.0m;
            if (swapFpML == null)
            ForecastRateInterpolation = forecastRateInterpolation;
            //Get the effective date
            AdjustableDate adjustableEffectiveDate = XsdClassesFieldResolver.CalculationPeriodDatesGetEffectiveDate(swapFpML.swapStream[0].calculationPeriodDates);

            EffectiveDate = adjustableEffectiveDate.unadjustedDate.Value;
            //We make the assumption that the termination date is the same for all legs.
            AdjustableDate adjustableTerminationDate = XsdClassesFieldResolver.CalculationPeriodDatesGetTerminationDate(swapFpML.swapStream[0].calculationPeriodDates);
            var            paymentCalendar           = BusinessCenterHelper.ToBusinessCalendar(cache, adjustableTerminationDate.dateAdjustments.businessCenters, nameSpace);

            TerminationDate  = AdjustedDateHelper.ToAdjustedDate(paymentCalendar, adjustableTerminationDate);
            RiskMaturityDate = TerminationDate;
            //EffectiveDate is not set;
            ProductType       = productType;
            PaymentCurrencies = new List <string>();
            //Resolve the payer
            var legs = swapFpML.swapStream.Length;

            if (legs == 0)
            var flag  = false;
            var index = 0;

            if (legCalendars != null && legCalendars.Count == legs)
                flag = true;
            foreach (var swapStream in swapFpML.swapStream)
                bool payerIsBase = basePartyReference == swapStream.payerPartyReference.href;//TODO add in the calendar functionality.
                //Set the id of the first stream.
                PriceableInterestRateStream leg = flag ? new PriceableInterestRateStream(logger, cache, nameSpace, payerIsBase, swapStream, ForecastRateInterpolation, legCalendars[index].First, legCalendars[index].Second)
                    : new PriceableInterestRateStream(logger, cache, nameSpace, payerIsBase, swapStream, ForecastRateInterpolation, null, null);
                //Add the currencies for the trade pricer.
                if (!PaymentCurrencies.Contains(leg.Currency.Value))
            if (swapFpML.additionalPayment != null)
                AdditionalPayments = PriceableInstrumentsFactory.CreatePriceablePayments(basePartyReference, swapFpML.additionalPayment, null);
                foreach (var payment in swapFpML.additionalPayment)
                    if (!PaymentCurrencies.Contains(payment.paymentAmount.currency.Value))
        private SwapTrade getMtmTrade(bool initialExchange, bool intermediateExchange, bool finalExchange, double?initialNotional)
            SwapLeg payLeg = RateCalculationSwapLeg.builder().payReceive(PAY).accrualSchedule(PeriodicSchedule.builder().startDate(LocalDate.of(2014, 1, 24)).endDate(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 24)).frequency(P3M).businessDayAdjustment(BDA_MF).build()).paymentSchedule(PaymentSchedule.builder().paymentFrequency(P3M).paymentDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.NONE).build()).notionalSchedule(NotionalSchedule.builder().finalExchange(finalExchange).initialExchange(initialExchange).amount(ValueSchedule.of(NOTIONAL_EUR)).currency(EUR).build()).calculation(IborRateCalculation.builder().index(EUR_EURIBOR_3M).fixingDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.ofBusinessDays(-2, CalendarUSD.NYC, BDA_P)).spread(ValueSchedule.of(0.0020)).build()).build();

            SwapLeg receiveLeg = RateCalculationSwapLeg.builder().payReceive(RECEIVE).accrualSchedule(PeriodicSchedule.builder().startDate(LocalDate.of(2014, 1, 24)).endDate(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 24)).frequency(P3M).businessDayAdjustment(BDA_MF).build()).paymentSchedule(PaymentSchedule.builder().paymentFrequency(P3M).paymentDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.NONE).build()).notionalSchedule(NotionalSchedule.builder().finalExchange(finalExchange).initialExchange(initialExchange).intermediateExchange(intermediateExchange).amount(ValueSchedule.of(NOTIONAL_USD)).currency(USD).fxReset(FxResetCalculation.builder().fixingDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.ofBusinessDays(-2, CalendarUSD.NYC, BDA_P)).referenceCurrency(EUR).index(EUR_USD_WM).initialNotionalValue(initialNotional).build()).build()).calculation(IborRateCalculation.builder().index(USD_LIBOR_3M).fixingDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.ofBusinessDays(-2, CalendarUSD.NYC, BDA_P)).build()).build();

            return(SwapTrade.builder().info(TradeInfo.builder().tradeDate(LocalDate.of(2014, 9, 10)).build()).product(Swap.of(payLeg, receiveLeg)).build());
Exemplo n.º 52
 private bool IsInitiate(Swap swap, Swap receivedSwap)
     return(swap.IsStatusSet(receivedSwap.Status, SwapStatus.Initiated));
Exemplo n.º 53
        public bool EditBeerOfferedName(int _postid, Swap _swap, string _newName)
            var query = from p in context.BeerPostings where p.BeerPostingID == _postid select p;
            BeerPosting found_post = null;
            bool result = true;

                found_post = query.Single<BeerPosting>();
                _swap.BeerOffered = _newName;
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                result = false;
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                result = false;
            return result;
        // XCcy swap with exchange of notional
        public virtual void test_XCcyEur3MSpreadVsUSD3M()
            SwapLeg payLeg = RateCalculationSwapLeg.builder().payReceive(PAY).accrualSchedule(PeriodicSchedule.builder().startDate(LocalDate.of(2014, 1, 24)).endDate(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 24)).frequency(P3M).businessDayAdjustment(BDA_MF).build()).paymentSchedule(PaymentSchedule.builder().paymentFrequency(P3M).paymentDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.NONE).build()).notionalSchedule(NotionalSchedule.builder().finalExchange(true).initialExchange(true).amount(ValueSchedule.of(NOTIONAL_EUR)).currency(EUR).build()).calculation(IborRateCalculation.builder().index(EUR_EURIBOR_3M).fixingDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.ofBusinessDays(-2, CalendarUSD.NYC, BDA_P)).spread(ValueSchedule.of(0.0020)).build()).build();

            SwapLeg receiveLeg = RateCalculationSwapLeg.builder().payReceive(RECEIVE).accrualSchedule(PeriodicSchedule.builder().startDate(LocalDate.of(2014, 1, 24)).endDate(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 24)).frequency(P3M).businessDayAdjustment(BDA_MF).build()).paymentSchedule(PaymentSchedule.builder().paymentFrequency(P3M).paymentDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.NONE).build()).notionalSchedule(NotionalSchedule.builder().finalExchange(true).initialExchange(true).amount(ValueSchedule.of(NOTIONAL_USD)).currency(USD).build()).calculation(IborRateCalculation.builder().index(USD_LIBOR_3M).fixingDateOffset(DaysAdjustment.ofBusinessDays(-2, CalendarUSD.NYC, BDA_P)).build()).build();

            ResolvedSwapTrade trade = SwapTrade.builder().info(TradeInfo.builder().tradeDate(LocalDate.of(2014, 9, 10)).build()).product(Swap.of(payLeg, receiveLeg)).build().resolve(REF_DATA);

            double pvUsdExpected = 431944.6868;
            double pvEurExpected = -731021.1778;

            DiscountingSwapTradePricer pricer = swapPricer();
            MultiCurrencyAmount        pv     = pricer.presentValue(trade, provider());

            assertEquals(pv.getAmount(USD).Amount, pvUsdExpected, TOLERANCE_PV);
            assertEquals(pv.getAmount(EUR).Amount, pvEurExpected, TOLERANCE_PV);