public override void VisitTextElement(SvgTextElement element)

            var fonts = SystemFonts.Collection;

            fonts.TryGet(DefaultFont, out FontFamily family);

            foreach (var f in element.Style.FontFamily.Value)
                var fontName = f;
                if (fontName.Equals("sans-serif"))
                    fontName = DefaultSansSerifFont;
                else if (fontName.Equals("serif"))
                    fontName = DefaultSerifFont;

                if (fonts.TryGet(fontName, out family))

            if (family == null)
                fonts.TryGet(DefaultFont, out family);

            var fontSize = element.Style.FontSize.Value.Value;
            var origin   = new PointF(element.X?.Value ?? 0, element.Y?.Value ?? 0);
            var font     = new Font(family, fontSize);

            var visitor = new SvgTextSpanTextVisitor();

            var text = visitor.Text;

            // offset by the ascender to account for fonts render origin of top left
            var ascender = ((font.FontMetrics.Ascender * font.Size) / (font.FontMetrics.UnitsPerEm * 72)) * 72;

            var render = new TextOptions(font)
                Dpi    = 72,
                Origin = origin - new PointF(0, ascender),
                HorizontalAlignment = element.Style.TextAnchor.Value.AsHorizontalAlignment()

            var glyphs = TextBuilder.GenerateGlyphs(text, render);

            foreach (var p in glyphs)
                this.RenderShapeToCanvas(element, p);
        private void RenderTSpanPath(SvgTSpanElement element, WpfTextOnPathDrawing pathDrawing,
                                     ref Point ctp)
            WpfTextPlacement placement = GetCurrentTextPosition(element, ctp);

            ctp = placement.Location;
            double rotate = placement.Rotation;

            if (!placement.HasPositions)
                placement = null; // Render it useless.

            string sBaselineShift = element.GetPropertyValue("baseline-shift").Trim();
            double shiftBy        = 0;

            if (sBaselineShift.Length > 0)
                SvgTextElement textElement = (SvgTextElement)element.SelectSingleNode("ancestor::svg:text",

                double textFontSize = GetComputedFontSize(textElement);
                if (sBaselineShift.EndsWith("%", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    shiftBy = SvgNumber.ParseNumber(sBaselineShift.Substring(0,
                                                                             sBaselineShift.Length - 1)) / 100f * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "sub")
                    shiftBy = -0.6F * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "super")
                    shiftBy = 0.6F * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "baseline")
                    shiftBy = 0;
                    shiftBy = SvgNumber.ParseNumber(sBaselineShift);

            foreach (XmlNode child in element.ChildNodes)
                if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                    ctp.Y -= shiftBy;
                    RenderTextPath(element, pathDrawing, GetText(element, child),
                                   new Point(ctp.X, ctp.Y), rotate, placement);
                    ctp.Y += shiftBy;
        private void RenderTextPath(SvgTextElement element, SvgTextPathElement textPath,
                                    ref Point ctp, double rotate, WpfTextPlacement placement)
            if (_pathRenderer == null)

            _pathRenderer.RenderSingleLineText(textPath, ref ctp, String.Empty, rotate, placement);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void VisitTextElement(SvgTextElement element)

            var        fonts  = SystemFonts.Collection;
            FontFamily family = null;

            foreach (var f in element.Style.FontFamily.Value)
                var fontName = f;
                if (fontName.Equals("sans-serif"))
                    fontName = DefaultSansSerifFont;
                else if (fontName.Equals("serif"))
                    fontName = DefaultSerifFont;

                if (fonts.TryFind(fontName, out family))

            if (ReferenceEquals(family, null)) //FontFamily overrides == operator and can't handle 'null' value on the left.
                family = fonts.Find(DefaultFont);

            var fontSize = element.Style.FontSize.Value.Value;
            var origin   = new PointF(element.X?.Value ?? 0, element.Y?.Value ?? 0);
            var font     = family.CreateFont(fontSize);

            var visitor = new SvgTextSpanTextVisitor();

            var text = visitor.Text;

            // offset by the ascender to account for fonts render origin of top left
            var ascender = ((font.Ascender * font.Size) / (font.EmSize * 72)) * 72;

            var render = new RendererOptions(font, 72, origin - new PointF(0, ascender))
                HorizontalAlignment = element.Style.TextAnchor.Value.AsHorizontalAlignment()

            var glyphs = TextBuilder.GenerateGlyphs(text, render);

            foreach (var p in glyphs)
                this.RenderShapeToCanvas(element, p);
        public WpfTextRendering(SvgElement element)
            : base(element)
            _textElement = element as SvgTextElement;
            if (_textElement == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            _horzRenderer = new WpfHorzTextRenderer(_textElement, this);
            _vertRenderer = new WpfVertTextRenderer(_textElement, this);
            _pathRenderer = new WpfPathTextRenderer(_textElement, this);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public WpfTextContext(SvgTextElement textElement, WpfTextRendering textRendering)
            if (textElement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textElement),
                                                "The SVG text element is required, and cannot be null (or Nothing).");
            if (textRendering == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textRendering),
                                                "The text rendering object is required, and cannot be null (or Nothing).");

            _textElement   = textElement;
            _textRendering = textRendering;
Exemplo n.º 7
        protected WpfTextRenderer(SvgTextElement textElement, WpfTextRendering textRendering)
            if (textElement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("textElement",
                                                "The SVG text element is required, and cannot be null (or Nothing).");
            if (textRendering == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("textRendering",
                                                "The text rendering object is required, and cannot be null (or Nothing).");

            _textElement   = textElement;
            _textRendering = textRendering;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void AddTSpanElementPath(SvgTSpanElement element, ref PointF ctp)
            ctp = GetCurrentTextPosition(element, ctp);
            string sBaselineShift = element.GetPropertyValue("baseline-shift").Trim();
            double shiftBy        = 0;

            if (sBaselineShift.Length > 0)
                SvgTextElement textElement = (SvgTextElement)element.SelectSingleNode("ancestor::svg:text",

                float textFontSize = GetComputedFontSize(textElement);
                if (sBaselineShift.EndsWith("%"))
                    shiftBy = SvgNumber.ParseNumber(sBaselineShift.Substring(0,
                                                                             sBaselineShift.Length - 1)) / 100 * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "sub")
                    shiftBy = -0.6F * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "super")
                    shiftBy = 0.6F * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "baseline")
                    shiftBy = 0;
                    shiftBy = SvgNumber.ParseNumber(sBaselineShift);

            foreach (XmlNode child in element.ChildNodes)
                if (child.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                    ctp.Y -= (float)shiftBy;
                    AddGraphicsPath(element, ref ctp, GetText(element, child));
                    ctp.Y += (float)shiftBy;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public virtual void VisitTextElement(SvgTextElement element)
 => DefaultVisit(element);
 public WpfPathTextRenderer(SvgTextElement textElement, WpfTextRendering textRendering)
     : base(textElement, textRendering)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void RenderTextRun(SvgTextContentElement element, ref Point ctp,
                                           string text, double rotate, WpfTextPlacement placement)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))

            double emSize         = GetComputedFontSize(element);
            var    fontFamilyInfo = GetTextFontFamilyInfo(element);

            FontFamily  fontFamily  = fontFamilyInfo.Family;
            FontStyle   fontStyle   = fontFamilyInfo.Style;
            FontWeight  fontWeight  = fontFamilyInfo.Weight;
            FontStretch fontStretch = fontFamilyInfo.Stretch;

            WpfTextStringFormat stringFormat = GetTextStringFormat(element);

            // Fix the use of Postscript fonts...
            WpfFontFamilyVisitor fontFamilyVisitor = _context.FontFamilyVisitor;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_actualFontName) && fontFamilyVisitor != null)
                //WpfFontFamilyInfo currentFamily = new WpfFontFamilyInfo(fontFamily, fontWeight,
                //    fontStyle, fontStretch);
                WpfFontFamilyInfo familyInfo = fontFamilyVisitor.Visit(_actualFontName,
                                                                       fontFamilyInfo, _context);
                if (familyInfo != null && !familyInfo.IsEmpty)
                    fontFamily  = familyInfo.Family;
                    fontWeight  = familyInfo.Weight;
                    fontStyle   = familyInfo.Style;
                    fontStretch = familyInfo.Stretch;

            WpfSvgPaint fillPaint = new WpfSvgPaint(_context, element, "fill");
            Brush       textBrush = fillPaint.GetBrush();

            WpfSvgPaint strokePaint = new WpfSvgPaint(_context, element, "stroke");
            Pen         textPen     = strokePaint.GetPen();

            if (textBrush == null && textPen == null)
            else if (textBrush == null)
                // If here, then the pen is not null, and so the fill cannot be null.
                // We set this to transparent for stroke only text path...
                textBrush = Brushes.Transparent;

            TextDecorationCollection textDecors = GetTextDecoration(element);

            if (textDecors == null)
                SvgTextElement textElement = element.ParentNode as SvgTextElement;

                if (textElement != null)
                    textDecors = GetTextDecoration(textElement);

            TextAlignment alignment = stringFormat.Alignment;

            bool   hasWordSpacing = false;
            string wordSpaceText  = element.GetAttribute("word-spacing");
            double wordSpacing    = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wordSpaceText) &&
                double.TryParse(wordSpaceText, out wordSpacing) && !wordSpacing.Equals(0))
                hasWordSpacing = true;

            bool   hasLetterSpacing = false;
            string letterSpaceText  = element.GetAttribute("letter-spacing");
            double letterSpacing    = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(letterSpaceText) &&
                double.TryParse(letterSpaceText, out letterSpacing) && !letterSpacing.Equals(0))
                hasLetterSpacing = true;

            bool isRotatePosOnly = false;

            IList <WpfTextPosition> textPositions = null;
            int textPosCount = 0;

            if ((placement != null && placement.HasPositions))
                textPositions   = placement.Positions;
                textPosCount    = textPositions.Count;
                isRotatePosOnly = placement.IsRotateOnly;

            var typeFace = new Typeface(fontFamily, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontStretch);

            if (textPositions != null && textPositions.Count != 0)
                if (textPositions.Count == text.Trim().Length) //TODO: Best way to handle this...
                    text = text.Trim();

            if (hasLetterSpacing || hasWordSpacing || textPositions != null)
                double spacing = Convert.ToDouble(letterSpacing);

                int startSpaces = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                    if (char.IsWhiteSpace(text[i]))

                int j = 0;

                string inputText = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                    // Avoid rendering only spaces at the start of text run...
                    if (i == 0 && startSpaces != 0)
                        inputText = text.Substring(0, startSpaces + 1);
                        i        += startSpaces;
                        inputText = new string(text[i], 1);

                    FormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText(inputText, _context.CultureInfo,
                                                                    stringFormat.Direction, typeFace, emSize, textBrush);

                    if (this.IsMeasuring)

                    formattedText.Trimming      = stringFormat.Trimming;
                    formattedText.TextAlignment = stringFormat.Alignment;

                    if (textDecors != null && textDecors.Count != 0)

                    WpfTextPosition?textPosition = null;
                    if (textPositions != null && j < textPosCount)
                        textPosition = textPositions[j];

                    //float xCorrection = 0;
                    //if (alignment == TextAlignment.Left)
                    //    xCorrection = emSize * 1f / 6f;
                    //else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                    //    xCorrection = -emSize * 1f / 6f;

                    double yCorrection = formattedText.Baseline;

                    float rotateAngle = (float)rotate;
                    if (textPosition != null)
                        if (!isRotatePosOnly)
                            Point pt = textPosition.Value.Location;
                            ctp.X = pt.X;
                            ctp.Y = pt.Y;
                        rotateAngle = (float)textPosition.Value.Rotation;
                    Point textStart = ctp;

                    RotateTransform rotateAt = null;
                    if (!rotateAngle.Equals(0))
                        rotateAt = new RotateTransform(rotateAngle, textStart.X, textStart.Y);

                    Point textPoint = new Point(ctp.X, ctp.Y - yCorrection);

                    if (textPen != null || _context.TextAsGeometry)
                        Geometry textGeometry = formattedText.BuildGeometry(textPoint);
                        if (textGeometry != null && !textGeometry.IsEmpty())
                            _textContext.DrawGeometry(textBrush, textPen,

                            this.IsTextPath = true;
                            _textContext.DrawText(formattedText, textPoint);
                        _textContext.DrawText(formattedText, textPoint);

                    //float bboxWidth = (float)formattedText.Width;
                    double bboxWidth = formattedText.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace;
                    if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center)
                        bboxWidth /= 2f;
                    else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                        bboxWidth = 0;

                    //ctp.X += bboxWidth + emSize / 4 + spacing;
                    if (hasLetterSpacing)
                        ctp.X += bboxWidth + letterSpacing;
                    if (hasWordSpacing && char.IsWhiteSpace(text[i]))
                        if (hasLetterSpacing)
                            ctp.X += wordSpacing;
                            ctp.X += bboxWidth + wordSpacing;
                        if (!hasLetterSpacing)
                            ctp.X += bboxWidth;

                    if (rotateAt != null)
                FormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText(text, _context.CultureInfo,
                                                                stringFormat.Direction, typeFace, emSize, textBrush);

                if (this.IsMeasuring)

                if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center && this.TextWidth > 0)
                    alignment = TextAlignment.Left;

                formattedText.TextAlignment = alignment;
                formattedText.Trimming      = stringFormat.Trimming;

                if (textDecors != null && textDecors.Count != 0)

                //float xCorrection = 0;
                //if (alignment == TextAlignment.Left)
                //    xCorrection = emSize * 1f / 6f;
                //else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                //    xCorrection = -emSize * 1f / 6f;

                double yCorrection = formattedText.Baseline;

                float rotateAngle = (float)rotate;
                Point textPoint   = new Point(ctp.X, ctp.Y - yCorrection);

                RotateTransform rotateAt = null;
                if (!rotateAngle.Equals(0))
                    rotateAt = new RotateTransform(rotateAngle, ctp.X, ctp.Y);

                if (textPen != null || _context.TextAsGeometry)
                    Geometry textGeometry = formattedText.BuildGeometry(textPoint);
                    if (textGeometry != null && !textGeometry.IsEmpty())
                        _textContext.DrawGeometry(textBrush, textPen,

                        this.IsTextPath = true;
                        _textContext.DrawText(formattedText, textPoint);
                    _textContext.DrawText(formattedText, textPoint);

                //float bboxWidth = (float)formattedText.Width;
                double bboxWidth = formattedText.WidthIncludingTrailingWhitespace;
                if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center)
                    bboxWidth /= 2f;
                else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                    bboxWidth = 0;

                //ctp.X += bboxWidth + emSize / 4;
                ctp.X += bboxWidth;

                if (rotateAt != null)
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected WpfTextStringFormat GetTextStringFormat(SvgTextContentElement element)
            WpfTextStringFormat sf = WpfTextStringFormat.Default;

            bool doAlign = true;

            if (element is SvgTSpanElement || element is SvgTRefElement)
                SvgTextPositioningElement posElement = (SvgTextPositioningElement)element;
                if (posElement.X.AnimVal.NumberOfItems == 0)
                    doAlign = false;

            var comparer = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase;

            string dir           = element.GetPropertyValue("direction");
            bool   isRightToLeft = string.Equals(dir, "rtl", comparer);

            sf.Direction = isRightToLeft ? FlowDirection.RightToLeft : FlowDirection.LeftToRight;

            if (doAlign)
                string anchor = element.GetPropertyValue("text-anchor");

                if (isRightToLeft)
                    if (string.Equals(anchor, "middle", comparer))
                        sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.Middle;
                    else if (string.Equals(anchor, "end", comparer))
                        sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.Start;
                        sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.End;
                    if (string.Equals(anchor, "middle", comparer))
                        sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.Middle;
                    else if (string.Equals(anchor, "end", comparer))
                        sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.End;
                SvgTextElement textElement = element.ParentNode as SvgTextElement;
                if (textElement != null)
                    string anchor = textElement.GetPropertyValue("text-anchor");
                    if (isRightToLeft)
                        if (string.Equals(anchor, "middle", comparer))
                            sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.Middle;
                        else if (string.Equals(anchor, "end", comparer))
                            sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.Start;
                            sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.End;
                        if (string.Equals(anchor, "middle", comparer))
                            sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.Middle;
                        else if (string.Equals(anchor, "end", comparer))
                            sf.Anchor = WpfTextAnchor.End;

            //if (isRightToLeft)
            //    if (sf.Alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
            //        sf.Alignment = TextAlignment.Left;
            //    else if (sf.Alignment == TextAlignment.Left)
            //        sf.Alignment = TextAlignment.Right;

            //    //sf.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft;

            //dir = element.GetPropertyValue("writing-mode");
            //if (dir == "tb")
            //    sf.FormatFlags = sf.FormatFlags | StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical;

            //sf.FormatFlags = sf.FormatFlags | StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces;

Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void Render(GdiGraphicsRenderer renderer)
            _graphics = renderer.GraphicsWrapper;

            SvgRenderingHint hint = element.RenderingHint;

            if (hint == SvgRenderingHint.Clipping)
            if (element.ParentNode is SvgClipPathElement)

            SvgTextElement textElement = element as SvgTextElement;

            if (textElement == null)

            string sVisibility = textElement.GetPropertyValue("visibility");
            string sDisplay    = textElement.GetPropertyValue("display");

            if (String.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || String.Equals(sDisplay, "none"))


            PointF ctp = new PointF(0, 0); // current text position

            ctp = GetCurrentTextPosition(textElement, ctp);
            string sBaselineShift = textElement.GetPropertyValue("baseline-shift").Trim();
            double shiftBy        = 0;

            if (sBaselineShift.Length > 0)
                float textFontSize = GetComputedFontSize(textElement);
                if (sBaselineShift.EndsWith("%"))
                    shiftBy = SvgNumber.ParseNumber(sBaselineShift.Substring(0,
                                                                             sBaselineShift.Length - 1)) / 100 * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "sub")
                    shiftBy = -0.6F * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "super")
                    shiftBy = 0.6F * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "baseline")
                    shiftBy = 0;
                    shiftBy = SvgNumber.ParseNumber(sBaselineShift);

            XmlNodeType nodeType = XmlNodeType.None;

            foreach (XmlNode child in element.ChildNodes)
                nodeType = child.NodeType;
                if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                    ctp.Y -= (float)shiftBy;
                    AddGraphicsPath(textElement, ref ctp, GetText(textElement, child));
                    ctp.Y += (float)shiftBy;
                else if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    string nodeName = child.Name;
                    if (String.Equals(nodeName, "tref"))
                        AddTRefElementPath((SvgTRefElement)child, ref ctp);
                    else if (String.Equals(nodeName, "tspan"))
                        AddTSpanElementPath((SvgTSpanElement)child, ref ctp);

            PaintMarkers(renderer, textElement, _graphics);

            _graphics = null;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void RenderTextRun(WpfTextTuple textInfo, ref Point ctp,
                                   string text, double rotate, WpfTextPlacement placement)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))

            WpfFontFamilyInfo     familyInfo   = textInfo.Item1;
            double                emSize       = textInfo.Item2;
            WpfTextStringFormat   stringFormat = textInfo.Item3;
            SvgTextContentElement element      = textInfo.Item4;

            FontFamily  fontFamily  = familyInfo.Family;
            FontWeight  fontWeight  = familyInfo.Weight;
            FontStyle   fontStyle   = familyInfo.Style;
            FontStretch fontStretch = familyInfo.Stretch;

            WpfSvgPaint fillPaint = new WpfSvgPaint(_context, element, "fill");
            Brush       textBrush = fillPaint.GetBrush();

            WpfSvgPaint strokePaint = new WpfSvgPaint(_context, element, "stroke");
            Pen         textPen     = strokePaint.GetPen();

            if (textBrush == null && textPen == null)
            if (textBrush == null)
                // If here, then the pen is not null, and so the fill cannot be null.
                // We set this to transparent for stroke only text path...
                textBrush = Brushes.Transparent;
            if (textPen != null)
                textPen.LineJoin   = PenLineJoin.Miter; // Better for text rendering
                textPen.MiterLimit = 1;

            TextDecorationCollection textDecors = GetTextDecoration(element);

            if (textDecors == null)
                SvgTextElement textElement = element.ParentNode as SvgTextElement;

                if (textElement != null)
                    textDecors = GetTextDecoration(textElement);

            TextAlignment alignment = stringFormat.Alignment;

            bool   hasWordSpacing = false;
            string wordSpaceText  = element.GetAttribute("word-spacing");
            double wordSpacing    = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(wordSpaceText) &&
                double.TryParse(wordSpaceText, out wordSpacing) && !wordSpacing.Equals(0))
                hasWordSpacing = true;

            bool   hasLetterSpacing = false;
            string letterSpaceText  = element.GetAttribute("letter-spacing");
            double letterSpacing    = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(letterSpaceText) &&
                double.TryParse(letterSpaceText, out letterSpacing) && !letterSpacing.Equals(0))
                hasLetterSpacing = true;

            bool isRotatePosOnly = false;

            IList <WpfTextPosition> textPositions = null;
            int textPosCount = 0;

            if ((placement != null && placement.HasPositions))
                textPositions   = placement.Positions;
                textPosCount    = textPositions.Count;
                isRotatePosOnly = placement.IsRotateOnly;

            WpfTextBuilder textBuilder = WpfTextBuilder.Create(familyInfo, this.TextCulture, emSize);

            this.IsTextPath = true;

            if (textPositions != null && textPositions.Count != 0)
                if (textPositions.Count == text.Trim().Length) //TODO: Best way to handle this...
                    text = text.Trim();

            if (hasLetterSpacing || hasWordSpacing || textPositions != null)
                double spacing = Convert.ToDouble(letterSpacing);

                int startSpaces = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                    if (char.IsWhiteSpace(text[i]))

                int j = 0;

                string inputText = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                    // Avoid rendering only spaces at the start of text run...
                    if (i == 0 && startSpaces != 0)
                        inputText = text.Substring(0, startSpaces + 1);
                        i        += startSpaces;
                        inputText = new string(text[i], 1);

                    if (this.IsMeasuring)
                        var textSize = textBuilder.MeasureText(element, inputText);
                        this.AddTextWidth(ctp, textSize.Width);

                    textBuilder.Trimming      = stringFormat.Trimming;
                    textBuilder.TextAlignment = stringFormat.Alignment;

                    if (textDecors != null && textDecors.Count != 0)

                    WpfTextPosition?textPosition = null;
                    if (textPositions != null && j < textPosCount)
                        textPosition = textPositions[j];

                    //float xCorrection = 0;
                    //if (alignment == TextAlignment.Left)
                    //    xCorrection = emSize * 1f / 6f;
                    //else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                    //    xCorrection = -emSize * 1f / 6f;

                    double yCorrection = textBuilder.Baseline;

                    float rotateAngle = (float)rotate;
                    if (textPosition != null)
                        if (!isRotatePosOnly)
                            Point pt = textPosition.Value.Location;
                            ctp.X = pt.X;
                            ctp.Y = pt.Y;
                        rotateAngle = (float)textPosition.Value.Rotation;
                    Point textStart = ctp;

                    RotateTransform rotateAt = null;
                    if (!rotateAngle.Equals(0))
                        rotateAt = new RotateTransform(rotateAngle, textStart.X, textStart.Y);

                    Point textPoint = new Point(ctp.X, ctp.Y - yCorrection);

                    Geometry textGeometry = textBuilder.Build(element, inputText, textPoint.X, textPoint.Y);
                    if (textGeometry != null && !textGeometry.IsEmpty())
                        _drawContext.DrawGeometry(textBrush, textPen,

                        this.IsTextPath = true;

                    //float bboxWidth = (float)formattedText.Width;
                    double bboxWidth = textGeometry.Bounds.Width;
                    if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center)
                        bboxWidth /= 2f;
                    else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                        bboxWidth = 0;

                    //ctp.X += bboxWidth + emSize / 4 + spacing;
                    if (hasLetterSpacing)
                        ctp.X += bboxWidth + letterSpacing;
                    if (hasWordSpacing && char.IsWhiteSpace(text[i]))
                        if (hasLetterSpacing)
                            ctp.X += wordSpacing;
                            ctp.X += bboxWidth + wordSpacing;
                        if (!hasLetterSpacing)
                            ctp.X += bboxWidth;

                    if (rotateAt != null)
                if (this.IsMeasuring)
                    var textSize = textBuilder.MeasureText(element, text);
                    this.AddTextWidth(ctp, textSize.Width);

                var textContext = this.TextContext;
                if (textContext != null && textContext.IsPositionChanged(element) == false)
                    if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center && this.TextWidth > 0)
                        alignment = TextAlignment.Left;

                textBuilder.TextAlignment = alignment;
                textBuilder.Trimming      = stringFormat.Trimming;

                if (textDecors != null && textDecors.Count != 0)

                //float xCorrection = 0;
                //if (alignment == TextAlignment.Left)
                //    xCorrection = emSize * 1f / 6f;
                //else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                //    xCorrection = -emSize * 1f / 6f;

                double yCorrection = textBuilder.Baseline;

                float rotateAngle = (float)rotate;
                Point textPoint   = new Point(ctp.X, ctp.Y - yCorrection);

                RotateTransform rotateAt = null;
                if (!rotateAngle.Equals(0))
                    rotateAt = new RotateTransform(rotateAngle, ctp.X, ctp.Y);

                Geometry textGeometry = textBuilder.Build(element, text, textPoint.X, textPoint.Y);
                if (textGeometry != null && !textGeometry.IsEmpty())
                    _drawContext.DrawGeometry(textBrush, textPen,

                //float bboxWidth = (float)formattedText.Width;
//                double bboxWidth = textGeometry.Bounds.Width;
                double bboxWidth = textBuilder.Width;

                if (alignment == TextAlignment.Center)
                    bboxWidth /= 2f;
                else if (alignment == TextAlignment.Right)
                    bboxWidth = 0;

                //ctp.X += bboxWidth + emSize / 4;
                ctp.X += bboxWidth;

                if (rotateAt != null)
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void Render(GdiGraphicsRenderer renderer)
            _graphics = renderer.GdiGraphics;

            //SvgRenderingHint hint = _svgElement.RenderingHint;
            //if (hint == SvgRenderingHint.Clipping)
            //    return;
            //if (_svgElement.ParentNode is SvgClipPathElement)
            //    return;

            SvgTextElement textElement = _svgElement as SvgTextElement;

            if (textElement == null)

            string sVisibility = textElement.GetPropertyValue("visibility");
            string sDisplay    = textElement.GetPropertyValue("display");

            if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none"))

            if (_textMode != GdiTextMode.Outlining)

            PointF ctp = new PointF(0, 0); // current text position

            ctp = GetCurrentTextPosition(textElement, ctp);
            string sBaselineShift = textElement.GetPropertyValue("baseline-shift").Trim();
            double shiftBy        = 0;

            if (sBaselineShift.Length > 0)
                float textFontSize = GetComputedFontSize(textElement);
                if (sBaselineShift.EndsWith("%", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    shiftBy = SvgNumber.ParseNumber(sBaselineShift.Substring(0,
                                                                             sBaselineShift.Length - 1)) / 100 * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "sub")
                    shiftBy = -0.6F * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "super")
                    shiftBy = 0.6F * textFontSize;
                else if (sBaselineShift == "baseline")
                    shiftBy = 0;
                    shiftBy = SvgNumber.ParseNumber(sBaselineShift);

            // For for fonts loading in the background...
            var svgDoc = _svgElement.OwnerDocument;

            if (svgDoc.IsFontsLoaded == false)
                //TODO: Use of SpinUntil is known to CPU heavy, but will work for now...
                SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => svgDoc.IsFontsLoaded == true);

            XmlNodeType nodeType = XmlNodeType.None;

            foreach (XmlNode child in _svgElement.ChildNodes)
                SvgStyleableElement stylable = child as SvgStyleableElement;
                if (stylable != null)
                    sVisibility = stylable.GetPropertyValue("visibility");
                    sDisplay    = stylable.GetPropertyValue("display");
                    if (string.Equals(sVisibility, "hidden") || string.Equals(sDisplay, "none"))

                nodeType = child.NodeType;
                if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                    ctp.Y -= (float)shiftBy;
                    AddGraphicsPath(textElement, ref ctp, GetText(textElement, child));
                    ctp.Y += (float)shiftBy;
                else if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                    string nodeName = child.Name;
                    if (string.Equals(nodeName, "tref"))
                        AddTRefElementPath((SvgTRefElement)child, ref ctp);
                    else if (string.Equals(nodeName, "tspan"))
                        AddTSpanElementPath((SvgTSpanElement)child, ref ctp);

            PaintMarkers(renderer, textElement, _graphics);

            _graphics = null;