private void MessageTimeline_OnReply(TextBox textBox, MessageManager mm)
            //Prevent refresh from re-submitting form data
            if (Session["CheckRefresh"].ToString() == ViewState["CheckRefresh"].ToString())
                Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
                //Catch refresh and wipe the value again
                Session["CheckRefresh"] = Server.UrlDecode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString());
                textBox.Text            = String.Empty;
            MessageTimeline.NoteTabActive = false;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textBox.Text.Trim()))
                SQLDatabase sql  = new SQLDatabase();    sql.CommandTimeout = 120;
                int         rows = sql.NonQuery(@"	INSERT INTO [tblFeedbackEvents]  ( [FeedbackID], [FeedbackEventTypeID], [IsFromPlayer], [DateCreated], [Message], [NewStatusValue], [StaffMemberID] )
											VALUES ( ( SELECT FeedbackID FROM [tblFeedbackRequests] WHERE [UID] = @UID ), 2, 0, GETDATE(), @Message, NULL, @UserID);"                                            ,
                                                new SQLParamList()
                                                .Add("@Message", textBox.Text.Trim())
                                                .Add("@UID", GUID)
                                                .Add("@UserID", User.UserID));
                if (!sql.HasError && rows == 1)
                    SurveyTools.SendFeedbackNotifications(Server, GUID, true);
                    mm.SuccessMessage = "Reply sent!";
                    textBox.Text      = String.Empty;
                    int feedbackStatus = sql.QueryScalarValue <int>("SELECT [FeedbackStatusID] FROM [tblFeedbackRequests] WHERE [UID] = @UID", new SQLParamList().Add("@UID", GUID));
                    if (feedbackStatus == (int)FeedbackStatus.Open)
                                                         new SQLParamList()
                                                         .Add("@UID", GUID)
                                                         .Add("@FeedbackStatusID", (int)FeedbackStatus.AwaitingGuestResponse)
                                                         .Add("@IsFromPlayer", false)
                                                         .Add("@UserID", User.UserID));
                    mm.ErrorMessage = "Oops! It looks like something went wrong. Please check the timeline and verify that the message was added.";
                mm.ErrorMessage = "Please enter something into the message box.";