/// <summary>
        /// Runtime error. Look for ones generated by our script - normal occurrence which the user should know about.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <param name="compileDir"></param>
        ScriptError ProcessScriptRuntimeError(Surface.RuntimeErrorEventArgs args, string compileDir)
            ScriptError err = null;

            // Locate the offending frame.
            string     srcFile = "";
            int        srcLine = -1;
            StackTrace st      = new StackTrace(args.Exception, true);
            StackFrame sf      = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < st.FrameCount; i++)
                StackFrame stf = st.GetFrame(i);
                if (stf.GetFileName() != null && stf.GetFileName().ToUpper().Contains(compileDir.ToUpper()))
                    sf = stf;

            if (sf != null)
                // Dig out generated file parts.
                string genFile = sf.GetFileName();
                int    genLine = sf.GetFileLineNumber() - 1;

                // Open the generated file and dig out the source file and line.
                string[] genLines = File.ReadAllLines(genFile);

                srcFile = genLines[0].Trim().Replace("//", "");

                int ind = genLines[genLine].LastIndexOf("//");
                if (ind != -1)
                    string sl = genLines[genLine].Substring(ind + 2);
                    int.TryParse(sl, out srcLine);

                err = new ScriptError()
                    ErrorType  = ScriptErrorType.Runtime,
                    SourceFile = srcFile,
                    LineNumber = srcLine,
                    Message    = args.Exception.Message
            else // unknown?
                err = new ScriptError()
                    ErrorType  = ScriptErrorType.Runtime,
                    SourceFile = "",
                    LineNumber = -1,
                    Message    = args.Exception.Message

        /// <summary>
        /// Runtime error. Look for ones generated by our script - normal occurrence which the user should know about.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        void ScriptRuntimeError(Surface.RuntimeErrorEventArgs args)
            ProcessPlay(PlayCommand.Stop, false);

            ScriptError err = ProcessScriptRuntimeError(args, _compileTempDir);

            if (err != null)