Exemplo n.º 1
    void CreateNegativeVector(string existingVectorName, string newVectorName)
        bool vectorNamesMatch = newVectorName == existingVectorName;

        if (vectorNamesMatch)                   // a = -a

        // b = -a

        SuperVector a = GetVectorByName(existingVectorName); // Does a exist?

        if (a == null)                                       // No
            return;                                          // Get out. We can't do anything if we don't have a vector to clone.
        RemoveNamedVector(newVectorName);                    // Removes "b" if it exists.

        SuperVector b = a.Clone(newVectorName);              // Let's clone "a" and assign it to b

        b.Negative();                                        // Let's negate "b" (flip it)
        AddNamedVector(b);                                   // Let's add the ne