private void ProcessData(Condition _)
            Console.WriteLine("---- Data available ----\n");

            using (subscriber.BeginAccess()) // Begin coherent access
                // Get the list of readers with samples that have not been read yet
                var readers = subscriber.GetDataReaders(SampleState.NotRead);

                // Iterate through the returned readers list and take their samples
                foreach (AnyDataReader reader in readers)
                    var topicName = reader.TopicDescription.Name;

                    // We're reading the data polymorphically as objects, since
                    // we're only calling the ToString() method. To read the
                    // concrete type, cast down each reader, for example:
                    //   if (reader is DataReader<Alarm> alarmReader) { ... }
                    using (LoanedSamples <object> samples = reader.TakeUntyped())
                        foreach (LoanedSample <object> sample in samples)
                            Console.WriteLine(topicName + " {\n" + sample + "}\n");
            } // end coherent access