private void AdjustForFillColor()
     // If the shape is very dark, we make the title text white, and viceversa.
     StyleSet.OverrideBrushColor(DiagramBrushes.ShapeText, CachedFillColorAppearance(FillColor).TextColor);
     // We draw a thin outline of a sligtly different color to improve distinguishability when shape color looks like background (and because it looks good).
     StyleSet.OverridePenColor(OutlinePenId, CachedFillColorAppearance(FillColor).OutlineColor);
     // We shouldn't need to do this again unless the user changes the color for this shape.
     _isAdjustedForFillColor = true;
 private static void SetColorTheme(StyleSet styleSet)
     // TODO: Without this some test in ViewModel.Tests.csproj are failing because apparently they are non runing in VS. We should fix the tests and shouldn't need this anymore.
     if (!IsThemeServiceAvailable())
     // Override brush settings for this diagram background.
         DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground, VSColorTheme.GetThemedColor(EnvironmentColors.DesignerBackgroundColorKey));
     // Override lasso color for thumbnail view.
     styleSet.OverridePenColor(DiagramPens.ZoomLasso, VSColorTheme.GetThemedColor(EnvironmentColors.ClassDesignerLassoColorKey));
     // Notify EntityTypeShape that changes will require updating themable colors on next painting.
     ConfigurationElementShape.IsColorThemeSet = false;
     // Notify all Connectors that changes will require updating themable colors on next painting.
     InheritanceConnector.IsColorThemeSet = false;
     ConfigurationElementCollectionHasItemTypeConnector.IsColorThemeSet = false;
     ConfigurationSectionGroupHasConfigurationSectionGroupPropertiesConnector.IsColorThemeSet = false;
     ConfigurationSectionPropertyHasConfigurationSectionConnector.IsColorThemeSet             = false;
     ElementPropertyHasTypeConnector.IsColorThemeSet = false;
 private static void SetColorTheme(StyleSet styleSet)
     // TODO: Without this some test in ViewModel.Tests.csproj are failing because apparently they are non runing in VS. We should fix the tests and shouldn't need this anymore. 
     if (!IsThemeServiceAvailable())
     // Override brush settings for this diagram background.
         DiagramBrushes.DiagramBackground, VSColorTheme.GetThemedColor(EnvironmentColors.DesignerBackgroundColorKey));
     // Override lasso color for thumbnail view.
     styleSet.OverridePenColor(DiagramPens.ZoomLasso, VSColorTheme.GetThemedColor(EnvironmentColors.ClassDesignerLassoColorKey));
     // Notify EntityTypeShape that changes will require updating themable colors on next painting.
     EntityTypeShape.IsColorThemeSet = false;
     // Notify AssociationConnector that changes will require updating themable colors on next painting.
     AssociationConnector.IsColorThemeSet = false;