Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Details(int id)
            #region Past Code
            //Student student = unit.StudentManager.GetById(id);
            //return View(student);

            Student student = unit.StudentManager.GetById(id);

            List <Course>     courses     = unit.CourseManager.GetAllBind();
            List <Instructor> instructors = unit.InstructorManager.GetAllBind();

            var courseId = student.StudentCourses.Where(a => a.Fk_StudentId == id).
                           Select(a => a.Fk_CourseId).ToList();
            courses = ctx.Courses.Where(a => courseId.Contains(a.Id)).ToList();

            StudentCourseVM studentCourseVM = new StudentCourseVM
                Courses      = new List <Course>(),
                StudentName  = student.Name,
                StudentId    = student.Id,
                BirthDate    = student.BirthDate,
                StudentMail  = student.Mail,
                StudentPhone = student.Phone
            TempData["studentId"]   = id;
            studentCourseVM.Courses = courses;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Enroll(int id)
            Student       student = unit.StudentManager.GetById(id);
            List <Course> courses = unit.CourseManager.GetAllBind();

            courses = courses.Where(c => c.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
            List <Instructor> instructors = unit.InstructorManager.GetAllBind();

            StudentCourseVM studentCourseVM = new StudentCourseVM
                Courses     = new List <Course>(),
                StudentName = student.Name,
                StudentId   = student.Id,

            studentCourseVM.Courses = courses;
        // Enrollments doesn't need an index Action because there is no need to have a full landing page of just course and student associations.

        // GET: Enrollments/Details/5
        public async Task <IActionResult> CourseDetails(int id)
            var enrollments = _courses.GetEnrollmentsByCourse(id);

            if (enrollments == null)

            StudentCourseVM ecvm = new StudentCourseVM();

            ecvm.Course = await _courses.GetCourseById(id);

            ecvm.Enrollments = enrollments;

        StudentProfileVM GetStudentFullProfile(string userId)
            //Student Info
            var studentInfo = _repoStud.GetAll().Include(u => u.User).SingleOrDefault(u => u.ApplicationUserId == userId);
            StudentProfileVM studentProfile = new StudentProfileVM()
                ProfileId         = studentInfo.Id,
                BirthDate         = studentInfo.User.BirthDate,
                Email             = studentInfo.User.Email,
                FirstVisit        = studentInfo.FirstVisit,
                Info              = studentInfo.Info,
                Username          = studentInfo.User.Name,
                Gender            = studentInfo.User.Gender,
                Image             = studentInfo.Image,
                University        = studentInfo.Universty,
                UniverstyYearFrom = studentInfo.UniverstyYearFrom,
                UniverstyYearTo   = studentInfo.UniverstyYearTo,
                SchholYearFrom    = studentInfo.SchholYearFrom,
                SchholYearTo      = studentInfo.SchholYearTo,
                UserId            = studentInfo.ApplicationUserId,
                School            = studentInfo.School,
                Title             = studentInfo.Title
            //Student Skills
            var allSkills = GetStudentSkills(userId);
            List <StudentSkillVM> skillsList = new List <StudentSkillVM>();

            foreach (var skill in allSkills)
                StudentSkillVM studentSkill = new StudentSkillVM()
                    Id        = skill.Id,
                    SkillName = skill.Skill.Name
            studentProfile.Skills = skillsList;
            //End Student Skills
            //Student Exams
            var allExams = GetStudentExams(userId);
            List <StudentExamVM> examsList = new List <StudentExamVM>();

            foreach (var exam in allExams)
                StudentExamVM studentExam = new StudentExamVM()
                    ExamName      = exam.Exam.Title,
                    StudentDegree = exam.Degree
            studentProfile.Exams = examsList;
            //End Student Exams
            //Student Courses
            var allCourses = GetStudentCourses(userId);
            List <StudentCourseVM> coursesList = new List <StudentCourseVM>();

            foreach (var course in allCourses)
                StudentCourseVM studentCourse = new StudentCourseVM()
                    CourseName = course.Course.Name,
                    Info       = course.Course.Info
            studentProfile.Courses = coursesList;
            //End Student Courses
            //Student Firneds
            var allFriends = GetStudentFriends(userId);
            List <StudentFollowingVM> finedsList = new List <StudentFollowingVM>();

            foreach (var frined in allFriends)
                var friendData = GetStudent(frined.FriendTwoId);
                if (friendData != null)
                    StudentFollowingVM studentFriend = new StudentFollowingVM()
                        Id          = frined.Id,
                        Name        = frined.FriendTwo.Name,
                        FriendId    = frined.FriendTwo.Id,
                        Title       = friendData.Title,
                        FriendImage = friendData.Image,
                        Gender      = friendData.User.Gender
            studentProfile.Friends = finedsList;
            //End Student Firneds
            //Student Questions
            var allQuestions = GetStudentQuestions(userId);
            List <StudentQuestionVM> questionsList = new List <StudentQuestionVM>();

            foreach (var question in allQuestions)
                var studentData = GetStudent(question.UserId);
                if (studentData != null)
                    StudentQuestionVM studentQuestion = new StudentQuestionVM()
                        Id           = question.Id,
                        Dislikes     = question.Dislikes,
                        Likes        = question.Likes,
                        QuestionHead = question.QuestionHead,
                        Username     = question.User.Name,
                        Image        = studentData.Image,
                        UserId       = question.UserId

                    List <QuestionAnswerVM> questionAnswersList = new List <QuestionAnswerVM>();
                    foreach (var answer in question.Answers)
                        QuestionAnswerVM Answer = new QuestionAnswerVM()
                            Answer   = answer.QuestionAnswer,
                            Id       = answer.Id,
                            UserId   = answer.UserId,
                            Username = answer.User.Name,
                            //UserImage = answer.User.Student.Image
                    }//End Answers ForLoop
                    studentQuestion.Answers = questionAnswersList;

            }//End Questions ForLoop
            studentProfile.Questions = questionsList;
            //End Student Questions

        }//End Get Profile